InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Histories and Ploblems Begin ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello and welcome back… to the about 191 readers last time I checked…. THANK YOU!!!
It makes me happy.

Anywho… no owning InuYasha or anything related to him… I do own Satori though, he a product of my own mind…

Thanks for listening… on with the story…


thoughts and flashbacks (you’ll be able to tell the difference, I swear)


The dinner was a long and formal one, especially at the Matomori/Kashino table. The tension was high for the younger generation, while Shesshomaru, Inutaisho and Satori watched.

This tension was centered around one person: Kagome. She wasn’t saying anything, or even doing anything, but she had managed to piss people off without realizing it…again.

This caused Satori to start getting another headache. As much as he loved Kagome and wanted the best for her, some days he just wanted to kill her. But on the same note he didn’t blame her for being the way she was. He would never loose the image of when he first saw her. She had the same fire in her eyes as she did now, that never changed.

He and Bankotsu were going out that day to a club. Ban thought that he needed to loosen up, but unfortunately they got lost, ended up in one of the trashiest neighborhoods in all of Tokyo, to make it worst, it was the middle of winter. Ban was so sure he knew where he was going, and took another wrong turn. The night seemed to get worst and worst, especially when they ended up in the dead end alley.

That’s where they found Kagome. He and Ban had begun to argue, until he noticed a pair of shiny blue-grey eyes watching them. He had hit Ban to shut him up, and pointed to her. They tried to get her to come over to them so they could get her to her family.

‘Come on sweetie,’ Ban had cooed to her, ‘We ain’t gonna hurt ya.’

Satori snorted inward. Kagome had knew better than to go to anyone, she strutted up to them. It shocked both him and Ban at the time, she freaking strutted, looked at Ban straight in the eyes and said ‘Bullshit, that’s what they said before they used to beat us at the home.’ and with that she kicked him in the shins.

Satori had tried to catch her, but she ended up kicking him too. Any normal kid would have run away at that point, but Kagome waited for them to get up and recover. She smirked and said ‘don’t trust anyone ‘round here’ she wiped her nose. For the first time both he and Ban noticed that she was wearing basically rags. Her gloves had holes in them, she was wearing sandals with a pair a worn out socks, pants that were too big for her and probably did jack shit to keep her warm and a long sleeve ratted shirt. Another major thing that they noticed was the large scar above and next to her right eye, though her hair covered most of it, it was still quite noticeable.

“You boys ain’t from this area,” She sniffed and coughed. “I’ll get you out. Follow me.” With that she took off. He and Ban had looked at each other and without any words they followed her.

They kept their distance but followed her through the mazes of the area. She stopped occasionally to dig through some restaurants garbage and get food. He nearly gagged, the smell was bad enough, but he had never thought that someone would actually eat someone’s leftovers from a garbage dumpster.

After about ten minutes of following her, she had brought them to the exit of the district. He had studied the girl for a few minutes. He couldn’t imagine what this girl was living through.

‘Git outta here before one of them yakuza sees ya. You’ll be done fo’.’ Ban started to walk away, but he couldn’t. There was something about her that drew him in.

‘You’re coming with us kid.’ He said without thinking. Ban stopped.

‘What the hell man, she’s just a brat that no one wants, let’s go. We’ve got better things to do.’ He ignored Ban though. Kagome had stared at him with her intense gaze, studying him as to see his motivations.

‘Don’t ask why kid.’ He began, ‘ You helped us now we’re going help you. Promise.’ Kagome snorted. Ban was in the background just watching, knowing that there was no swaying his friend now.

‘Promises,’ Kagome told him, ‘you break a promise it’s punishable by death out here.’

‘We ain’t from here kid.’ Ban snapped. Kagome looked over to him.

‘I know, cause only an idiot would get lost in the red-light district.’ She sneered. Ban lashed out and tried to hit her. But before he could intervene, Kagome had managed to jump onto Ban’s arm and flip over his head, landing behind him.

‘Don’t pick on people who are superior to you, I may be homeless, but I’m not weak or stupid.’ Kagome snapped. Ban was shocked, it had taken him years of training to be able to be that good, then even more to be at the level he was, but this little girl could have just killed him. Ban smiled.

‘Ok Satori,’ Ban said to him, ‘We’ll keep her.’ Kagome had gotten into defensive position.

