InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ Is this the end? ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha lasted a lot longer than this as u can it obviously isn't mine....forevermore

~*A/N- alright, I am wrapping this baby up...I am so sorry tho bout that! This was more of a summer fic, and well as u can see summers over and I am back in is so much, all of teh tests and homework and projects....I cant keep up and I cant keep this fic going...ok so maybe next summer I will have a PART II to this! They will start up a WHOLE nother road trip and next time I am going to have fun with it...I am not going to have a "serious" plot and remain perfect, I am going to have fun with it. That is the main purpose of a have fun with it! *hugs* this chappy will be forever long...well as long as I can make it at least! lol well.....enjoy~*

chappy 20- "Is this the end?"

The little fox kitsune lept down from a tree branch landing on a batch of kaedes herbs.

"Shippo! Get off! Those herbs are delicate and very rare!" Kaede yelled at the kitsune pushing him off the pile of herbs.

"Ah your no fun....hey! When is Kagome coming back?" asked the little fox demon jumping up and down continuously.

"Soon I suppose...they shouldn't be gone for too l-" Kaede was cut off by a large "THUD"

In the distance she could see the well, and Miroku falling over the edge and accidentally dropping Morgan to the bottom..."THUD" Miroku went back down and dragged her up as Kagome, Inuyasha and Sango waited patiently for him to hurry his ass up. ((A/N- wow...Inuyasha patient...thats a first!)) Miroku scrambled out of the well with everyone else following him to Kaedes hut.

"Kaede!" Miroku called in the distance to Kaedes hut spotting Kaede outside chopping herbs. "You must hurry! We need your help!" he called again this time louder and full of emotion like he was going to lose someone close to him. ((A/N- What Kaede didn't know was that he actually WAS))

"What is it houshi?" Kaede asked looking quite concerned at the limp body he was carrying on his back.

"Morgan-sama...shes...dead! She needs your help, Kaede. Please help!" Miroku pleaded, telling Kaede the story about Kaoru and that there was still time to save her.

" much time do we even have?" asked Kagome getting a little nervous.

"hmm....well...since she died at about 3:00 in the afternoon...and since its now....WHA?! 2:47?! WTF?!" Miroku screamed very shocked at the time.

"I think that the Shikon made us travel ahead of time since it transported us here.....makes SOME sense at least!" Michaela said scratching her head.

"Kaede...."Miroku said his eyes watering. "please tell me you can do someting...we still have at least 15 minutes...." he continued looking down at the ground.

"Miroku...I am very sorry....but there is nothing i can do. The process takes approximately 1 hour and you need a rare herb found on top of Mt. Fuji....which is miles and miles away....again, I am sorry," Kaede said in a sad sympathetic tone, and then walking back into the hut dragging Shippo with her.

Miroku fell to his knees and layed Morgan down on the grass. He then walked around the back of the hut and picked a few flowers and then returned to Morgans side. He placed the flowers in Morgans hands and placed them on her chest. "Im so sorry Morgan" he said before silently walking into the forest to be alone.

"Im going with him" Inuyasha said before he lept into action and flew into the forest right behind Miroku.

Kagome and Sango thought it would be better to stay back with Shippo and Kaede until they returned. But prior they went into the hut, they TOO picked flowers and placed them in Morgans hands that were placed onto her chest...kind of like a funeral. And walked inside.

Michaela just sat in the grass and cried. She sobbed so hard the ground was shaking like a fucking banshee was jumping up and down. "Why Morgan.....why?" she questioned herself moments before she stood up and also went into the forest to join Inuyasha and Miroku.


In ThE fOrEsT. , . , . , . , . ,


"Would you slow the fuck down?" Inuyasha shot at the monk who was sprinting through the forest dodging every tree and log in the way.

-no response-

'Is he that upset?' Inuyasha thought slowing down and perching on a high up branch ((A/N- sounds like a bird to me...))

Inuyasha sat there on the branch thinking about all of the trips events....flipping throgh each one as thought it were a photo album. He kept stopping at each time he was with kagome. A smile slid across his face and thought about the time they had first kissed. He thought it was the best day in his whole life... "Kagome..." he said to himself laying back and letting himself go into the wind that whispered him to sleep.


'No....this cant be happening...there must....just MUST be something I can do. Its impossible, shes not gone....its all a figment of my imagination...shes NOT really dead....shes ALIVE!" Miroku said to himself trying to convince himself that she wasn't gone forever.

Miroku covered his face with his hands still walking in a straight line not seeing nor knowing WHERE he was going...alls he wanted was to get away....forever. He eventually ran into a tree and just slumped down in front of it thinking about what he would do next. Either go back and come to the facts....or leave and start over. He couldn't think straight and just let the ideas roll through his mind one at a time.

