InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Race of The Heart ❯ Homecoming Part One ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: This chapter and the next one have been completed for awhile now…they have been posted on Mediaminer has been giving me problems lately and I haven't been able to login. So frustrating! Anyways…finally its letting me update my stories! However I still cannot access my reviews so to those of you who took the time to do so….THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Homecoming Part One

"Hey" the masculine voice interrupted her thoughts. Kagome looked up and groaned. She did not need this now.

"Can I sit down?" Inu Yasha asked.

"No" was all Kagome said before going back to the book she was reading. She had been having such a good day. Yesterday had been the track meet, and she had won all of her races. She was still floating in the bliss of victory, more than surprised that her fellow classmates had finally deemed her worthy of conversing with. It seemed her prowess on the track had made her popular. She didn't really care one way or the other, but it was a nice to go through the day without having people whisper and giggle behind your back. But here stood the one guy who had started all of her misery in the first place. Another round with him was the one thing that would kill her good mood. So she went on reading, intent on ignoring him.

He seemed not to take the hint and sat down anyways.

"What are you reading?"

"A book" She answered, irritation clearing lining her voice. Was he stupid?

"I can see that."

Closing her book, she looked into the eyes of the boy who caused her so much trouble. Whatever game he was playing she wasn't interested.

"What do you want?" She asked pointedly.

"Hey" he said, holding his hands up in defense "I just wanted to talk to you." He finished, flashing her one of the smiles she was sure he believed melted hearts.

Kagome put her book into her backpack and stood up, "Give me a break, in all the time I have been here you have never wanted to "talk" to me. So what is it you want?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips as she stood. This had better be good.

"Well…" He started, his eyes darting about nervously as he fidgeted in his chair. Something was definitely going on. But if he couldn't spit out whatever it was he wanted to say than she was leaving. He was wasting her time.

Kagome turned from the table and began walking out of the library. She should have known something strange was going on the instant she had seen Inu Yasha walk through the doors. He was not the type to enter a library unless he was forced to.

"Wait!" She heard behind an instant before she found her arm locked in his hand. He was certainly strong. Turning around, Kagome glanced from the hand that held her elbow to the boy who was holding her. The look was all he needed to realize what he was doing and to let go of her. Just as she was about to walk away once more, he started speaking.

Might as well find out what he wants.

"The homecoming dance is next Saturday, I don't have a date yet and I thought that maybe you would like the privilege of filling that position."

Kagome was stunned at the arrogance of such a question. As if it would be a "privilege" to go on a date with him, the jackass presumed much.

"You give new meaning to the word egotistical Inu Yasha. Why don't you try asking a girl out instead of assuming she is in love you, some of us have taste you know." She finished angrily. Really, just when she thought the guy couldn't get any worse, all he had to do was open his mouth and prove how wrong she had been.

"You're saying no….to me?" He asked, clearly shocked.

"Absolutely, I always knew you were smart Inu Yasha." She said cheerily. And with that she left the library, leaving behind her a very angry and very embarrassed Inu Yasha. No one had ever told him no before.


Kagome looked at herself in the full length mirror. She loved the dress. It was a midnight blue, the same color of her eyes, with silver wisps of glitter that made her sparkle. The dress was a halter top, leaving a majority of her back bare, and it fell to the middle of her thigh. She spun around, delighting in the way the dress twirled around her.

She piled the weight of her hair on her head, letting a few curled tendrils frame her face. She was determined to have fun tonight, even if she was going alone.

At least she wouldn't be alone when she got there. Sango would be meeting her there; she too was going to the Homecoming Dance alone.

She had met Sango the first week she had started at the new school. It seemed Sango had also made the unfortunate mistake of publicly announcing her dislike of Inu Yasha and she had also been exiled from the socialization, just as Kagome had.

Sango had heard of Kagome's outburst in Spanish class and had sought her out, seemingly happy that someone else in the school had some sense.

Sliding on a pair of ridiculously high black heels, Kagome grabbed her purse and ran out the door. She was late.


Sesshoumaru sighed as he was asked, for the thousandth time, to dance by some giggling girl who fancied herself in love with him. Really, these dances were so tiring. He would never have come except he had, unfortunately, been nominated for Homecoming King, along with his half-brother. Such a thing demanded his attendance only because he wished to beat Inu Yasha; he would like to be here when he won so he could hold it over his head.

But as the night wore on he found himself itching to leave. He desperately hoped they would announce the winner. The music was tedious, the girls annoying, and the decorations pathetic. He was above such juvenile things. But his strong compulsion to win was a hard thing to ignore.

Finally he heard the Student Body President call for all nominees to walk up to the stage. It was time to unveil the winners.

Once he reached the stage, he the eyes of his fellow students fall on him. Dressed in a black suit, a silver shirt beneath highlighting the color of his hair, Sesshoumaru was striking.

The gym went silent as the President opened the envelope that held the name of the winner.

"This year's Homecoming King is…SESSHOUMARU!!!" At the sound of his name the gym erupted into a roar of applause and screams.

Sesshoumaru winced as the sounds pierced his ears. At least he had won.

"Sesshoumaru" he heard the President say into the microphone "choose the lady you wish to dance with." That startled him. Usually it was custom for the Homecoming King and Queen to dance together, but apparently they had changed it this year.

