InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Saira ❯ The Change ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*DISCLAIMER* I don't own Inuyasha, characters, plotlines, etc. I'm just writing this story to entertain myself. So there!

Chapter 4: The Change

Saira was really starting to panic now. She scrambled out of the well and to her immense relief it was the familiar shambles the worm-demon had left it in. They were back in the forest of her time.

If I already have the claws it won't be long now. I MUST get back to the village. "The sun is almost set." she muttered to herself, as she looked for the direction they had come from to get to the well yesterday. It'll take near fifteen minutes to hike back. Even with my speed. Too long.

"No SHIT!" Myike shouted as he came angrily up out of the well, his face highlighted by the scarlet waves in the sky. "Now will you tell me what's going on? You're starting to freak me out!"

"Tell me which direction we came from yesterday." she ordered, ignoring his question again. "NOW MYIKE!"

Myike kept looking at her, confused at her behavior. He silently went over the events in his head. We were hanging out at future boy's house, having a good time and she had even told me we were staying for a few days. Something about finding out more about her parents. Then she just up and goes back to the well. I thought she liked it there. Not that I'm complaining. Being tied up and gagged for three hours while being beaten to a bloody pulp for my curiosity is not my idea of a good time. But what's wrong with her?

He silently pointed. "North."

She looked like she was about to bolt for the village, but stopped and took out her sword. "You'll need this." she said quietly. "To protect yourself. I won't be able to hold it off for long." She looked at the ground and Myike's eyes widened as she handed him her precious sword. She hardly let it out of her sight. Then, something even more shocking caught his attention. Long, sharp, and deadly looking claws were closed around the hilt of her sword. He took it from her hands and looked into her wild, golden eyes.

"What's happening to you?" he asked her softly.

She motioned for him to run with her and they started to make their way through the woods.

After a while she spoke. Myike caught the words on the wind. He was a fair runner, and was using all of his speed to keep up, but she was still much faster. He was a few yards behind her.

"It started a few months ago. On my seventeenth birthday. I'm suprised you hadn't noticed yet. They didn't try very hard to keep it from you. But then you've always been oblivious."

Myike bit back the urge to retort and kept running to catch up. He could hardly hear her words.

"That night there was no moon. Look at the sky." Myike looked up at the sky, still running. The stars were beginning to show in the dusk, but there was no hint of the moon. This only served to confuse him further and he nearly tripped over a root in the path.

"That night I almost destroyed our house." she continued. "Every month, on this night, I gain all the powers and strength of a demon. It even changes my appearance." she turned and smiled at him sardonically. "It wouldn't be so bad, but in return for those things I lose my mind."

Myike just looked at her, stunned. Streaks of silver began to light through her hair and she turned back and continued running.

"When I woke up the next morning, Miroku had managed to seal me in our shed with a few sutras. The place was trashed. Everything had been ripped to pieces. They brought Kaede to me, to examine me. She didn't know what had happened. I was told that the change started with the sunset and that I had attacked Miroku. That I had reverted to being some kind of beast. He still has the scar across his chest where I clawed him." she paused and took a deep breath.

"He told me I had tried to get out and destroy the village. The house was trashed the same way, but I didn't remember anything. He said I had been like a wild animal. That I didn't respond to his calling for me to stop." Saira's eyes shined with tears but she kept talking.

"Kaede assumed it was some weird allergy and I fasted for ten days. By then you returned from your ridiculous year of monk training with that drunkard, Mushin. Everything had been cleaned up. Everything was normal again, until the next month. They had assumed that it was a one time fluke. But that time, they caught me about to slash up a child in a rage. Now they usually enchant me or seal me up before I start to change. We don't know why it happens." She stopped, frustrated, and punched the ground angrily. "How could I have been so STUPID?! How could I have forgotten my time was coming! Now you're in danger and- and- I could hurt someone tonight . . ." She stared at the sunset bitterly.

Suddenly there was the familiar pain. She clutched her stomach as her organs writhed and contracted. She felt a hand on her shoulder. He was trying to comfort her. "NO! Myike, STAY AWAY! I could hurt you! I have to get to the village!" She threw his hand off her shoulder and stood up again. She growled in pain and started to stumble to the village, which was now in sight.


"They've been gone a whole day and night now. Are you sure they're okay? What if that young worm-demon did something to them?" Sango sat down with her tenth cup of tea. All she had been doing since the past night was waiting for them to return.

Miroku gave her a tight smile. His fist were clenched at his sides and he started pacing and went to the window again. "I'm sure they're fine. You should be confident in their abilities. They're both resourceful kids. Take after their parents you know."

"That's what I'm afraid of." she said quietly. Their traveling group of adolescents had never been able to stay out of trouble when they were young. Demons had always been after them. What if their kids were the same way? Sango may have been a youkai exterminator, but she didn't fancy her son or Saira in that situation. Neither of them had seen true combat and she didn't want her children to live like she had. Her and her friends had had to grow up much too fast. There had been many casualties of that lifestyle . . .

Millions of horrific scenarios ran through her mind. What if they really had been attacked by demons? Or worse, what if Naraku had come back for vengeance on her children? But she dismissed that thought as ridiculous. It was only her imagination running away again. But then why was her calm, levelheaded husband staring out the window with the same look in his eyes.

Suddenly he jumped and went to the door. "They're coming." Then he narrowed his eyes a bit. It couldn't be, but it was. She looks so much like Kagome, he thought absently. "Three guesses where they've been."

