InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Meeting of Friends ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ok, so I forgot the special intro…. I do not own InuYasha, Satori, yes, but any InuYasha related characters, no…. so the normal, I have nothing, so you can’t get anything….
Any who, I would like to thank my first reviewers… Tcutie and INU_KAGLOVER… thank you, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, I’m soo grateful….
And big note on any reviewers, I don’t mind constructive criticism, suggestions… praise is welcome… but flames are not, if you cannot put what you have to say into a polite suggestion then it’s not worth saying…
My note is done…. THANK YOU….


oh yea!

Kagome looked around nervously. She did not notice all the people before, or even all the ones that were looking at her.

Suck it up girl. You know better than to get like this, but maybe I shouldn’t have worn this dress. She frowned slightly as she looked down at her dress. It was a spaghetti strap dress that went down to the floor, and there was some black sequence in the shape of flowers on it, but not too many. But her favorite part was the black mesh train and the black mesh back, in the process she couldn’t wear a bra, small price to pay. No, this was the right dress, the red is his color, he always said that red was his favorite for some reason.

She smiled slightly at the memories, but came back to reality quickly. No emotion, these people were like starving wolves, if they sensed weakness they would take it. Not until you had a contract, that’s when you could show emotion.

With that Kagome started over to the table with determination. She walked with her head and a strong sway in her walk, like a lady sure of herself, like Jaku-ni-kun taught her.

She noticed the two white hair men, or boys in her opinion, staring at her. Amusing. She thought.

Her brother seemed to be caught up in conversation with the other white haired man. The man seemed different from the boys at the table she observed. He was taller than both, she could tell, and he had his hair back in a ponytail, unlike the other two who had their hair down. But he possessed some strength about him, like the strength Sa-ni-san had.

Their father. It dawned on her. This was Inutaisho, father of the two boys. She came upon her brother from behind and stood there for about twenty seconds before demanding attention. I’m so spoiled, She thought, well not spoiled, I’m demanding.

“Brother, was it not you who said that ‘when a lady enters a room you need to pay her proper attention before attention anything else’.”

Satori turned around and looked hard at Kagome who gave him a small sarcastic smile. Inutaisho chuckled.

“To think, the great business man Satori Matomori, has been called on by a young lady.” Inutaisho laughed, as he turned to Kagome. “You must be the heiress, Kagome.” She smiled charmingly, but not fully, to him and shaking his hand in the western greeting. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person. For a while I kept thinking that you weren’t real, since no one has ever met you, only heard of you.”

“Well that is unfortunate isn’t it? I hope he hasn’t ruined my reputation already. ” Kagome said, as she tried prying loose her hand without being obvious. Satori straighten up quickly.

“Now, now imoto, that isn’t anyway to think.” He said, annoyed at her attitude already. “I would only tell good things about you, if that’s what your worried about.” He was going to kill her later, though he half knew that this was to be expected. After living what she had been through and how she had been raise, this was her way of testing people. It was a great defense mechanism. He was so going to kill her later.

“Come now, let’s sit.” Inutaisho said, as he noticed the two siblings seemed to start a pissing match between each other. “I don’t think that this lovely young lady wants to be standing in those dreadful shoes all night.”

Kagome looked down at her shoes, she had forgotten that she was wearing three-inch stilettos, and now all she felt was pain. Forcing a fake smile, she nodded in agreement. Inutaisho pulled out the chair for her next to InuYasha and Satori.

This is going to be an interesting night. Thought Inutaisho, noticing neither of his sons had said anything yet -even if it would have been rude- he would have given anything at this point, but the looks on his sons’ faces told him otherwise. This is going to be a very interesting night.

InuYasha couldn’t believe it. It was her, the girl he had fallen in love with five years ago. He knew it was her, at first he couldn’t tell because her scent had changed, but he noticed it was a change for the better – fresher, cleaner, purer- that’s the only way he could describe it.

He was shocked, the girl he met on vacation in Hawaii. The girl who he spent the entire vacation with, the one who snuck away from her over-protective brothers to be with him. The same girl who was so elusive about her past and was unsure about her future, she was the only girl who had left him and the only one he ever truly would want. But the words that she said before she left were engrained in his memory forever –I’ll always be yours and I promise I’m going to become someone worthy of your love, then you can decided then if you still want me when I return- she left with those elusive words.

But he knew inside, his instincts screamed –even now- that she was his mate, the only one that he could ever truly love.

Is this what you meant by worthy, he thought as he stared at her for the first time in five years, or is there something else that you are hiding?

He stared at her, he knew she would not know it was him. He was still in his human form and did not know he was a demon, or hanyou. It wasn’t long after that that his father dropped the bomb, and the concealment spell.

So here she was, in his presence, and he couldn’t say a word. Anger, betrayal, love, and lust all came to him at once. He could tell she was still unclaimed, which satisfied his instincts but also triggered his lust and want to claim her. But he was so hurt by her that he couldn’t tell her.

And Kikyo. That would be another problem. He made a promise to her, if he left how could he keep his promise to her.

A small light hit the corner of his eyes, brining his attention back to the girl in from of him. His jaw almost dropped. It was the necklace the he had given her the day before she left. Emotions ran ramped again.