Sesshoumaru stepped off the stage and into the throng of screaming girls. All were waving their hands madly in a desperate attempt to get his attention. His eyes combed through the crowd, looking for a girl who would be suitable for him to dance with. He almost thought his search was in vain until his gaze landed on the figure of a girl standing at the rear of the crowd. She wasn't screaming or trying to get his attention, in fact it looked as though she was talking to another girl, both completely ignoring him.

As he made his way through the massive crowd, the girl's features became clearer, he nearly smiled. He had made his choice.

He stopped in front of the girl, the whole gym going quiet as they realized he had chosen.

He bowed slightly and extended his hand to the shocked girl who wore the beautiful sliver and blue dress.

"Would you like to dance…Kagome?"


The click of his heels on the marble floor echoed throughout the empty hall. The office was empty; it usually was on Saturday nights.

He walked briskly through the endless corridor until he reached the large oak door at the end. His eyes darted nervously around the empty space making sure no stray workers were loitering about.

He walked into the office and closed the door behind him with a soft click. He strode across the plush carpet and walked behind the intimidating mahogany desk that dominated the room. Sitting himself in the leather chair he ran his hands along the desk's gleaming surface.

He closed his eyes and allowed the dream to take over; the dream where he was in control of this massive and powerful company, a dream where he sat behind this very desk.

T&T, that was the name of the firm he dreamed of running. The name had long ago been shortened and even now very few knew the name that had originally graced the walls of the magnificent building. He was one of those privileged few.

He had been there when the firm had been started, he had been there with Inu Taisho in the beginning and he had contributed much to the success of Tetsusaiga & Tenseiga. A strange name for a law firm, he had at first objected, wanting it to be named after him, one of its founders. But he had agreed to Inu Taisho's desire to name the firm after the two that had survived in his family for centuries. The very unique nature of the name drew attention and brought clients out of curiosity. Once their prestige was cemented and their standing in the law community unshakeable they had shortened the name.

It was still not enough for him. His eyes narrowed in anger as he recalled his recent discovery.

He wasn't supposed to be there, Inu Taisho had not meant for him to find out that way, he knew that. But he had found out all the same.

He had walked into Inu Taisho's office to drop off some paperwork on a case they had recently settled only to find a strange contract sitting on the top of his desk. Strange he had thought. He was not aware of any changes in the company that deemed the necessity of a contract. Naturally curious he had taken a look, hoping that perhaps this meant that he would finally be made the partner he deserved to be. After all this time Inu Taisho was still the sole "partner" of the firm.

But the contract had not been to make him partner. It had been a contract drawn up to secure only one thing, that T&T stayed in the family, the family of Inu Taisho. He had been enraged. The company would be passed on to the two sons of Inu Taisho, not to him, in the event of his retirement or untimely death.

His fury had been red hot and explosive, he had nearly ripped the offending piece of paper to shreds right there in a desperate attempt to destroy it. But then his eyes fell onto one of the stipulations of the contract. It said, that in order for the two brothers to inherit the firm they had to run it together. No doubt it was a way for the elder to bridge the rift that had formed between the two brothers with different mothers. It was then he had hatched his plan.

Manipulating the younger child, Inu Yasha, had been easy. He had found a girl, paid her an extraordinary amount of money to seduce him and make him fall in love with her. She had accomplished her goal…and then some. But figuring out what to do with the pup's infatuation had been difficult. The oldest son, Sesshoumaru, was a cold one. As far as he could tell the boy simply had no weak points.

It had taken him nearly two months to uncover the one secret that would destroy him, the unnatural death of his mother, something he did not know about. Ironically, the younger brother, Inu Yasha, was fully aware of the circumstances surrounding his half-brother's mother's death. Household servants were also easily persuaded when money came into the picture.

That is where the girl finally came into play. All she had to do was be in the right place, at the right time, with the wrong person.

Inu Yasha must have been shocked to come home to find his beloved naked, and in the bed of another, his half-brother no less. Now Sesshoumaru had been innocent, he had not slept with the girl. Indeed he had spurned every advance she made. Imagine his shock when he awoke that morning to find the girl in his bed for no apparent reason.

Inu Yasha, always quick tempered, had blown up, throwing accusations at the brother who was calmly trying to explain. But Inu Yasha would not hear it. It had hurt him deeply, so he had done the only thing he could think of to return the pain. He had revealed the secret Inu Taisho had so valiantly tried to hide from Sesshoumaru.

And that was how he had widened that ridge between the brothers, that was how he had made them hate each other.

His plan had worked beautifully; the brothers would never run the company because they would never do it if it meant having to work with each other.

He smiled into the dark room, a smile of pure evil and malice.

Soon this would all be his.

Author's Note: I have been bombarded with requests to make this story a Sess/Kag fic…So I have decided to make it one! YAY!!!!!

Review Responses:

Silver-Blue-eyes: ok ok ok already!

Nankinmai: Well….I'm glad you finally realized it was me!

Guardian: I know it is unkind to tease people….I am so sorry…but please keep reading anyways!

drea-chan: I FELT like running after I wrote that chapter! Please don't pull your hair out….lol….thank you!

Divine Discontent: THANK YOU!

Sukera: I updated just for you!

Sesshoumarus-girl: I updated just for you! (and of course Sukera right above you…lol)

Wayfarer-redemption: Here is another chapter for you! Enjoy!!

KyouFan17: Thank you!

Xelena: You guess right!