InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Proud Mistake ❯ Sesshomaru Searches ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~ ~ ~ Last time ~ ~ ~

One of them pinned her down, the other held a cloth with some stuff she didn’t know on it, and covered her mouth and nose with it.

‘ Oh, gross!! What is this stuff I …….I can’t……………Move.’ she thought as everything went black.
~~`~~`~~` CH. 5 : Sesshomaru Searches

Kagome woke up in a dark , cold room. ‘ Where am I ?’ she thought as she tried to stand up, only she was to late in noticing that her feet and hands were tied up, and fell to her face on the dirty , damp floor.
She tried to get up again, but this time bumped into something , and it fell over with a loud ‘ CLANK’.
She gave a scream, and heard some footsteps above her. Suddenly a door flung open , the light was to bright, and she closed her eyes.

Footsteps, she heard them coming towards her and made herself open her eyes. The man was standing right in front of her, his eyes glowing, and she knew then that he was a demon. She gave a startled scream, and he suddenly covered her mouth to muffle it.

“ So you little whore, if you really want to scream, I’ll just gage you. Then you can scream all you want.” he said with a sadistic, evil grin as he pulled out an old cloth from his back pocket . “ NO !!” she screamed again as she helplessly tried to escape, but fell.

He picked her up roughly. She screamed in pain as he slammed her against a wall, making her injuries worse. “ Now if you decide to be a good little girl, and promise me not to scream, I won’t gage you.” he told her as he licked up the side of her jaw, all the way up to her ear before he stopped.

She nodded slightly. “ NO, Promise me!!” he demanded her. “ OK……I-I Promise.” she finished with a sharp intake of breath as she felt him take her earlobe into his mouth, and one of his hands grab her breast roughly.

“ To bad that your already pupped. I would love to have a beautiful, little vixen like you to carry ‘my’ pups.” he said , rubbing himself against her. “ P- Please , stop.” she begged weakly. He pulled away from her so quick that she almost lost her balance against the wall.

“What , I’m not good enough for a slutty, little whore like you!!?” he screamed, slapping her. This time she did fall. She laid there on the ground crying. ‘ Help, Sesshomaru!! I need you!!’ she screamed in her mind, hoping that the message would some how get to him. Hoping that all of this would just go away.

“ Feh, Leader must hate to have such a whore for a daughter!” he spat out, then kicked her in the ribs. Kagome screamed again in pain as she heard a loud ‘CRACK’, the sound of her bones breaking under the pressure of the hard blow.

*~*~*~* With Sesshomaru *~*~*~*

‘ What is this?’ he thought as he grabbed his ribs. He could feel pain , and yet he wasn’t hurt. Something gave him a sick feeling in his stomach and that’s when he heard it. He looked around for Kagome, but she was no where to be seen.

‘ I can’t sense her. But I can feel her. What’s this pain? Something is very wrong.’ he thought as he cut out of his last class of the day, early. He dug his cell from his pocket and dialed his home number. It rang and rang, and Kagome wasn’t answering. ‘Something’s wrong,.’ he dialed his Father’s office.

“ Hello, Mr. Inutaisho’s office?” his secretary said.
“ Yes, this is Sesshomaru, I need to speak with Mr. Inutaisho, it’s a family emergency.” he told her sternly.
“ Please hold on , Sir.” the secretary told him.

Sesshomaru kept his cell to his ear while he made his way out of the college. He opened his car door , and he heard his Father’s voice on the other end.

“ Sesshomaru, what’s going on?” his Father sounded concerned.
“ Father, It’s Kagome, Something is wrong. I can feel it, and she’s not answering the phone at home.” he told him , not bothering to hide his worried tone from his Father.
“Ok, Sesshomaru. You go home and check to see if she’s alright. If something is wrong, Call my cell, and I’ll cut the meeting . Ok?”
“ Yes.” Sesshomaru answered , before hanging up and speeding off to his home. ‘ Kagome, please be there and alright. Please be alright.’ he prayed to the Heavens .

He made to his home in record time, and ran out of his car, a blur of silver in his wake. He knocked the door over in his rush , but didn’t even bother it with a second glance, all that mattered was Kagome. ‘ Kagome’ he thought as two strange scents assaulted his nose.

They led upstairs, ‘ Please be alright, Kagome’, he prayed as he followed the scents to his door and stopped. It was open and he darted in looking for her. Some of his bed sheets were on the floor, along with a cloth. He picked it up and sniffed it a little, his eyes widened . ‘This stuff, it would no doubt make a human pass out for hours………Kagome!’ He ran downstairs to the kitchen to call his Father.

Dialing his cell this time, his Father answered.
“ Sesshomaru, is Kagome alright?” he asked worried for his daughter.
“No, she’s not here! I smell strange scents of demons around , they took her.” Sesshomaru told him angrily.

“ Alright I’ll be right over, stay there!” he ordered Sesshomaru, who just hung up. ‘ What is this pain?’ he thought as he grabbed his ribs, hoping to make it go away. He didn’t need to be hurt know, he needed to save his mate.

His Father came running through the already broken door, to find Sesshomaru grabbing his ribs in pain. “ Son, what happened are you injured?” he asked in a protectively, Fatherly way. “ No, I just keep feeling this strange pain. I don’t know why, but my mind keeps telling me that someone is calling to me, I thinks its Kagome and she’s hurt.” he said with his eyes downcast from his Father’s knowing gaze.

“ It would seem that your souls are connected to one another’s. And if you keep feeling this pain, then she must be pain as well. She want you to be with her , to save her, so she’s calling out to you.” he said as he walked over to his son and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “ We’ll get her back, Sesshomaru. “ he said reassuringly.

