InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Race of The Heart ❯ A New School ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A New School

Kagome watched the students rush past her as the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class.

It's so big she thought absently as she took in the sight that was her new high school. There were no endless halls with doorways, everything was outside, out in the open and spread out. The high school seemed better suited as a University with its impeccable lawns and large buildings. She had a bad feeling about this already; she just knew she was going to get lost.

Tightening the straps on her backpack determinedly, Kagome headed off towards the building that read ADMINISTRATION in bold, black letters. She clutched her packet of registration papers close to her chest, surely that was the building she was supposed to go to. She hoped so, there were at least a dozen other buildings that made up the school and it would probably take her half the day to make the trip to each one.

Coming up on the building, Kagome pushed open the glass doors and walked up to the front desk. Spying an elderly lady bent over some papers Kagome walked up to her.

"Excuse me, where do I go to get my class schedule, I'm a new student."

The old woman glanced up from her paperwork and gave Kagome a warm smile.

"Go down that hallway" she replied, pointing to her left "the first door on the right is Principal's office, she will give you everything you need."

"Thank you." Kagome started in the direction the secretary had pointed her in, a feeling of apprehension taking over her body, she was nervous about starting at a new school

"Good luck!" she heard the receptionist yell at her as she walked away.

"Thanks" Kagome yelled back, she was going to need it. Finding the office the secretary had steered her to Kagome stopped and stood outside, unsure what she should do. The door was open, revealing a woman sitting behind a desk on the phone.

Should I go in? Kagome thought or should I wait outside? Her question was answered when the woman glanced over and saw her standing there. With a wave of her hand she motioned for Kagome to come in and sit down.

Setting her backpack on the floor, Kagome sat in one of the chairs that faced the desk and patiently waited for the woman, who she assumed was the Principal, to get off the phone. The woman said goodbye to whomever it was she was talking to, hung up the phone, and turned to her. Kagome barely restrained her gasp of surprise.

The woman had a patch over her right eye. A thousand questions ran through Kagome's mind at the sight. How had she lost her eye? How long had she had to wear a patch? Did it hurt?

The woman was clearly used to such a reaction because she merely smiled at Kagome's wide eyed stare.

"I am Principal Kaede, you must be Kagome Higurashi, our new student." At the sound of the woman's voice Kagome snapped out of her trance, her cheeks turning a bright red as she realized that she had been blatantly staring at her Principal's eye patch.

"Ye-ye-yes, I am Kagome Higurashi" she managed to stammer, what must her Principal think of her now?

"It's ok, I get it all the time" Principal Kaede said as she looked at the horrified expression her new student wore.

Kagome could only nod dumbly at her Principal's comment. She suddenly wished that she could just disappear; her day was not starting off well.

"I have your class schedule here. I will walk you to your first class, you can leave you registration forms on my desk." Principal Kaede said, as she stood up with a sheet of paper in her hand.

Kagome stood up, put on her back pack, left the papers on the desk and followed her Principal out of her office, down the hall, and out the glass doors she had come into.

"You'll find that each building is devoted to one subject, for example your first class, Spanish, is in class FL 1. FL stands for Foreign Language and it is written on the building. Then there is the Math building, Science, Social Science, English, and Physical Education, where the gym is located. Your classes should be fairly easy to find." She finished as they stopped in front of her fist class.

Kagome nodded. Math classes are in the math building, English classes in the English building. This shouldn't be too hard.

"Here is your fist class; your teacher's name is Seniorita Gonzalez. If you have any questions you know where my office is." And with that she handed Kagome her class schedule and walked away, leaving her standing in front of the classroom.

"Here goes nothing" Kagome mumbled as she turned the door knob and walked into the classroom.

As she stepped into the room, the eyes of 30 students flew to her, curious about the interruption. The teacher, a slim woman with long brown hair, walked up to her.

"May I help you?"

"I'm a new student, this is my first class" Kagome told the woman, handing her the class schedule she held in her hand. The teacher glanced over the paper and nodded.

"All right, why don't you sit over there" she said, pointing to an empty seat towards the back of the room.

Kagome walked towards the empty seat, she felt the heat of embarrassment wash over her as the students of the classroom followed her progress. The minute she sat down the teacher resumed class and Kagome let out the breath she had been holding. At least I didn't fall she thought, silently thanking whoever saved her from such a humiliation.

