InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Revoltionary Band ❯ Sakura Drops ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yes, underneath it all you guys love me? Well at least I hope so, just to let you know I appreciate your reviews, they mean lots of love to me. And to tell you, for two weeks I will be at camp and unable to update and possibly unable to write, but when I have free time hopefully I can write a tad bit! So while I'm gone for those two weeks I can hope to have two chapters done (if you pray lots for me!). That will be from June 24th-July 7th and I won't update when I get back right way because July 8th is my birthday!

But enough of that, back to the ficy at hand. I might put a few useless lemons in here with couples I bet you could guess. Is that okay with you guys? I don't people to be player hating about a lemon. So tell me in your review so I know it's alright for future purposes. And with that thought in mind, let's go on to the fic shall we?

Disclaimers~ don't make me get my shot gun just to get it through your head how much I don't own these characters. Nor do I own the songs by Go On Red a local band around here whose songs I'm using.

Revolutionary Band

Sakura Drops

Normal POV

There sat Kagome, Sesshoumaru, Miroku at a table with sheets of paper in front of them and Sango, Rin (Sitting in Sango's lap) and InuYasha sat in the corner making, surprisingly friendly small talk. They had been there, in their garage for the past what was it? Five hours with no breaks, either sitting there being bored out of their minds or listening to people play the saxophone.

And it wasn't pretty.

Earlier one girl had come in the place, in a mini skirt and a tank top, much to Miroku's enjoyment and began to play. Let's take a flashback, back to that moment shall we?


A petit girl walked in with a small smile on her face and winked at Miroku who we have to say, was drooling buckets. And Sango noticed this and threw a random boot at his head. To her dismay, it had no effect on him what so ever. "Hi! My name is Ami" she bowed and fiddled with taking out her sax and putting the reed in the mouth piece.

Sesshoumaru took this time to yawn and lean back in his chair. He wasn't having the best time either. In his mind no one would be able to match up to his standards and this girl wasn't anywhere near what he wanted. She had a pretty face, but wouldn't be any good where they wanted to go.

Ami once again took a look at Miroku and smiled brightly. She began to play, if you really call what she did playing. Instead of really pushing the keys, she blew into her instrument in a tune to make it sound good, but it didn't really work out. Kagome eventually laid her head on the table and looked at the girl as if she felt dead. Kagome felt like her ears were close to bleeding and slightly so the girl wouldn't notice started to hit her head on the table thinking 'Gods, take me now!'

"STOP!"Kagome finally screamed. "Stop the pain" she whimpered and kind of just plopped down on the table. Ami stopped and looked confused. Miroku had a smile plastered on his face, knowing how bad she was but couldn't resist her looks.

"You can leave, we'll give you a call if we're desperate." Sesshoumaru said but was nudged in the ribs by Kagome who was nudged back from her earlier rude comment. Sango stood up, completely forgetting about Rin who fell off of her lap and onto the floor. She walked towards Ami, having had enough of what this girl called music. Not to mention her making googly eyes at Miroku.

Not that she cared or anything.

It was just annoying. And sick and WRONG!

"I've had enough of you bitch! You heard the man" Sango proceeded to push the Ami out the garage, babbling and telling her off. "Get out go away, away! Don't come back!" Sango grabbed Ami's sax and threw it out the garage. "Hey!" Ami began to protest, well that was before Sango picked her up, made her way down the sidewalk and threw poor Ami down the street.

Sango grinned and went to sit back on a crate next to InuYasha. They all examined her as if she was more insane than she was before. "You are aware that she could press charges right?" InuYasha scooted way from the crazy insane woman, giving her an odd look.

"Oh don't worry, she'll be too afraid too!" Sango waved her hand and looked around smiling as if what she just did was the norm, and she did it on a daily basis. "Next!" she called since they were taking way too long to pick up where they left off.