‘No one will take me no where.’ She said. He had walked up to her.

‘Do you want to come with us,’ he asked, ‘no more streets, cold weather and bad food.’ Kagome looked skeptical. ‘We won’t torture you or touch you, or anything.’

Kagome slowly let her guard down. ‘Promise?’ She said with a frown and distrusting eyes.

‘Promises are not meant to be broken. If you can’t be true to your word then you have no respect for yourself, and without that you have nothing. I promise.’ He said. Kagome nodded, but still didn’t trust them.

‘Fine, I’ll go.’ She sneered. ‘But this is my world and if you break your promise, I’ll kill you. It’s an oath of the streets.’

Ban had walked over by then. ‘Hey kid,’ Ban began, ‘you’re good, and we’ll train you to be the best, once you’re with us, you’re family. No matter how much you’ll end up annoying us, but we ain’t your fathers. We’ll be your brothers, and I’ll introduce you to your other six brothers when we get everything sorted out.’

‘Brothers?’ Kagome looked at Ban and him.

‘Yeah brothers, now we got a baby sister. How’s that sound?’ Ban asked. Kagome squeezed her lips together, then bit her bottom lip.

‘I think I can handle that.’ She nodded, ‘but I still don’t trust you.’ He and Ban went over to her.

‘Trust is earned, not given. We’ll all work for it.’ He said. Kagome nodded.

‘Fine, now we need t’be gittin’ outta here b’fore they come.’ Kagome said. The trio began to walk away.

‘Hey, kid’ Ban said as they were leaving, ‘What’s your name anyways.’

‘They said my name was Kagome, but I don’t remember anything.’ Kagome said.

‘What do you mean?’ He had asked. Kagome shrugged.

‘I ain’t got no memories, family or any of that sort.’ Kagome said. Both he and Ban had stopped in their tracks. ‘What you never met a person with no mem’ries?’ Kagome sneered at them.

‘It’s okay kid, we’ll figure everything out.’ Ban told her.

That’s how they’re make shift family began, from friends to close brothers. This one orphan girl, Satori and Bankotsu, along with the rest of Ban’s ‘business partners’, decided to moved her south to Kagoshima, away from Tokyo, away from the mess she was put in and start anew.

Satori was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t hear Inutaisho talking to him.

“Satori, you okay?”

Satori looked up at Inutaisho.

“Yeah, sorry.” Satori said with a half smile. “Lost in my thoughts.” Inutaisho snorted.

“Well that’s not very new. Aren’t you always thinking and plotting something.” Satori raised an eyebrow.


“Yeah, plotting.” Inutaisho shot back. “That’s all you seem to do, but that’s not the point right now.” He finished as he looked over to the younger generation, where the tension seemed to have picked up. Satori looked over to the kids and sighed when he saw what was going on.

Kagome seemed to have been in her own world the whole time, just watching the band, ignoring everybody, and causing people to get irritated. Sango was already annoyed with her, and now Miroku for his constant groping. Kikyo was annoyed that InuYasha wasn’t paying attention to her, and InuYasha was completely oblivious to that because out of the corner of his eye he was staring at Kagome. And Rin, was poking her food sadly because Kagura had come over and began to flirt with Shesshomaru, who had taken to it.

“Well this is interesting.” Satori muttered to Inutaisho. “I think I need some air, what about you Taisho?” Satori asked in a loud voice, getting the attention of the kids.

“That’s sounds wonderful.” Responded Inutaisho. Then whispered to Satori, “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Causing a chuckle from Satori and growls from Shesshomaru and InuYasha.

They began their trek out when Kagome looked to her brother with sorrowful eyes that made him stop in his tracks.

“What?” He snapped.

“Bathroom and mints.” Kagome said simply. Satori sighed and dug into his pocket to get something, mumbling something about faking dazes so doesn’t want to talk. He tossed a little container to her.

“Here.” He said as he began to walk away again. Kagome frowned.

“Bathroom.” Satori snorted at her.

“I believe that you are old enough to find it yourself.” And with that he walked away.

When he got out on to the balcony with Inutaisho, he let out a deep sigh.

“Stressed?” Inutaisho asked him. Satori looked to his friend.

“I don’t get her, I really don’t.” Satori said. “She comes up one day and says she’s ready to, and I quote “be better”, and now she’s being a fucking bitch. I want to kill her.” He laid his head on the side of the balcony. Inutaisho just laughed, fully laughed.

