InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Race of The Heart ❯ Two Faces: A New Plan ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: I am sorry it took me so long to update. Due to an extreme illness, the holidays, and the start of a new quarter of school I have been unable to work on this fic. But now that things have settled down such long delays should not happen anymore. Thank you to all those who reviewed and continually asked about the status of this story!!! It's nice to know you guys care!!! Keep reviewing and keep reading!!!! Enjoy!!!

Two Faces: A New Plan

His dark black eyes fell on the girl before him with a measure of indifference and disgust. He did not desire the beautiful creature who sat with such a quiet grace. Her head was bowed slightly so that the raven length of her hair shadowed her face.

Her face had never been important before, the color of her eyes, the delicate cheekbones, the creamy ivory skin, and the full rosy lips. Before they hadn't mattered as long as she was able to accomplish her goal….his goal. But that had all been before her.

Kagome, that was her name. He had hired a private surveillance team to keep an eye on the two brothers and apprise him of any new and relevant developments in their lives. She was definitely a development. A beautiful young woman who had managed to catch the eye of both the brothers, she could potentially become an irritation.

There was just something about her he had quickly learned. The daily reports he received piqued his curiosity and compelled him to observe the curious creature himself. Innocent and pure, those were the words that came to mind when he had watched her. Naïve and blindly trusting, if there was anyone who could bridge the gulf that had grown between the two brothers it was this girl. She did not know of the potential power she held, she didn't even have complete knowledge of the hate between them.

But she cared and she sympathized with the older brother's unknown demons. He had watched them that night. He had gotten the call from his team leader and immediately left the office to watch the two himself.

Alone and quiet they had stood in the middle of that football field. An uneasy bond had been created between trainer and trainee, between man and woman. She wanted desperately to heal his wounds. Her desperate desire to help poured out of her being, the sheer force of it making it almost a tangible thing.

She was dangerous. She was dangerous because for a moment the ice of the older brother thawed, for a brief second it appeared as if he actually wanted her to heal him. However, his stony façade had quickly been set in place as if realizing his momentary lapse. But if she had the ability to thaw his frozen heart she would eventually melt it.

He needed that cold pain of the older brother and the furious hurt of the younger to fuel the hate between them.

Without those flames burning wildly between them the fire would dwindle and eventually die and his beautiful dreams would die with them. Something had to be done.

His gaze shifted once more to the woman who sat obediently in front of him. Indeed the features of her face had been trivial before, but now they were priceless.

Kagome and Kikyou, he was sure the connection had already been made in the younger brother's mind. The girl had been useful before, and she would be again.

He reached out and placed his hand under her chin, raising her head up to meet him. He watched the silky tendrils fall away to reveal her face and he smiled.

The day would come when he….Naraku…would have all the power.


"So tell me what happened."

Kagome looked at Sango as a mischievous smile spread across her face. She had been hounding her all day about her mysterious disappearance after her dance with Sesshoumaru.

"There's nothing to tell Sango, really"

"Sure, you guys were alone, on a football field for a couple of hours and then he drove you home. Are you trying to tell me that in all that time nothing happened?" Sango asked raising a skeptical eyebrow.

"Yes" No.

Just as Sango was about to ask another question the bell rang. "Oh I'm going to be late!" Sango yelled as she quickly grabbed her backpack and rushed off to her class. "I'll talk to you later Kagome and this conversation is so not over yet!" She said just before she disappeared into a classroom.

Kagome sighed as she grabbed her own backpack and headed off to her first period class. Quietly taking her seat, Kagome drifted off into her thoughts as the teacher because his lecture.

She had told Sango the truth, nothing had happened, at least not in the way Sango thought. But Kagome could not help but think that despite the silence a tenuous relationship had been formed. In his own quiet way he had acknowledged her comfort even if he hadn't really accepted.

She wondered sadly if anyone had ever cared about him before. If anyone had recognized the pain he was in and wanted to soothe him. But that wasn't what really plagued her thoughts.

She had lied to Sango, something had happened. She had been allowed to see the pain he was in, even if it was only briefly.

And that was a big something because she was almost completely sure that no one had ever seen the hurt in his eyes before.


There she was. Just as bouncy and cheerful as ever. Sending him the occasional murderous look as she continued the rigorous practice he outlined for the day she acted as if that night had not happened.

Of course neither did he. But that was not the point. He had expected her to come bounding up to him with endless questions and demanding explanations. She was after all a very curious girl. He had seen the questions in her eyes that night; he knew she was practically bursting with the need to ask.

So the reason why she refrained now he did not understand. He certainly would not have answered any of her questions, but she still should have asked. He ignored the small pang of disappointment her lack of curiosity. He wouldn't have told her, never.

He was brought of his thoughts by a small, hesitant touch on his arm. Looking down he realized that Kagome had finished her work out and was trying to talk to him. His skin burned where her hand rested, he could feel every detail and he had feeling he would feel it long after its absence. Supremely bothered by that idea, he yanked his arm out of her reach.

Her eyes widened in shock at his sudden movement. He watched as the clear blue depths of her eyes darkened in hurt and filled with tears at his rejection of her touch.

The guilt was immediate and white hot as it flew through his body. He instantly felt ashamed for such a childish reaction. He slowly reached out and brushed a stray tear drop away with his thumb. He was on the verge of apologizing when a solitary figure just beyond the track caught his attention. The figure moved closer until the haze of distance sharpened and brought into clear focus her features.

His eyes narrowed in anger and flashed dangerously in barely restrained fury. It appeared his past was coming back to haunt him.

Sesshoumaru unknowingly caressed Kagome's cheek before removing his hand completely and walking away.

Behind him both girls stood silently watching his departure, one wanted to rush after him and the other merely smiled.


Kagome's eyes followed Sesshoumaru's departing figure for the second time in three days. He had an uncanny ability to walk away from her when he seemed on the verge of revealing some great truth.

She slowly raised her hand to her still tingling cheek. If she closed her eyes she could recall, in vivid detail, how wonderful his fingers had felt on her skin. There was tenderness in him, she was sure he was not aware of it. But something had happened, something had caught his eye a moment before he was about to speak.

Remembering the rage that had filled his eyes and hardened his face Kagome spun around, intent on finding what had caused such a dramatic and fierce reaction.

As she scanned the track her gaze fell on a young woman who stood isolated from the field. The girl's hair fluttered gently in the wind and a small smile touched her face.

Kagome felt the air fly out of her lungs as she gasped in complete shock. The girl's face, her face, it was almost the exact image of her own.

Who was this girl? Who was this person who so greatly resembled her?

But more importantly, how was she connected to Sesshoumaru?