InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ramblings of a Troubled Mind ❯ In Which People Get Very, Very Drunk ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome Higurashi stood at the altar for about four hours after the wedding was supposed to start, waiting for her groom, Inuyasha Taisho. She refused to accept the thought that he had left her after all that they'd been through, and chose to slowly lose consciousness and feeling in her legs through the corset and high heels of her outfit. She came to an hour later with a dreadful urge to kill and eat an entire cow.
People used small words to explain the matter to her, fearing that she would throw one of her famous tantrums and pass out again; her mother contributed “maybe,” her grandfather contributed “jerk,” and her brother Souta threw in “loser” in description of his older sister. He still resented her for taking his Superball from him all those years ago, even though they were sold on every street corner in Japan for less than a dollar.
The bridesmaids, especially Rin, who at fifteen was the least disposed to waste her cares on other people when there was food somewhere else, had gone on to the reception. Kikyo had been asked, but she hadn't shown up yet. No one besides Hojo had drawn the very obvious connection between Kikyo and Inuyasha's disappearing at the exact same time. He was having too much fun knowing that Kagome should have chosen him in the first place.
“My Queen,” Kouga said, running in just after everyone in the entire church (besides the creepy janitor person who lives there) had left. He was forced to go and make his dramatic entrance again at the reception hall. It didn't come off quite as well, because by the time he had gotten there it had started raining, and he was soaking wet.
“My Queen,” he tried anyway, trying with his breathlessness to imply that he had searched all over the city for his beloved's groom. “He is nowhere to be found. I have searched high and low, asking every man, woman and child in the city to be on the lookout—“
“Please, Kouga, this is Tokyo, no one gives a damn about who's been left at the altar unless it's to learn about a new scandal,” Eri said practically. Then she went back to pretending that she was merely a white stone pillar, except one that liked to be fed those little sausages on sticks every now and then.
At this point, Inuyasha sauntered in, expecting everyone to have gone home. According to schedule he and Kagome would have been…well…getting it on in the honeymoon suite at this point, and since he had gotten married to someone else, he figured the honeymoon suite would still be open. He was closely followed by Miroku. But that bit comes later in the explanation.
“Oh. Hello,” they said awkwardly, managing to do it at the same time. Sango looked at them for thirty seconds, laughed bitterly, and went back to drinking herself under the table with a bottle of vodka. Hojo was helping in this. Actually, he may have been very slightly flirting with her, and she may have been very slightly flirting back; but that's not the issue…
Kagome walked up and slapped him. Surprisingly, Miroku was the one to grab her hand. “I know this hurts, Kagome,” he said, sharing a look with his beloved hanyou. “But Inuyasha and I, well, we're in love, and we want you to accept us for who we are. We're already married and we're taking the honeymoon suite as ours.”
The edges of Rin's lips twitched. “Somehow I'm sensing a Bill Brasky moment coming up any time now,” she said, having figured out kind of a lot of what was going to happen. For instance, Yuri was missing as well, and so were various other family members…
Imagine everyone's surprise when, before Kagome had a chance to react, Kikyo stumbled in, being steered by Ayame as they made out blindly in the direction of one of the fancier suites in the hotel. Everyone's eyes followed them. They were, quite thankfully, too busy to notice, and the sudden perfect silence completely escaped them.
Sango came up from under the table exactly long enough to notice this. She blinked, shook her head, and grabbed the bottle of vodka that was left up there. “Jusht came up for thish,” she said muzzily. Then she slid back under the long white tablecloth and poured some of the alcohol into another bottle, which Hojo grabbed. They guzzled their drinks quietly. Had they been sober, they would have felt slightly like small children, but that was someone else's problem.
Kagome burst into tears and ran out of the room, followed by mostly everyone else but Rin and Shippo.
“This is pathetic,” Rin said flatly.
“Most definitely,” Shippo agreed.
They walked out in another direction holding hands, sort of mutually pretending not to notice whose hand each was holding. However, neither was willing to let go.