Hearing the words lapiz and cuaderno Kagome hurriedly took out her notebook and pencil, ready to take notes. In her hurry Kagome dropped her pencil on the floor. Reaching down to grab the object that was rolling away from her, she was surprised when another hand, a masculine hand grabbed the pencil before she could. Raising her head up she was met with a pair of golden eyes. The boy silently handed her the pencil and turned his attention back to the front of the class when the teacher called his name.

"Inu Yasha, como se dice in espanol, church?"

"La iglesia" Came the reply of the boy who sat next her. The gruff and impatient tone of his voice seemed to fit his rugged appearance.

He had silver hair, if she had not first seen his remarkable eyes; the color of his hair would have been the first thing she noticed. She had never seen anything like it before, the boy, Inu Yasha she recalled the teacher calling him, was truly striking. Silver hair and golden eyes, who wouldn't be with features like that?

Kagome was jarred from her thoughts as the bell rang and the students around her began packing up their things. Zipping up her backpack, Kagome turned to the boy next to her.

"My name is Kagome Higurashi." She said cheerily, extending her hand in greeting.

The boy merely glanced at her hand as he continued to put away his notebook.

Kagome stared dumbfounded at the silver haired boy as he ignored her. What a jerk! She yelled in her head. She was new, she was just trying to meet people and this boy was being a complete jackass.

"It's rude to ignore people you jerk! Who the heck do you think you are!" She fumed as she slammed her hands on his desk in anger. Her words and her action brought his head up, shock clearly lighting his eyes. Around them the other students had stopped talking and had all turned to look at the girl who had yelled at Inu Yasha.

Kagome inwardly groaned, she got the distinct feeling that she had just done something really really bad. Her suspicion was confirmed when the boy finally opened his mouth and spoke to her.

"I'm Inu Yasha, and I am one of the most popular students in this school." He replied, laughing at her "and you" he continued, an evil smile touching his face, "just committed social suicide." With that he walked away from her as a roar of laughter erupted from those who had been watching.

Kagome whirled around to face the laughing faces of her fellow classmates

"Stupid girl."

"Didn't she know who she was talking to?"

"No one will talk to her now."

She heard them say as she walked out of the classroom, her head held high. She would not let these people get to her. Once out of the room she ran to the bathroom, locking her self in one of the empty stalls.

"I love Inu Yasha" was scrawled across the door and the walls of the stall. Great, I just yelled at the guy all the girls are in love with.

Putting down the lid, Kagome sat on the toilet and let out a sigh. This was definitely not her day.


"Mom I'm home!" Kagome yelled as she closed the door behind her.

"How was school" Her mom asked as she walked out of the kitchen.

"It was great!" Kagome replied with a false smile. It sucked.

"I'm going to get a head start on my homework, call me when dinner is ready." She walked up the stairs and into her room, collapsing on her bed. What a day she thought. Fate must hate her. As she continued her day she discovered that Inu Yasha was in all of her classes. So every class had started the same, an amused look from the boy she had yelled at and the laughs and taunts of the students in her class who had heard about her little scene in the morning.

She had discovered a couple of other things as well. Sitting on the grass under the statue of a wolf, her new school's mascot, she had overheard some girls arguing over two guys. Apparently they were in disagreement as to who was the "cutest."

"Inu Yasha is cuter, he is so rugged, he's like those cowboys in the westerns" One girl had said dreamily.

"No way! Sesshoumaru is totally the hottest; I'd give anything to know what he hides behind that beautiful face of his." The other said, on a sigh.

So Kagome had learned that there were two guys in the school that every girl drooled over, although she had yet to see the other one, Sesshoumaru, he was a year older than her and, from what she heard, he had a tendency to avoid crowds. No doubt he had his own fan club of screaming girls dying to follow him around as she had seen a group do with Inu Yasha doing their lunch break.

Really she thought those girls must have no life, who would want to chase around a rude and egotistical jerk like that anyways?!

Hearing her mother call her for dinner, Kagome pushed the day's events out of her head. Tomorrow would be a better day because tomorrow would be her first day on the track team. She was looking forward to it, she had been on the Varsity team at her old high school before her family had moved. She missed the practices and she missed the meets.

