InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rythm of the Heart ❯ Classical Music and Classic Guys ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Okay my mom said go ahead with the reviews. I have no clue if they'll go to her email or not so please don't be lude.
NO NASTY COMMENTS!!!! That's all I can think of for now so enjoy.
*nods head once before looking away with a sniff*
(sorry, i'm feeling kind of british this weekend) ^_^ Enjoy

Kagome groaned quietly and thumped her head on the back of her seat, as notes flowed through the air threatening to invade
her head.

"Kagome!" Her mother scolded, leaning over her armrest to grab her daughter's chin, effectively stopping the thumping that was
getting glares sent at them. "Stop it! you should be honored that Kouga was gracious enough to give his extra tickets to us. You
know he's quite handsome and so very intelligent. He's going to make a perfect husband someday."

Kagome groaned and whispered back to her mom, "Mom for the last time, I don't like Kouga. He's too full of himself to actually
be considerate of whatever poor woman has to become his wife. He's arrogant, selfish, annoying, concieted, and-!" Her mom
interrupeted her, "He's right here."

Kagome grumbled quietly under her breath before straightening up in her chair and placing a rather placid smile on her face
when her mother shot her a glare. She rolled her eyes when he came right up to her parents, bowing lower than nessicary, before
turning to her and casting a seasoned eye over her out-fit.

'If he doesn't stop looking at me like I'm some trophy, I'm going to gorge out his eyes!' she thought as his gaze also lingered
longer than nessicary on her clothes. She thought she saw aglimmer of disapproval race across his icy blue eyes as he took in her

Kagome smirked as she remembered what she had been wearing the last time her saw her. It contrasted greatly with the
covering gown she had on now. The gown was a deep russest red, which went oddly with her oynx hair that shown blue in the
light. It reached all the way down the the floor (A/N: her dress not her hair) and had long sleeves that flared around her wrists,
completely covering her slender hands. The neck line was wide and hung off her shoulders, showing her delicate breastbone. It
plunged down gently creating a mini V-neck look that stopped well above her chest.

When her mother had shown her the dress, she had inwardly groaned. The only reason she had agreed to wear it was because
her mother had taken her driver's license, but now, after seeing the way Kouga was disappointed she was actually kind of happy
that her mother had made her wear it.

"So Kagome, are you enjoying the show? It's one of my personal favorites." Kouga asked, sitting on the back of the seat in front
of her.

Kagome smirked and replied, "Actually-" She yelped when her mother placed a firm kick on her shin. she glared at her mother
before smiling reassurringly at Kouga, who had just opened his mouth to ask what was wrong. "Actually, yes. It's been quite
enjoyable." she replied, altering her response less she fall victim to her mothers' foot once more.

"I'm glad." Kouga said, casting another stunning smile towards her mother. "Well, I should be getting back to my seat. I'll....see
you later?" he asked, grabbing her hands between his own.

"Yeah, sure." she answered quickly, not even caring as a triumphant smile broke out on his face. She just wanted him out of her

"Good." He bent down, kissing her hand and she had to struggle to fight off a shudder, as his lips lingered longer than nessicary.
He flashed one last glamourous smile at her parents before walking away.

'Finally!' Kagome thought, sighing in relief. Her sigh of relief quickly turned to a groan of disbelief when her mother started talking
about how charming he was.

"Honestly dear, I don't see why you don't like him. He's so noce and ever so handsome. No offense dear." she sai, turning
towards her husband, who had sat by watching this whole thing play out. He raised his hand in an 'No offense taken' gesture,
before turning to face front once more, his head resting on the back of his chair.

Before her mother could start in again, her father suddenly stood up.


He strode past them both to the aisle, before turning to face them. He said, "I'm going to go get something to eat. I'm feeling a
little famished. Would anyone like to join me?"Kagome was about to refuse but her father cast her a discreet but meaningful look.

Kagome's mother stared at her husband for a long moment before saying, " No thank you. I'm not very hungry today, but you go
ahead honey."

Kagome looked between her parents before standing. "I'll go with you daddy. " Her father nodded once and she stepped to his
side. Together they ascended the stairs to the main lobby before walking out into the early nights crisp air.

"So, where do you want to eat?" Her father asked, relaxing for the first time that night.

"I don't really care. I'm not that hungry, I just wanted to get out of there." Kagome replied, stuffing her hands deep in the
pockets of her coat.

"Then I'll tell you the real reason I brought you out here. I want to talk to you about that Kouga. you don't really like him do
you?" he asked her, mirroring her actions by shoving his hands into his own pockets.

"No," she replied.

"Then why do you keep on encouraging him? It's wrong , your making him believe he actually has a chance with you. Now I'm
not saying this becuase I'm thinking about young Kouga, I'm saying it because soon your mom's going to be talking about
marriage, and he's the first one on her list."

Kagome's breath escaped in a hiss, as the realization that she could end up his wife finally struck her brain. "I don't wanna be his
mate daddy!" she whispered, her voice shaking as tears spilled down her cheeks.

*What will happen? Will Kouga asked Kagome to be his wife? What will she say? Can her father do anything to stop the
proposal if there is one? You'll just have to wait and find out in the next chapter of.....wait, what's my title? Damn! And I had
such a good rant going on there too! Oh well, hope you enjoyed it!
I'm not sure when I'll update again but I promise it'll be within the next month or two.

L8rs ^-^