InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Relish in Your Life ❯ Finding a Replacement ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

**Chap. 21- Finding a Replacement?

"I'm leaving the band." Kagome announced at dinner when everyone was fighting over something. Suddenly the room went dead silent. It didn't help to have the two extra pairs of eyes on her either.

"What?" Kareena asked softly.

"I'm leaving the band. I have made my decision, and I am very strong in it."

"No. You can't do this to us." Felis said, his voice wavering slightly.

"I'm sorry." Kagome looked up to Inu. "I have other obligations now, and they are more important to me."

Sesshoumaru and Miroku didn't say anything. The band members passed silent looks to each other.

"You can't do this to us Kagome." Rai said, pushing his chair back, the skidding sound unnerving, and standing. His voice wavered as Felis' had but there was something different. Accusing.

Rai's eyes flew to Inu. "This is your fault. I am holding you completely responsible." And with that he turned away from the table stalking off. Kareena sighed then went after him.

Darren's eyes were pained. It made Kagome want to die. He said nothing to her just picked up his fork and continued to eat. Sesshoumaru and Miroku followed suit. Sango looked around once before taking her plate to the sink.

"Are you sure you want to do this Kagome?" Sango asked reentering the room.

"Yes." She answered simply, standing and taking her plate to the sink as well. The tears couldn't be held back any longer. She propped herself against the sink with her elbows and cried, letting the tears fall down the drain. Hands comforted her shoulders.

"You're not so sure." Sango said hugging her gently. Kagome turned to the older girl and collapsed into her arms.

"I don't know what to do any more. I can't live with the band and Inuyasha, it's impossible. I won't have time for the band when I get married. Sango, I don't know what to do."

"Do what your heart tells you and if that means leaving us we'll just find a replacement." Sango reasoned.

Kagome dried her tears as the boys walked in one by one to put their plates in the sink. No one spoke but the tension was clear. The shriek that came made everyone jump.

"Rai, just listen. We will find someone to replace her."

"Don't you understand Kareena? No one can replace her! It's impossible no one has her talent, and damned if I'm going to let one hanyou take her from her life's calling." Rai burst into the room Kareena at his back, rage evident.

"Stubborn as an ass, and as dumb as one too." Kareena said under her breath but everyone heard.

Kagome smiled. "So true." Her voice was heavy and wavered. "Kareena." Kagome just came to a realization.

"What?" She asked looking up.

"Kareena can take over."

"No." Rai objected immediately.

"And why not Mr. High and Mighty?" Kareena said steeling her voice.

Rai was silent for mere seconds but his face said it all. "I'm scared to loose her. As a friend, as a band member, as part of my life. I'm so used to fighting with her, and talking to her that if she's gone-" He stopped. "I'm just being selfish."

He walked out of the room, then his door was heard slamming. No one spoke. No one knew what to say.

Glass was heard breaking. "There goes my favorite vase." Kagome whispered. Something else hit the floor hard and then crying was heard.

"Should I go up?" Kareena asked quietly, twisting her hands together.

Kagome was the first to answer. "No, no one bother him. It's Christmas after all. Let's go open presents."

An: Wow, we made it!! FINALLY!! I have been awaiting closing this story up but I didn't want to do it too soon. One chapter to go, I'm so happy!!

There might be a sequel but I don't know. I just realized that Shippou was not in this story- We might have to fix that in the next. You're reviews will help me in that decision, pick yeah or neah. Thanx.