A guy with glasses, khaki pants that were way to short for him, and we can't forget the plaid shirt, complete with a pencil holder! Came on in with a guitar and pushed his glasses up on his nose. " He was really good, they were indeed impressed.

"You're really good." Miroku began.

"But you see, we're looking for a saxophone player, so get out. Now." Sesshoumaru said coldly and cocked his head back towards the door. The guy looked down and walked slowly out and down the street and was never to be seen again. ((Well he might be seen again, you never know))

And that's basically how it went, until it was around six in the afternoon and they were going to break off to get something to eat and give up for the day. That was until a short boy with flaming red hair, what looked to be an orange tail, with small ears and a bandanna tied around his head popped into their garage.

He wore baggy blue whoosh pants and a blue shirt with a green vest. "Hi, I'm Shippou! I wanna try out for your band please!" He smiled excitedly and brought out his saxophone. Everyone was looking at him, actually interested from the happy aura that was quickly filling up the room on his account.

Rin's POV

I was sitting around really bored. I mean sometimes being here is so bored I want to go and run around, but Sesshoumaru-sama won't let me. He says that we need to work. But music is supposed to be fun! But anyway!

A boy came in and he looked like he was my age! And I felt happy, I hope they pick him! He looks nice. I smiled as he began to play the saxophone. He was so great! Much better than the other girl who came in here earlier. She was pretty, but she played really badly. I bet she feels embarrassed now from being thrown out by Sango. I could imagine she hurts.

Shippou-chan looked very into his playing right now. And so does everyone else! And you know what else? He's pretty.


I nodded my head to the gentle beat that he was playing and he had a really good solo going on. I poked Sango was looking happier than she had all day and she leaned down to me. "I want him to be in the band!" I whispered in her ear and giggled.

Sango raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. "Yeah he's really good, he would make wonderful boyfriend material wouldn't he?" I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks and shake me head as I said pretty loudly, not noticing that he had finished. "NO Way!" Everyone looked back at me and I attempted to look invisible.

"You're in!" Kagome said, looking like she was pretty ecstatic. Miroku agreed, but Sesshoumaru-sama was himself and looked all sour. "Hmm, well I say no…" everyone began to protest.

Kagome- "But you're only one person it's still two against one!"

Sesshoumaru- "I'm a demon so I count for two people you know."

Kagome- "But that would mean it's a tie so we let him in anyway!"

Sesshoumaru- "Since it's a draw no one wins!"

The two began growling at each other until I stood up and went up to them. "You know I'm a member of this group too, and I vote him in…isn't that three against…two then?"

Sango and InuYasha started snickering because Sesshoumaru was cornered. He couldn't do anything now because he only counts for two people! Yay go Rin!

Sesshoumaru glared at Kagome. I wonder why she's glaring at her, I proved him wrong. Oh well. I jumped up and down and pulled on Sesshoumaru's shirt. "Pleeeaasse can he be in the band Sesshoumaru-sama, please, please, pleassse?" I smiled up and him and he grunted a fine.

"Whoot whoot!" I skipped around and tackled Shippou. "Hi new friend! My name's Rin!" I got off of him and waved a hand. He got up and waved back at me. "I'm Shippou! Let's go run around!"

I grinned and nodded running outside "Let's wreck havoc on the neighborhood!"

"Yay!" and we ran out the garage and around the block.

Normal POV

The group stared after Rin and her new companion. "Well, I wonder where this new relationship is going…" InuYasha leaned against the wall, looking extremely bored with everything.

"Oh give it up, I think it's cute!" Kagome commented.

"Well, that's all well and good but we have some more important things to work on. Like where we're going to play with our new style now." Sesshoumaru stopped and got up to open a drawer and pull out a poster that he held up to everyone else.

"Listen, the Sakura festival is coming up soon and we need to practice Kagome's songs, just because they're fit for what we need to play there. So now, we need to get read and there's going to be a little contest going and we can get some money to do, something that would go towards the band. Isn't that right?" Sesshoumaru asked towards everyone who mumbled and groaned at not being able to spend the money on themselves. How selfish of them!

