InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Roses ❯ Roses ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


First fic this is the third time it's been redone -_- hope u like.

Kagome's P.O.V.

`Roses are red violets are blue I love you InuYasha do you love me too?

We may not live after this next battle so should I tell you now?

But what if he hates me and loves Kikyo more? How can someone love her she's such a bitch, he must really be desperate to want her so bad.

Am I just a jewel detector? Or am I more?

Love is so hard to understand you think you love someone but you wonder if they love you back you're too scared to ask them, afraid of rejection but what if they feel the same as you?

That's what life all about taking chances, but when should I take mine? When the time is right InuYasha will know just how much I care about him…..

InuYasha's P.O.V.

`Kagome's been staring at me in a funny way lately. I like this look, it makes me feel……happy

Kagome and I have been growing closer, closer than kikyo and I have ever been, when I'm with Kagome I know I'm not alone,

I know that if all hell broke loose Kagome would stay by my side and yet I still fret when she goes home even after all this time I'm still afraid I'll lose her,

I guess I'll never be the way I was before I lost Kikyo to Naraku's trap,

I'm not going to lose another woman to that scum bag or any other creature in this world or the next,

I want to tell her how much I care about her but my pride wont let me and so I'm a complete jerk even when I don't mean to be,

But this feeling in my gut just tells me,

That Kagome will soon find out about my feelings for her whether I like it or not,

It's easier to think of Kagome and not compare her to Kikyo now,

I just make myself believe Kikyo was the rough copy and Kagome the masterpiece.

I can never discard the rough copy completely but I can devote my love to the final copy,

I understand now why Kagome and Kikyo are so different,

It's because Kagome is everything Kikyo's not-

-she's perfect.

I know it sucked but oh well umm check out my other fics! Arigato

Ja Ne!


p.s. click the button down there that says go and type something nice!