InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remeber Me ❯ New Moon ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Remember Me
By Miryokuteki
Chapter 8: New Moon
“So when do we get to see these `vanishing demons'” InuYasha asked impatiently. He was getting tired of walking and wanted some action.
“Well… you don't” replied Keiko. Looking back at him.
“What do you mean? How are we supposed to get rid of them if we don't see them?”
“Oh you will! Just not yet. You see getting rid of them is the easy part. It's finding them that makes it hard.”
“Lady Keiko.” Said Miroku. “What exactly are these demons like?”
“Well… I'm not quite sure. I've never actually seen one in its true form. You see the vanishing demons are descendents of the imps.”
“Oh! Really?” asked Sango. “My father told me about imps once. They could change into any solid object. They were great magicians and masters of disguise. I think fox demons are also descended from them.” She looked at Shippo.
“Yup! We are!” he replied with a grin.
“Exactly,” Keiko went on. “So, like the imps vanishing demons can turn into trees or rocks when they need to but they don't very often.”
“Why not?” asked Miroku.
“Because of this.” Keiko took off the green cloak she wore and held it up for everyone to see.
“What is it?”
“A vanishing cloak. I pulled it off of one of them a year ago. I'm not sure what it's made of but… watch.” She put the cloak back on and, in one sweeping motion, covered her whole body with it. In an instant, she had disappeared.
“Huh?” said Miroku.
“Where'd she go?” asked Sango.
“Wow!” exclaimed Shippo.
InuYasha stood with his arms crossed and a slight look of surprise on his face.
“BOO!” yelled a voice behind him. Keiko had suddenly reappeared in an attempt to scare him. “Hey! Didn't I scare ya?”
“No. I could smell you.”
Keiko crossed her arms and pudgy lipped. “Humph! You take the fun out of everything.” She wined.
InuYasha ignored her and looked at the sky. “It's getting late. Let's camp here for tonight.”
“Hmm? But we if we keep going we should be at the heart of their territory by morning.”
“What's the rush? It's not like their going anywhere. So let's stay here. “
“Alright, alright. You don't need to be so pushy.” She dismounted Apple. “I just thought you wanted to get this over with that's all.”
As they began to set up camp. Miroku went over to talk with InuYasha.
“InuYasha? What's up. You a bit annoyed.”
“Feh. I'm fine monk.”
“Oi!” said Shippo coming over. ”I know what's wrong. Tonight's the new moon isn't it InuYasha.”
“Ah. That would explain it.”
“Huh?” said Chieko. “What happens on the new moon?”
Shippo opened his mouth to respond but InuYasha stopped him. “Nothing.” He stood up and began to walk away from the camp.
“Oi! Where are you going?” asked Keiko. But he ignored her. What's with that guy? She thought.
“Okay…” said Chieko, turning to Shippo. “So what does happen on the new moon?”
“It's the night that InuYasha becomes human.”
“Human?” Keiko turned in surprise.
“Yes.” Said Sango. “Once a month his demonic power fades away. He loses his fangs, claws, and ears and his hair turns black. He looks human and I think his heart becomes more human as well.”
“His heart? How's that?”
“Well, in the times that I've seen him in his human form he seemed to lose some of his arrogance and stubbornness. Also, he would become gentler. Especially towards…” she stopped.
“…Kagome.” Miroku finished bowing his head.
It was quiet for a moment. Keiko could feel the sadness that had descended upon her new friends. She thought she should change the subject but curiosity got the better of her.
“Who's… Kagome?” she asked hesitantly.
Miroku looked up and was once again shocked at the resemblance between their old friend and this new miko.
“She… was a close friend of ours.” He answered finally.
Keiko felt she'd better not press the matter.
“So… um… back to InuYasha. Where'd he go anyway?”
“Off by himself.” Sango said breaking out of her sadness.
“But… why? I mean if he's a human he can't exactly protect himself like usual, so wouldn't he be safer if he stayed with the group.”
“Well, yes. But… you know… InuYasha's not exactly what you'd call a people person, right?”
“I… guess…”
“He likes to hide his emotions from people but when he's human, that's harder for him to do. So he leaves so that no one can get him to let his guard down and open up to them.” Miroku explained.
“Oh. But if he always runs off then how have you guys seen him?”
Well, that was when… Kagome was around. She was the only one who could really get him open up.”
“What… happened to her?” Keiko questioned.
“Kagome? She… she died… two years ago.” The sadness had returned and Keiko didn't like it.
“Um… It's getting late. Why don't we all go to bed?” The others nodded in agreement.
Keiko sat up and looked around. Everyone else was asleep. Good she thought. Now to find InuYasha.