She needed something to take her mind off being at a new school; she had no doubt that she could make the Varsity team here as well.

Whistling as she went to the stairs and into the dining room Kagome smiled, tomorrow would be a better day.


He wasn't sure how he gotten into this situation. Something about the new girl being too advanced for the rest of the girls and needing her own coach. How he got roped into doing he had no idea, but here he was, watching as the girl stretched and loosened the muscles in her legs, preparing to get into the starting blocks.

What had his coach called her? He thought as he racked his brain for her name. Ah yes…Kagome.

Sesshoumaru looked at the new girl, Kagome, as she stood patiently behind her blocks, waiting for his signal.

"On your mark" he said. He watched her bend down and place her hands on the dirt behind the starting line. She backed each foot into the blocks, raising herself up once before setting into the starting position. She lowered her head and stilled her body, waiting for his next command.

"Set" she raised herself up on the tips of her fingers, her head still down and her body still in anticipation. He pulled the trigger of the gun and watched as she shot out of the blocks with the loud bang.

She has good form he absently thought. Her head stayed down for about 30 meters before she finally completely straightened herself out. Her arms bent at 90 degree angles, never passing the height of her chin nor crossing the invisible line that ran down the center of her body. She kept her head straight and her eyes focused not on the finish line, as so many amateur sprinters tended to do, but on a n invisible object past it. She crossed the finish line, her body stretched across it as if she were racing against another sprinter. He stopped the timer and glanced at the time.

12.8 seconds. She was fast. He looked at the girl who stood just beyond the finish line, panting and desperately trying to catch her breath. He had sorely misjudged her.

When his coach had introduced the girl to him saying that she would become his first trainee he had to resist the urge snort. Firs of all he, Sesshoumaru, never made such an undignified sound, and second, surely it had been a joke. The girl before him could not possibly be good enough for him to train.

She was short, 5'4, not even reaching his shoulder. She had long dark, midnight black hair that she had put up in a ponytail. Wide eyes and the innocent face of a child, there was no way she was strong enough or fast enough to be the sprinter his coach had claimed her to be.

But he had been wrong.. The moment she stepped into the blocks her whole demeanor had changed. She got into the blocks with an ease that spoke of experience. Walking back to the starting line he measured the distance from the block her back foot had rested on to the indentation on the track that marked her first step. She was powerful, the distance a good foot in length.

She was good, but she could use some work.

With that he walked up to the girl, placing the stop watch over his head to hand around his neck he looked at her.

"12.8, not bad. Your form could use some work, you arms tend to drop and your knees aren't coming up high enough." He said flatly. He could see the light of indignation in the girl's eyes. Clearly she was not used to criticism; no doubt her previous coach had only praised her. He however did not praise, besides, he wasn't lying, she did need work if she ever wanted to become faster.

"Go get a drink of water and come back here. Today we will start off with a latter, 100 meter sprint, then 200, 300, and 400. We won't go back down since this is your first day of practice.

The girl shot him a murderous look but she reluctantly jogged over to her bag and pulled out a water bottle.

Walking over the spot on the track they would start, he overheard a couple of the younger girls talking nearby him. They were talking about his idiotic half brother, Inu Yasha. Normally he would have ignored such inane gossip but the mention of a name caught his attention.

"Did you hear about that girl who yelled at Inu Yasha the other morning? Apparently she called him a jerk in front of the entire 1st period Spanish class! Can you believe it! Someone talking to Inu Yasha that way! What was her name? Kagome or something? She better not expect to have any friends after that little stunt." The girl finished relating the story to her friend and they both started laughing at the social disaster Kagome had created for herself.

Sesshoumaru smiled, inwardly of course, he didn't like expressing emotions in public. So it was her he thought. His brother had come yesterday furious and ranting about some girl who had dared to yell at him. Sesshoumaru personally thought that whoever she was she seemed to possess more common sense than the rest of the brainless girls at the school.

The girl in question stood before him, shaking her arms and jumping up and down warming her muscles, getting ready to start her workout.

"Run at 80%" he told her. Nodding her head she pushed off and sprinted down the track.

"Raise your knees!" he shouted at her, silently approving of the fact that she automatically did.

This girl, Kagome, was proving to be an interesting creature.