InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifice ❯ Getting it from Toga ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Do you want the mark to be permanent?” she asked him again, when he failed to answer. “Cause I do,” she whispered but thought her words low enough that he wouldn't hear, boy was she going to be proven wrong.
“No,” he said and looked up at her when she gasped in hurt. “When I make it permanent,” he said his golden eyes smoldering with an intense heat she could practically feel burning her from the inside out. “That mark's gonna sit right here,” he said and touched the juncture of her neck and shoulder on the right side. “It won't be a line either. It won't be my claw that marks you either. I'll bury my fangs in you,” he said his voice husky and deep, his golden eyes glowing like molten gold. “I'll taste your blood again, lap at you with my tongue,” he watched as her storm blue eyes turned nearly black and the scent of her arousal grew thick in the air. “Your own canines will lengthen into fangs; you'll bury them in my neck…”
The girl beneath him gasped as she heard a dull snap and felt her breasts released from their binding seconds before her bra was removed completely. The scent of her arousal grew stronger, her breath hitched and she moaned softly seconds before she began panting harshly as his hot mouth closed over one puckered dusky rose colored nipple. The hanyou on top of her sucked as much of her breast as he could into his mouth, his tongue laving at the underside as he slowly let it escape until he was once again only sucking on her nipple.
“You'll taste my blood,” he whispered to her heatedly as he kissed his way over her chest to the other breast and took her untouched nipple into his mouth listening as she cried out, his name falling from her lips in a ragged moan.
She felt his fangs against her breast, and groaned in pleasure. Kagome rolled her eyes at herself. She was such a hentai, she thought with a wicked smile as her nimble finger moved to stroke Inuyasha's ears. She could still remember the hentai manga that Ayumi had stuck in her backpack, that stupid book hadn't done a thing for her, oh but Inuyasha did. Just a few words from him and - oh she couldn't believe she thought that - but it was true. A few words, even just a look from her hanyou and she as wet as a slip and slide.
Bad Kagome! she thought with a dark chuckle. Yes, bad Kagome, very, very bad….Kagome wrapped her legs around Inuyasha's waist and rubbed herself against him as she rubbed the base of his ears slowly, lightly until he was purring madly and rubbing against her as well. Hell, she'd make that same wish again if it gave her more of this.
Kagome squeaked and jumped slightly and opened her eyes, Where were her panties?! She groaned as she felt him slip another finger into her. Oh, who the hell cared where that damn scrap of cloth was? Kagome rocked against his hand as he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of her as she felt her hair get moved aside by his hand. She gasped as she felt his hot tongue against her neck, the place he had touched earlier when talking about her permanent mark. Was he going to?
Inuyasha lifted and tossed his head, his hair moving and baring his neck to the side she would be marking. Increasing the pace of his thrusting fingers inside of her, his thumb pressed upon her clit gently and began rubbing furiously against the blood engorged button. He felt the wall of her sheath fluttering around him seconds before she cried out his name and he felt her walls grip his fingers like a vice. That was his cue; he smiled and buried his fangs deeply in her neck, hearing her cry out a second time. The walls of the girl's sheath tightened around his fingers almost furiously and he felt twin pricks seconds later as she buried her own fangs in his neck, marking him as well.
Kagome continued to cry out as Inuyasha released her neck and she released his. She felt his kisses as he trailed them down her stomach but couldn't muster the will to open her eyes and watch him. There was no barrier, no covering and it made her wonder where her skirt had gone to. She didn't care, she decided as she felt his fingers spreading her nether lips and his tongue drag from just below her vulva, up and over her until it came to rest on her clit, pressing the tiny engorged button against her pelvic bone.
Inuyasha smirked and held her down with his hands on her hips as the girl he was ravaging jumped and bucked beneath him. She gasped and made a strange choking sound as he dragged his tongue back down and thrust it inside her tight passage. Kagome bucked again, her voice crying out his name loudly, brokenly as he pumped his tongue in and out of her before replacing the muscled organ with his fingers and moving back up to capture her clit between his teeth gently as he closed his lips around her and sucked hard as he pumped his fingers vigorously inside of her.
