InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Puppy ❯ Begining the School Year ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: ok so this is my new story. And I promise to update it at least once a week. Scouts Honor yea like im a scout Anyway here is the basic Information.


Title: Puppy


Author: InuyashaxKagome


Rating: PG-13


Couples: I/K S/M SE/R


Other Info: Sess & the rest of the gang are friends. Yash & Sess are twins. They are in Modern Day Times. Aren't in Japan, but will be using Japanese words, and a lot of people in there school are Japanese. I will also use name from other shows/mangas.


Kagome's Names: (just so u understand later)

Inuyasha: Puppy

Sess: Doggy

Inu/Sess dad: Papa

Inu/Sess mom: Mama

(She's pretty much part of the family.)



Name: Kagome Higurashi

Age: 16

School Status: third year in High school

Family: Mother, Brother- Souta, and Grandfather

Status: Single

Nickname: Kag

Birthday: January 16


Name: Inuyasha Tashio

Age: 16 (Younger than Sess by 2 min)

School Status: 3yr in hs

Family: Brother- Sess, Father- Inu no Tashio, Mother- Rebecca (American)

Status: Single

Nickname: Yash, Puppy

Birthday: September 17


Name: Sesshomaru Tashio

Age: 16 (older than Yash by 2 minutes)

School Status: 3yr in hs

Family: Brother- Yash, Father- Inu no Tashio, Mother- Rebecca

Status: Dating Rin

Nickname: Sess, Fluffy, Doggy

Birthday: September 17


Name: Rin Tayjii

Age: 14

School Status: 3yr (skipped 2 grades)

Family: Father (owns a business, never home), Sister- Sango

Status: Dating Fluffy

Nickname: Shorty (given by Sango)

Birthday: November 1


Name: Sango Tayjii

Age: 16

School Status: 3yr hs

Family: Father, Sister- Rin

Status: Dating Miroku

Birthday: December 29


Name: Miroku Hoshi

Age: 16

School Status: 3tr hs

Family: Mentor/father figure- Mushin

Status: Dating Sango

Birthday: April 3

Nickname: Hentai, Pervert, lech







School was over, finally. Sesshomaru was going over to Rin's house for a while, Sango was going to Miroku's place, and Kag was going to Yash's home, which was pretty normal for her because she practically lived there, and the whole family loved her.


~With Sess and Rin~


Sess was driving home listening to Rin rant about how her father is never home.


"I got a call from him last night," she said annoyed, "He told Sango and me that he will be home by Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving! I mean it's September, and that means he is missing my birthday." Rin's B-day is on November First.


"No, but this is the best part," she continued, " He's going on a business trip three days after Thanksgiving and coming back January 3. That means he is missing Sango's birthday too." Sango's b-day is on December 29.


Sess smiled at his girlfriend, "I'm so sorry. I am sure you and your sister could spend the holidays at my house. I'm sure Kagome will be there too. She always is." He laughed out the last sentence.


She grinned, "I'd love to, but you're not Jewish. I mean I can't make you celebrate Hanukkah." Rin was both Jewish and Christian, so she celebrates both Hanukkah and Christmas.


They talked about how they can't believe that it was the first day of school, that Yash and Kag haven't hooked up yet, and how Sess's and Yash's birthdays were in two days, Making today September 15.


When they got to Rin's large house Sess said, "Sorry babe, I promised my mother that I would actually be home for dinner today. I think she wants to see about school and stuff," he paused and muttered, "I'm doomed," under his breath.


Rin laughed, "Ok, I will see you tomorrow." She waved and walked into her house as he boyfriend drove away."



~With Sango and Miroku~


They were already at Miroku's house, but if you just walked in the house you would see a very pissed off Sango and Miroku laying on the ground unconscious with a large bump on his head. You can only guess what happened…



~With Yash and Kag~


The couple was walking up the stairs to Inuyasha's room and Kagome yawned. I swear this girl loved to sleep almost as much as Sesshomaru, "Yash, your birthday is in two days. You'll be 17."


"Tired Kag?" he asked, she nodded, "Go to sleep I hafta take a shower anyway."


"Ok Yash," she said practically sleeping already. He picked her up and put her on his bed. He knew that she was still awake. He could here her uneven breathing.