'what are you going to do Miroku? You left her all by herself with other girls who could not fend off danger by themselves. Shes dead because of you Miroku...its all your fault..' Miroku thought closing his eyes tightly. These thoughts were weighing him down to the leaving side...but he just couldn't do that to his friends...he just couldn't.

'Leave Miroku! They don't want you there...they are probably celebrating the fact that you are leaving them, they coudn't be happier. Do you see anyone coming from behind to retrieve you back? To be part of the group again? I don't think so! You'll be much more happier with a new life....maybe even one starting from the BEGINNING....' Miroku thought....wait no, Miroku wasn't thinking these thoughts...they weren't his thoughts, someone was speaking to him without him realizing it. Miroku stood up quickly and held his staff up toward the trunk blocking the large sword that came crashing down hitting his staff.

"So it was you the whole time!" Miroku said eyeing the feminine dog demon evily.

"I thought that you would be smart enough to realize they weren't YOUR thoughts after the first few sentences....but everything iv got?! are truely weak.

"Why are you here, Sesshomaharu?!" Miroku demanded backing away from Inuyashas half brother.

"To retrieve my fathers sword from my dear half brother of course? Why else would I bother coming to see you petrid humans?" he sneered leaning his back against the tree trunk and crossing his arms.

Miroki couldn't think of anything to say but just scanned him down. Something Sesshomaharu had caught Mirokus eye and he stared it down carefully.

"What is that you have there Sesshomaharu?" Miroku questioned with a devious smile on his face.

"This? This here is my Tensaiga" Sesshomaharu said sheathing the sword and glinting it in the suns rays.

Miroku knew exactly what he would do now....he wasn't going to leave but he would stay....and Morgan would be with him.

"Very interesting...well now look! Isn't that your dear brother over there in that clearing?!" Miroku said pointing behind Sesshomaharu and curving his eyes around his large figure.

"Where?!" Sesshomaharu said turning around quickly and taking in the clearing as fast as possible with his eyes.

At that very moment Miroku lunged forward and pulled the Tensaiga out of the holder and lept into action sprinting through the forest at full speed, leaving a confused Sesshomaharu still not realizing how badly he had been tricked. Sesshomaharu too lept into action and started gaining speed on the monk for he was a dog demon and had better speed.

"GAH! You disgusting human! Hand the Tensaiga back over!" Sesshomaharu yelled closing in more and more by the seconds.

"NO!" Miroku said throwsing a tree branch back hitting Sesshomaharu in the face that he had quickly pulled off a tree. "I must use it....I just CANT let you have it'll get it back later!" Miroku finished and started running harder than he ever had in his whole life. He could see the edge of the forest ahead but Sesshomaharu was gaining on him so fast. Miroku gulped and prayed he would make it out of the forest.


InUyAsHaS pOv. , . , . , . , . , .


I was heavily asleep dreaming little dreams about my beloved Kagome....dirty little dreams I might add. Right when we were about to get it on, I was awoken harshly by getting whipped in the face by a tree branch. Unfortunately, when Miroku pulled part of a branch off of a tree he accidentally took it from the tree I was sleeping in, causing the branch to snap back and smack me in the forehead.

"What the hell?!" I said but stopped when I saw a smoke path and then another as my half brother rushed by not even noticing I was there.

"This is so fucked up" I muttered to himself jumping down from the tree and following Sesshomaharu also using my agility to its fullest.


At ThE hUt. , . , . , . , . , . , . ,


"Would you pass me that bowl right next to your arm, Michaela?" Kagome said nudging Michaelas arm.

Still teary eyed, Michaela passed Kagome the bowl and sat down in a chair in the corner of the room and sobbed into her hands. From time to time you could hear her say aloud "Morgan...nooooo"

Sango crossed the room to Kagome and watched her scoop some herbs into the bowl and crush them together with a large rock. "Kagome, when do you think we are going to bury Morgan? She cant stay out there forever you know." Sango stated looking out the window at Morgans lifeless bosy covered in flowers from head to toe.

"I'll be so hard for Michaela, maybe even Miroku...but we MUST bury her we should do it soon before she starts to rot." ((A/N- you already DO smell like ur rotting! jk!)) Kagome said putting the crushed herbs on the windowsill to dry into a powder.

Sango glanced out the window again and in the far clearing near he edge of the forest there was a line of smoke, and at the front of it was Miroku crazily running with a large sword in hand. Sango shook Kagomes shoulders and directed her in the direction of Miroku. Kagome rubbed her eyes and ran out of the hut with Sango in tow.

