InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway ❯ The escape ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(this is my first real fanfic so be nice plz.)

Run Away

To night was it. She had been planning this for years and now it was time. A black haird girl stood in the shadows looking around to make sure the coast was clear. She had been planning to escape from her step fathe; Naraku; for years. He would beat her and yell calling her worthless. Her mother had died right after she married Naraku, leaving Kagome to live with him. That was nine years ago.

Kagome looked around not seeing any body she sighed in relife. { I hope this works} she thought has she walked near the gate. It seemed almost to easy. All she had to do was open the gate and run never to look back but it was so easy it didn't feel right. Kagome looked at the lock to see it wasn't there. { Something's not right the gate's always locked. But i have to try} she thought. She walked up to the gate and pushed it open, looking around she sighed seeing that the coast was clear untill...........

#RING!!# sirens went off! Kagome mentaly kicked her self for forgetting to turn off the alarm!! "Damn !" she said and ran out in to the woods; running toward the city! If she exscaped this time she would go the city and make a living hoping never to see her step-dad again.

Hearing the alarm go off Naraku shot up and looked out his window to see Kagome tring to runaway again. The doors busted open has Kagura came into the room. " Should I stop her?" she asked and Naraku shock his head 'no' " Let her go. After a few days she'll come back and she will be punished for running away." Naraku said with a smirk. Kagura nodded and left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" Hey Miroku what time is it?" a sliver haird guy asked Miroku. " Well its.....damn you!! Its the end of your shift and you know it! Inuyasha why do must you rub it in?" Miroku asked. Inuyasha just smiled putting on his coat. "Cause its fun rubbing it in. Well i'm going home bye!" Inuyasha waved good-bye and started home. He lived and worked near the woods so home was only a ten minute walk.

Inuyasha looked up to the stars. Walking up to his door, he dug out his keys and unlocked the door. He walked into the kitchen and fixed some hotchocolate. He turnd on the TV and sat down to drink his hot chocolate.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome had scrathes all over her. She pushed back another bush only to have another comeback and hit her. She looked bak, she couldn't see the house anymore and the alarm was off now. { Why aren't they coming after me? Well better take the chance and get out of here.

she had beeen running for god only knows how long now, and her legs were starting to give out. She walked out of the woods and saw a log cabin. She started to walk to it, but when she got to the door her leggs gave out and she fell, making a loud thump. she knocked on the door and finaly she couldn't hold back the sleepyness and fell a sleep right infront of the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" What the hell? Who would come out here at this time of night?" Inuyasha said hearing a thump and then a knock at the door. He looked at the clock and saw it was 11:42 pm. He got up and started toward the door. "Miroku it better not be you." He open the door and saw a black- haird girl laying in front of the door. "What the hell?"

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AN Yes i know cliff hanger!! I use to hate it when authors left them but now i see how much fun they are!! lmao!! u gota review ok?? and yes i know i can't spell!! i sleep during english and i don't have spell check so sorry!! and no flames plz!! bye!!