InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Precarious Relationships ❯ Back to the Feudal Era ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I am not Rumiko Takashi…I cannot draw nor did I create the plot for the INUYASHA series…I wish I did…*sigh*

Precarious Relationships

Chapter 4- Back to the Feudal Era

Miroku put his head on top of hers and rubbed her back gently. For the first time in his life, Sango did nothing about it.

Inuyasha shielded his eyes for a little while until the clouds shaded the sun.

'That cloud. It looks like an arrow. A sacred arrow.' He thought.

Kagome now stood by the base of the tree.

"Inuyasha? Are you mad at me?" she asked.

"No. Why the heck would I be?" he wondered.

"I don't know. I just had a feeling."

"What do you mean? Explain." He said.

"Never mind. Come on. It's almost time for dinner. I was planning on going back to the feudal era to eat." Kagome said, eagerly changing the subject.

Inuyasha jumped down next to her.

"I just gotta go home and get my stuff. Then we can leave."

Inuyasha studied her while they walked back. Something was different about her but he couldn't place it.

Kagome ran quickly into the house and grabbed her stuff coming out only a minute later.

Inuyasha followed her to the well and they jumped in, Kagome first, Inuyasha following. He boosted her out of the well on the other side before climbing out himself.

Kagome walked towards the cabin. It was getting dark already.

Kaede had made lots of corn that night. She wasn't sure if Inuyasha and Kagome were going to be coming back that night so she did it thinking 'better safe than sorry.'

Shippo had joined the group again. He had gone earlier to explore and scout out the area and had come back shortly before dinner.

Kagome entered the cabin. Everyone's eyes were on her. Inuyasha followed.

"What? No 'I'm glad you're back Kagome' or nothin'?" Inuyasha said, trying to find a way to break the silence.

"Hn." He said, plopping down next to the fire. Kagome sat down next to Sango saying nothing.

Everyone ate their corn in silence, with the occasional cough or chewing noise.

Shippo jumped onto Inuyasha's head.

"Hey do you MIND?!" Inuyasha growled.

"Inuyasha? How come Kagome smells funny? She smells like all the mothers in my pack did right before they…"

Inuyasha's eyes widened as that truth dawned on him.

'What if…' he thought.

'No. That can't be. She said she felt fine. Yeah. What am I worrying about?' he asked himself.

Shippo jumped off of Inuyasha confused.


Back at the Higurashi house, the rest of Kagome's family sat down to eat.

"Hey mom. Where's Kagome?" Sota asked.

"My my my. Doesn't this eggplant look lovely? You must try some Sota." She said.

"Yeah but…" he tried to say.

"Oh! And this ramen. Delicious." She said, putting a spoonful into her mouth.

Sota and his grandfather looked at each other and shrugged.

'She gets weirder everyday.' Sota thought.