InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road to Remembrance ❯ A Done Deal ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 24
Animus decipio abduco hic... Inuyasha muttered. The rune began to glow an eerie florescent red. Kagura, Sesshomaru, Kouga, and Shippo all stood watching as the hanyou made some gestures with his hands. Kirara and Sango were a little ways away with an unconscious Miroku, but they had a good enough view of the fight. Both parties could only stare as Inuyasha continued to chant in Latin.
“...Contemptus animusa barathrum...
The ground within the rune began to bubble and soften, turning into a gaseous, red miasma. Naraku found himself very afraid—a rare occurrence in itself. Try as he might, he couldn't seem to get out the center of the rune, as if some invisible force was holding him in his place.
Shippo's eyes widened in horror as Inuyasha grazed his fang deeply across each wrist, letting the blood spill freely. He then began to move his arms in a more rapid movement, chanting more fiercely as he reached the pinnacle of the spell.
“What is he doing?” Kagura gasped to no one in particular with her brows furrowed.
“No! No you will not take me!” Naraku screamed as he began to sink into the frothing mess. His blissful couple of hours back on earth as coming to a horrific end as blood manacles shot forth from the ground and attached themselves to the tentacles that were left of him.
One freed tentacle shot out towards Inuyasha at an electrifying speed. Inuyasha threw up a hand and the tentacle bounced back from a red-tinted shield with a loud twang.
“I believe he is manipulating the blood somehow,” Sesshomaru murmured. He couldn't deny he was impressed with the display of power his brother had presented this day. In just a few short years the youth seemed to have developed not only with his powers but in body and mind.
“Look!” Shippo said excitedly even though everyone's attention was already on the two half-breeds, “Naraku is being sucked into hell again!”
Naraku screeched and clawed and howled, doing everything in his power to escape the dripping chains that continued to pull him to his doom, cursing Inuyasha's very existence. Inuyasha slowly approached the pool of hell's essence where Naraku's head and neck were all that were left for the earth's air to touch.
“Do you really think this will stop me Inuyasha?” he hissed, “I will only escape again and again until everyone you care about is dead!
Inuyasha cocked his head to the side impassively as Naraku was fully submerged. He knew what came next and he didn't have much time. He spared the individuals behind him a quick look before jumping into the miasma himself. He sunk quickly, not slowing his descent with the same struggles Naraku put up.
“Inuyasha!” Sango and Shippo cried simultaneously. Sango wouldn't leave her husband's side, not that she could with a broken leg, but Shippo raced forwards towards the miasma, stopping just where the ground was last hard.
“Inuyasha, what are you doing?” he cried distraught. Inuyasha managed a quick, reassuring smile.
“Don't worry kiddo; I'm just making sure he doesn't manage to escape again.”
“Will you come back?”
Inuyasha didn't get to reply because the miasma managed to pull him fully under, but the final negative look he delivered wasn't very comforting.
“No, Inuyasha!” Shippo dashed forwards, falling on the hardened ground. He pounded on the ground a few times, willing it to open up once more. Kagura was quite shocked by the entire display of the last twenty minutes and could only stare on as the young fox kit used some colorful language.
“Come on,” Kouga muttered as he turned to pick up Miroku's unconscious body in his arms. He idly wondered if this meant Inuyasha was dead and found he wasn't too pleased with the thought. He had unanswered questions for the half-demon and the guy wasn't that bad after all.
Shippo hopped on the back of Kirara with Sango, burying his face in her chest as she hugged him; tears leaked from his eyes. The lord of the western lands nearly rolled his eyes at the display of a human comforting a demon.
“He is not dead,” Sesshomaru stated callously before turning and walking back to his castle where no doubt Rin had created some havoc in his absence.
“How would he know,” Sango muttered. Despite not liking the demon lord, she still hoped he was right.
The room he recently entered was small, about twenty feet by twenty feet and made entirely of black marble. There were several burning flames that ran along the walls and ceilings, making the room unbearably hot. Floating in the air were many souls, most were black or red and a few were green. It was a place in hell reserved for the worst of the worst or if someone were to be sent directly to hell while still in their earth-made body. In this case, both reasons applied.
“I will kill you! You will rue the day you crossed me Inuyasha—” Naraku was cut off as the blood binding that was slowly dissolving his fleshy body reached his face, stopping him from speaking anymore.
“Will you shut the hell up? You crossed me first, asshole...” Inuyasha spoke to the now red tinted ball of light that was Naraku's soul. Inuyasha raised his blood soaked hands—wet from his still bleeding wrists. He made a mental note to brew some more blood replenishing potion later on.
Peremptum pondus constrixi phasmatis,” He muttered quickly, having the index and middle finger of each hand standing strait up as the rest curled and bringing them to cross several times. He then brought both hands up with his palms facing outwards and clapped his hands together.
There were was loud screeching noise as Naraku's soul was bound to hell. It would have been invisible to anyone but Naraku and Inuyasha as many tendrils escaped from Naraku's soul and entered the walls of the hellish room. Inuyasha sighed with relief, knowing that the soul-binding ritual worked.
“Now here are the rules,” Inuyasha began as though he were speaking to a child, “You will be stuck in this room for quite a while until you've calmed down. Then you may leave it and wander as many different parts of hell as you please, and maybe after a few centuries—if you behave that is—the guardian of hell will allow you to take a corporal form again. But you still won't be able to leave hell because your very soul is bound with it, capeesh?”
The red spirit flashed angrily.
