InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter Five: Letters from Home ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Five

A/N: Thank you for the reviews! I appreciate them. Just remember, if you have any criticism, tell me! I do not get offended and I want to write better stories. Now for the standard disclaimer, I don't own Inuyasha, but my kids keep wanting to name a puppy after him! laughs Any of you parents have similar problems? Sometimes I think we need to start a support group for parents with anime nuts for kids! grins But, then again, I'm not much better. Drives my wife crazy! Anyway, let's see what mischief I can get Inuyasha into now.

"Alright, Daremo. I'll read those letters now. But I'm beginning with my aunt's letter."

"Excellent, Lord Inuyasha, excellent! In what ever order you wish." Daremo handed Inuyasha the letter from the Lady Mariko, pleased that he was going to complete his mission.

"And Daremo..." started Inuyasha.

"Yes, my Lord."

"Stop calling me Lord. Just Inuyasha. I don't like titles." explained the irritated hanyou.

Inuyasha took the letter from his aunt and held it to his nose again, taking a deep breath through his nose to get the scent again. Smiling slightly, he broke the seal with almost eager anticipation. He opened the scroll and began to scan its contents. He smiled fondly at what he read there. Kagome and his friends waited with eagerness, but as the minutes passed, they began to get agitated. Finally, Kagome could stand it no longer.

"Well?" she prompted.

"Well, what?" asked Inuyasha in return.

"Well, what does it say?!" she asked in exasperation.

"Feh! That's my business! It's my letter!" retorted the hanyou, his usual rudeness coming through.

Kagome's face darkened. "I-NU-YASH-A..." she began.

The hanyou in question suddenly cringed back. He held up his hand. "Okay, okay! I'll read it to you." he said, quickly. "Man! A guy can't have any privacy around here!"

Kagome smiled brightly. "That's sweet, Inuyasha! I knew you would see it my way!"

Inuyasha growled. Miroku hid his smile behind his hand, Kaede quirked an eyebrow, and Sango stiffled a chuckle. Daremo watched this by play with apprehension, sure that Lord Inuyasha was about to eat dirt again.

Inuyasha glared at his companions. "Don't laugh." he warned flatly, then he began. "To my dearest Inu-chan," he paused there to glare at the others as a blush appeared on his cheeks.

Kagome smiled at him softly and said, "Go on. Your doing fine."

Clearing his throut, he continued. "Words cannot describe the joy that I felt on finding out that you were alive, my darling one. Those many years ago, when you and your mother were sent away into hiding, I dreamed of the day when the two of you could return. Those dreams were shattered with the news of the death of my sister. No word was given about your fate and we assumed that you had perished with her, since you were a young child. Later, we heard rumors of a hanyou named Inuyasha who was after the famed Jewel of the Four Souls. Messengers were sent to find you, to tell you that it was safe to return home, but it was too late! You had been pinned to that tree by that priestess. I mourned your loss again. Now, you are alive and I must see you! Please return with Daremo that these old eyes may see you and these old arms hold you before my time is at an end. I love you as much as if you were my own son, Inu-chan. Please come home to me." Inuyasha cleared his throut again, his voice had gone husky with emotion during the reading. "It's signed, Lady Mariko."

Kagome, her eyes bright, walked up to Inuyasha and kissed him lightly. "Thank you for reading your letter to us, Inu-chan."

"I have two more letters for you, my lor..., um, Inuyasha." Daremo stumbled as Inuyasha glared at him. He extended the next letter.

With a resigned look at Kagome, he opened the next letter. He looked at it briefly before looking at the others. "This is just a formal invitation for me to ' present myself to the Lord Tanaka.' There's no need to read it aloud."

"Indeed, Inuyasha. And this final letter for you is a bit more informal." Daremo handed him the last letter.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome, again. "I suppose you are going to want me to read this one aloud, too."

Kagome just looked at him and smiled sweetly.

Grrr... "Feh." was all he would say before opening the letter. He scanned it and burst out into curses.

Everyone jumped, except Daremo. It was his turn to hide a smile. He knew what his master had written in the letter!

"Inuyasha! What's wrong?" inquired Kagome.

"That sorry excuse for a breathing human! Just wait until I get my hands on him!" Inuyasha continued to rant.

Kagome picked up the letter from where Inuyasha had thrown it when he started his rant. She read it aloud, incredulously. "Dear Inu-jiji, I challenge you to a game of 'Go'. I await your conveineince. Or are you too senile to remember how to play!" She began to laugh. "Inu-jiji?" she gasped.

Everyone else began laughing, as well. "Oh, Buddha!" gasped Miroku, when he finally had some control over himself. "Why did he call you 'Inu-jiji'?"

"It's a bad nickname from my childhood." Inuyasha grated out. "And if you know what's good for you, monk, you won't start using it!"

"But, that doesn't tell us why he called you that, Inuyasha." said Sango, now that she was able to breath normally again.

Groan... "He called me that because of my hair." Inuyasha explained. "Since it was silver and only old people had silver hair..."

"He took to calling ye, Inu-jiji! So, how do ye like being of my generation, Inuyasha?" asked Kaede.

"Shut up, you old hag." said Inuyasha crossly.

"I can be ready to leave immediately, Inuyasha. Just inform me of the hour and I will see to the provisions." said Daremo.

"Hold." commanded Inuyasha. "Who said I was going?"

The laughter died in the shock that followed that statement.

"But ... but, my lord, please!" began Daremo.

"Inuyasha! How could you? You'll break your aunt's heart!" raved Kagome.

Inuyasha winced at that. "Need I remind you that I have a life here!? We have jewel shards to find and a wedding to plan!"

"Inuyasha! Sit!" roared Kagome. "If you think that I am going to sit by hunt jewel shards for you while you break the heart of that woman, you had better think again. And as for the wedding, we aren't formally mated, yet. And if you want to be, you had better rethink your position."

By now, Inuyasha had been released from the spell. "Kagome, you wouldn't." he said in panic.

Kagome looked at him and saw the fear in his eyes. Sigh... "No, Inuyasha. I wouldn't." she said softly. "But sometimes you make me so mad."

"Okay, Kagome. We'll go. Besides, I really do want to see my aunt again." he confessed. "And I want to beat that good for nothing cousin of mine in 'Go' again!"

"Daremo! Get the supplies together. When your done, we will leave for my cousin's."

"As you wish, Inuyasha." Daremo left quickly, thinking to himself that it was just as well that he didn't have to tell the young hanyou lord everything. His master could do that when they arrived.

A/N: Having fun yet? I am! I'll see you soon! laughs evilly