InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red isn't only blood ❯ A miko... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi guys! I know this has taken me a lot to get out and probably many of you are pissed off. I know and I can very well understand it, it HAS been two months. Ups… I am really sorry about it but I've had this great writer's block lately. Gomen. This chapter isn't as long as you would've expected from 2 months work but guys, writer blocks are one hell of a problem to an author and you should know it as well. I'm not going to put review responses anymore because it takes me too much time to write 'em all. Sorry again.

Well, back to the story, as probably many of you have asked themselves, "Why is it that Sesshou smells her scent when she's 4 hours away?" Well, I have to say that was my mistake, but I kinda thought that him being taiyoukai would give him senses more powerful that other youkai. Sorry if you didn't understand that's my fault (again…). Gomen ne.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Inu-yasha. Maybe one day, I hope, but not now…

Red isn't only blood

Chapter II: A miko…

She had woken up a while ago. The sun was high in the sky now, a lot of time had past from sunrise. She could see animals running through the forest as if the rain had never touched the ground and flowers starting to blossom in every tree. It was spring. This was clear even to someone as desperate as she was. This was the season of happiness and joy, smiles and dreams, laughs and long walks under the sunset. Seeing this, she just wished it would bring her such a felicity too. But she new there was no point in winging about things of the past. Because Inuyasha, now, was really part of her past.

She began looking at the river one more time; the water was clean, fresh and healthy. The sun's rays, reflecting on the mirror surface, spread in every direction, creating strange colors and shades of gold. She could already see birds on the tree branches chanting happily, their feathers of vivid colors. This place was different from all the ones she had been in Sengoku Jidai. It was calm and soothing, in a way she couldn't describe. Closing her eyes she inhaled the pure scent of Sakura blossoms and could feel all her earlier stress and confusion fade away, almost magically.

She got out of the water, already feeling that "soaked" sense of when you've been too much in the water. Her head felt a bit dizzy when the cool wind touched her bare skin. It was damn cold for spring. In Tokyo this time of the year was pretty hot, 'Yeah, Tokyo, my time, my home-' Kagome thought. She wanted to go back; there she had her family, her friends and many other important people. And most important of all, there wasn't Inuyasha. Getting used to this era didn't mean actually liking it...

But yet, she still loved Shippo like her own kid; she still thought of Sango as her best friend; she still laughed thinking about Miroku's perversion- No, as much as she tried to convince herself of the opposite, now her home was Sengoku Jidai. She spent here more time she spent with her family or schoolmates; she had found many nice people and had nearly risked her life more than twice.

Already feeling the sting of tears in her eyes she decided not to think about it anymore for today. She picked up her clothes and took a look at them, they were a bit wet but it would do. She wore them as fast as she could to prevent from getting a cold and went to pick up her bow.

Grabbing the chain around her neck she realized that there was no way she could go back home even if she wanted. She still had a duty to fulfill here; Shikon no Tama had still to be completed. Many people had gone in big trouble trying to reassemble the jewel, but a voice deep inside her said, "You're the one. The only one who can-" She didn't know if she was getting psycho, but that, was the only thing she could rely on. She was the keeper of the Shikon jewel, and as such, had to find and protect it.


He had picked up the scent of Rin's blood mixed with that of a human. A human female to be exact. To reach her at her same speed would take him about 6 hours, but he was faster than that; it would take him no more than an hour.

While running, he couldn't notice anything around him, only focused on his destination. The trees flashed by and disappeared, their green color unnoticed, their beautiful flowers' non-existent at the moment for the Lord of the Western Lands.

One particular thought was crossing his mind. And as pleasant as it could be for him, it probably wasn't for someone else. In fact he was thinking of how to make this chase a good one. Without Rin around he could act like he had always done before. At first he'd wanted revenge for the little girl getting attacked, but now, he wasn't quite sure that was the reason anymore. He had been "nice" for too long.

He had to get rid of all this distress somehow, and killing someone looked like the best idea. But not somebody who he could easily kill. Someone who was intelligent and wouldn't start screaming and reveling its position or hiding spot; someone who would shut up, plan a way to escape, even if he would make it, maybe even fight.

Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks, could a human "female" do all this? From what he had experienced they were stupid and bitchy. Was all this thinking and running worth it?

An image then crept through his mind. One of a little girl smiling warmly at him. Her brown eyes glittering with emotion as she stared at him. Rin, she was the only one who looked at him that way from when his mother had died. As much as he hated himself for it, he couldn't just abandon the girl, nor leave the one who had injured her still living.

A part of his mind told him it was utterly impossible to think it this way; but yet, there was a weak almost dead-like voice telling him that it was right. He didn't know why he choose to keep going, probably the two voices had mixed. He was a somewhat confused by all this; and it was pissing him off. Hell, why couldn't he go and kill that pathetic human and get over with it!

Not wanting to get a headache over this he decided that for now he'd just keep running, and when he was face to face with her he'd see what to do. Apparently when he was thinking time passed quicker and so, there she was; five minutes away…


Kagome had felt a shiver come down her spine just a few moments ago. A demon was coming near and it wasn't an ordinary one, it was very powerful. She concentrated so she could feel if she knew who it was. It took her only one second to understand whom it was, Sesshoumaru. She didn't know why she wasn't completely frozen or scared to death, but a thing was sure; her mind still worked. Deciding to find a way of getting away without having her head clawed off she did the more intelligent thing she could think of at the moment.

She had to keep some of her scent and presence still in this place so, until it faded, he wouldn't notice her going the other way.

She found on a rock the only thing she had forgotten to wash, the red piece of material part of her school uniform. She took an arrow from her quiver and started melting inside it her power until it was strong enough. She then traced a line on her arm with it so that her blood would mix with her miko powers. The arrow started glowing a faint pink and sparkled with light. The young miko carefully placed the red material on the ground and with as much force as she could, she struck the arrow right in the middle of it, going as deep as possible in the earth.

Kagome looked at her work and decided it would do. As powerful as Sesshoumaru was, he couldn't find out that she wasn't there until he saw it with his eyes, the magic she had left in that area was too much and a youkai from a distance couldn't well figure out what was going on there before arriving.

Thinking of how the great lord would take her absence she smirked; life wasn't as difficult in this time period. That thought, she grabbed her bow, her quiver with the remaining arrows and headed west…


He had arrived to a nice clearing, where a river was flowing freely and birds singing. This place was oddly full of purifying magic and it didn't give him a really welcomed feeling. It actually hurt a little, but that he would never admit it.

Suddenly he realized she wasn't there! Just where in the seven hells had she gone to make him lose her tracks. Her presence was still there, no doubt, but "she" just wasn't. Starting to get angry he looked around and noticed something sticking out of the ground. He went near to it and found an answer to all his questions. The bitch was a miko, and quite powerful to say the least. She had fused her power and blood in one of her arrows and then using a part of her garments she had left a part of herself in the clearing so she could escape.

The arrow sparkled with light an was surrounded by a pinky aura. When he reached to touch it, he had to retreat his hand, because if he didn't he was sure it would get purified. Just how powerful was this miko? He had never seen something like this in all his life.

The question now was, why would a miko hurt a little girl like Rin? Maybe it was his brother's dust bitch, but he had this nudging feeling that it wasn't, this place was just too pure, and the undead miko was all but that.

With millions of unanswered question he sat there meditating, with nothing but a red piece of material and an arrow left of his prey…

N/A: Hey how do you think this was? Hehe I bet no one though it would've finished like that huh? Well, well, do not despair, they *will* meet, just not now.

Ja ne! Kayrin