Sango leapt from her chair, knocking it over. She looked to the door and saw what he was talking about. Their demon-like daughter was wearing a skirt like Kagome's and a navy blue, what Kagome had called, a T-shirt. "The well . . ." she breathed. How had they gotten through it?

As Saira came closer to the hut, Miroku realized something was wrong. She was stumbling about unevenly, as if in pain, and her hair glowed silver in the starlight. No, it wasn't just the starlight. He looked to the sky and realized that there was no moon.

Shit! he cursed silently. I had forgotten. What an idiot I am! "Sango!" he cried urgently. "Go to the chest in our room and get the necklace!" Her violet eyes widened and she risked one more glance at her foster daughter before rushing to the bedroom on the first floor. There was no time to seal her or chain her up. The sun had set, the change would almost be complete.

Behind Saira ran Myike. Miroku could see his concern even from how far away they still were. He was trying hard to keep up with her, he held her sword in his arms awkwardly. They were trying desperately to get to the cottage in time. Poor Myike, we never told him. But there was no time for regrets.

Sango quickly returned with the blue crystal beaded necklace just as the kids arrived. Each section was carved with ancient runes. They burst through the door and Myike dropped the clothes and things he had been carrying. Saira's eyes were slitted so that the pupils were nearly nonexistent. She was sweating and her breathing was slightly uneven. She had been fighting off the transformation. Even so, her hair was completely silver and her fangs showed sharply as she panted for breath.

"Saira, you've been to the w-" Miroku began as he was cut off.

"NO TIME!" she snarled. "We'll discuss it later, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" Her anger was amplified with her demon blood and she felt herself fading as instinct took over. "HURRY Uncle!"

Needing no more prodding he threw the necklace at her neck while chanting the incantation. Myike looked on silently, as did Sango.

Saira felt a surge of relief as the spell took effect and the feeling went out of her body. She couldn't hurt anyone tonight. She slowly slumped to the floor. She couldn't contain it any longer. She surrendered herself to the overwhelming animal that surged up inside her.


Myike looked at his best friend as she slid bonelessly to the floor.

At almost the exact moment that she fell to the ground he knew that Saira was gone.

He went to her immediately and tried to brush the silver hair from her eyes. But they weren't her eyes anymore. Not the pure gold he remembered. A monster peered out at him from them. Her eyes were blood red now and two dark purple stripes scarred her neck. One streaked across her left cheek. She immediately growled when he touched her and showed her fangs angrily. She struggled against an invisible force that kept her pinned to the ground motionless. She looked like she wanted to kill him. She hissed at him and he felt like he wanted to die. How could his own parents keep this from him!

"Stay away from her, Myike. She's not herself right now. The subduing spell will last till morning. She'll be okay, you can talk to her then." Miroku warned.

Myike silently pulled away from the feral eyes and sat at the table. He glared at it. "Why didn't you tell me. I had a right to know! She's my FRIEND!" He had so much hurt in his voice his parents couldn't speak.


Saira came back to awareness slowly with sunlight shining on her from the window. She brought herself to a sitting position with her elbows. The burning fever behind her eyes and the pain in her gut were gone again with the morning like usual.

She felt normal, but she did her routine check of her hands. The first morning of her transformation her hands had been covered in Miroku's blood. She could tell it was his and it had nearly scared the life out of her.

The transformation. On top of everything else. My life is officially a living hell. She was relieved to see that her hands were clean and her family was safe.

She looked at her normal human-like hands. She was always afraid that one morning she would wake up and the claws would still be there. That she would be stuck transformed forever. She smiled in relief at her normal smoky black hair and checked her teeth unconsciously with her tongue.

So, I guess we made it.

She didn't remember much. Even up to getting to the hut was a fog of pain.

Miroku and Sango snored softly against each other at the table in the small kitchen.

That's right, she thought evilly. Today is the day I get my answers. They are in for some bashing. Stay asleep while you can, my friends.

The thoughts cheered her up and she slowly stood up. She looked around the room again.

Her things and a few albums from Souta's had been dropped and forgotten against the door. She grabbed one and went up through the loft to another favorite place of hers to think.

The roof. She didn't want to go to the Goshinboku and miss her relatives awakening.

That wouldn't be any fun. They would have a chance to escape my wrath by doing chores.

She fingered the beads around her neck and thanked them silently. Miroku had only had to use it once before. He preferred to seal her up in the shed. He thought it was torturous to use the spell of the necklace. Like waking up alone in a sealed hut is any better, she thought wryly.

She silently climbed the ladder through the roof to find someone already sitting on it deep in thought. She froze.

The wind played with Myike's spiky black hair and his tanned face glowed with the sun. He stared at the risen golden ball and didn't turn when she sat beside him.

They sat there looking at the sky for what seemed like forever. Finally, Myike handed back her katana which he had been holding onto like a life line. Seeing his best friend like she was the night before had really shaken him.

Suddenly, Saira was ashamed of it. She wished he hadn't found out her secret. Her transformation. What if he hated her now and decided to call her freak behind her back like everyone else?

Her foolish thoughts filled her with more hurt and shame. Saira opened her mouth to speak when she felt his arms around her.

He hugged her tightly as if she would disappear. His fear and want to comfort her showed through it. He let go afterwards and looked down at the thatch.

"No more secrets between us. Ever. Agreed?" His voice was shaky but firm and Saira thought she would cry with happiness. He didn't care about her being part demon. She should have known better than to think such things. They were closer than siblings.

"Agreed." she said evenly while sheathing her sword.

They watched the sun rise to its zenith together in silence.


Well, another chapter for you. Please R+R. I love feedback.