"I think we should start practicing tomorrow, at noon, there's only a week left before the festival, is that fine with everyone?" Sesshie asked and everyone nodded. "On your way out, make sure to enlighten Shippou on the practice.


A week passed and after many rehearsals and trying to chase down Shippou and Rin, they finally arrived at the Sakura festival, in traditional Japanese kimonos and such, with a few hours until they had to perform.

"Let's slit up! Rin and Shippou, Kagome and Sesshoumaru" Sango grinned to see the scowl on Sesshoumaru's face. "And then…I guess Miroku and I, and that's it!" She gave a displeased look at being with Miroku and shrugged it off and began to look around at all the booths of warm food, some with shinning jewelry and fresh cherries to try.

"Well, let's go!" Sango said and began to walk off before a voice interrupted her.

"Hey! What about me?" InuYasha questioned in an angry voice at being left out.

"You're a smart boy; you'll be able to find SOMETHING to do!" And Sango went on cackling like an evil, which like person as she grabbed Miroku by his collar and went off.

'Grrrr, damn this isn't fair!' InuYasha thought to himself as he saw everyone go in their own directions and then looked after Sesshoumaru and Kagome who were doing a wonderful job of staying very far away from each other. This should be interesting… he smirked and hid behind bushes as he followed them around the festival.

Kagome and Sesshoumaru walked around the grounds which were already beginning to be littered with ice cubes that teens probably threw at each other and cherry pits that were spit out without a second thought to who would have to step on them!

Sesshoumaru inched closer to Kagome looking around to make sure no one had noticed. The insane words of Sango rang in his head about how she would basically kill him if he didn't make a move because he knew his secret. Not the one about him being a demon, that was pretty obvious on its own, but it was a different one. Something along the lines of him having his own attraction to certain girls, who would happen to be the lead singer of a certain band, that he just so happened to be in…

Sesshoumaru looked down at Kagome when he felt her take his hand in hers. He raised an eyebrow and looked away from her thinking about how stupid he must've looked at that moment in time.

"Hey, Sesshie, can we go in there?!" Kagome pointed to a Fortune teller booth and smiled.

"Just as long as you agree never to call me by that hideous nickname in public ever again.

"Okay Sessie!"

He glared down at her and growled. "What? This one is spelled differently!" She said as she pulled him inside through the thick curtains of red satin and into a seat in front of an old woman. They sat at a table with soft comfy chairs and around the tent hung beads and a few old scrolls and whatnot.

The woman turned around in her chair and looked at the two. She had long grey hair and was dressed in…stuff. She had a black patch over her eye and she held out her hand and smiled, a smile lacking of most of her teeth.

"Hello my names' Kaede, would you like your palm read today?" She asked kindly before glaring at Sesshoumaru who yawned, bored with the so called façade he thought she was putting on. In the end, he was still ignored as Kagome put her hand on the table and Kaede began to look at her hand.

Her old eyes squinted at the youthful hand in her own and smiled, telling Kagome that she had a long lifeline and had a hopeful future but then frowned looking at her heart line. It was long, sure it was, but in all truth it was extremely crooked.

"Kagome, my dear-"

"How did you know my name?" she titled her head to the side in question. "I am a fortune teller you know. Kagome, I sense in the present you have had a hard time with relationships, am I correct?" Kagome nodded in response tempted to look at Sesshoumaru, but decided against it.

"You have a very crooked heart or love line. You love life will always be a hard one. You will always have to be aware, for something always lurks around the corner, watching you to try to keep you from your destiny, always know that evil watches, and it may go that way for a while, considering how long this line is, but in the end, things may look up for you." Kaede gave a final smile as Kagome looked at her nervously and then up to Sesshoumaru who was giving her this look as if saying 'I don't know why you listened to her in the first place.'

