InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pups ❯ chapter 1 (lemon) ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Prolog to Pups
By: Nene-Chan (Neo Staff)
“Inuyasha?” Kagome said as they started to make camp. “I was wondering something…” then she stopped. Inuyasha waited for her to continue.
When she didn't he said, “What? Hurry up, I'm tired.”
Kagome knew that they all were so she said quickly, “I was wondering if I could go to my time to get a few things.”
Inuyasha crossed his arms and said flatly, “No.”
“Why not? Besides, you can't stop me.” Kagome knew she was lying and so did Inuyasha.
“I can and I will. And you can't go because we need to find another shard. After that you can go.” And with that he jumped into a tree.
Kagome was starting to get angry. She really needed to go to her time! And soon! Her monthly was coming and she was severely short of supplies.
“But Inuyasha,” she said, coming over to the tree. “It could take weeks to find another shard, and I need to go home now.”
Inuyasha snorted from his position above them all and said, “What could be so important that you have to go now?”
Kagome blushed and said softly, “Um…nothing…I just need to…”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and shot back, “Then don't go. If there's no reason to go there now don't go.”
Kagome sighed and shook her head. That's not what she meant at all! But, she couldn't tell Inuyasha why she needed to go back, it wasn't something that he needed to know!
“Kagome-chan?” said Sango. “Come over here for a moment, please.”
Kagome sighed and turned away from the tree, walking over to her friend. Once she was closer, Sango motioned for Kagome to follow her a bit away from the camp.
“Why do you need to go home now?” she asked. “Has something happened?”
Kagome looked around but didn't see any of the boys hiding in the trees so she said, “Um…I'm starting my monthly soon I think, and I need a few things.”
Sango smiled, remembering the time when something similar had happened and she had needed to go back to the village. They had been in the middle of a fight and she had felt wetness down there. Her father had sent her home and she had gone, though reluctantly.
“Oh,” Sango then said. “Well, Inuyasha doesn't need to know that. Maybe we could make up a different story that'll convince him?”
Kagome tried to think of something but shook her head. “I don't think we could.” She said. “I've already said that there wasn't anything important to go back for…I dunno.”
Sango nodded and whispered, “If nothing else, I'll tell him for you.”
Kagome smiled and said, “Really Sango-chan? You would? But, wouldn't that be embarrassing?”
Sango nodded but said, “Yes, but I've dealt with things that were far more embarrassing then this.”
Kagome hugged her friend and said, “Let's get back to camp before the boys get worried.”
“Miroku wasn't going to get worried.” Kagome a small kitsun's voice. “He was hoping for some girl on girl action!”
Both of the girls turned at once and started to pelt rocks at where they heard the voice come from, knowing Shippou would get out of the way and that Miroku would get the blows. They returned to camp, and found only Inuyasha sitting in the tree, snickering at the bumps on Miroku's head.
“What was that for?” Miroku asked as the girls entered the clearing.
“For eavesdropping.” Kagome said.
“For being a pervert.” Sango said.
“Bozo.” Inuyasha shot at him to.
Shippou just shrugged and said, “You were being yourself, that's all.”
Miroku hung his head in mock sadness and said, “You all are mean.”
Kagome and Sango just laughed.
Ask Inuyasha to follow you into the woods, then you can tell him some made up story, ok?”
Kagome nodded and turned to the tree.
“Inuyasha?” she said.
“What wench?” he called back.
But that was the last straw for Kagome. She hadn't said anything to make him call her that, and it pissed her off to no end. And Inuyasha knew it.
“That's it!” Kagome yelled. “I'm sick of this! I'm not a wench! Nor am I a bitch, an idiot, or stupid! Get that through your tiny brain, Inuyasha! Because if you don't…I'll…I'll...I don't know, but I'll do something!”
Inuyasha just snorted and said, “What could you do? You're only a human.”
Kagome was speechless for a moment. Then, setting her jaw into a tight line she said, “Sit.” and turned towards the woods, not even waiting to watch Inuyasha come crashing down.
“Bitch.” He muttered, waiting for the spell to wear off so he could go after Kagome.
“Stupid.” Shippou said and crawled into Kagome's sleeping bag.
Miroku and Sango just shook their heads and got ready for bed themselves. Inuyasha jumped up the second he could and raced into the trees Kagome had gone into.
“He really does love her a lot you know.” Miroku said, his eyes closed.
“I know.” Sango said, her eyes the same. “But they just don't, or can't, realize it.”
“It's because of Kikyo I think.” Said Shippou, sitting up to look at the other two. “Inuyasha doesn't want to let go of her so he won't realize his love for Kagome-chan. That's what I think anyways.”
