InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Racing Hearts ❯ New School ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

New School

Kagome was getting off of her bike when the fat slob she raced stomped over. She knew it was

him without even turning her back. Men...they were always like that.

"Hey! You cheated!"

"I won the race fair and square, now get off my back about it."

He grabbed her shoulder and turned her toward him.

"I'll forget about everything if you come over to my place. You don't want your pretty body

to get .....hurt, let's say?"

Kagome knew a threat when she heard one, and he was threatening her. Unfortunatly, he was

among a long line of males who had said nearly the exact same thing. She shrugged off his

hand and went back to her bike. As predicted, he grabbed her shoulder again but she was

ready. She elbowed him hard in the gut which caused him to bend over. She slowly turned to

watch him gasping for breath. She kicked him hard in the face which caused him to fall on his

back. She walked closer and put a black boot on his chest, putting pressure on it. Her eyes

turned hard as he looked up angrily at her. She pushed down harder on his chest till he

started to give small whimpers of pain.

"Ok ok, I'll leave you alone!!"

She took her boot off and went back to her bike, wheeling it out the circle of onlookers.

Everybody gave her a wide berth as she walked through. No matter where she went, it was

always the same. Nobody liked a girl to beat them in racing, even if she was one of the best.

The little teenager who was taking wagers ran up to her. He looked at her face in awe.

"Wow, you beat up ol' fat guts there. You're pretty cool!"

"When's my next race?"

"Um, let's see, in about half an hour from now. You'll be going against Makoto, he isn't very

good. Just started racing a few weeks ago and hasn't improved at all. You should beat him

easy. Fat guts is a big cheater which is why he's on the bottom of the list."


During the thirty minute wait Kagome carefully observed other racers. She wanted to know

their habits, their style, everything. A racer should always evaluate the other racers so that

they would know what to do when racing them. She kept getting hit on by boys hoping to see

who was under that helmet. No hope for them because she never took her helmet off when

racing at night. It was her number one rule and she had even gotten into fights because of it.

She didn't want anybody to know who she was, even at the expense of getting kicked out.

Which was exactly what had happened at the other underground racing spot. She was at the

top and no male wanted to be beaten by someone small and petite. Unison votes kicked her

out and now she would have to start all over again, at the bottom of the list. *But I'm going to

make my way to the top. And beat this Wind while at it* She lifted her head up, hearing her

name being called. Her opponent was tall with dark tan skin. He had faded jeans with a muscle

tank top on. He clumsily wheeled his bike in front of the starting line. Kagome gave a

confidant smile underneath her mask. She wheeled hers to the line and got on. The woman

came out again and let down the cloth. His start was slow and Kagome whizzed by. By the

time she was making her way back he was over 50 feet behind her, insuring her an easy win.

Several people clapped her on the back but Kagome shrugged them off. Then the crowd

parted to let one person through. Kagome looked up to see someone with a similar helmet in

front of her. His bike was the nicest one she had seen yet and completely cherried out. But it

was painted simple, a shiny chrome, with no special designs. He didn't say anything, silently

waiting for Kagome to move out of the way. She did and he walked through. His opponent had

a bright red motorcycle and a silver helmet. The little teenager popped up beside her.

"That's him. The Wind. Fastest racer ever seen. He never takes his helmet off, kinda like you.

Hey, are you guys related or something?"

Kagome didn't say anything and watched the two racers get ready, the kid kept on talking.

"The guy on the red motorcycle, he's second best. Those two had been at it for years but the

Wind always beats him in the end. The guy on the red, he's pretty good too. Dunno what to

call him, thought of every name in my head; Cherry, Big Red, Speedy..... kept hitting me

every time I thought of a good one."

The kid touched his head as if remembering the last time he had been hit, which was just a few

minutes ago. Kagome ignored him and watched the last race start. They nodded to each other

as if they had known each other for years. It started and Kagome gave an impressed whistle.

