InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pride ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pride. It can be a great strength, a good ally, a formidable weapon; but it can also be one's greatest weakness and ultimate undoing. The saying `pride goeth before the fall' has always shown its truth. For you see, if one possesses great pride, than that pride can be that one's death toll. But you don't quite understand this do you?
You think you understand what I've said perfectly, but you don't. Don't you see Sesshoumaru? You rely so heavily on your pride. You seek power, great power so that when the day comes for you to take your rightful place as my successor you will be able to defeat me without a moment's hesitation. But tell me this my son, do you truly understand what this pride will do to you?
Do you remember what I asked you before I left my son? I asked if you had anyone to protect. You told me no. Well now my son, now your answer is yes. Do I know something you do not? I know many things my son. But most importantly I know this: you have a half brother out there in the world, and the woman who is his mother.
Her name is Izayoi. Your brother's name is Inuyasha. Do well by them my son. Protect them as I would. It doesn't matter if you don't understand why I gave my life to protect them. Just know that this is my last wish, make certain they are protected, even if they never know their protector to be you.
I know how you feel about half breeds, hanyou. You think them a disgrace. I don't know why. Perhaps it was your mother's influence. Sesshoumaru, I do not say this to hurt you, but you must know the truth. The union between your mother and I, it was nothing more than a business dealing between our fathers. You, my son, I love you with all my heart. Know that and keep that knowledge well, for this too will hurt worse than any battle blow you may suffer.
Sesshoumaru, my son, you were born my heir, my successor, but I never loved your mother. She, as are you, was too power hungry. You think she killed herself during a bout of melancholy. This lie must be brought to life. I killed her, my son, I had no other choice. Her hunger for power had driven her insane. I know you don't understand, you were much too young.
I found her one night, standing over your infant bed. She held a pillow over your sleeping face. I threw her across the room and it was a miracle that my breath returned yours. She became enraged to see that despite her efforts, you lived. I demanded a reason…she told me that if I had no heir, my kingdom would go to her upon my death. She wanted power badly enough to kill her own son for it.
I didn't kill her straight away that night. Instead, I locked her up in the dungeons whenever I left the castle. It was the only way I had to ensure your safety. You must understand Sesshoumaru. To her you were simply my heir, but to me…to me you were a gift. I loved you; I still do though death has claimed me.
Now that I am gone, you must heed my wishes. Protect your brother. Protect Izayoi. You are inu my son, learn what it means to be that. Learn what it means to protect the ones you love. Give up your vengeful pride my son, it will only bring you unimaginable pain and suffering if you do not.
I love you Sesshoumaru. Never forget.
Sesshoumaru awoke sharply, a cold sweat beaded upon his brow. He growled low, angered by what his father had said.
“It was only a dream, it means nothing.”
Release my pride? Never. Protect a half breed? Never. Show mercy to one so completely unfit to hold my father's blood within his veins? Never.
I am Sesshoumaru. The new taiyoukai. I will be greater, stronger, more powerful than my father ever was. I will not allow humans or feelings to weaken me. My father died for such foolishness. I will never let it take hold of me. I Am Sesshoumaru.