Turning the corner to the bus stop, where Rin was supposed to wait for the special bus her adopted father drove (yes, all right, it's bullet proof, now can we get back to the point?) to come and get her. Sesshomaru was a pretty nice guy, rich beyond belief and as paranoid as the Mafia and the entire American intelligence system put together.
“So I guess this is where we split up,” Rin said finally, staring into his eyes without seeming to know what she was doing.
“Yeah, sure,” Shippo replied distantly, staring right back at her.
She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips at the speed of light, drawing back and running into the waiting black bus at the speed of…well, something very fast, like light, only with more eyeshadow.
He stared after the bus, astonished, before walking away, smiling like a madman.
In the bus, Rin collapsed into a seat after the obligatory greetings. A secretive smile kept creeping across her face.
Back at the reception hall, Sango and Hojo were suffering the aftereffects of being drunk. Luckily, neither could hear the other throwing up through the walls of the adjoining bathrooms, as the first time this had happened it had set the other off. Hojo was lucky enough to have the regenerative properties of a starfish, so to speak, so he got a ten-minute migraine as his hangover. Sango was nowhere near so lucky.
“Um, Sango?” Hojo called hesitantly through the slightly-open door to the girls' bathroom. “Are you okay?” His only answer was the sound of someone vomiting.
It looked like no one was allowed to have a good day.
He sighed, hugely resenting the chivalrous streak that showed up at the oddest of moments, and walked through the swinging door. Sango was leaning on the counter rinsing her mouth out in the sink. She straightened up and shrieked, catching sight of Hojo in the mirror.
“I can't decide to go back to getting drunk or just plain go to sleep,” she confided in the sort of openness that certain people get when they're one third drunk and two thirds hung over.
He smiled crookedly, watching her straighten her clothes. “Why don't I take you home?” was all he said. This was probably not a good time for flirting.
They got into his car, a shiny black Mercedes, through some rather complicated maneuvering, as Sango had to be held up or she would collapse into sleep where she fell. Eventually, Hojo just said “screw it” and picked her up bridal style.
Some time along the twenty-minute drive down a gridlocked highway, Hojo realized that he had no idea where she lived. This was amazingly cliché. So far, he had gotten her drunk, offered to drive her home, and had her pass out in his car on the way. According to the laws of the situation they would end up having sex by the end of the movie. It was a really good thing this wasn't a movie, then, eh?
--Not that you'd mind it, a small and annoyingly truthful part of his brain forced him to admit. It probably wasn't his brain at all. It was the other thing guys think with. ((AN: No offense to any guys that happen to be reading this.)) --Be honest for a change: you haven't been in love with Kagome for ages, not since she finally told you she was in love with Inuyasha. You've been done with that for a long time. And Sango's not exactly bad-looking.
Hojo stared at her blankly. She wasn't that bad-looking; her hair was the exact color of milk chocolate, and it was up in a clip that was slowly coming undone. The black dress she was wearing for Kagome's wedding had ridden up to around the middle of her thigh, revealing long toned legs that, if he were honest, were really turning him on.
Perfect timing for someone to honk at him so he realized he was about to get in a wreck.
So. About not knowing where her house was. Could he just take her home with him, or would she kick his ass when she woke up? As a matter of fact, was it even safe to take too long to get her home? Hojo was pretty sure she lived with her brother, or her parents, or something. A roommate, at least. But it's not like he could drive around the city until someone recognized the woman curled up in his car. His windows were tinted, and it was bloody freezing outside. If Hojo took her to his house, Sango would kick his butt from here into next Tuesday; she was a martial arts sensei. If he found out where she lived, someone else would kick his ass for letting her get so completely hammered.
Yeah, this was not his day.
He sighed, taking the nearest exit and pointing his car towards home. At least she would remember what had happened and, hopefully, with any luck, for the sake of his unborn children, that she had not told him where she lived. Yeah. Right. Because that ever worked.