InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Revoltionary Band ❯ Kill Me ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello! I was SO happy when I got home and saw so many new reviews! It was so awesome I swear. And I think I shall put up some review responses. And a note for this chapter, the title was taken from this one manga, very good one too.

Whoobonhoolaglo-Yeah feel the love *hugs* and as far as everything goes, just read! Everything will happen soon enough!

(Shall not say this reviewers name, they know who they are)- Yes, no likes a cliffie but what can you do? Nothing so we deal with it. And it seems that lately every story of mine you have reviewed, you have left really rude and demanding things that were inconsiderate, like when my hand was messed up. So could you please be more considerate? Thank you! *hug*

Disclaimer ~ If I owned InuYasha then we would all fall into an eternal eclipse and the world would crash into the sun.

Revolutionary Band

Kiss Me, Kill Me

Kagome's POV

I panted as I stood just a mere fifteen yards from them. Oh gods!

I can't believe it.

Sango must die!

I couldn't move, just standing there watching them. Sango had a look of triumph on her face as she looked over at me. I mean was this really going to accomplish anything, though it doesn't matter now. Sesshoumaru was standing there with his usual cold expression, reading my poem.

About my feelings.

Clearly feelings about him.

He finished reading and looked up at me. I could see the smile in his goldn eyes, like he was playing some foreign game to me. I couldn't take it. My lip began to quiver and I ran right past them and out the door.

This couldn't happen.

Not now!


Normal POV

Sesshoumaru watched her run out the door and into the night. `Damn" he thought. He would have maybe considered trying to run after her. To maybe talk about the song. The only problem with that Sesshoumaru and as long as people were around, he wouldn't dare show emotion: a sign of weakness.

"So what do you think?" Sango asked hints of hope in her voice.

"Its okay so what?, Sesshoumaru handed the paper back to Sango. She just glared at him. He knew very what she was talking about. "About Kagome and her potential for being in this band fool?" Sango put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Since when did you of all people learn such big words like `potential'? And what makes you think its all up to me, this is a group decision you are aware?"

Sango rolled her eyes. `Damn this man is stubborn.'

"Alright FINE. Miroku, Rin, and InuYasha get your good for nothing asses over here NOW." They turned their heads and quickly made their way over to the angered groupie.

"Now…" Sango ground her teeth and glared at Sesshoumaru who stared back at her.

"I think Kagome should be in this band because we all know very well that InuYasha sings like crap, so is that okay wit everyone?" InuYasha obviously protested but surprisingly Sesshoumaru grabbed InuYasha's head, and put him in a head lock to shut him up.

"Yay, another girl in the group!" Rin cheered and went bouncing off the walls. Miroku went teary eyed from hearing this. "Ah! Finally a well developed young…" Miroku didn't get to finish his sentence seeing as that he was hit in the head by a very disgusted looking Sango.

"You are so SICK!"

Even Sesshoumaru was turning a light green. "I didn't mean it like that I swear my domunatrix1" Sango growled and Sesshou turned back to his normal pale color. "So will you let her in now? Huh? Huh?? HUH?1" Sesshoumaru let go of InuYasha who fainted from lack of air, and clapped a hand over Sango's mouth.

"Fine. Shut. Up. But she would have to agree first and from my understanding she is no longer here." Sango slapped his and away. "And whose fault is that you cruel, inconsiderate blood hound!" Sesshoumaru smirked and picked up some of the drum set and started out to eh door, with Sango at his heel carrying some amps.

"Well, now we have to go and find Kagome." Sango grunted and dropped the amp into he back of the van.

"One, watch is with the equipment, it's expensive! Second, what makes you think; I would go out and look for her. I don't have time to go around looking for sappy wenches who can't learn to open their stupid mouths and face the ultimate consequence: REJECTION!!!" He slammed the old rusty van door so hard that it popped back and hit in on the side of the head.

