InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter 14: Night Winds ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Fourteen

A/N: Hi, guys! It's another beautiful day at the asylum! (Try living with 2 teenage daughters and an 11 year old son and you come up with a better description!) And the inmates are in charge! For anyone who was curious, there will be no lemon. I know that the end of the last chapter was a great lead-in for one but I don't do lemons. I have considered a one shot, on the side, but I try to follow the philosophy not to write anything that I would be embarressed by if my kids were to read it (or my mother)! Anyway, thank you for the reviews! Keep them coming! I don't own Inuyasha or his friends. Now for todays installment.

Inuyasha carried Kagome back into camp late in the evening. They had had a long conversation, among other things! They had managed to keep their promise to Kagome's mother, but it hadn't been easy! They had cuddled and petted for several hours before Kagome had finally fallen asleep in his arms. Inuyasha sighed and thought it would be better if they were in camp when the others awoke in the morning. At the very least it would keep Miroku from making remarks about their spending the night together! Inuyasha looked for Kagome's sleeping bag but found it occupied. Shippou was alseep in it and he wasn't alone. Apparently, Rin had taken a liking to the fox demon because she was cuddled up next to him in the sleeping bag! He smiled at the innocent picture of the two children sleeping with each other. 'Kagome would love this!' He considered waking her to show her, but decided to let her sleep. He looked up into a nearby tree and wanted to jump up into the branches to sleep but didn't. Again, he didn't want to wake Kagome, so he settled in against the trunk of a tree and relaxed. He shifted his haori until he had it around both himself and Kagome. She stirred in her sleep before snuggling into his chest with a contented sigh. He could feel her breath against his skin and could hear her heartbeat. These things lulled him into a light slumber.

Sesshomaru watched his brother and the miko settle in against the tree. He had observed them entering the camp and had watched his brother with a kind of detached amusement. He shook his head in after he caught their scents on the night wind. 'Inuyasha, you are a fool.' He could smell their arousal on them. He could also smell that they had not mated. 'I would not have hesitated to take my mate.' This thought brought a brief stab of pain at an almost forgotten memory. He closed his eyes briefly. 'Forgive me, beloved, but I swore that I wouldn't think of you. It's the only way that I can survive.' He turned his eyes away from the young lovers before his memories returned to him in full force. He cast his eyes on his ward, sleeping with the fox. Usually, Rin slept at his side or on his chest, but she had asked to sleep with the miko's adopted son this evening. He allowed it, since it would please her, but he missed her presence. 'I had forgotten how much I hate sleeping alone.' Again his thoughts and memories began to betray him. Before his thoughts had gone to far into the past, the wind shifted and he smelled a familiar, if annoying scent. Suddenly, the silence of the night was shattered by the sound of a galloping horse and the hoarse scream of "Lord Sesshomaru! Help!" from a certain toad demon.

The camp was awake in an instant. Inuyasha sprang to his feet, accidentally dumping Kagome on the ground, while he reached for Tetsaiga. Sango rolled out of her blankets, grabbing Hiraikotsu. Daremo pulled his katana as he came off the ground with a lunge. His comrades were right behind him. Miroku was trying to get to his spell scrolls. Kirara had transformed and was standing over the wounded monk. Shippou tried to get out of the sleeping bag only to get tangled up in it and in Rin. Rin was trying to get untangled from Shippou. Only Sesshomaru hadn't reacted. As Daremo's horse came into the clearing with the screaming Jaken on his back, Sesshomaru arose from his seated position with a long suffering sigh. 'Why do I keep this idiot around?' he mused.

Daremo's horse made for the other horses and came to a sudden stop in front of them by planting his fore-hooves into the ground. Jaken went screaming over the animals head to land in a heap on the ground. He slowly rolled over with a loud groan. He sat up and shook his head and looked around at the group. "I hate horses!" he growsed and then noticed the looks that he was getting from Daremo, Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippou and Rin. "What are you looking at me for!? It was that stupid horses fault! He wouldn't listen to me!" This last word was squeaked out as everyone, except Miroku, suddenly lunged at the annoying little demon. "Aaahhhh!!" he screamed, as he took off. "Lord Sesshomaru! Help!"

Sesshomaru glared at the toad as he watched him run from the others. Then he shook his head at the antics of his retainer. 'I have to admit, for someone with legs that short, Jaken can run quite fast!'

A/N: On that note, I shall leave you. I know that this chapter is a little short, but I promise to make it up later. And don't worry, I'll explain Sesshomaru's thoughts at a later date, probably in a one shot. One more thing, I will be taking the weekend off, so I won't be posting anything til Monday. Until then, have a great weekend!