InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Precarious Relationships ❯ In the Beginning... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I am not Rumiko Takashi…I cannot draw nor did I create the plot for the INUYASHA series…I wish I did…*sigh*

Precarious Relationships

Chapter 1- In the Beginning…

"What do you mean she's gone?!" Inuyasha yelled at Miroku who unfortunately, had been forced by Sango to be the bearer of bad news.

"She…left…" he repeated.

"Outta my way!" Inuyasha said gruffly, pushing Miroku to the side.

' I shouldn't have…we shouldn't have…' Inuyasha thought running through the 'Forest of Inuyasha' to get to the well.


Kagome climbed out of the well on the other side, pulling her bookbag out after her. She dropped it and sat down, setting her hand against the rim of the wooden well.

She seemed to be in a deep state of thought.


'What if she won't talk to me again after last night?' Inuyasha thought, reaching the well and staring down into it.

'It is half my fault.'

He sat down next to the well.

"Maybe I should give her some time." He thought, leaning against the well.


Bouyo meowed and walked over to Kagome, rubbing gently against her hand.

She jumped from fright then sighed and picked him up, holding him close and crying into his fur.

"Kagome? Darling is that you?" Kagome's mom called from across the yard.

Bouyo meowed.

Kagome's mom heard him and followed his voice to where Kagome was.

"Oh sweetheart." She said kneeling next to her daughter.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Bouyo jumped away from Kagome so the two could hug.

"Mom." She said crying into her shoulder as she had done so many times before.

"Come on darling. Let's go inside." She said, helping Kagome up.

Kagome sniffed and took her backpack inside, her mom walking with her arm around her softly.

Kagome's mom brought her into her room and Kagome set her bookbag down, sitting on her bed.

"I'll bring you something to eat. You must be hungry."

But Kagome just shook her head.

"No. I'm not. But thanks anyway mom." She said.

Her mom nodded slowly and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Kagome waited to see that she was gone then flung herself onto her pink pillow crying miserably.


Inuyasha decided he would wait a couple more minutes before jumping into the well.

'I'll give her enough time to get home.' He thought.


Kagome grabbed the material on her bed in handfuls and held onto it tightly, attempting to get some comfort out of it.


Inuyasha looked around to make sure no one was there, then jumped in.

He came out the other side and snuck over to Kagome's house, climbing onto the outside windowsill. He quietly priced the window open sneaking inside.

Inuyasha stopped short when only one of his feet had touched the floor, hearing Kagome.

'She…she's crying…' he thought.

'I did this. It's my fault. I have to comfort her somehow. Make things right again.'

Kagome didn't hear him and continued crying pitifully.

Inuyasha closed the window quietly behind him.

He crawled into the bed with Kagome, putting his arm around her to comfort her.

Kagome sniffed, thinking it was her mom. She said nothing.

Inuyasha rubbed her sides.

Kagome realized who it was and she turned her head in his direction. She looked awful and her face was tearstained.

She quickly pulled herself away from him.


"L-l-leave me alone…" she sobbed.

Inuyasha didn't listen. He instead turned her over and forced her to look at him.

"Listen to me Kagome. What we did. It's not all your fault. It's half mine too and that's something we're going to have to live with."

Kagome looked up at him with tears swelling in her eyes.

"I-I know but…" she began.

"I hate seeing you like this Kagome. Had I know this would happen I never would have done it…never."

Kagome sniffed and cuddled next to him.

"What I'm trying to say…is that I'm sorry."

Kagome said nothing and Inuyasha looked down at her. She was sound asleep.