InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rain ❯ Advice of the Rain ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: The rain , its good for allot of things, watering the crops , ridding the land of pollens and such pests, but mostly used to cover up things like tears. and used to realize whats infront of you even when you can clearly not see it.
Rating: ummm pg13
Disclaimer: I dont own InuYasha .
She sat there for hours wondering what had just occurred, she let the rain smack her face constanly taking the abuse of it all. Then she was reminded of the rain felt like InuYasha's constant insults hitting her daily. The rain stung . it felt like little needles peircing her flesh, this is exactly how he made her feel.
She cried silently, she would not allow her self to show weakness, not when she clearly knew InuYasha would laugh at her. Nor when she could hear Kikyo's constant annoying laugh of triumph. 'Sure Kikyo got InuYasha, but must she rub it in?' Kagome cried silently again
Her friends , they too had betrayed her, they refused to look for her when she had been gone for two days now and the fact that when Sango and Miroku married , she had heard no other words from Sango but 'Take care and dont quit' She shuddered when she rememebered those words but had come to a recollection of what she actually meant with the words
'that was it , that whas what Sango was warning me about, she knew somehow that this would happen, if only I could talk to her, but she's dead'
Kagome cried at that thought too. She had taken what Sango said for an insult and refused to speak with her again and now she would never be able to fix that for Sango had died of an illness that noone knew the cure for. And Miroku was so heart wrenched by this, it had taken years to get her to return his unrequitted love and finally when they get married , she dies and slow and painful death at that. She cried louder than ever knowing that things could never change from where they are now. The well had sealed years ago, after defeating Naraku once and for all, that was when InuYasha was kinder and loved Kagome, but now it seemed he hated her, and she can never go back to her time because that is what she had wished was to stay here, with whome she thought loved her. If only she had taken Kouga's word for it, but she refused to believe him and said she could never love him , so he found another mate, Ayame, he loved her of course, but not nearly as much as he had loved Kagome.
She looked toward the ground, she sat on her knees banging her fist to the ground as she cried to the heavens. Tears flooded from her eyes and fell down her cheeks, rapidly.'InuYasha why? ' she thought
The rain beat down on her spine spilling into her wounds he had left upon her body.Her back was scraped up horribly, along with her legs and arms.
"There you are " came a familiar cold voice, A voice that once held so much warmth.
When she refused to look up at him, he bent down and grasped her jaw , forcing her to look at him. His claws were digging into her skin, she cried as blood dabbled over his hands
"Whats wrong with you now?" he snapped coldly
"Go away InuYasha" she replied in the same coldness
he dug his claws deeper in her jaw
"What did you say, bitch?" he smirked and continued "I thought you wanted to spend you life at my side? Be with me forever? Isn't that why you left your home?" he cracked
"InuYasha I thought..." she was interrupeted
"You thought wrong, bitch, you thought it would be your little fairytale.
You left your family like the little fool you are, and to top it off you can never go home, your stuck here" he laughed coldly
She began crying again
"Aww is the abay crying? stuff it " he tossed her to the ground and when she got up he slapped her down again "You should no better Kagome, how stupid are you? " he laughed as her tears would no longer hold back. her anger grew insider her she was about to reply when a second voice snapped "Let go of her, Half-breed"
It was a calm but angry voice, not Kouga's but she couldnt figure it out
"And who are you to tell me what to do?" InuYasha cracked
"Your superior mutt, so let the woman go or die by my hands"
The voice said with a growl behind it
"Oh please, you cant hurt me, you wont even show yourself , so how strong could you possibly be?" InuYasha cackled
Out of nowhere an arrow shot through InuYasha's chest, throwing him back.
Kagome fell to the ground with a loud thump
"Come any closer to her and you dont have to worry about him but me instead"
It was a young girl's voice this time . She sounded confident but scared at the same time.
"Tell me who you are" InuYasha snapped
"Your telling me you don't know the voice of your Half- Brother?"
