InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remember The Days Gone By ❯ Moonlit Well ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Walking silently,
Through the silky dark,
Feet making no mark,
Shadow against the moon,
Hair hiding a face,
Clouding emotions,
He speaks not of those,
Only a weakness,
But ever growing,
Beneath the cold ice,
There may lie more ice,
But even deeper,
Near the center,
Lies the warmth,
Not yet heating,
And melting,
The ice,
But there comes,
One with a surface,
So warm,
It begins to heat the ice,
Not yet melting,
But slowly spreading it’s warmth,
The surface remains unmoving,
But below the ice,
Is slowly moving,
Slowly dripping,
Away from the core,
Those drops collect,
In the secret well,
Perhaps when the ice has melted,
The well full,
Those drops will explode from the depth,
His tears moonlit,
Falling down his face.