They were quick and kept moving in front of each other to get ahead. The Wind was quick and

darted around in front of the guy on the red motorcycle. Then he revved up his motor even

louder and took off in an even faster speed. He made a clean turn and sped back. He beat his

opponent by several seconds. She had to give it to him, he was good. Against him, Kagome

would have some worries. But she would think of it later, now she had to get home. She

wanted an early start on school tomorrow and wouldn't be able to function right without

enough sleep. She left as soon as the Wind got off his bike. It was just midnight that she pulled

into the garage. She winced at the echoing sounds of the motor bouncing around the walls.

She took her helmet off and breathed fresh air. After sticking her helmet back in her trunk and

she made her way to the elevator. She fiddled around in her pocket, looking for her key and

found it. In order to get on the elevator you had to use a key or have someone beep you in.

She yawned as the elevator rose to her floor. The doors slid open quietly and she went inside

her apartment. She took a quick shower and snuggled into her covers. She was asleep before

her head hit the pillow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~< /div>


Kagome's hand shot out with her lightning quick reflexes and turned the alarm off. Her head

was buried under piles of covers and she felt warm and comfy. She half expected her

headmistress to come in and wake her up. She got up quickly. *Hey, I go to a public school

now....* She gave a grin and started to get ready for school. She had already picked up her

uniform and put it on. It was navy upon navy upon navy. Navy skirt, white shirt, navy jacket

and a navy tie. At least any shade of blue was Kagome's best color to wear. She was pleased

with the results. Even though her old school had uniforms as well, public school uniforms just

seemed better. She was eating breakfast when her doorbell rang. She opened it to find Sango

dressed and ready for school.

"Kagome-chan, you ready yet?"

"Yeah, come in, let me put my dishes in the sink."

Sango entered and slipped her shoes off.

"Wow, moved in the rest of your things?"

"Yeah, I spent the rest of the night just moving things around. Still much to do though."

"Need any help after school?"

"That would be great!"

Kagome dumped her dishes in the sink and left them for later. She grabbed her school bag and

slipped it on.

"All ready!"

Along the walk to school Sango gave her facts about the school. Not historical, of course, but

about the social system and whatnot.

"So...the leading girl is Kikyo?"

"Yup, and leading boy...well, it's a tie between Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. Though I think it's

most likely Sesshoumaru in the handsome department."

"Who are they?"

"They're brothers, but trust me, no brotherly love between them. Rivals since they could talk.

Nothing serious, they both just deny being related to each other."

"Sounds pretty serious to me." replied Kagome, thinking of her own family.

"Just watch out when you're around Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. Kikyo watches her man like

a hawk."

"Man? But there are two."

"Well, Inuyasha, but watch out for Sesshoumaru because he can be pretty conceited and

arrogant. And Kikyo thinks that any cute guy in the school is her possession."

"Well, I have no intention of dating right now anyway."

Sango looked at Kagome.

"Well, you might but the boys will be all over you. No offense, but you look almost identical

to Kikyo."

"I've never met this Kikyo so I wouldn't know. And really, I have no intention of dating at this


"Ok, but if you are talk to me first, I know most of the boys in the school."

"Really Sango?"

Kagome gave her friend a sly look. Sango put up her hands in innocence.

"My boyfriend and I usually spend time with the boys not the girls. If we did, I don't think I'd

even have a boyfriend right now."

Sango muttered the last part under her breath.

"What do you mean?"

"When you meet him, you'll know. Trust me, you'll know."

They soon came upon tall green gates with many different color roses intertwined. They

walked through and Kagome was greeted by a seven story building, an impressive piece of

architecture. The building itself was built completely of red bricks with white lining. With all

sorts of botany gracing the school grounds, it looked like a charming country mansion

instead of a school. Students in the same uniform as Kagome massed in little groups

everywhere. She took a deep breath and followed Sango through the maze of crowding