"And I'm Rin" The girl yelled vigorously
"Sesshomaru? Rin? Why did you attack me? I thought we had a truce"
"Not when you attack Kagome, then we have nothing"
"What are you telling me you have feelings for her or something?"
"It doesnt matter, you tried to harm her and now you will die"
Kagome had tried to stand up but failed , she landed on top of the cold grass
"Rin take Kagome to the castle,I'll handle InuYasha"
It was a few hours later and a lot of blood loss aswell when Sesshomaru walked into the castle
the door creaked open
"Sesshomaru-sama " Rin squealed
"Rin is Kagome ok?" he said worridly
"Yes, she's sleeping, I managed to bandage her wounds they were horrible"
"Wounds? what other ones?"
"She had some seriously deep cuts on her back , the only thing I can think of was that it was done by InuYasha, and she had the same type on her arms and legs aswell"
"Damn that basterd InuYasha" he said angered
"Sesshomaru, you want me to check on her?"
"Yes, thank you rin"
She ran to the upper rooms to go check on the girl
She reached Kagome's room
"Kagome-chan may I come in?" she asked quietly
"Of course" Kagome said cheerfully
Rin walked in and shut the door
"Wow Rin, look at you , you have grown so much ..and your a Taji"
"Yes , umm Sango trained me, when you left for a while , and Sesshomaru and InuYasha were also gone to do something -forgive I dont remeber- but in that time period she continued to train me until well, you see"
Rin turned around to show Kagome her uniform that Sango had instructed her to wear along with the newly made Hiraikotsu .
"Wow thats amazing Rin"
"Thank you"
"So you and Sesshomaru seem happy together"
"To--together? you have the wrong idea ..ha ha Sesshomaru loves you I am only his apprentice and wow "
"Yea thats why he came to abruptly to save you..duh he loves you"
"Speaking of that ..what happend to InuYasha?"
"Why? dont tell me you love him?"
"No I well I ..dunno"
"I--no--I--i dont think i still do--or I shouldnt--but I eh I "
"Good umm why was he trying to kill you??"
"He mated with Kikyo, Kikyo hates m so ya know she convinced him I was trying to kill her and InuYasha was allready in the process of hating me and Kikyo placed a spell on him so ya know"
"Wow I'm sorry"
"I was but not anymore"
"Why not?"
"Because if he hadnt been with her I would have never known his true colors and now that i do i can chose who I'm really suposed to be with and I know its with Sesshomaru now "
"You dont want me to"
"No I do but its weird "
"Weird how?"
"I never thought you and Sesshomaru would... well I alwyas thought that you and InuYasha would but I guess "
"I always imagined myself with InuYashsa too but not anymore"
it was a long awkward silence before Kagome began speaking again
"You never told me what became of InuYasha"
"Sesshomaru injured him but he ran away before he could kill him"
Six years later
Kagome walked outside in the cold unforgiving rain
'Reminds me of old times '
Sesshomaru crept up behind her and snaked his arms around her waiste and held her closely
"Whatcha thinking about?" he asked
"My stupid half-brother?"
"Why bother your mind with such unworthy things?"
"Can't help but wonder what things would have been like if I never passed through the well"
"Well I... "she was interrupted by a sudden shout
"Kagome please forgive me"
"Forgive I made a huge mistake choosing Kikyo and I want you back I'm sorry"
"Oh so you olny want me back as a novelty? is that it? when you get sick of Kikyo you want me and vise versa?"
"No Kikyo died "
"No Kagome why would you think that?"
"Kagome I'm sorry please " he ran and clasped her hands and leaned in
Sesshomaru stepped in frony and stabbed his hands through InuYasha's chest
InuYasha fell to the ground with a hard thrump
The rain was still pouring heavilly
Kagome looked up to the sky
"What?" he looked curiously
"The rain doesnt seem as cruel as it did six years ago"
"When you saved me the rain was beating upon me now it is merely ..comforting me"
"Ok lets go in its gettting chilly"
he grabbed her up and took her in.
the rain poured still. it seemed to say good choice Kagome.
A/N yea I was bored any way R/R