InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Saira ❯ The Story ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I am soooo sorry. I know its been a month *cringe* since I last updated. Its all those mean evil teacher's faults! I was minding my own business and getting ready to write chapter 5 when they came at me with 4, and I MEAN 4, major projects. *Deer caught in headlights look* Those evil people. And as if that wasn't enough my internet service has been giving me crap the last two weeks. AARGHH!!!!! I just hate project based learning.

Neways, I've probably lost anyone who was reading this story with my lack of new chapters. But if you're there, you think you could drop me a line? Review Review. Please? *echoes* Is anyone there??

Chapter 5: The Story

Saira almost fell off the roof when she heard the resonating crash from downstairs interrupted the peaceful quiet signaling their parents' wakefulness.

"I TOLD you NEVER first thing in the morning, HOUSHI!" This was followed by a resounding slap that echoed up to the rooftop.

Saira grinned over at Myike. Sango only called Miroku houshi when he did something especially distasteful. Wow, that one sounded like it hurt.

"Looks like they're still going at it after all these years, eh Myike?"

Saira snorted while Myike began to look nauseated. "And you say I'M the sick one. Ack! Those mental pictures are not good for my health-" Saira smacked him upside the head playfully.

"All better now?"

Rubbing his head, Myike grimaced. Saira was back to one of her more cheerful (and murderous) good moods.

"Much." he retorted wryly then muttered to himself. "At least they wait till I'm out of the house usually."

He brightened. "Since they're awake . . . shall we?" He held out his arm.

"Certainly." Saira replied, smiling mischeviously, as arm in arm they made their way to the ladder down the loft.


Sango put a kettle of tea to boil over the hearth and sat at the wooden table again sighing. She could hear the children moving around on the roof.

"Miroku, you get to explain." The afforementioned monk opened his mouth to protest but stopped as she sent him a death glare. "You were the genious that suggested that Saira didn't need to know anything about her heritage. You get to talk now."

The usually composed Miroku, began to look a little nervous. He hated awkward situations, unless they could be used to his advantage or entertainment. This one was neither case.
"But my dear Sango, you agreed. So we have an equal responsibility to explain and I think that-"

"You will talk." she interupted his bargaining pitch pronouncing every syllable slowly so that there would be no mistaking it.

Damn. She usually agreed when he pulled his fast-talking. No choice now. Sango got up stiffly and poured a couple cups of tea, setting a cup of tea in front of him with a smirk.

She knew she had won. He was half afraid she would pull out Haraikatsu and hit him over the head with it if he didn't agree. For old time's sake.

Well, at least if she hit me hard enough it would knock me out. I wouldn't have to talk to the kids. I could even fake it!

Miroku grinned at his ingenious plan, but to his dissappointment she didn't pull out the heavy weapon. Dammit!

Saira and Myike entered the room together seconds later and sat across from the fidgeting monk. Sango picked up Miroku's role and calmly sipped her newly brewed tea.

Saira folded her arms across her chest expectantly and stared across the table at her uncle who seemed to be elected the speaker of the day.

She watched him for a minute and then got a 'little' impatient. Miroku seemed content to be silent and finally Saira felt ready to explode.

Myike looked at her knowingly as she smilled at her surogatte parents sweetly. Alright, time to be blunt.

"Uncle, tell me all you know about Kagome Higurashi."

Miroku promptly spit his tea back into the cup that he had just taken a sip from. "Um . .Uhh .."

"You've been to the well." Sango remarked staring at Saira's modern garb and taking a sip of tea. She was a little suprised that her daughter knew that much too, but decided to let Miroku talk. Speaking of which . . .

Miroku started a bit as his wife's elbow connected with his side. "Oh . . uh . . well . . ."

Saira put her hand to her face and started shaking her head, exsasperated.

"Okay. Start with the basics. When and where did you meet her?" she asked putting emphasis on the word when. "And I know you knew her. I want all truth."

Since waiting for Miroku to talk didn't seem to be getting them anywhere in the discussion, Sango spoke up. "Actually, when we met them Kagome was already traveling with someone else. They met Miroku before they met me and were traveling together for quite some time."

"Inuyasha." The previously silent Miroku supplied.

Saira was getting impatient again. "Well do you know how they met?!"

"Well, this is when it gets complicated- and magical. Saira, your father was youkai."

Saira blinked at Miroku for a few seconds.

"No! Really?! I thought I changed into a full youkai every month because I'm a normal human!!!"

"No. I wasn't referring to just to the fact, Saira. He was actually a hanyou. Son of an Inu Taiyoukai. He had the same problem you do.

"The transformations weren't regular but whenever he was in danger of losing his life he would transform into a full demon. But that was a long time after we were all together.

"Inuyasha, in his youth, was after The Shikon no tama. He wanted to become full demon to become more powerful and work out some childhood issues or something. In his search for the Jewel he met the Priestess Kikyo who was the guardian of the accursed thing. They had a brief love affair after which they betrayed eachother and Inuyasha was sealed to the Goshinboku in the forest."

Saira was busy trying to absorb this new information. It makes sense, the surge of energy I always felt around that tree, but was my father really evil?

Miroku continued, "Kikyo died soon after and was cremated with the Jewel. Fifty years later, a young girl passed through the forest and broke the seal that held Inuyasha. It was said that only Kikyo herself could break the spell that bound him. Her name was Kagome and she was said to be the reincarnation of Kikyo. When she came here from her world the jewel came with her. Somehow it was shattered and the wakened Inuyasha was forced to work with her to collect the peices.

"A month or so later while searching for shards, they met me. I was spying on her- I mean their little group hoping to gain their pieces to lure out an old enemy of mine. The hanyou Naraku. Through me, Inuyasha discovered that it was Naraku who played the lost lovers against eachother and we all decided to travel together to exact our revenge.

"Its also how I met Sango. Her village and family were destroyed by the same demon and she was turned against us. As a demon slayer she attempted to destroy Inuyasha, but soon joined with us, also in hope of finding and killing Naraku."

Wow, everyone just loved that guy huh? Saira thought sarcastically. How can one person cause that much damage?

"We had several battles with him over the next two years. All were near misses. He always escaped just in time or sent one of his minions to do the dirty work. By that time he collected as many Jewel pieces as we had if not more. They made him all the more powerful.

"Kagome, determined not to let him interupt her normal life, suggested we take a short break from the hazards of shard hunting. That's when we settled down. We didn't intend to have families so soon. Kagome had you, Saira, and Sango was pregnant with Myike soon after her.

"Thats when Inuyasha caught wind of more rumors of Naraku's whereabouts. He still wished for vengeance feircely and Naraku would dominate the world if he ever got hold of more jewel shards than us. He decided to go into battle alone but Kagome wouldn't hear of it. Sango couldn't come because Myike was soon to be born and I wouldn't leave her. You were barely a month old.

"I don't think they really believed they would face a battle head on. They had not even had you named yet. They never came back.

"The energy blast hit us all the way here in Edo. Kaede has no idea where it came from. They had been gone for two months traveling west. She said the blast was worse than when the Great Shikon no Tama was first shattered."

Saira just sat in her seat at the table mystified. Myike waved his hand in front of her face and then laughed a little nervously. "Yup, that was definately complicated."

AN: Again sorry about the wait. I'll try to update more often.

Yuck! I just got my English Final. Its a fifteen page Multi-Genre paper. Fear English. My teacher is a sadist!