InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Releasing the Demons ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*~*~*~This story just popped into my head the other day!! Its inspiration came from the song 'Releasing The Demons' by 'Godsmack'. Yes I know, I am SO creative on the title for this story, aren't I? Lol whateva. ^_^ hope you like the story.

Summary: Sort of an AU, but not really. Kagome lives as a princess in the 1500's and there are no demons around, at least that's what everyone believes……What happens when Kagome changes that supposed fact? Sess/Kag

Italics = thoughts

* = author note at end of paragraph


Releasing the Demons

Chapter 1


Higurashi Kagome sighed as she looked up from her studies and out her bedroom window. It was such a beautiful day. She wished that she could go out and enjoy it, but unfortunately, she was royalty and 'wasn't allowed to dirty herself with such things'.


All that kind of talk could go to hell for all she cared. So what if she was royalty? Besides, shouldn't that give her the right to go outside? She could just order a servant to take her outside or something, but nooooo, she had to do her studies.


She turned her attention back to her studies. It was a book on myths and such. She had no idea why she was told that she had to read this, but oh well. But all in all, for a book that she HAD to read, she thought that it was quite interesting. It talked about demons and mikos, unreal that they were.

A knock at her door tore her away from the interesting item. "Who is it?" she called out. A voice on the other side answered "Milady, your parents wish to see you."

Kagome rolled her eyes in a very un-lady-like manner. What the hell would her parents want? Probably some stupid suitor had come again that wanted her hand in marriage.

Blah again.

Really, just last week she had a stupid one come from the north called Hojo. He was sweet and all, but just not very bright at all. He was at her home for one day before she turned him down and sent him packing.

"All right, tell them I'm coming" she replied to the person; a servant most likely.

She heard the servant scamper away and got up to follow. As she walked down the gigantic hallway, she thought of the book again.

Whoever had written that book had had a very big imagination. All that talk about demons and mikos was so real, but that couldn't possibly true. There were no records of anything like that. How childish that author must have been.

She arrived at the doors of the great hall where her parents always were. She opened the doors and stepped inside. Yup, there were her parents, Lord Tsuyoi* and Lady Kizoku*, sitting on their thrones at the very end of the room/hall. Oh? And what is this? A man around her age stood talking to them. Yup, definitely a suitor.


(Tsuyoi means strength, and Kizoku means noble; of high birth. Hey, I thought it was appropriate. ^_^)

She walked briskly towards them, the long, flowy dress she wore fluttered behind her. She stopped just short of the steps that led up to the thrones and tried to act like a lady for once as she asked "Father, Mother? You wished to see me?"

All three stopped talking and swiveled their eyes to look at her. Her father nodded "Yes Kagome we did. We would like you to meet Iya*. He is from the South and wishes to have your hand in marriage.

(Iya means disgusting. Heh, can you guess how he's gonna be?)

Iya smiled brightly at her, but she got a queasy feeling from the 'cheerful' gesture. Still, she took a moment to take in how he looked. Iya had dark brown, almost black, hair and dark eyes as well*. He was dressed in an all black haori and all hakamas.

(No, this is not Naraku or anything like that okay?)

'Hmmm…black seems to be his thing.' she thought dryly. The queasy feeling in her gut slowly turned to anger as she watched him look her up and down with a hungry look in his dark orbs and she could just see him lick his lips at her and go 'yummy'. She fumed. How dare this guy look at her as if she was a piece of meat! She'd show him!

She walked up the steps with an outstretched hand to greet him, but 'accidentally' tripped on one of the steps. Of course, Iya tried to help her but as soon as he was close enough she shot up and hit him right in the face with the back of her head* saying she was fine.

(Think 'Legally Blond' at the part where Elle Woods was teaching all the girls in the beauty parlor how to do the 'Bend and Snap' technique. LOL)

Iya yelled out in pain as he collided with the floor. Kagome feigned concern and started saying how 'sorry' she was, when actually she was trying her darndest not to laugh. Her parents were out of their seats and trying to help as well.

After a minute or so, Iya ceased moving. Kagome prodded him with her foot. Hmm, seems I knocked him unconscious. Poor guy……I almost feel sorry for him…NOT!

She prodded him again and he groaned. She smirked. Too bad he was still alive…Oh well, she'd have try harder…well not enough to actually kill him mind you, but enough to drive him away for good.

…… Or on second thought…maybe she should just kill him, that way he'd leave her alone forever with no ways of possibly showing him in her life again…yes, that was definitely a possibility…. MWUHAHAHAHA…

Well now, seems her parents had called medical attention apparently because now some people were lifting him onto a little stretcher and hauling him off. Kagome tried not to smile as she waved goodbye.

"Well, I think I will be going now!" 'My duty here is done' she finished in her head.

She skipped out of the Great Hall and back to her room, her mood considerably lightened.

Upon entering her room, she grabbed the book from the bedside table and plopped down on her bed as she began reading it again. Hours passed before she finally conked out. She had the strangest dream too…

~*~*~*~Dream Sequence~*~*~*~

She was in the outdoors that she loved. But she was in a forest she had never seen before. She walked for awhile before she came to a cave…and it started to rain.

Just lovely.

She rushed inside the cave to not get wet* and sat down and was surprised to see a fire going. Looking around for any inhabitants that might have made the fire, she spotted a box-er-chest thingy.

(Yes, I know what you're probably thinking, 'what is the author doing? It's a DREAM so why is Kagome getting all wet and crap?' Well just shut up!! I need it that way so bug off!! Lol. Just kidding. But really, I DO need it this way, so just go along with it)

Intrigued, she made her way over to the chest. There were weird markings all over the top of it. One was a crescent moon, another was a spider, and another was an arrow with what looked like light coming from the tip of it*.

(Is that a look of recognition and understanding I see passing your face? Good, well there should be!!)

She pushed the top of the chest with all of her might until it finally started to move off. Eventually, she got it off. The last thing she saw before she woke up was a dark light and glowing red eyes peering at her from the chest…

~*~*~*~End Dream Sequence~*~*~*~

Kagome shot up out of bed, perspiration covering her body. One thing on her mind: What the hell was that?!

~*~*~*~End Chapter!~*~*~*~

OoOoOoOoOoO……so cool huh? Yes, I thought so too. Lol, just kidding. But really, what did you think of that?? Even though this was a VERY short chappy, it was good, and it set up some of the plot…if you were able to figure it out. And y'all just wait; this story is gonna be my best yet! …I think…

So anyway, REVIEW to tell me what you think!! Me wanna know!! ^_^