She hasn’t forgotten me, he thought, but I can’t, I won’t. His human and demon sides seemed to be battling a never-ending battle. Though in the end they both wanted the same thing, the girl in front of him. The object of his desire.

He took a deep breath to control the rising arousal at seeing her, especially when she sat next to him. It was taking everything out of him not to grab her and go to the back room and make her remember him and submit to him.

This is going to one long goddamn night.

Kagome shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Satori, Inutaisho and Shesshomaru seemed to have just picked up in conversation. InuYasha had gone off to greet his girlfriend and some of his friends. So this left her sitting in her chair completely bored. And a bored Kagome meant trouble.

Picking up her napkin from the table, she began to play with it, while staring at the empty chairs across from her. No causing trouble, no pranks, no playing, think of Sa-ni-san. This was the mantra going through her head.

“Interesting way to fold a napkin.” A humor laced voice said from behind her.

Kagome turned around and found five people standing behind her. InuYasha was standing with his girlfriend, from what Kagome picked up, Kikyo was her name. Two girls were standing next to them. The shorter one had dark brown eyes and black hair that was pulled into a half ponytail.

“Rin, do you not think that the way you wear your hair is slightly childish.” Shesshomaru’s spoke as he noticed the group. Rin pouted.

“I think not. It’s quite cute.” She replied with a quiet aggression. Shesshomaru raised and eyebrow and went back to the conversation with Satori and Inutaisho.

Kagome studied the girl next to Rin. She was taller, and had her black hair pulled into a low ponytail. She was wearing makeup, unlike Rin, but not as much as Kikyo was wearing. Nor were the girls dresses as whorish as Kikyo. This caused Kagome to snicker.

I’ve seen whores with more clothing on. She thought to herself. She would usually have said it out loud but she was here to impress. That’s when she noticed the man who first gained her attention on his knee in front of her.

“Would you do the honor of baring my child?” He asked. That’s when Kagome a good look at him. His purple eyes triggered some, reminding her of someone she knew, that was in the back of her mind.

“PERVERT!” The girl next to Rin shouted as she smacked the man on the ground.

“Stupid houshi.” Muttered InuYasha. Kikyo pointedly ignored them, while Rin was giggling. Kagome began to chew on her lip, pondering this man.

“I can’t believe you would do that!!! Ask her that!!! ESPICIALLY IN HERE!!!” The girl yelled through a hoarse whisper as she pulled him up.

“My dear, lovely Sango.” He began.

“Don’t even give me that line Miroku, I’ve had enough!” Sango snapped. Kagome’s eyes lit up and she smiled to herself.

“I told you then and I’ll tell you now, Miroku,” Kagome began, and everyone looked at her. “My stance hasn’t changed, I wouldn’t bare your child then, I won’t bare it now.” Kagome looked Miroku straight in the eyes.

Miroku looked at her, after a few seconds his jaw dropped.

“You’re alive.” He breathed out.

“And still kicking.” Kagome jibbed back.

“Holy Shit.” He was in shock. Kagome got up and walked towards Miroku. “I haven’t… I thought that you… you… and I got… and you’re alive.”

Kagome put her hand over his mouth.

“I’ve never seen you at a loss for words.” She said. Miroku smiled and scooped her up into a hug.

InuYasha watched this whole scene and began to growl softly without realizing it. Kikyo looked up.

“Are you alright?” She asked snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, it’s nothing.” He said to reassure her, but on the inside he wanted to tear his best friend apart, for touching her. He was about to say something before Sango made herself noticed.

“Oi, houshi!” Sango snapped, breaking up the hug between Miroku and Kagome. “I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but what the hell is going on here.” Miroku smiled, while Kagome’s jaw dropped.

They can swear. Wow, hahaha, up yours Sa-ni-san. Kagome thought.

“Sango, my love, this is Kagome. You see, we were in the same- oof” Miroku stopped suddenly when Kagome’s elbow hit him in the stomach.

“What was that about?” He whined to Kagome.

“Some things are better left out of proper conversation.” Kagome stated calmly, with a fire that could kill in her eyes.

“Fine, but they know about me being-oowww!” Miroku was hit again. “Would you stop hitting me.”

“Would you stop?” Sango intervened, not that she cared that the perverted monk was getting hurt, but this was unnecessary. “Look, I don’t know who you are and what you’re relationship to Miroku is, nor do I care. But when he’s trying to introduce you, you don’t need to hit him.” Sango was pissed.

Kagome looked at her.

“I can introduce myself.” She paused and looked. “I’m Kagome Ito-Matomori. Satori is my eldest brother. And Miroku and I knew each other while we were younger, that’s all you need to know.”

Kagome looked at Miroku. <<i>That’s all I want them to know.> She told him. His eyes widened and he nodded vigorously.

“Oi, houshi, what you nodding for?” Asked InuYasha. Miroku looked at Kagome quickly than to InuYasha. He understood, almost everything, Kagome let him know everything. Almost everything.

“Nothing.” Miroku grinned and as he scratched the back of his head. “Hahahaha.”

“Dumbass.” Muttered InuYasha. “I’m tired of standing, are you guys eating with us or not?”

The group of friends looked at each other and nodded. Kagome was already sitting, and talking with her brother, in code it seemed because no one could understand what they were saying, they weren’t making full sentences.

With that the group sat down to wait for their food to be served.