Sango smiled, still amazed sometimes at how intelligent Shippou could sometimes be.
“Or it's just that he's to stupid to realize it.” Shippou added, falling back again.
Sango was also amazed at how Shippou could go from one thought to another so fast, and have one be intelligent and the other insulting. It was funny in some ways to her.
“Stupid, dumb, idiotic, lazy,” Kagome rattled off. “Insensitive, mean, self-centered, hanyou.”
Of course, Inuyasha had found her by now and was listening, growing angrier every second. But he didn't let on to Kagome that he was there. He wanted to hear what she had to say about him.
Kagome sighed and stopped for a second, looking around. Of course she had no idea where she was, but she did know that hey were close to Kaede's village. From the spot where they had camped, it was only a few more miles before they were there.
“I hope I'm going the right way.” She said, starting to walk again. “Oh, my feet are sore. I hate this!”
She sighed again and slowed down a little.
“I wish he was here.” She said softly and Inuyasha ears pricked up, wondering if she was talking about him or someone else. “No matter how mean he is, he always makes me feel better.”
`Is she talking about me?' he wondered. `If there is anyone mean to her and I find out, they wont be mean to anyone else when I'm through with them.'
“Inuyasha…” Kagome said. “Why do you have to hate me?”
Inuyasha landed on a branch and stopped. `She thinks I hate her?' he thought. `Why would I hate her? And what reason does she have to say that? I don't hate you Kagome…I love you…' and he almost fell out of the tree all together.
`What the hell am I talking about?' he mentally yelled at himself. `You don't love her, you love Kikyo…right?' He thought then, trying to find the emotions he felt around both. Yes, he did feel love towards Kikyo, but it wasn't like it was before, it was more like a crush. So…how did he feel around Kagome?
He looked down to find Kagome had gone a ways ahead. To give himself time to think, he started to follow her again.
Kagome walked for a bit longer until she heard a weird noise.
“Is that a stream?” she asked herself, moving into the clearing in front of her.
It was a small stream, though deep, running across the clearing. Kagome smiled to herself and went toward it, wanting to let the water wash over her sore feet.
“Ahh,” She sighed out as her feet touched the cold water. “Much better.” Inuyasha landed in a tree as close to Kagome as he could and sat down, still trying to find what he left for Kagome.
`I…fell love.' He thought. `But that's not all. When she's away from me I…long for her. Longing? Is that what I feel? Love, longing, and something else. But, what is it?'
And then it struck him. The feeling he felt was wholeness. He felt whole when he was around. With Kikyo, he had felt as though something was still missing and that if he turned human it would go away.
`Love, longing, wanting, wholeness…acceptance…' he thought. `I feel all of that around her…and I like it. But…does she feel it?'
Kagome had laid herself back and was staring up at the stars.
“They're so pretty.” She said. Then she sighed. She had known for a long time what she felt for Inuyasha, even though she had never really accepted the feeling, knowing Inuyasha didn't like her in the same way.
“Inuyasha…Inuyasha…Inuyasha…Inuyasha̷ 0;” she repeated. “Why? What is it in you that draws me? Why do I…” she stopped, tears welling up at the corners of her eyes. “Why do I love you so much even though you hate me?”
Inuyasha's ears went back. `She…loves me?' he thought. `But…why?' Then he almost growled. `And why does she think that I hate her?'
Kagome closed her eyes and let a few tears fall.
“I'm sorry Inuyasha.” She said. “I'm sorry they're falling. I know you don't like it hen I cry. It just makes you think I'm weak.”
Inuyasha shook his head and watched as Kagome lifted herself up again, though that was all she did.
“Kagome…” Inuyasha whispered. “I don't care anymore. Even if you hate me for what I'm about to do, I don't care. As long as I know you loved me, I'll live… hope.”
And with that he jumped down from his branch and quietly made his way over to her. But, since he had been so quiet, Kagome hadn't noticed he was there until h sat down right next to her. Of course this cause her to jump and land right in the stream.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha said, grabbing for her and catching her wrist.
Inuyasha knew that Kagome was light, but he had never pulled her from water. The buoyancy help to make her seem lighter and Inuyasha pulled to much. Kagome was pulled out of the water and Inuyasha fell backwards, Kagome landing right on top of him.
Coughing Kagome said, “Inuyasha? What…are you doing…here?”
“Saving you.” Inuyasha said, watching Kagome, waiting until she realized where she was. And that only took a second.
“Sorry,” she said, though she didn't move. What was that look in Inuyasha's eyes?
“Kagome…” Inuyasha said. “Why do you think I hate you?”
Kagome blushed furiously and this time did get up and off of Inuyasha.