Kaede got up to show them to the curtain before picking up a random shoe and throwing it at the curtain and hearing a muffled 'ow'

"I guess the evil wasn't so far away…" Kaede commented as they went outside and she sat back down.

Kagome walked around and saw InuYasha clutched his head that was beginning to swell a bit. She frowned and went over to smack him up side his head. "Have you been following us?!"

"No I haven't!"

"Yes you have! Stop being so nosey!" Kagome screamed and stomped away with Sesshoumaru close behind who was laughing silently at his brother. InuYasha shook his head and kept stalking them in great pursuit, trying to find someway to make sure they wouldn't get any closer than they were at the moment. For him, it just didn't seem right that his brother should be with her.


Sango walked around with a frustration mark, clearly written on her forehead and a baseball bat in the other. After being groped several times and playing various games, she had had enough and decided to borrow a baseball bat from a booth just in case. So to say the least, it wasn't going very well for them.

"Hey! Miroku!" Sango turned to see a huge flock of girls come over and stand around Miroku. Sango's eye twitched at the huge crowd of girls who totally pushed past her to get to the evil groped she was forced to hang out with for the time being.

This was insane! What could they possibly see in him! I mean, well he's not that handsome…she thought to herself and then took it back. The girls were talking to him and fondling him. She couldn't take it anymore.

"BACK UP YOU SLUTTY BEASTS!!!" Sango roared and started hitting the baseball bat at some of the girls who screamed and ran away except for two, who Sango went up to and stared in the eye.

One looked towards Miroku "Awe, I'm sorry I didn't know you had a *girlfriend*" The girl looked at Sango and raised an eyebrow at her blushing.

"What?!What are you talking about! I'm not his girlfriend how could you stand this thing!" she stuttered and looked around.

"Then why are you defending him?" The other girl questioned, grinning, holding onto Miroku's arm. Sango looked around and fumbled for words. "Screw it I don't need to answer to you two!" And with that she grabbed Miroku way from the girls and stomped off.


Rin and Shippou sat down on a bench to share some cotton candy they got and began to eat the pink sugar and chewing on it and giggling. They ate more and more and as the candy disappeared, their faces got closer as they looked each other in the eye.

At the last bit of cotton candy their lips met for a kiss as they blushed a violet shade of red and they pulled back to look away from each other. Rin licked her lips to rid them of the remainder of the sweet candy. (1)

Shippou side glanced back at Rin before he slowly reached over to hold Rin's hand. She turned to look at him, her face still red before they both broke out into a huge grin and they walked off to meet the rest of the group.


Everyone met up a few hours later, dressed in their average clothes and getting ready to go on stage. Kagome and Sesshoumaru were of course on edge after catching InuYasha numerous times following them as they went to go and eat some cherries and have fun, but it was always ruined when InuYasha had to come lunging out at them.

Kagome walked up to the back stage and started to get ready before she was pushed out of the way by some guy. "Hey! Watch where you're going please!" Kagome said as she turned and started tuning the guitar with the rest of the band near her.

Kagome looked up to see InuYasha fighting with a security guard who wouldn't let him in because he wasn't a part of the band. She snickered before she was brought back to her senses by the guy who ran into her. "You know you guys are a bunch of amateurs anyway, I don't see why you bother. Just remember, the reason you loose will be because of World's End (2)." And the guy turned and went on stage where Kagome heard uproar from the crowd.

"Don't let the other bands get to you." Sesshoumaru said and picked at his bass.

She shook her head "I would never let someone like that get to me." She said flatly to try to mask the nervous feeling she felt. This was her first time performing anywhere, besides them. She sucked in some breath as the band had come off stage, their noses turned up at them.