She got up and tiptoed out of camp. It took her awhile but she eventually found him sitting on a low branch of an oak tree.
“Wow. You do look different.” He turned to glare at her.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to see you in your human form, that's all.”
“Well you've seen me. Now go away.”
“I'm getting tired of you telling me what to do. No. I won't go away.” She crossed her arms in a very InuYasha-like pose.
“Feh. Suite yourself. Just don't bother me.”
“You know, I think we got off on the wrong foot the other day. Can't we start over? Get to know each other a bit?”
“Oh come on. I can't sleep and it doesn't look like you can either.”
“Not with you blabbering all the time.” He muttered but she ignored him.
“Couldn't we just talk.”
“Fine.” InuYasha looked at her. “How do we `get to know each other?”
“You don't know how?”
“I haven't had much experience.”
“Well it's easy really. I tell you something about me and you tell me something about you.” He didn't seem to get it. “Um… I'll make it a bit easier. We'll each give a basic outline of who we are and then take turns explaining. Okay? I'll go first. Let's see… I'm a nobody, from nowhere, with no past, and no future.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I'll explain in a sec. It's your turn.”
“Okay. Um… I'm a hanyo, from… all over the place really, with and confusing past, and no plan for the future.”
“See? That wasn't so hard. Now back to me. Why am I a nobody? Because I don't know who my family is or even what my own name is.”
“But your name's Keiko.”
“No, that's not my real name.”
“Then what is it?”
“I don't know. That's what makes me a nobody.”
“Okay, back to you.” She cut him off. “Why are you a hanyo?”
“Isn't it obvious?”
“Yeah, I guess but I want you to explain it.”
“My dad was a demon and my mom was a human. What's more to explain?”
“Any siblings?”
“Um… well, there's Sesshomaru, my half-brother. That is if you consider him a sibling.”
“Why wouldn't I?”
“Well it's just that every time we meet, we try to kill each other.”
“Oh… well… I'd just call that a really severe case of sibling rivalry. Anywho, it's my turn. I'm from nowhere because I don't know where I'm from.”
“Why don't you know where your from?”
“That will be explained on my next turn. Now you go.”
InuYasha sighed. Why can't she just explain it all at once? I'm so confused. I'm from all over the place because… well; I've never really had a home. I mean I did when I was little but after my mother died I just kinda' went wherever life took me.”
“Hmm… sounds like an exciting life. So, now I'll make things more clear in my story. I don't have a past. You see, I came here two years ago with no memory of who I was or where I came from. Chieko gave me the name Keiko and we realized a bit latter that I had miko powers. I can't remember anything from my past except… that I really love strawberry ice cream.”
“What's strawberry ice cream?”
“I have no idea. Every now and then I just feel like I want strawberry ice cream.” She laughed. “Crazy huh?”
InuYasha laughed as well. “Yeah” he said, at the same time as remembering a cold treat he'd once had in Kagome's time. “Okay I think I got this now. Let's see… My past is really to confusing to explain unless you feel like spending about two weeks on it, but I think I can sum it up pretty well. After my mom died I wandered around for a while, then the real adventure began. I went from trying to steal a jewel from a priestess, to having her pin me to a tree for fifty years, to being set free by her reincarnation, to going on a huge quest with her to find shards of the same jewel, which she had accidentally destroyed, to finding all the shards, defeating our nemesis, and ended up doing what I do now.” He took a big breath and went on. “I have no idea what I want to do in the future and I guess I'm just making it all up as I go along.”
Keiko stared at him for a moment. “Woah! Slow down. I missed about half of what you said. Plus… you skipped me.”
“Oh I did? Sorry I guess I was just on a roll.”
“Whatever.” She yawned. “Well I guess I'll finish up my story and then go to bed. It's getting late. So anyway, this brings us to my future. “
“Yeah, why don't you have one?”
She looked at him. “How does a girl who doesn't even know who she is, possibly have a future?”
InuYasha looked at her. She had a sad look on her face. He put his hand on her shoulder. “Everyone has a future. Who you were has nothing to do with who you become. I learned that the hard way.”
“Listen Keiko. You've already made a future for yourself, just by being who you are.”
Keiko smiled at him putting her own hand on top of his. “Arigato InuYasha.” She stood up and began to walk back to camp. “You know,” she stopped, turning back toward him. “They were right.”
“What? Who was right?”
“Sango and Miroku. They said you were gentler in your human form. They were right.”
“What? They said what!? I am not. I…”
“Good night.”
InuYasha stared after the girl and smiled. Things are just falling into place. I know it's you Kagome. Now just to make everyone else believe. Especially you.