Inuyasha turned and walked out of the great iron doors he walked in from and found himself with the familiar red and barren scenery that was hell.
“Great,” he muttered, looking up at the stormy scarlet skies. Now how the hell was he supposed to get out of there? He wandered around for a while, possibly a couple hours, but everywhere he looked was the same. It was as if the entirety of hell was simply red dust and rocks unless you knew where to look. He had run into a few demons in the short time he was there and was quite impressed with the overall increase of strength compared to what they had on earth. They must be stronger in their natural habitat, though still no match for him.
“Oh come on!” he finally yelled at the sky, fed up. He knew the PTB knew where he was and there was no way in hell he was going to spend the next five hundred years there waiting for that damn prophecy to play out. They said they wanted him to live; well how the hell was he supposed to do that when he was stuck in a place where everything is pretty much dead?
“Not lost are you?” Inuyasha turned to see a female demon standing directly behind him. She was very beautiful with long, shimmering black hair that fell to her waist. Here eyes were completely black, sclera and all, glittering in the dull light, and complemented her full red lips and pert nose. She wore a very short, leather mini dress and on her back were two black bat-like wings.
“And you are...?” He trailed, trying to keep his cool in the presence of such a figure.
“Satan,” she said pleasantly, holding out a hand for him to shake. Inuyasha slowly accepted it with disbelief, “And you are Inuyasha.”
“ in...the devil? I thought that was a guy?” he asked quite skeptical on the matter. She laughed daintily, covering her mouth with a finely manicured hand.
“It's more of a title actually, though the original one was a man. But we soon learned that men should not have complete reign over an entire dimension. They tend to think with their “smaller head” if you catch my drift.”
Inuyasha raised his eyebrows in amusement; he almost found himself agreeing on that. He suddenly realized who he was talking to.
“If you are who you say you are...then you can get me out of hell can't you?” he asked hopefully. Satan flipped her long, black hair back over her shoulder.
“I can, but I won't. Don't even try that on me, I hear it way to often,” she turned to leave. Inuyasha rushed forward and grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving.
“Wait! You don't understand, I'm not dead.”
“I know,” she said, removing his hand from her arm, “But you jumped into Hell willingly, so that was your choice. Besides, as only a half-breed, you should be dead soon enough anyways. Then you'll fit right in.”
The insult bounced right off him.
“No I won't! That's the problem. The Powers That Be won't let me die for another five hundred years. They want me to spend that time `living' as they said...whatever the hell that meant. The point is—I need to go back to the human world so I can fulfill a prophecy. That's why I can't stay down here.”
Satan was silent for a moment, gazing into his radiant eyes. She could tell he was telling the truth and someone like him certainly didn't belong in Hell, his heart was too pure. But she couldn't just let him go without getting something in return. The boy did have a lot of power...demonic and human. An intelligent spark went off in her dazzling obsidian eyes as a plan formed in her mind.
"I see your the question is: what are you going to do for me?"
"Aw, come on,” Inuyasha pouted, though he couldn't say he wasn't expecting it, Can't you just do me this one, itty-bitty favor?"
She grinned beautifully at him.
"I'm the devil sweetheart, I don't DO favors."
"Alright, what do you want?" he conceded.
"It's not what I's what I need," Inuyasha did not like the way she was looking at him at the moment, "I need an heir."
He instantly stiffened at the request.
"Oh—OH NO," Inuyasha said, backing away, “Sex I'll do, but NO kids. I don't do kids!”
“Honey, I can get sex any where any time,” she laughed mockingly.
“Clearly you've never had sex with a hanyou,” he grinned, unable to stop the innuendo from dripping from his voice.
“That's exactly my point,” she giggled, “You'd make the perfect sire for the future ruler of hell.”
Inuyasha squinted at her, not sure what of what she was playing at, “And...why would you want a half breed to sire your heir?”
“Because, then she would be powerful but also have just the right amount of humanity to make intelligent decisions. In case you haven't realized humans—”
“—are the most intelligent creatures created yet. I know,” Inuyasha replied dully. He could see her point in having some humanity in the bloodline. After all, humans have been evolving more rapidly than any creature on earth; not physically, but with their minds...with their curiosity.
She winked at him, “Smart boy.”
Inuyasha sighed, knowing he didn't have much of a choice in the matter.
“Alright, fine. But why do you even need an heir so bad?”
Satan replied honestly, “I am an old, old woman Inuyasha; I won't be around much longer.”
“What are you talking about?” Inuyasha said as he glanced at her very fit body. She giggled as he avidly checked her out.
“Appearances can be deceiving. You of all people should know that.”
Inuyasha nodded as he got what she was saying. She would die from old age soon.
“Don't worry,” she assured him, rubbing his shoulder, “I know you're young. You don't have to take any responsibility on this. I'll send you back to the mortal realm right after and my heir will be raised here. It's a done deal! All you have to get out of it is a night of fun with little old me.”
Inuyasha nodded, the deal sounding better and better.
“So...” he trailed awkwardly. They were standing in the middle of no where...did she expect him to bang her on the rocks? Before he could voice this thought aloud she leapt on him, kissing him thoroughly.
“Okay,” Inuyasha mumbled into her mouth. When she finally pulled away from him he was no longer outside but in a posh-looking, crimson themed bedroom. The bed was large, catching his attention first, with many fluffed pillows and black drapes.
“This better?” she whispered in his furry ear before giggling and pulling him on the bed with her.
“Much,” he grinned saucily, his sexually charged pirate self taking over.