InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Room Raiders...My Sick Way ❯ Secret Contestant #2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. But someday I will. Just wait and see…

~ 2 men in white coats knock K-H unconscious and throws her in the truck back to the asylum. ~

(A/n: No offense to those who have been, will be, or are currently in an asylum. Hi Marge!)

Ch.2 Mystery Contestant Number 2

K-H- Well, where here!

They are standing infront of a development with high white walls. and shutters. and doors. and houses. And kids in white dresses and pants.

Inu- Creepy.

K-H- Very.

The house infront of them's door suddenly opens, and Inu goes in. Everything is white, like a winter scene. He walked to the fridge- and found things that were white. Milk. Eggs. Vanilla ice-cream. Shocking.

Inu- very weird.

He went up the stairs to the bedroom, and it was scary. Very scary. Everything was pink. A pink phone, TV, bed, coverlets, walls, carpet, EVERYTHING was pink.

Inu- And creepy.

He went through the top drawer, and found only pink and white undergarments. No thongs, no string bikinis, nothing remotely sexy.

Inu- Forget this.

K-H- Next house?

Inu- Duh

And they got back in the car and drove off.

K-H(Me)- Twist @ end!

Sessy- What are you plotting?

~ Whispers in his ear ~

Sessy- Why didn't I think of that?

Me- Because you are a stupid dog.

Sessy- Hey!

Me- What a cute woof-woof bow-wow

Sessy- Flame the bitch!

Me- You flame me, and I'll torch you…

Sessy- O.O