“What the hell is so funny?” Satori snapped. Which made Inutaisho laugh harder. After a few minutes he calmed down.

“To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. A fretting parent.” Inutaisho laughed out. Satori frowned and glared, causing Inutaisho to laugh more.

“I’m no father.” Satori stated. Inutaisho, who was slowly coming back down, looked at him incredulously.

“The instant you took Kagome in, you became her father.” Inutaisho said seriously.

“I told her the day I met her I wasn’t her father, she knows that.” Satori protested.

“Look, who’s the one who yells at her when she’s in trouble and has to save her?” Inutaisho asked.

“Me. Sometimes Ren, but mainly me.”

“Who’s the one who makes sure she’s keeping healthy and doing well in school?”

“Well, Sui is the doctor, so he watches her health, when he’s not having trouble with his own problems and Ren is into the schooling.” Satori responded seriously. Inutaisho shook his head.

“Not what I meant, who does she go to first to show off?” Inutaisho asked. “Who’s the one she wants to be proud of her? Who’s the one she knows will help her if she’s in trouble?” Inutaisho continued.

“Mainly me, but she usually wants all of us to be proud of her.” He said.

“Precisely, you,” Inutaisho began, “to her, you are her father, and even you have accepted it. I noticed her bond. You blood bonded her until she takes a mate, or husband at which point it will be invalid. But subconsciously you two are father and daughter, and you’ll piss each other off like no other sometimes and be the best of friends at others. It’s just parenting.”

“I never wanted to be a parent,” Satori sighed and started into the distant city lights. “Too much work, plus I don’t get the idea of popping them out, and most people seemed to be burdened by them. So why have them?”

“I don’t know,” Inutaisho said looking out in the same direction. “It’s a weird thing. But you did something no one in this whole building would ever do, take a random girl in and raise her. It’s a wonder that you are the way you are.” Inutaisho looked at Satori. “Knowing your mother, I’m still shocked you are the way you are. It’s surprising in this community cause even the “nicest” of families, the Katayama/Hamamura family didn’t take in their distant relative, just left her in the hospital to die.” Inutaisho snorted at that. “You know about that the little 9 year old who was-”

“Tai, I know.” Satori cut him off. “I even know the little girl.” He had a withdrawn voice and look.

“Shit.” Inutaisho said with wide eyes. “That’s why she looks like-”

“That’s why and you can’t say anything, cause she doesn’t know, and if she did she’d probably seek revenge.” Satori looked sadden. “Plus, they think she’s dead.”

“I can’t believe it.” Inutaisho looked into the ballroom at the table, where only five occupants remained then back at Satori. “I won’t say anything to them, that’s probably the last thing that she needs. Damn.”

“Yeah, damn is right.” Satori said as the two pondered what would come while looking out into the smog-covered sky.

Kagome watched as her elder brother walked away. She was at a loss of what to do, not completely, but that would mean taking a chance with strangers, the same type of people that she would see on the street as a kid going into the strip clubs and then scorning the stripper in public so they would look good. Well, if they do anything stupid I can always ask Ban-Ban-ni-kun and Jaku-ni-kun to kill them.

“Umm, where’s the bathroom?” She asked loud enough for everyone to hear her. All heads turned to her. This was the first thing that she had said since they introduced each other. No one seemed to answer her and Kagome was getting annoyed.

“Is there no bathroom here?” Kagome snapped slightly, “Do you just wait to take a leak or do you not at all cause that’s really unhealthy?”

The look on Kagome’s face made Miroku and InuYasha started to snicker quietly. While Shesshomaru looked away to hide his smile from Kagura who was frowning. Sango frown, Kikyo sneered at her while Rin full out smiled and laughed.

“No Kagome-chan, there’s a bathroom here.” Rin laughed out, then pouted. “But I haven’t any clue where it is. Would you like to wander? A quest! We’ll go on a quest for the bathrooms, yes that’s what we’ll do!” Rin exclaimed with a determined expression.

Kagome deadpanned. “Umm, how about, something a little shorter?” She said with a half smile and a semi-serious look in her eye. Why is she calling me Kagome-chan, when did we become friends?

“I’ll show you, this is my father’s building after all.” Sango snapped as she got up. Kagome looked at her, the shrugged, as she walked after Sango.