Sango flashed him a devilish grin. "I think that would be classified as karma?" she laughed and pulled on Sesshoumaru's arm. "Lets go, and what makes me think to answer you little outburst I know what you really think of Kagome." Sango dug her nails into his arm to prove her point.


(Warning, InuYasha is somewhat OOC!)

InuYasha's POV

I wandered down the streets looking in alleys for Kagome. I really don't get why she the hell she needs to take interest in Sesshoumaru. I know for a fact he's a bastard! I feel the urge to kill him and though I won't say anything out loud, she's in for getting hurt by this.

"Kagome?" I called out. She's so stupid! My brother may show some inertest in Kagome, yes I'll admit it but he's never going to tell her anything. Emotions are dumb. Especially in his mind so really, there's no use, its dead end. She's my friend, besides some instances, so okay I admit it. I care if she gets hurt. But I'm not jealous.


I'm not.

If I was I'd have to go and choke on a razor blade and jump off a cliff.

I sighed and heard some singing. I followed the voice which I knew very well. That's my girl…well not my girl but you know what I mean. "We're not the same…not the same anymore, not the same…"

I turned into a small parking lot and saw her sitting next to a dumpster. She had her knees drawn to her chest. I could smell the salt from her tears as I approached her. It was breaking me down to see her small frame shaking from her sobs. I saw down beside her and wrapped my arms around my humming friend.

"Kagome, you alright?"

She looked up at me with red eyes with a look that said, `does it fucking look like I'm alright?'

"Hey, I'm just trying to helot, if you don't want it then fine, sit here and cry like a baby!" She growled and punched my arm.

"Some friend you are."

"Well you, know I try." I blew on my claws and rubbed them against my shirt to shine them. She shook her head at me. "You're way too arrogant for my liking." She said as we walked slowly along.

"Never said you had to like me…but then again I never said you had to like Sesshoumaru either…" she stopped.

Ah, InuYasha, you are very dumb.

"I don't…like him that way." She said coolly, but not to cool for me.

I laughed. "You know not only is it obvious that you like him, but you told me yourself a while ago that you liked him!"

"WELL THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT;'S STILL TRUE!" she screamed at me.

"Then why are you making such a big deal about it?" I tiled my head as I looked at a very stunned friend. I had her now. She didn't say anything as we started walking again. Usually, when the silence from one of us happened that usually meant the other won, and I was right.

"Hey! You guys!" We both looked up to see Sango, of all people pulling Sesshoumaru down the street, not to mention it looked like he was going to kill her.

"Hey, guess what Kagome?" Sango practically jumped Kagome as we walked back. She grunted in response. "You're in the band and now we don't have to suffer Inu's awful singing anymore! Isn't that great?" That has to be the stupidest thing Sango has done tonight.

Besides making Kagome run away, I mean gods, Disaster in the form of a girl. I held out my arms out Kagome sputtered in protest before fainting and falling back into my arms. I had been in this situation with her before.

Sesshoumaru came over and picked her up out of my arms without a word, heading back to the van.

Sango- "We shoulda check her for a pulse."

Me- "yeah she was looking pretty pale huh?" we laughed following the two idiot in front of us.

The two weird, confusing beings in front of us.

Too bad when she wakes up, she'll realize it wasn't a dream. I'm readying for the good times. I hope she is too…hah.


Ah another chapter, short yet good I hope now here's a note for you. See I'm in catholic school meaning WORK TO THE MAX! And we're doing research project sites in history, and I'm doing debates as finals in other classes, so I'm not looking for sympathy, just to let you know why updates are slow. Think of it like this, when I'm not updating I'm working my ass into oblivion to get an A. Feel free to read my other stories like Shield of hate and if you review you get a new chapter because that story is all prewritten now it people just reviewed! So I bid you adieu, now please, review!

Love much


(1) This by no means to be an insult to those who may have been taken advantage of at an early age, even I can feel that it's a very delicate matter, from personal experiences myself.