InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Proud Mistake ❯ Continued 1. 2: Panic in the House ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Continued : The Mistake & Secrets Spilled

“ But I can’t be Sesshomaru. How do know ? Are you sure?” she asked ,a little unnerved .

“I am a male Inu - demon . Males can tell when a female is pupped right away because we can smell it. And yes, Kagome, I am very sure that you are indeed pupped.” he told her.

Kagome grabbed both of his hands and squeezed them gently. “ what are we going to do know? Sesshomaru, I can’t go home any more. My father…….” A single tear slipped down her cheek as she didn’t finish.

Sesshomaru held her tighter in his arms trying to sooth her . “ Everything will be alright ,Kagome. It will be fine.” he said as he wiped away the tear. Kagome just shook her head, “No Sesshomaru, you don’t understand .” she spoke in a mere whisper before more tears began to fall.

He began to gently rock her in his arms to comfort her. “ Kagome, what is it that I don’t understand ?” he asked in a soothing and reassuring voice. He rocked her more until she calmed down a bit and was ready to speak again.

She sniffed some before she spoke in a whisper , “ That I’ve lied to you. Sesshomaru, all those times that you found those bruises and cuts, and I told you that I was ‘being clumsy and just fell’….”She wiped at the new set of tears that streamed down her face before continuing , “ I lied… was my father.”

She could feel his claws press into her skin. Then he viscously turned her to face him, his hands were in a vice grip around her shoulders with his claws digging at her flesh. ‘ Oh My God !’ she thought as she saw a slight flicker of red flash across his eyes. ‘ What is he going to do?’ she was scared.

“ your FATHER did that to YOU !!??!” he growled out in anger. Kagome was scared and could only give a slight nod of her head. With the nod of her head his eyes glazed over in a bright crimson, “ You will NOT live there any longer. I will not allow you and my pup to be placed in any danger. UNDERSTOOD ?” he growled out.

Kagome’s fear of her boyfriend being angry with her vanished , but just as before she gave another little nod to him. He gave a slight nod of his own to her before he pulled her into a protective embrace.

They sat like that for quite some time, while Sesshomaru calmed down enough to gain control of his beast again .It wise silent, in the early hours of the morning , just before sunrise. “ Kagome.” he said calm yet stern.

Kagome jumped at the sudden hearing of his strong, masculine voice that pierced through the early morning silence. “ what is it ?” she asked in an unsure tone of a quiet voice compared to his. She pulled out of his embrace, just enough to look into his eyes. He had a very serious look on his face.

“Your school has many male demons in it. You are unmarked and pregnant with my pup, therefore you will not be going to your school until I mark you as mine. But before I can do that, we will have to speak with my father. He should be back in a few days from his trip, so until then you won’t be going to school. I want you to stay here. Alright?” he demanded more than asked.

“ Alright , Sesshomaru. But since I won’t be going to school tomorrow, I’m going to go and pick up some stuff from my house, ok ?” “No, I will not allow you and ‘our’ pup to be in danger.” his voice hard and over protective.

“ Sesshomaru, I’ll be fine. I honestly doubt that my father will be there. You know that I’ll have to get my stuff from home anyways, so why not tomorrow? Don’t you think your being a little ‘over protective’? she asked him.

He thought for a moment, then decided that she was somewhat right. “ I will allow it, but I want you to take your cell phone with you , should anything happen. And I want you to be careful, Kagome.”

“ I promise that I will be careful and call if something happens.” she said as she hugged him close, which he returned along with a kiss to her forehead.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ch.2 : Panic in the House
She pulled her car up to the front door of her mansion sized house. She noted that her father’s car wasn’t there. ‘ Good he’s not here.’ she thought to herself with a relieved smile on her face.

She got some boxes from the trunk of her car , then headed toward the front door. Typing in the security code the door unlocked, and she wasted no time in getting to her room. She set the boxes on the floor and put her keys on her desk by her computer.

Then she went to her huge walk-in closet. Looking around she found all of her favorite clothes, along with some relax clothes and ended up filling a whole box with them.


She heard a noise and began to panic, reaching for her cell while carefully opening her door to see, her cat on a table with a bowl on the floor
“ God, you stupid cat! You about gave me a fricken heart attack!” she scolded him, though she really felt stupid herself.

She went back into her room, then realized that she still had her cell clutched in her hand. After looking at it, she tossed it on her bed. ` I’ll be fine .’ she told herself as she picked up the box and went to the trunk of her car.

After setting it into the trunk she closed it, turned to go back inside, but froze. There was her father’s silver car, parked in the driveway. ‘Shit!! I know that his car wasn’t here before !’ she thought to herself.

Hearing another noise from inside the mansion she began to panic again. ‘What do I do?…………I have to call Sesshomaru!!’ she thought a she dug into her pocket to get her cell. It wasn’t there. ‘ WHAT!!!? Where is that stupid thing!!?!’ She was going to check her other pockets, when it hit her, ‘ OH NO !!! I left it on my bed!!!’ a knew wave a panic laced with a great amount of fear rushed through here body.

‘God, I’m so stupid!! I left my keys too!! ………….I have to get to my room.’ she thought as she quietly made her way to the front door. She reached for the knob, when the door flung open to reveal her father, who reeked of alcohol and had a half empty bottle of Vodka in one of his hands.

Kagome just stood still, afraid . Her father, Naraku, who is abusive, is always drunk, is gang leader who runs the biggest weapon shop in the city, and who is a semi-ex hitman, scared her a lot!!

He smiled at her fear, then pulled her inside and slammed the door shut. Kagome made a little ‘EEP!’ was suddenly pushed up against a wall with Naraku holding her there.

Naraku took in one whiff of her scent and was enraged. He pushed her harder into the wall and only stopped when he heard a satisfying CRACK indicating the wall was splitting.

“ You little whore !! You get pupped and have the nerve to show up here!!?!” he yelled , still enraged. A tear slipped down her face. He smiled at her pain and wiped it away with a clawed hand, making sure to scratch her delicate skin as he did so.

“ What happened? He didn’t want a little whore like you?” he taunted. Kagome didn’t say anything, but more tears fell and she turned her head away slightly.

Naraku let her go, only to grab her face and made her look into his evil, red eyes. “ You disgust me.” he growled out and slapped her, giving her a nice bruise and a bloody lip.

“Your nothing but a disgraceful , slutty , whore, who is pupped with a Bastard of a child!” He screamed and hit her again. But this time he used his Vodka bottle a smashed it over the side of her head.

Kagome screamed in pain and held her bleeding head. Her father left, burning his tires in the driveway as he did so. Kagome ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel to try to stop the big gash on her head from bleeding.

She got the towel and ran to her room to call Sesshomaru. Having him on speed dial, the other end soon rang. After the second ring he picked up,

“ Hello ?”
“Sesshomaru! I need you to pick me up!” She told him frantically.
“ Kagome ! What Happened !!?! Are you ok!?” he growled out worried.
“ No. My father came home when I was getting my stuff, and he knocked me around. Can we talk latter ? I really need you to pick me up ‘ NOW’ she said, almost crying.
“alright , Kagome. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

The other end went dead and she hung up as well. Her head was really starting to hurt . ‘ I might have to go to the hospital.’ she thought to herself as she looked at the gash on the left side of her head.

‘ This is bad. Sesshomaru is never going to leave me alone again. God, Sesshomaru………….Where are you?”

She was sitting on her bed, when she heard his car door slam shut. Within 2 seconds he was standing right in front of her.

A/N :
So what did you think? Please review and let me know. Thanks,