Three intense and nearly violent orgasms later, Kagome lay barely conscious in his arms as he held her naked body in his arms, the girl's voice all but gone. He hadn't actually mated with her yet, but they had marked each other and he had feasted upon her sweetness. He smirked as he remembered all the times she would gasp when riding upon his back and wondered if he could actually make her cum from riding upon his back without any other stimulation. It would prove to be an interesting and entertaining challenge to undertake. He couldn't wait to find out.
“You're such a dog,” Kagome rasped out, her voice undeniably hoarse.
“Arf arf,” he joked and growled before rolling quickly on top of her and lying between her legs.
“Oh,” Kagome moaned and pushed at him. “No more…too much…need sleep.”
“Ok,” he agreed with a smile as he slid down her body, he simply couldn't get enough of her taste. “Go to sleep,” he said and hooked her legs over his shoulders as his mouth returned to her center.
“You…are…evil,” she moaned out as he began another round of what she had dubbed `How loud can I make Kagome scream'.
“Kagome welcome -” Toga stopped just before finishing his statement a frown crossing his face seconds before he smiled again. “Why don't you go see your son,” he said and kissed her forehead in a fatherly fashion. “He's very worried about you. Inuyasha, you and I need to talk,” he said as he and his sons watched the miko move away, running toward the kit that came running at her and then moving off to play with him and Kirara.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” he growled and popped his youngest son upside the head the hanyou yipping and moving quickly away his father following him quickly while Sesshoumaru simply sat on the lip of the well with a smirk and watched the show.
“You told me to make things right,” the hanyou tried to defend himself only to be popped upside the head again by his father.
“I told you to make things right, not take advantage of the girl!” he growled.
“I didn't take advantage of her. If you'd take a good whiff you'd find that she's still a virg-OW!” he cried out when he was slapped again. “Will you stop that?!”
“What is going on?” Miroku asked the taiyoukai as he came over and stood next to the grinning Sesshoumaru.
“It seems monk, that my brother has taken a page from your book,” Sesshoumaru said with a soft chuckle.
“Meaning?” the monk asked as he watched his friend get smacked again.
“The miko has been marked by my brother, and has marked him in return.”
“They're mated?” Miroku asked with wide eyes and raised brows.
“Marked yes, mated - not yet. Although they have enjoyed each other quite well. Kagome seemed unable to speak very loudly and not very well at all when she greeted us.”
“Inuyasha you dog!” Miroku cheered his friend on happily.
“You're not helping monk!” the hanyou yelled back as he narrowly avoided getting slapped again and decided to attack instead of just defending. “Stop fucking hitting me old man!” Inuyasha growled and tackled his father the two inu rolling around on the ground as they struggled for dominance.
An excited squeal was the only warning that wrestling father and son and their audience of two had before Inuyasha and Toga were attacked by Rin and Shippou.
“We want to play too!” Rin giggled and tried to wrestle with Toga only to be turned onto her back in the grass and tickled as she squealed with laughter.
“Shippou you know we weren't playing,” Inuyasha said quietly to the kitsune.
“Yeah I know, that's why I came with her. If either of you tried to hurt her I could-”
“Oh fucking hell, does my brother know about this?” Inuyasha suddenly growled, cutting off the rest of Shippou's words.
“Know about what?” Shippou asked his face far too innocent.
“Don't play dumb with me pup. You both may be young but I know that you know damn well what you're doing!”
“Inuyasha?” Toga asked as he sat up Rin gathered and sitting in his lap as they both watched in interest.
“What is it I am to know of hanyou?” Sesshoumaru asked as he and Miroku stepped closer.
“My pup's courtin' your pup,” Inuyasha said with a snort. “The gifts of crayons that are new but that you both use before she takes them and leaves. The pocky, the candy, the pictures you make for her but keep in your haori until she has to go and then give to her in front of the both of us, the way you always make sure you're next to her most if not all the time she visits. Damn pup, you really are sneaky but I finally caught on.”