"Miroku!" the two girls yelled in unison recieving his attention as he looked over at them and started making his way over.

Behind Miroku Sesshomaharu was still chasing him and was so close to Miroku he could almost lick him. ((A/N- ok....that was a lil weird....-randomness- ok shut up Morgan! (morgan-what? im dead remember?!) oh yeah...))

"Watch out!" Kagome warned Miroku just in time for him to dodge Sesshomaharus poison claw attack.

In the clearing Inuyasha was now emerging with a large branch mark on his forehead, and ready to sheath his sword and attack.

Michaela at the time was at the window still in the hut watching the events with Shippo, hell they might of well just cooked a bag of popcorn while they were at it.

"ooo...." Michaelas eyes windened at the sight of Sesshomaharu. "Hes gorgeous!" she said to Shippo dashing out of the hut just as dramastically as everyone else had.

Michaela was tearing through the ground like lightning making ground on Sesshomaharu. She snuck behind him un-noticed and jumped onto him back plummeting him the ground taken by surprise.

"WOW!" Michaela squeeled pounding on Sesshumaharus back. "You went down just like Inuyasha does when Kagome says sit!" she exclaimed doing a little dance on him now not caring how much she stepped on him head sending it into the ground deeper.

Mean while, as Michaela kept Sesshomaharu busy Miroku snuck around back to Morgans dead body with Tensaiga in his grip. He carefully came over the Morgans body and dusted some of the flowers off of her. "I hope this works..." he said to himself as he raised the sword above Morgans chest, mumbles a few Japanese sentences/chants and dove it into her chest. Miroku quickly pulled it out and Morgan shot up a million feet into the air landing on the roof of the hut. Miroku was in complete total utter shock and just fainted then and there.

"Woah...what happened?" Morgan said hoping someone was listening. She looked around and saw Inuyasha, Sango, Kagome, and Michaela in a clearing right behind her. Michaela for some reason was irish tap dancing on someones head that she did not regconize. She climbed down off the the roof and limped her way over there.

"Hey guys what are you up to?" Morgan asked Sango quietly making sure she didn't interupt the little preformance.

"Oh hey Morgan, we're just watching Michaela pound Sessho-MORGAN?! WHA?!" Sango said staggeringly and fell to the ground in shock and just fainted like Miroku had done.

Kagome had jumped on top of Morgan kind of like Michaela had done to Sesshomaharu. "YOUR ALIVE!! WOO!!" Kagome said helping her up and hugging her tightly.

Meanwhile, Miroku was awaking from his shock and had almost forgotten about Morgan until he heard Kagomes wail in the distance. He shot up and rushed to the clearing where Morgan stood next to Kagome and Michaela still doing a happy little dance on Sesshys head.

Morgan looked over in the direction of Miroku rushing forward to her and she too starting running to him. Everything was in slow motion and the song "Dearest" by Ayumi Hamasaki started playing in the background.

*slow motion voices*

"MMOORRGGAANN!!!!!" Miroku screamed embracing her in his arms.

"MMIIRROOKKUU!!!" Morgan did at the exact same time as him and also embraced him tightly into a bear hug.

At the sight of this Michaela got off of Sesshomaharu, sat him up straight and kissed his unconcious forehead. "I lub you Sesshomaharu..." Michaela said to Sesshy and started hugging the hell out of him.

Inuyasha who was now standing right next to Kagome got caught in the moment and tookl his opporitunity. He nudged Kagomes shoulder and when she turned around pulled her quickly into a possionate kiss that could have lasted forever. They never broke apart.

"Miroku..." Morgan said into Mirokus ear.

"Yes Morgan-sama?" he answered hugging her tightly.

"We need to do this again next year..." Morgan said. The camra starts pulling away bit by bit still playing "Dearest"

Miroku looked over at Kagome and Inuyasha and then redirected his gaze. "But I think we'll need a car seat for a new guest that I suppose will be coming soon." Miroku said deviously thinking about Inuyasha and Kagome.

((A/N- camera still pulling away!))

"LOL, yeah....I suppose so!" Morgan said giggling a little bit and starting to let up on her bear hug.

"Wait" Miroku pulled back on her and leaned onto one knee and took her hand into his. "Will you bear my child?" he asked his oh-so-infamous question.


::The End::


~*A/N- ok well I am sorry to have to wrap it up like this...I am starting a new fiction called "No more lil school girl"

Well this is it for my FIRST STORY EVER!! I hope you liked it, and I hope the next story is better!! ^^

Oh…and if you don't review for the next story ..I just wont update!! OH YEAH AND NO FLAMES!!! *hugs* luv yas!

"Road Trip for Love"
