InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rapture and Resistance ❯ Episode One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: Written under the influence of excessive playing of "Change the World" and "Fukai Mori."


Rapture and Resistance

Episode One:

Naraku's Toast! The Final Battle For the Shikon no Tama!


"Itai!!!!" was heard throughout Inuyasha's Forest one day. We see an enraged hanyou sitting on the ground in his normal pose, excluding his haori and the top of his white kimono, showing his tanned chest. A large, angry cut was bleeding excessively from his side, where slender fingers, connected with a raven haired girl in a school uniform was busy trying to cleanse. "Do you have to poke it?!" Inuyasha glared at the girl, who paid no attention to him. Across the narrow field was a houshi and a taiji-ya, both bandaging themselves. Although, with less whining and more slaps.

"Houshi-sama! Keep those hands to yourself!!" Sango slapped Miroku's wandering hands as they were drawing closer to her lower back, and scooted away from him. "Kagome, are you alright? You seemed to be hurt." That drew the hanyou's attention to the girl helping him.

"You mean, you're hurt, and you're helping me? Damn it, girl!" Inuyasha pushed Kagome's hands away, and looked around her body. "Where are you hurt?" Kagome blushed suddenly at how... caring Inuyasha sounded. "Oi! Wake up, bitch! Where are you hurt?" He shouted. Kagome shook her head.

"Inuyasha, nothing's wrong with me! I just twisted my ankle during the battle and now it's better! Believe me." She smiled to reassure the silver haired hanyou, but obviously he wasn't buying it. He glared at her ankles, as though they were an evil enemy. "Inuyasha! I'm fine!" Suddenly, she froze, ignoring the hanyou's hands on her ankle. She shivered. "I-Inuyasha... I feel a..."

"Damn it... I smell Naraku," Inuyasha cursed, standing up quickly. "And it seems weird that he came after that battle..." He cursed inwardly as he remembered the battle between him and the other detachment of Naraku, Maro. If it hadn't have been for the Tetsusaiga, he might've died right there on the battlefield. "He planned this, ne?" Miroku and Sango, now at his side, both nodded. "Thought so. Kagome... go to the well..." Kagome, glaring at the hanyou, stood up quickly.

"Inuyasha! Who weakened him the last time we fought him? At the castle? You? Miroku? No! It was me! I can fight him, I know it!" Kagome shouted. Inuyasha turned to her, an unknown emotion in his eyes. It made Kagome gasp.

"Kagome... believe me, just go... you want to go back so bad all the time anyway..." Inuyasha... almost sounded... begging. He pushed her in the direction of the well. "Kirara, go with her!" Within an instant, the large neko-youkai leapt into the air, Kagome on its back. Inuyasha turned to the other two fighters. "It's better she's gone."

"Inuyasha..." Miroku started. "You fight better with Kagome-sama here... Why'd you send her away?"

"A feeling," He answered, his golden eyes looking around quickly. "Naraku might've used her for the Shikon no Tama... I couldn't risk it."

"Aa," Miroku whispered. "You do care for her! I knew it!" Suddenly a slap from Sango shut him up.

"Houshi-sama, hush! We'll worry about that later!" She reached for her boomerang, feeling Naraku's miasma surround the little group.

It was then that all hell broke loose.


"Kirara... Kirara... Kirara! Let me go back! I need to go back!" The cat demon merely went faster as Kagome tried to get her to turn. "Please! I don't want to see them die, I want to see them win... They might never get back... I want to see them..." Suddenly, a tear fell from her eye onto the cat's back. "Please, Kirara... I know I can fight... Please?" Suddenly, the cat turned back towards the battle...

Into the whirlwind that had smelt the same scent that killed most of his clan.


Sesshoumaru could sense Naraku nearby. It wasn't hard to. Naraku never hid his youki very well... Sesshoumaru knew that the minute he had met the hanyou. He narrowed his amber eyes as he turned to Jaken and Rin.

"H-Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama?" Rin asked. "What is it?" She blinked her brown eyes up to the tai-youkai as started into the forest.

"Stay here," was all the youkai answered.


"Ah... all of the pawns are coming closer... Inuyasha, you should be wary. Kikyou hasn't chosen which side she's a part of, now has she?" Naraku taunted as he walked towards the center of the field. His crimson eyes narrowed. "But... her reincarnation... she seems... fiery..." He chuckled. "Maybe I should keep her..." Inuyasha growled. "Baka hanyou... I should kill you now... but I need an audience..." Suddenly, as if he made them appear, a familiar cat demon and whirlwind appeared.

The whirlwind disappeared to show Kouga with Kagome on his back. Kirara trotted towards her master and growled at Naraku. Kagome slid from Kouga's back to stand just behind Inuyasha.

"Bitch... what're you doing here?" He whispered.