Yash's family was odd, his father was a full demon, His mother was a human, his twin brother was a demon, and he was a hanyou. Apparently he got his mothers blood while Fluffy only got fathers blood. It was odd. Yash and Sess's features were almost the same. They both had silver hair, Fluffy's is longer, amber eyes, claws and fangs, and again Sess's are longer and sharper. They only thing they really differ is in their ears. Sesshomaru had pointy elfin ears whereas Inuyasha had dog ears placed atop of his head.


While Yash was thinking about his family he was showering. Kag, who was still awake, was thinking that she was told to go to sleep on her best friends bed while he took a shower. Her final thought, Oh god.


Yash walked out of his bathroom with a pair of red silk boxers and he noticed that Kag was still awake. He walked around to his bed without being noticed or making a sound. Yash climbed on to the bed, the mattress not moving at all, and climbed next to her.


She noticed his presence when she felt an arm rap around her waist. "Yash," she said sleepily, "What are you doing?"


He shushed her and told her to go to sleep. He put his head next to hers, and put his arm around her waist. She asked if he was wearing clothes, just to make sure, he chuckled and told her that he was.


*Hour later*


Yash's mom walked in the room to see the two teens sleeping next to each other, she thought nothing of it, as this was an everyday thing. She looked at their position, Kagome's head was resting on his chest, Yash had is arm around her waist still and their legs intertwined.


She knew exactly what to say to walk him up and figured he could wake her up, "Yash if you don't get up right now I'll get the god whistle." She threatened.


Yash jumped up, `I'm up, I'm up." Yash remembered when Kagome blew the dog whistle; she had all of the Tashio men on their knees with their hands covering their ears. So Rebecca, Yash's mother, knew to threaten with the whistle, she could get anything that way.


"Good Morning Yash, I see you sleepy well. Wake up Kagome, where going to have dinner." She said and just stood there.


"I don't mean to sound rude," he said, well he usually is rude, but his mother had the dreaded whistle, "but you can leave now."


His mother smiled, "Actually, I cant. I was told to wake up you and her and not to come back down until I had both of you."


When Yash got off of the bed Kagome whimpered with her loss of warmth. He went to the other said of the bed and shook her, telling her to get up, didn't work. He thought of a way to get her up and suddenly and evil smirk crossed his face.


He moved her so she was laying on her back and he sat on her legs. He moved his hand up her shirt and "YASH!" his mother yelled, "What in the world are you doing?"


"Waking her up." He said innocently, "She is very ticklish but only from skin to skin." She demonstrated by running his fingers over her shirt she didn't move, then; he put his hand under her shirt and did the same movement, she squirmed. He tickled her sides and she shrieked.


Yash stopped after she begged him to, she looked up at him half asleep, "G'mornin' Yash." Yash smirked, "Yea, Good morning, it's only 8 at night. Ya hungry?" She nodded.


Forgetting his mother was still in the room he asked the same question he always does every time she wakes up next to him, "Kag, do you love me?" he asked her still smirking.


"Of course I love you Yash." He replied with good and kissed her on the forehead. His mother understood that that was and `I love you' between friends, she just wished that… well you know.


"C'mon you two, im hungry." The three walked out of his room and to the dining room. Kagome put on her childish voice and walked over the Fluffy and gave him a hug, "Hello doggy," then she walked over to Inu no Tashio, "Hello Papa." She said while giving him a hug too.


Then she walked over to Rebecca and gave her a hug, "Hello Mama." Lastly she walked over to Yash, "Hello Puppy." Then walked over to her seat. Yes, she had her own seat the Tashio family dinner table. She was, after all, family.


They all sat down to eat. They had chicken, mashed potatoes, and string beans. "Anna is coming for a few days." Rebecca spoke up. Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Inu no Tashio groaned.


"Who's Anna?" Kagome asked.


Fluffy turned to her. "She is our aunt, she hates my father and I for being demons, and despised Inuyasha for being half demon." He said solemnly.


"Oh." Was all she could say.


"She changed," Rebecca said, "she is ok with demons now, she even adopted a kit."


Kagome looked confused, "A kit?" she asked.


"A Kitsune." Yash and Sess said together.


Inu no Tashio spoke up, "Why is she coming all of a sudden." Rebecca looked at him like he was an idiot and said, "For the boys birthdays of course."



End Chapter


A/N well this is my new story, it came to me last night. Well I hope you enjoy it.









Ja Ne!