“Rin is too young to be courted,” Sesshoumaru stated in true fatherly fashion as Toga began to silently chuckle. Any daughter of his own surely would not be mated yet growing up with brothers like these. “Rin, I thought I asked you to tell me should any boy try to court you.”
“Shippou's not a boy he's my friend!” Rin said and felt Toga's body shake behind her as he burst out in laughter.
“The logic of young females,” the inu father laughed heartily. “Tell me child,” he said looking at Rin. “If Shippou were to court you - as a boy - would he have your approval?”
Rin blushed and ducked her head, as she looked at the fox in question through her lashes. Even this look was well known by males and apparently learned young by females. She smiled and raised her eyes as she continued watching her friend, her eyes becoming hooded as she raised her head before the look vanished only an instant later.
“Yes,” she said with an even tone she had heard her adoptive father use on more than one occasion.
Toga could not keep from laughing at the scene he had just witnessed.
“Sorry son,” he said looking at his eldest. “Looks like you don't get much of a choice. Rin seems to have chosen, and so has the fox.”
“Apparently,” he said evenly. “But so young?”
“It's not as unusual as it seems,” the elder youkai spoke wisely, as he watched the children go off to play. “They're the right ages and maturity for a child's courting to begin. If the pull is strong enough, Shippou will continue to court her throughout their adolescence up until you give him the ok to take her as his mate.”
“So this is normal then?” Miroku asked as Toga and Inuyasha stood and the four walked back in the direction where the children had raced off to play, returning to the village.
“Normal no,” Toga answered. “All I said was that is not unusual, but generally speaking that's between youkai pups, not youkai and human. It can happen though, I'm sure, they're proof enough of that.”
A blur in the shape of Kagome came racing at them, Toga specifically and slammed into the inuyoukai, the young miko hugging him tightly. Toga looked to Inuyasha for an answer but the hanyou simply shook his head in confusion as he watched his father hug the girl that was and would be his mate.
“Kagome,” Toga said, stroking her hair as he held her. “What is wrong?”
“I know you said I'm the one who brought you back,” she said sniffling. “But you came here, you sought out my puppy,” she said using her nickname for Inuyasha not truly realizing that she had called him such. “You made him know that you loved - love him and that he isn't worthless or - or anything like that. I just, I - thank you,” she said her breath hitching as she tried not to cry.
“Is that what this is about?” Toga said as he continued to hold her close and stroke her hair. “What else was I to do?” he asked her gently. “He is my son, and I love him. I love both my sons very much.”
“I know, I'm glad. Inu-puppy, he said he couldn't remember a lot about his mom. Could you tell him about her?” she asked and Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru stood staring at the girl in shock and wonder.
“I'll tell him everything,” he promised looking at his hanyou son.
Kagome pulled back with a bright smile as she stood in the circle of Toga's arms. “And I can tell you about all the fights, and how Inuyasha beat up lots of youkai and -”
“Kagome?” Inuyasha cut in blushing.
“Uh-huh?” she asked him.
“You're not going to tell him everything are you?” he asked her with a slight cringe.
“Everything?” she asked confused but then she brightened and her smile returned and she bounced excitedly on her toes as she turned back to Toga. “There was this little bat hanyou girl named Shiori…”
“Well there went that,” the hanyou grumbled as he listened to Kagome tell his father the entire tale as she walked arm in arm with him back to the village. “How is it she never lets me save face?” he said asking no one in particular.
“Women seem far more proud of men when they show their hearts,” Miroku said wisely only to hear his hanyou friend growl something unintelligible under his breath.
The sound of Miroku's laughter and his brother's soft but highly amused chuckles followed the blushing hanyou back into the village. Joining his father and Kagome in their walk, blushing more as Kagome spoke of their encounter with the moth youkai, he was met with his father's proud smile at his told show of strength of heart and love for his pack that was what finally broke the youkai's hold over all the others. Even as he blushed at Kagome's proud gushing, he felt elated that the father he was beginning to get to know was beyond proud of him and what he had done with his life. The skies that had once been dark with uncertainty were now turning a brilliant cerulean blue with elation and pride, the sun was finally shinning through.
A.N: Remember to check for answers to your reviews on my xanga site: