InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rain Of Blood ❯ Ch.1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, but I do own the blossoming storyline lol.
Chapter One
It was a cool summer night in Tokyo, and a lonely bird stood perched on a park bench. It stared into the dark woods, and fluttered it's wings as if it sensed some sort of danger and was ready to fly away. The bird looked to the moon and opened its wings to fly but something grabbed it before it could move. It was green and slimy and it crushed the little bird's bones. There was a little rustle in the bushes as the green thing dragged the now dead bird into the dark woods, and it was silent again…
Inuyasha looked at the moon through the car door and sighed. His year up until that day had been perfect, than his mother died suddenly. Now he was being sent to live with a half brother he never knew. He was a junior in high school and was actually a good guy, minus the way he spoke to some people. Inuyasha had grown up his whole life being told how much he looked like the father he never knew. He had long silver hair that stopped mid back and was pulled back into a ponytail. He was five foot eight and had beautiful amber eyes. The car stopped in front of a large house and the driver got out and opened the door for him.
“You know you really don't have to open the door for me,” Inuyasha said for the second time that day.
The driver who looked to be in his late thirties smiled and said, “I'd lose my job, but that's considerate of you.”
Inuyasha shrugged and said, “So tell me about my half brother.”
“Sesshoumaru? Hmm, I couldn't really tell you, most of the time he's silent his mother is what some would call a cold hearted bitch though,” the driver said taking Inuyasha's one duffle bag out of the trunk of the car.
Inuyasha laughed and said, “And you'd lose your job if I opened the car door?”
The driver laughed and said, “You seem like a good kid.”
“Thanks my mother raised me right.”
“You know anyone in Tokyo?”
Inuyasha looked at him and said, “Actually I do my best friend moved here a while back.”
The driver started walking towards the door and Inuyasha trailed behind him. Before the driver could knock the door flung open and a butler stood there.
“Take that up to Inuyasha's room,” the butler ordered the driver, “Inuyasha I presume, follow me the mistress would like to meet you.”
Inuyasha waved goodbye to the driver and followed the butler down the large hall. Inuyasha studied the house as he walked and noticed a lot of family photos of his dad, his half brother and his half brother's mom. When they reached a large living room, the woman he presumed to be his guardian, and his half brother sat there. The woman looked up and offered a smile while his half brother remained with his eyes glued to the book. The woman had long silver hair that stopped at her shoulders, amber eyes and was thin. Sesshoumaru looked almost exactly like Inuyasha.
“You must be Inuyasha, Jaken you're dismissed.” She said waving Jaken the butler away.
He bowed and then left. The woman looked him up and down and said, “Hmm you looked just like him, anyways, my name is Kari.”
“Hi.” Inuyasha said.
Kari smiled and said, “So you are her son, how does it feel to be the bastard child in this house?”
Inuyasha looked at Kari in shock, he didn't know how to respond to that exactly.
“No matter, you look just like your father, but I'm sure you were told that plenty of times,” Kari said standing up.
Inuyasha looked at her closely and said, “Yea.”
Kari looked at him closely one more time before she started to walk away saying slowly, “ School starts at eight be sure to be up and ready by seven.”
Inuyasha sighed and Sesshoumaru stood up slowly putting the book down where he once sat, “She doesn't like you,” he said looking at Inuyasha with a blank face.
“I figured that much,” Inuyasha said.
“Good, but you should keep in mind, neither do I, learn a concealment spell that makes you hair black, even I don't walk out of this house with silver hair.” Sesshoumaru said walking away.
Inuyasha sighed before sitting down on the couch. There were millions of things running through his mind at the moment, like why did his mother send him to live here? He rubbed his head and sighed.
“Excuse me half breed, but mistress Kari ordered me to show you to your room,” Jaken said looking at Inuyasha with distaste.
Inuyasha glared at him and said, “Excuse me?”
“Follow me,” Jaken said turning around and walking up the stairs.
Inuyasha followed him with a scowl on him face. It wasn't like he wanted to live there anyways. Jaken opened the door to his room and Inuyasha walked in. It was large, with a king sized bed, a couch and a plasma TV built into the wall. He plopped down onto his bed and sighed. His thoughts went to his mother before he began to drift off to sleep.
“It's almost entertaining, the great InuTaisho, disgracing his family because of that human bitch.” Kari said sitting on the edge of Sesshoumaru's bed.
Sesshoumaru looked at his mirror and said, “Almost as entertaining as your jealousy.”
“Jealousy? My dear son, you confuse jealousy with anger.” Kari said frowning.
“Oh so your not jealous that my father chose Izayoi over you, but angry,” Sesshoumaru said looking at his mother.
Kari looked at Sesshoumaru and said, “For all that I care he could've married that bitch as long as it didn't interfere with my lifestyle but it did. You should be angry too.”
“I chose not to dwell on matters of the past, but you being the silly woman you are, no offense mother, you cannot let go of the fact that my father as well as myself did not and do not bow to your every need.” Sesshoumaru said, “So if that's all you came to discus get out of my room.”
Kari glared at her son and said, “Remember this Sesshoumaru, your father had an extremely soft spot for human women, which became his downfall, the apple does not fall far from the tree.”
Kari stood up and walked out of the room slamming the door behind her. Sesshoumaru shook his head as he sat down on his bed.
“Stupid woman.” Sesshoumaru said before lying down on his bed.
He sat in his chair at the head of the large table with a wine glass in his hand sipping the contents. His hair was jet black and curly and fell near the floor, his eyes were an unusual violet color and he had this evil aura surrounding him. A young girl who looked to be about seventeen walked into the large room with a mirror in her hand. She had pale skin, and white hair that stopped at her shoulders. She was bare foot and wearing a white dress that stopped mid-thigh. She had pale blue eyes that looked lifeless.
“Naraku, you sent for me,” she said.
The man nodded and said, “Yes Kanna, is everything going to plan?”
The girl nodded and said, “Yes, do you want me to send for Bank—,”
Naraku cut her off and said, “Yes, tell him I said to find Viper.”
Kanna nodded and said, “Yes Master Naraku.”
Naraku watched as she turned to leave and said, “Kanna.”
Kanna stopped near the door and said, “Yes.”
Naraku was now directly behind her his hand touching her thighs, “Tell me were is Kagura?”
“Getting ready for school.”
Naraku smiled and said, “Good, keep an eye on her for me.”
“Yes Naraku,” Kanna said before walking out of the door.
Kayla sighed as she checked into the hotel. She walked up to her room and plopped down on her bed. It didn't surprise her that Kari would wait two days after the funeral to call and tell her Izayoi died. Kayla had long black hair that had a purple tint to it and stopped mid back. Her eyes were bright green and almond shaped. She had light caramel skin and was slender but thick in the right places. She was wearing a black halter-top and black boot cut jeans. She had a tribal mark on her right arm that looked like a tattoo and three claw marks on her upper back. She sighed as the concealment spell faded and two cat ears appeared on top of her hair. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
Thirty minutes later she opened her eyes and looked at the figure leaning against the window. He looked five foot seven and had long black hair that was braided into a ponytail that stopped a couple of inches from the floor. He had green eyes and there was a big sword on his back that looked too heavy for him to be carrying.
“Bankotsu,” Kayla said slowly sitting up.
At first he didn't say anything but then he said, “Naraku wants you to come to him.”
“Tell Naraku he forgets I'm not one of his slaves,” Kayla said as Bankotsu looked directly into her eyes.
Bankotsu grinned and said, “You haven't changed a bit.”
“Thanks, so what does Naraku want from me?” Kayla asked folding her arms over her chest.
Bankotsu shrugged and said, “I don't know, I do know he has a vendetta against dog boy and Inuyasha.”
Kayla raised a brow and said, “Inuyasha? Why?”
“So you already know why he despised Sesshoumaru? Any ways, you remember Kikyo? Well it seems Inu and Kikyo had this little affair.” Bankotsu said.
“Affair? Inuyasha is only seventeen.”
“You're only eighteen.” Bankotsu said a grin playing at his lips.
Kayla smiled and said, “So have stayed in contact with Inuyasha?”
“There have been phone calls every now and then,” Bankotsu said.
“Hmmm, I haven't seen him since I was four, so does Naraku know you go behind his back?” Kayla asked standing up.
Bankotsu shot her a look and said innocently, “What ever do you mean?”
“Come on Bank, if Naraku despises Inuyasha how do you talk to him? And what is your vendetta against Sesshoumaru?”
“Naraku doesn't own me, and my dislike for Sesshoumaru doesn't concern you.” Bankotsu said.
Kayla narrowed her eyes and said, “Excuse me? It doesn't concern me fine, but I disagree with you on the Naraku thing, I do think he owns you. Whenever he calls you come running like a lapdog.”
“Why are you mad?”
“I'm not mad, I'm pissed shit doesn't concern me but I'm supposed to be your friend.” Kayla said raising her voice a little.
Bankotsu walked over to her and said, “You really wanna know why I don't like Sesshoumaru?”
Bankotsu grabbed her and pulled him closer to her before bending his head down and kissing her.
“Because he won't let anyone get close to you,” Bankotsu said, “And another reason, is because you let him do it.”
Kayla looked at him and said, “I really don't—“
Bankotsu kissed her again and said, “You talk to much, but I have to go…”
As he turned and began to walk away Kayla said, “Bankotsu.”
“Yea?” he asked stopping and looking at her.
“I'll see you tomorrow.”
“So you're here to stay?”
Kayla nodded and said, “Yea, so you have all day tomorrow after school to show me around.”
Bankotsu laughed and was about to leave but stopped and asked, “You still sing?”
Kayla smiled and said, “Oh course.”
“Good,” he said before jumping out of the window.
When he landed on the ground he sighed and whispered, “Yet another reason is he has your heart.”
Kayla lay back down on the bed and sighed as she pulled a picture of Sesshoumaru, Bankotsu and herself laughing. This was a couple of years after she had to go live with her father. Sesshoumaru became her friend instantly, but she had to grow on Bankotsu. Something happened within her family that no one told her and to this day she didn't even know, all she knew was it had to be bad for her father to move once more. This was the first time in three years that she's seen Bankotsu. It was also painful to learn that Izayoi had died. She also noticed that Kira's extreme dislike for her hadn't changed, she waited two days after Izayoi's funeral to call her.
Kayla rolled over on the bed and closed her eyes, drifting slowly off to sleep, not knowing that she was being watched.
Something glowed in the woods yet no one noticed it, they didn't even notice a rapid change in the wind. Only the animals which scurried away as the light glowed brighter and brighter, then suddenly it stopped. The wind became normal again and the animals, still cautious returned to their homes.