“ Father, what are we suppose to do? How will we search for her in this huge, God forsaken hell of a city?” he questioned his all knowing Father. “ Sesshomaru, you have to think first. Who would want to hurt Kagome?” Sesshomaru looked straight into his Fathers eyes, “ Her, Father!!” he venomously spat out.

“Ok, do you know anything about him?” Inutaisho asked. “Kagome, she never spoke of him much.” he replied, trying to remember any useful information she might have told him. “ You don’t know anything? Where he works? Do you even know the man’s name!!?” Inutaisho yelled, agitated with his son’s lack of knowledge on his future mate’s own father.

Inutaisho started to rub the bridge of his nose, trying to force back the intense headache that wanted to come forth. He heavily sighed, “ Are you sure? Sesshomaru Think!! Your ‘mates’ very own life, along with your ‘ pup’s’ , could be in great danger! You have to think!!” he urged his son.

“ I ‘think’ we should go to her ‘ Father’s’ house. We might be able to find some information on him.” he told his Father as he began heading for the broken down door. Inutaisho followed his son. When they were both outside, Sesshomaru began to lead the way, both using their demonic speed.

They reached Kagome’s father’s house in a matter of minutes. “ I’ll unlock the security system.” Sesshomaru told his Father as he walked toward the door and punched the code into the security box. The alarm disarmed and he walked in, his Father was trailing in behind him. “ Did Kagome give you the code?” he asked curiously to his son.

“ No, I’ve seen her do it, and remembered it.” he told him. “ Try to find information. I’ll search upstairs, and be sure to mask your sent.” Sesshomaru told his Father. Inutaisho nodded to his son, who turned to go upstairs where the bedrooms were.

* * * Sesshomaru * * *

Sesshomaru masked his sent as he walked upstairs, making his way to the master bedroom. Kagome’s Father’s sent was practically seeping from the master bedroom, Sesshomaru covered his nose. ‘Disgusting, the damn half breed reeks worse than Inuyasha.’ he thought to himself as he slowly opened the door.

As expected , the bedroom was huge. Walking around the double, king sized bed, that reeked of alcohol, sweat, and sex, to a large, wooden dresser he began his search. After digging through all of his drawers, he ended up with a gun and only one cell phone number that didn’t reek of a diseased , prostitute. Determined to find more, for the sake of Kagome and their unborn pup, he started looking under the very large, bed where he had earlier seen some boxes hidden underneath.

* * * Inutaisho * * *

Inutaisho masked his sent and went into the kitchen. He found some newspapers scattered across the table. Looking around some more, he could see many upon many of empty liquor and beer bottles. ‘ Her Father is obviously an alcoholic.’ he thought, shaking his head. Becoming curious, he went to the fridge and opened it.

Nodding his head, ‘ Just as I thought.’ The fridge was full of all different types of beer and liquor. For food there was some old fruit along with a rock hard, loaf of bread. ‘ What a disgrace! Its no wonder Kagome never went home.’ with a sad sigh, he began searching again.

He went to the phone where some papers were. Finding some with numbers on them, and a few business cards he sat down and read them.

* * * Sesshomaru * * *

Grabbing the boxes that were under the bed , he opened them. Inside the first box were many opened letters. Opening one of the letters it read,

Dear Mr. Higurashi, Naraku,

This is a letter concerning your daughter, Kagome.
With the amount of absences and tardies she has received , we are becoming concerned. Her teachers have informed me that Kagome’s grades are dropping and that she is failing two of her subjects. We would like to schedule a conference with you and your Daughter, to speak about these issues.
Principle Tokugowa.

Sesshomaru found another letter from her old middle school. The letter read,
Dear Mr. Higurashi, Naraku,

We have not yet received word from you, concerning a date that would be appropriate for a conference. Kagome’s absences have increased, and because of that her grades are dropping more. I would like to have a conference with you concerning these issues with your daughter. Please call my secretary to schedule a proper time. # 515-555-0819

Principle Tokugowa

Deciding that he had read enough, he put the boxes back underneath the bed. ‘ I know his name now.’ he thought as he walked downstairs to find his Father.

* * * Inutaisho * * *

He turned at the sound of his son entering the kitchen. He instantly saw the look of disgust at the sight of all the empty bottle scattered every where cross his son’s face. “ Have you found anything?” Sesshomaru questioned seriously.

“ Yes, some phone numbers and business cards.” Inutaisho told his son confidently. “You?” he questioned back at Sesshomaru. “Yes, a gun, a phone number, and his name is Naraku.” he said, hissing out the mans name.

“Good job, Son.” Inutaisho told him as he put a calming hand on Sesshomaru’s shoulder. “ Naraku Higurashi, is the owner of a gun shop called ‘RED AIM’.” he said while reading one of the business cards he found. “ I think we should go pay him a visit, don’t you?” he asked his son smugly. Nodding to his Father, they were using their demonic speed to get to the ‘ RED AIM’, and hopefully find Kagome.

* * * RED AIM * * *

Sesshomaru and Inutaisho stood outside the big gun shop. Sniffing the air, Sesshomaru let out a viscously, low snarl. His Father took a step back as he watched his son’s eye’s go crimson red. “ I smell them! The males that took ‘MY’ mate!” he snarled out possessively , before he darted off, tracking the scents down………………

A/N : Yea, sorry this is short. But I’m having like ‘ writers block’ and its hard to do a long chapter right now. And sorry bout the cliffs, but I got to do them! There easier to start off a new chapter with and I like making you crave more! (lol, I know I’m evil.) Well I hoped that you liked it any ways. Please RATE and REVIEW !! Thanks a ton!