“Ooh, wait for me!” Exclaimed Rin as she hurried to follow.

Kagome followed Sango with Rin next to her chattering away, to the bathroom.

“Here you are. I doubt you’ll need any assistance from here.” Sango sneered. Rin frowned, this wasn’t her friend Sango.

“Nope, girl time!” Rin shouted and pulled both girls into the bathroom. Sango just pouted as she was pulled into the bathroom and sat down on the sofa in the powered room area in the bathroom. Kagome on the other hand couldn’t stop gawking at the bathroom.

“Jesus Christ.” Kagome muttered in disbelief. The bathroom was enormous, and more extravagant than anything she had ever seen, and she had seen a lot of things in her life and travels. Kagome began to wander around, while Sango and Rin watched in slight disbelief of this begin that same person that they brought in earlier.

“Seriously.” Kagome came out with her mouth agape and her eyes wide. “This is ridiculous! What’s all this furniture for? And who needs a gold shitter? I mean honestly.”

“The toilet’s gold?” Asked Rin in fascination.

“Yeah look!” Kagome exclaimed. Both Rin and Kagome ran into the stall. Sango watched in amazement, this was the same girl before that was a hardcore bitch. She was confused. Kagome and Rin ran out of the stall.

“You see!” Kagome exclaimed, “That’s totally unnecessary. Who really needs a gold shitter?”

“That’s so true.” Rin agreed. Sango put her hand on her head in utter disbelief as the two chattered on without regard.

“Hey, Rin you wanted to talk about something.” Sango said, gaining her attention.

“Oh, yeah.” Rin said with a smile that faded into a frown quickly as she got into Sango’s face. “Why are you being a bitch?” Rin asked.

“What?” Sango spit out. “I’m not being a bitch! Who are you to call me that?”

“Your best friend. That’s who.” Rin snapped.

“I’m not being a bitch,” Sango retorted, “If there is anyone being a bitch here it’s her.” Sango snapped as she pointed at Kagome. Who was currently ignoring what was going on, but heard the word ‘bitch’.

“Yuppers, I’m a bitch.” Kagome said with a big smile and a lot of pride. Leaving Rin and Sango shocked. Kagome looked at them confused for a second, then giggled.

“She giggled.” Rin said in shock. Sango was speechless.

“Sorry, I just don’t do well in crowds of strangers.” Kagome said, with a smile that both Sango and Rin recognized as Miroku’s ‘I’m guilty but cute so don’t hurt me smile’.

“Well… umm” Sango began. “Why were you so cozy with Miroku?!” She snapped at Kagome. Rin giggled a Sango, while Kagome took a minute to figure it out.

“Oooo,” She began, “I get it. Don’t worry he’s like my brother. I had to take care of him for a while. So he’s all yours sweetie.”

Sango blushed from head to toe. “It’s not like that. I don’t like that Hentai.”

“What ever let’s you sleep at night sugar.” Kagome said as she went to use the toilet.

“Okay, now that that’s out of the way,” Rin began, “Why were you so bitchy before?” Sango sighed and sat back down.

“My father. I love him, but I can’t stand living with him.” Sango began as Rin sat next to her to offer comfort as she began to tell her what was happening in the Hatonami household.

Kagome had come out and had been keenly listening to what was going on, she understood completely. The pains of living with people that want to constantly keep you on a leash. I deserved that though, I was such a pain.

Kagome turned around and looked at Sango and Rin.

“You can move in with me.” Sango looked up to her.


“Yeah, I’m confused too.” Rin said.

“I’m moving into a pretty big house, or shrine. Whatever it is, but if I don’t find a roommate one of my brothers is moving in with me, cause I don’t live by myself too well. So do you want to move in with me?” Kagome finished.

“You mean it?” Sango asked cautiously. “I mean I was such a bitch to you.” Kagome snorted.

“I’m always a bitch, so what’s the difference?” Sango wiped away the tears that had began to come down.

“Alright! I’ll do it.” Sango said and looked at Kagome, “So let’s start anew roomie!”

“Yayness!” Rin shouted, “Peace and friendship win.” Sango laughed at Rin’s antics.

Shit. Kagome thought as her body began to shake. I need to get out of here before I start having a flashback. Shit shit shit.

With that Kagome collapsed on the floor in the bathroom.