InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Relish in Your Life ❯ Deception... ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

**Chap. 12- Deception

Kareena stood staring with wide eyes. He had kissed her, not only on the cheek but on the lips. Her hand nearly flew to make sure it was true. Rai was scanning her hoping it was okay for him to do that.

Kagome stood behind him. "Rai found his crush." She smiled as he turned to her ready to maul her.

"Shut up Kagome. Gods, I would kill you now if I had the strength but it seems to be zapped with the presence of the most beautiful woman in the world." He said, turning back to Kareena. Her teal eyes were sparkling, and he felt as if he wanted to fall into them.

He could not do what Kikyou wanted. He could not deceive everyone he thought dear to him. "Come don't we have somewhere to be?"

"Not until tonight." Sango said walking into the room with her palm pilot.

"I thought today was our recording day?" Rai said, putting an arm around Kareena protectively.

"No, we have another conference tonight, which should be interesting since Inuyasha will be attending with his band as well." She snapped her pilot shut and looked up at Kagome. "You need to go see Kaede if you want a new dress and she also wants to look at your hand. Kareena needs to go with you to get fitted and get a dress. Explain to her on the way about your colors. She might add to the mix, or have all the colors together. Felis hop to it, you're taking them to Kaede's so get a move on."

As much as Kagome loved Sango she wanted to kill her right now. "Yes sergeant." Kagome said saluting and then rolling her eyes. Felis already had the keys in hand and was walking out the door. Kareena was waiting for Kagome's lead.

"Hey Sango, maybe just once you could have a little fun and have your hair down tonight. You never know when you'll meet Mr. Right."

"I already have, his name is Miroku, and he'll be there tonight."

"Take down your hair anyway. Make him drool." Kagome laughed following Felis, Kareena trailing after her.

"Sometimes that girl drives me crazy." Sango stated, walking out of the room leaving the boys to their own devices.


Felis pulled up to the house, stopping suddenly, tires screeching. "You need driving lessons." Kareena said softly. Kagome laughed.

"Yes, he does. This is Kaede's house. She is our seamstress, healer and basically mother figure." Kagome said stepping out of the car. "What ever you do, do not under any circumstances say you will pay her. She will say you don't have to. You will see."

Kagome knocked on the door softly. She heard footsteps. "Come in." Kaede's voice yelled from the back room. Kagome opened the door and led Kareena into the house.

"The dressing room is back there, that's where Kaede takes your measurements and does her magic. This is the healing room. And that is Kaede." Kagome said pointing. The old woman looked up and then went back to her work for a second.

"Unwrap your hand. I need to look at it, then I'll size Kareena." Kaede said mixing some herbs together. Kagome did as told. The wound from the mirror was still there but was starting to heal.

"Did you make up with Rai? I heard he came back."

"Yeah, I made up with him, and Kareena made out with him." Kagome laughed. Kareena blushed.

Kaede laughed as well. "No need to be ashamed, he is a handsome heart stealer. Just be careful, everyone is not how they appear."

"Do you know something I don't?"

"Some of the women I make clothes for were talking this morning, apparently secrets were spilled that only the band knew. The news covered it, and it said your careers could be ruined over it. Rai said some bad stuff." She sighed before starting again. "Kikyou presented it first, she said she had a reliable source that was getting more information about the band. Trust is a big issue, especially with Rai because he was the only one nothing was said about."

Kagome shook her head as Kaede wrapped her hand again, after putting a salve on it. "He told me what happened and I forgave him. We are going to clean it up tonight at the conference."

Kaede nodded. "Come Kareena. Let's get you suited up for tonight."


Rai moved away from everyone else. They were too cheery for him. Kareena was beautiful and he wanted her so bad but his alliance to Kikyou would keep them apart for now. At least she knew how he felt now.

Or was that her feelings overflowing to capture him in something he thought was his own feelings? He stroked a hand through his hair. He had been accepted back into the band and now it was time to set Kikyou's plan in motion. Deception is sweet. A voice said to him. His head was starting to ache, and he opened the window for air. "What am I going to do?"