"To help," Was all she replied. She noticed Inuyasha glare at Kouga for a few seconds before turning his glare to Naraku.... but just before Kagome noticed another inu-youkai appear...

"Sesshoumaru!" She shouted. "What is he doing here?" She looked to Inuyasha, whose face was a mixture of confusion and hatred. Sesshoumaru paid the young miko no mind as he walked towards Inuyasha.

"This fight'll mean nothing. You understand?" He said, glaring at Inuyasha. Inuyasha's face grew more confused. "As soon as he's dead," Sesshoumaru said, meaning Naraku, "I will kill you." Inuyasha smirked.

"I'd like to see you try," he taunted before turning back to Naraku, who was now surrounded by his detachments, Kanna and Kagura. Kagura was looking around, almost nervously, before the final person met the group.

"Kikyou..." Kagome almost forgot she whispered her incarnation's name. Kikyou walked to Naraku. Inuyasha paled, and Kagome could see him visibly stiffen under his kimono, which he had put on earlier. Kikyou turned to look at the rag-tag team of so-called 'heroes' as if to wish them a cold hearted 'good luck' and faced Naraku.

"So, Kikyou, you choose me, and not the hanyou?" Naraku demanded, grabbing Kikyou's chin almost painfully, if the girl was able to feel pain. Kikyou gave him a cruel smile before pushing him away.

"Men are all the same..." She responded. "All believe that a girl has to belong to him... Even Inuyasha has believed that..." She turned to glare at the hanyou in question. "I am not choosing anyone. I shall kill you, Naraku... and take Inuyasha to hell." Kagome gulped at the power behind the miko's words, just before Kikyou strung her bow and aimed directly for Naraku...

But was stopped by Kagura's wind powers.

"Tut, tut, Kikyou," Naraku said, a cruel, unyielding smirk on his face. "You should've chosen to be with me..." Kikyou's eyes narrowed. "Then you wouldn't die with the rest of these misfits." Suddenly, a miasma surrounded the group. Kagome turned to see everyone in the group tense visibly - even the stoic Sesshoumaru's face appeared to be filled with even more malice than normal - as Kouga started the first attack.

He was pushed away quicker than Kagome could blink. She was about to run to the wolf-youkai before being pushed away to stand next to Shippou and Kirara by Inuyasha, who had his golden eyes on Kikyou and Naraku. If Kagome felt anything at the moment, she didn't show it, as her brown eyes moved to watch the two.

Naraku grabbed Kikyou's long locks painfully and pulled her into a kiss. Kikyou tried pulling away, but in jest. She couldn't move that well, if at all, especially when Naraku took his lips off of hers. He kept his crimson gaze matched with Inuyasha's, as he started to hold Kikyou tighter and tighter...

Suddenly, Kagome started to feel immense anger towards the silver haired hanyou in front of her. She had never felt so much frustration towards him in her life... Where had it come from? She couldn't stop herself, she started to march up to him, and stood next to him.

"Don't pretend I'm not strong," She said, angrily. "I'm as strong as anyone else here. I will fight, and I will kill Naraku." Inuyasha's head snapped to look at Kagome, as if in disbelief. Didn't he hear those same words... almost spoken directly from... He looked up at Naraku, who was dusting ashes from his kimono...

"You bastard!" Inuyasha shouted. "You killed her!" A twang sound from next to him stopped him from starting to attack. He turned to Kagome, who was staring at Naraku intently. Her arrow... her purifying arrow was heading directly towards him... and hit him directly in the shoulder. "Kagome..." He couldn't believe it. Would it end this quickly?

It must have... for Naraku's face had paled greatly, and he was struggling to pull the arrow from his shoulder. Kagome strung her bow quickly and shot, this time aiming towards Kanna and her mirror. Naraku suddenly looked up, his crimson eyes slowly changing to the color of rust, and felt himself deteriorating... He suddenly found it very hard to breathe... and he couldn't move his extremities... if at all...

It felt almost like... like when he was Onigumo... Until it all went black...

Kagome, as if snapped from a trance, looked around. And then smiled. She looked up at the houshi, taiji-ya, hanyou, and youkai who were all staring at her in disbelief. How...? She had never...

"I... I knew I could do it..." Kagome whispered. "Something... told me that I was the only... the only one who could..." She started walking to where Naraku had been standing, to see a large chunk of the Shikon no Tama. She reached for it... and felt it immediately purify. She placed it with the other shards... and noticed it... the jewel...

It was complete. Kagome turned quickly, her eyes bright.

"Guys, guess what... the jewel..."

But no one was there.


If you think this is confusing, or a confusing plot, get ready to read the next chapter.

Next Episode: Kagome's gone missing? The Realization of the Shikon no Tama and Kagome's Heritage!!

"You mean... they shouldn't... be together?" ~ Snippet


I don't own Inuyasha.