InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Prayer ❯ Prayer ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inuyasha sat in a tree and watched his wife from afar as she knelt by a grave and brushed of the fallen leaves upon it. Tears began to fall as she prayed before it. It was the grave of their still born child. It was late summer when he was born. He would have been a healthy boy with silver hair, his father's ears, and his mother's grey eyes; a beautiful baby boy and their first heir.
It was fall now, at least two months sense the birth, but neither could get over it. It was so hard on them. They were so exited throughout the whole pregnancy and couldn't wait to be parents, but fate had other plans. Both mourned it their own ways and ever sense the death, but they were so distant from each other.
Kagome turned her head over to his direction, though she couldn't see him, she knew he was there. He hadn't visited the grave once sense the burial, but he always watched her from afar when she visited the grave. “Inuyasha, will you come here please?” She asked him gently. He leapt down by her side, though regretting his decision. She noticed his looked of pain as he stared at their son's grave.
“Inuyasha, why don't you pray for him?” She asked him. He turned his gaze to look at her gentle face and sighed.
“Don't really want too.” He replied.
“In all the years I've known you, you've never once prayed for the dead. Why is that?”
He let out another sigh and knelt down beside her and place on of his clawed hands upon the small grave and told her, “I gave up on praying along time ago…”
She gave him a look to go and so he continued, “My mother was dying of an illness that couldn't be cured back then. She was the only thing I had back then. She got sick not to far after they kicked us out of the castle. I was a small child at this time. I went to the village shrine every day to pray in front of the local kami to heal her. I prayed day after day but to no avail. She just got worse as time went on and the village midwife said she wouldn't help the whore of a demon.”
He paused for awhile and stared into Kagome's eyes, she could see pain in them. She knew what he was about to tell her was one of his many scars that could never be healed. She took his hand into hers to comfort him. He bit his lip and continued, “She got so bad, that she couldn't even recognize me anymore. She couldn't take down food and was so frail. She cried out for my father every night.
Before she died, I ran to the shrine one last time and wept before it and pleaded the kami to save my mother. The shrine began to glow and then the kami stood before me, I was so frightened. It was so beautiful and its aura was so powerful. The kami spoke to me, `Hanyou, I can not save you mother.' I questioned it and pleaded with it and it answered me. `Hanyou, you are a disgusting creature, a fluke of nature, I will not waste my power so that you can be happy. Hanyou are cursed beings and only exist to be hated.' Then he vanished and the next day, my mother died… That's why I don't pray, Kagome, because it would be a waste of breath.”
Kagome stared at her husband, tears trickling from her eyes. He pulled her into his arms and stroked her hair as she wept for him. When she stopped crying, they sat there in each others arms and stared at the grave of their son. It was the first time in along time sense he held her like this.
“Inuyasha… You can still talk to him.” She whispered.
“Huh?” He didn't quite catch what she said.
“Talk to him, Inuyasha. There's no problem with you talking to him. That's what I do.” She said. She looked up at him from her place in his arms.
He looked down at her and smiled, “I think I'll do that.”
They separated and knelt next to each other before the grave. Kagome folded her hands in front of her and he did the same. After a while, tears began to fall down his cheeks and Kagome held him. He was finally able to cry for the loss of their baby.
After that day, Inuyasha and Kagome began the healing process and became even closer then ever before.