“I…don't know…you just seem to…” she hoped that was all he had heard, but she doubted it.
Closing her eyes she said, “Inuyasha?” but he didn't answer. Concerned, she opened her eyes and turned back to him…only to find that his face was mere inches from hers. This shocked her and she tried to move back, only to be pushed down by Inuyasha.
“What….what are you doing?” she asked.
Inuyasha didn't answer, only leaned forward and started to sniff at her next then her hair.
“Inuyasha? What are you doing?” Kagome asked again.
Inuyasha stopped and leaned up so that he was again inches from her face. They stayed there for a moment then Inuyasha leaned forward once more, this time capturing Kagome's lips with his. Kagome went stiff. This couldn't be Inuyasha…he would never do that to her. But he was.
Inuyasha stopped his kiss and looked into Kagome's eyes, wondering why she hadn't moved. Kagome blinked, and cleared her vision.
“Inuyasha...” she said, surprising herself at how her voice had changed. “What…are you doing?”
Inuyasha's eyes changed for a moment but he didn't answer. He lifted himself off of Kagome and turned away.
“Sorry.” He said. “I thought that…never mind…come on, let's get back to camp.” And he started to walk away.
Kagome scrambled to get up and catch up to Inuyasha.
“Wait,” she said, placing her hand on his shoulder. He did stop, but he didn't turn to face her. “Inuyasha,” she said. “What…as that all about?”
Inuyasha just shook his head and said, “Never mind…just…forget it.”
Kagome shook her head, even though Inuyasha wouldn't be able to see it and said, “No, I'm not going to. Why did you do that?”
Inuyasha turned to her and said, “Just forget it ok? It…whatever, just forget it.”
“But I don't want to…” Kagome said, watching as Inuyasha's eyes changed again. “I…I wanted you to do that for a long time. And…I want you to do it again…ple…” but her words were cut off by Inuyasha mouth.
Inuyasha, being as gently as he could be, pushed her up against the nearest tree and pinned her hands above her head.
“Inuyasha.” Kagome complained. “What are you…oh!” she had to stop when Inuyasha had started to travel from her stomach up and his lips were on hers again.
Slipping his hand into her shirt Inuyasha continued his way up, wanting to fell her skin.
“Tell me…when to stop…” he said, knowing what he wanted her to say.
“Never,” she said, panting. “Never stop.”
Inuyasha smiled and kissed her again, exploring her mouth with his tongue. She tasted so good, and he wanted to taste the rest of her. He let go of her hands for a moment, but only long enough to help her take her shirt off. Once it was, he threw it to the side and looked down at her, noticing that she had another thing on.
“How much clothing do you need?” he asked, trying to figure out how to take it off. Kagome smiled and took his hands, pulling him to her and then placing his hands onto the clip on the back.
“It unhooks right there.” She said into one of his ears, making it twitch. Then, wondering if he would like it, she licked his ear and then bit it softly, making Inuyasha growl in pleasure. Kagome smiled and continued as Inuyasha tried to undo her bra.
“Next time don't make it so hard to get off.” Inuyasha said, finally getting the clip undone and starting to slip it off of her arms.
“Next time?” Kagome whispered. “There's going to be a next time?”
Inuyasha smiled at her and slipped the rest of the garment off. “You bet there is. If this is another way to make you happy, I'll use it as much as I can.”
Kagome blushed but smiled to. She had been hoping for an answer like that, though maybe not exactly. Inuyasha looked back down at Kagome and saw that she had perfect breasts. Well, maybe not perfect, but they fit his hand nicely. Inuyasha glanced up at Kagome and saw that she was still blushing.
“What?” he asked, brushing his thumb over the hard nipple, making her shiver.
Kagome just shook her head though and said, “Nothing…just…nothing…”
Inuyasha knew something was wrong, but he couldn't resist what he was about to do. He would get it out of Kagome later, right now he wanted to please her. Pushing her into a sitting position, her bent over and took one of her hard nipples into his mouth. Kagome cried out softly, loving the feel of his tongue on her breast. Not wanting Inuyasha to feel left out, she softly grabbed his ears and massaged them. Inuyasha, though a dog demon, purred, making what he was doing to her feel even better.
“Inu…yasha…” Kagome panted. Inuyasha gave her one more lick and moved to the other breast, though he now rubbed and massaged the first one with his hand.
Once he satisfied with the second one, he leaned back and started to remove his upper kimono, wanting to feel her skin on his. Kagome watch, knowing how far this was going to go, but wanting it to. Once it was off, Inuyasha laid it on the ground and went back to Kagome, who was still slightly panting.