Sango, who had found her way in, threw a soda can at the lead singer's head which made him fall to the ground. Always know that Sango fights dirty, and that can was still full. XD

Kagome walked up on stage with Sesshoumaru, Shippou, Miroku and Rin behind her. She stopped at the mic and looked out at the people with a smile on her face as she got out a guitar pick and waited for everyone to be ready. When she knew it was time, Sesshoumaru started out a low beat and Kagome followed with him as the mainstream of the song began and she let her words flow.

"The notes are far faced down

And the box is in your name

Forces on suicide always running through you eyes

Never meant to cover this mess with my own goodbye

My disguise

Just goes to show you

Wasn't meant for this

Never meant for this" She sung and nodded her head to the beat she played.

"Cause all the rock shows

And the crazy nights

Just slip away" Sung and thought about how just a few weeks ago she was in that club with Sango as this very band, minus her, played and how she ran away when Sango took her lyrics to show to Sesshoumaru. To think If she hadn't been there, then she wouldn't be here today.

"And the notes are always screaming

Always screaming to me

And I…

So here goes one more day

What else could you expect from me?

Cause the face in this song

Tells me a different…


It's not the same

We're not the same anymore (More…)

We're not the same anymore (More…)

Not the same" Rin sung along to the dragged notes that Kagome sung.

"So your piece of mind

Just scatter my room

And struggle my head

Two years to my back

It's like a memory I can't pertain

Times in the car

Screamin' at the radio (to play our song)" Kagome sung in a distressed voice with Rin along with her.

"It's like when you said when we gave up

Never…to give in

And it all comes crashing cause of one drink a night

And some slurred words

And I'm taking pictures down and I'm…

Replacing you!

So here goes one more day

What else could you expect from me?

Cause the face in this song

Tells me a different…


It's not the same

We're not the same anymore (more…)

We're not the same anymore (more…)

Not the same" Kagome thought of how just before she went on stage, Sesshouamru told her not to let the guys get to her. Maybe, he does care… she thought as the song slipped into a slow part of the bridge when Rin had her own little rap part.

"And everyday it just gets a little bit thicker

The pressure reaches high

And your gig is breaking up

And I'm not thinking straight

And my thoughts are a mess

And I can't make it work

And my mind needs a rest

Explosion in my brain

And my heart is in my chest And I, I, I can't take it!" Rin concluded at the end and then the rest of the band joined into the singing.


Oh I..( Can't take it, Can't take it) Rin and Kagome sung the first parts and Sesshoumaru and Miroku echoed as Shippou went all out on the ending of the song.

No..I…(Can't take it! Can't take it!) They finished and the crowd clapped as they exited to the back stage to wait for the other band to get up and do their own thing. They all waited in silence, after they all congratulated each other.


"Man, I can't believe we lost." Shippou grumbled from the back seat of the van. Kagome was in the front with Sesshoumaru and everyone in the back. It was true. Even after all of that, they had lost, just as the World's End had said.

"I still think we did a good job anyway." Rin said in a small voice as she chewed on a cherry. As for getting in second place they got a years supply of cherries. Though, Kagome didn't regret it. She had had fun that day anyway, even if they didn't get any money.' And maybe people at clubs saw us!' She thought hopefully. She still had a fun time, and she was happy, even if evil lurked around the corner.

"At least we had fun right you guys?" Kagome said to lighten the mood and they all nodded their heads and Kagome turned on the radio to listen to some j-pop on the radio.


Well you guys, I really hope you liked that. The end I didn't really know what to do so it was just there. And yeah, this was nine pages! You should be so proud of me! Yay, and I shall miss you because I'm going to camp! So here was the long chapter to hold you over a bit while I'm gone and I might have a chapter or two for you when I get back, but I make no promises, we only get like 40 minutes of quiet time at the camp. I love you all! Thank you so much for reading and please review!'s going into ten pages because of this authors note! Yay!

(1) Doesn't that remind you of that scene in Lady and the Tramp?

(2) Yes, this name is from the anime Revolutionary girl Utena, but hey it's a cool name to be in conflict with Revolutionary Band isn't it?