InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter Thirty-nine ( Chapter 39 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Thirty-nine
A/N: Hi guys! This chapter should garner some hate mail since I am going back to the end of 37 instead of the end of 38. So what, I'm the author and I can do what ever I please! nyah! sits back and grins I really am having a lot of fun with this. By the way, thank you for all the wonderful reviews, though I must admit that having my parentage brought into question by Pitbull was less than amusing. No hard feelings, chief. I've been called worse. Well, enough chit chat. Time to get to work. But, first, the disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha......yet.
"He needs to know that Onigumo didn't die in that fire."
Jaken gasped. "He didn't?! B,b,but what happened to him then?"
Inuyasha's voice was grim. "He became Naraku."
Those words echoed in Jaken's mind. His mouth dropped open and he began to pant as his grip tightened on his staff of skulls.
Inuyasha was shocked at the change in this little demon. His aura had changed. Even though he was still of diminutive size, suddenly Jaken appeared dangerous. He was even more surprised at the voice he heard when Jaken finally spoke.
"That bastard!" screamed the toad demon. "That stinking low-life hanyou! He knew all this time what he had done to my lord and came to him with deals and promises, then attacks and betrayals, trying to absorb my lord into himself and, all the time, laughing at us for what he had done to Takara-sama!" Jaken foamed at the mouth from the emotion of his rant. "Damn him! May the gods damn him to the lowest level of hell!" He paused and looked at Inuyasha. "We must find my lord and inform him of this at once. This is vengence that has been to long denied."
"Hold it, Jaken. I have something to settle with Naraku myself. I don't want Sesshoumaru to take over and kill that bastard without me!"
Jaken looked at Inuyasha with disdain. "My lord's claim of vengence is of more importance than yours. You only lost a woman that was close to you. Lord Sesshoumaru lost his mate and child before you suffered your lose. His is the prior claim!"
grrr "Maybe so, but I've been fighting him for monthes now and he's mine!"
"My lord will have something to say about that!" huffed Jaken.
"Eh, excuse me." interrupted Inutaro. Jaken and Inuyasha turned to look at him. "If you two will stop fighting, we can get my sister away from Sesshoumaru. Then you can fight over whoever kills this Naraku character."
"Fine then! Let's get going!" Inuyasha picked up Jaken by the front of his tunic. "Were would Sessoumaru take Takara? Which way were they headed?"
"Put me down this instant, you stupid hanyou and I will tell you what direction I saw my lord go in!" Inuyasha dropped Jaken on his rear. "Oooff!" Jaken stood and rubbed his backside, glaring at Inuyasha. "Know this, Inuyasha. I am only helping you because my lord needs to know about Onigumo." With a final huff, the toad demon turned toward the east and started out at a fast trot. "He went this way." he called.
"Let's go, Inutaro!"
"Right behind you, Inuyasha."
As they set out to follow Jaken in a ground eating lope, Inutaro came up beside Inuyasha. "Fath- Inuyasha?"
"Who is Naraku?"
"Now isn't this a pretty picture." A cold voice interrupted from behind Sesshoumaru.
'I know that voice!' thought Sesshoumaru as he spun around to see Kagura standing with soldiers flanking her and Rin by her side.
"Rin." he spoke the child's name calmly. "Come to me. We must be getting back."
Rin smiled happily at her lord and took a step forward to comply with his request. She was stopped by a hand with an ornate closed fan. She raised her eyebrows in question as she looked up at the pretty lady beside her.
Kagura smiled down at Rin. "Stay a moment, child. I would converse with your master." She turned her face back toward the impassive inuyoukai lord with his lovely companion that he had stepped in front of. She smiled at him coldly and felt a pang of jealousy. "So, the great Lord Sesshoumaru has thawed himself enough to have feelings for a woman." she taunted. 'Damn him!' she thought. 'Why couldn't it have been me that he gave himself to instead of this....' Her stare turned incredulous as she realized that the woman he stood with was a hanyou.
"A hanyou?" she asked, softly, the smile fading from her lips. "You would spurn my attentions; me, the mistress of the winds; a full demoness, for a miserable hanyou?"
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at the wind demon. "Spurn your attentions?" He shook his head, slightly. "Kagura, your attention was lost on me. I have no interest in you."
Kagura's face grew even more cold. "I wished for you as a mate, and you never even noticed. How dare you?!"
"Kagura." Sesshoumaru's emotion decided to show some compassion. "I lost my mate, years ago. Since that time, I have never noticed another woman, no matter how worthy she is of my attention."
Kagura's cold rage abated, somewhat, until she looked at the hanyou woman standing just behind Sesshoumaru. "What of her?"
Sesshoumaru drew himself up, regally. "She is none of your concern. Now, send my ward back to me and I shall forgive this incident."
Kagura looked down at the child beside her and removed her hand from in front of her. But instead of letting Rin go, she quickly brought her hand down around her shoulders and pulled her in tight against her side. "I think not. I have a growing attachment for this child. I believe I will keep her." Kagura smiled at the anger on Sesshoumaru's face. "Consider it a gift to remember you by." She glanced at the soldiers who flanked her. "Kill them." she ordered.
Ten soldiers composed her bodyguard. Eight drew their swords and surged forward to engage the demon lord. The other two remained back with bows and prepared to shoot at Sesshomaru and Takara. None stood a chance.
'Kagura knows that these pitiful humans won't stop me.' Sesshoumaru thought as he used his claws to kill the first two of the bodyguards to reach him. 'What is she planning?' As the remaining six swordsman moved to encircle him, he drew Tokijin. Looking over their heads to see what Kagura was doing, he was somewhat surprised to see her standing with Rin, looking on with an amused expression on her face. 'What is she planning?' he thought again as he prepared to dispatch the soldiers surrounding him and Takara.
Kanna stood befroe her lord and master, holding her mirror for him to view.
Naraku smirked at the images that he saw there. He had not expected Kagura to get so lucky as to attack Sesshoumaru in the open, away from Lord Tanaka, but he wasn't going to complain. Then he noticed Sesshoumaru's companion. "Kanna, I wish to see Sesshoumaru's companion. Bring her image up in your mirror." His eyes narrowed in interest as he noted the hanyou's features. "It is she." he said in wonder.
Naraku reached into the sleeve of his robe and pulled out a pulsing red light. "Now, to get Kagura's attention." As he squeezed the light in his hand, his mind went to a day many years ago when he last saw that face. "Soon, you will be mine again." he declared as he looked at the face in the mirror. He smiled. "And, this time I will not have to share you with anyone."
A/N: Okay. I had origanally planned for this to be a longer chapter, but it has been way to long since I last updated and I decided to throw you guys something to keep your interest. Hope you liked this. I will be getting the next chapter out in a couple of weeks. See ya'.