“Don't worry.” Inuyasha said, making Kagome wonder what he was talking about. But right as she was about to ask she felt Inuyasha's hand move over her and she almost cried out. Even though she still had her panties on, it still felt so good.
Kagome leaned her head back against the tree, moving herself with Inuyasha fingers. She felt a tightness start to form inside of her, and she was afraid that when it released she would explode. But right as she was so close, Inuyasha stopped, making her whimper.
“Inu…yasha?” she asked, cracking an eyes open. She found him smiling at her in an odd way.
“Stand up.” He said, and she obliged, standing up shakily. Inuyasha pulled down her skirt and she stepped out of it and watched as he threw it to the side. The, glancing up at her, he licked through her panties. She gasped, and almost fell over. Inuyasha slowly reached up and started to pull down her panties. He came to a nest of curls, but that didn't stop him. Throwing the panties to where the skirt was, he started to lick her again, this time helping her to lay down on his kimono.
“Inuyasha…don't stop…it's so…good…” Kagome panted out, feeling every lick, every thrust of his tongue into her.
Inuyasha didn't stop, but quickened his pace, wanting Kagome to climax, wanting to know if she tasted better then to. And it didn't take long. After a few more licks and thrusts, she cried out his name and her juices spilled forth from her. Inuyasha caught most of it in his moth, finding it to have a bit of a spicy taste to it.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome said after a few moments. “Is it my turn?”
Inuyasha, confused, looked up at her and saw that she was smiling at him. She lifter up and moved her hands down to his member, finding it hard. Inuyasha grone and leaned back on his arms, allowing Kagome better access. Kagome, still smiling, undid the ties and looked at him. He was so beautiful and she couldn't resist. Wondering if it was ok, she leaned her self down and licked him. Inuyasha growled, though she knew not to stop. With a combination of licking and sucking, Inuyasha was close to coming.
“Kagome…” he said, stopping her. “I need to be inside you…now…”
Kagome, trying to hide her fear, nodded and Inuyasha leaned her back again. According to Miroku, this would hurt, so Inuyasha got it over quickly. Positioning himself at her entrance, he shoved into her as hard as he could. Kagome cried out in pain, and her vision was blurred by tears. Inuyasha whispered soothingly into her ear and licked her tears away.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome said, the pain almost gone. “Move…”
Inuyasha, though he was afraid he would hurt her still, nodded, kissed her, and started to move within her, making them both pant. Inuyasha, so close to coming, sat back and took Kagome with him. She wrapped her long legs around him and he helped her move. In and out in and out. In moments they both came, Inuyasha's seed spilling into her and her juices flowing over him. Kagome kissed Inuyasha hard as they started to calm, and didn't stop until they both needed to breath.
“That…was…oh…” was all Kagome could say.
Inuyasha nuzzled into her hair. After a moment or so, when he heard her breathing become normal again, he asked, “Are you ok?”
Kagome nodded and said, “As ok as I can be…koibito…”
Inuyasha hugged her to him, still inside of her and said, “Good, because we've only just started.”
Kagome blushed and said, “What do you mean?”
Inuyasha only smirked and pulled out of her. “Inuyasha?” she said.
“Go on your hands and knees.” Inuyasha told her. Kagome looked confused for a second, but did as she was told.
`Oh my God…' She suddenly thought. `He's not going to…is he?'
Inuyasha came up behind her and moved so he was right at her entrance.
`But,' she thought. `We're not dogs! Oh…he's is half dog demon though so…oh!'
Her thoughts were cut off by Inuyasha once again entering her. Kagome tried not to pant to much, but it was hard. It felt so good! It was almost…normal…which scared her for some reason.
“Inuyasha…faster.” She said. “Faster…and…harder…please…”
Inuyasha didn't reply, only did what she asked, going as fast and hard as he could, without hurting her. Within seconds, they collapsed. Inuyasha pulled out of her and pulled his kimono over them. With Kagome now safely on his chest, he kissed her once again, holding her in his arms.
“What about the others?” she asked. “Won't they be worried?”
“Let them worry.” Inuyasha said, though he knew they might come after them. “They'll be fine for one night alone.”
Kagome didn't reply, and Inuyasha looked down, finding her asleep. Smiling, he kissed her good night and fell asleep himself.
A/N: RandR! Kk, here's the first chapter of Pups. Even though it might be long for a prologue, whatever! I hope you like it! Lemonness! Lol, it's so cute! Anyways, I need 7 reviews before I post the next chapter, ok? And please read my other stories! Love ya all and I'll update whenever I can! Make sure you look for the updates!
If you like to know when there will be updates, please visit my site, it has a calendar on it and I shall soon be posting update dates!