InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Samething Except Different ❯ New Posse ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I dont own nothing... well the plot.. but thats about it.

(a/n) I GOT REVIEWS! WOWZAHS! hahahaha I swear i didnt think this story would get so much attention.. i personally dont like it that much.. but yeah since you all do.. on with tha story.

Chapter Five: New Posse

"What do you want Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked sitting down, looking up at the demon lord with one eyebrow raised." Or did you just came to be forever Mr. Obvious?" Sesshomaru looked at her void of any emotion.

"I just felt some wave of power. So I decided to inspect." Sesshomaru said coldly. He didn't even know why he was bothering to answer the human turned youkai.

"Like your a landlord looking for rent or something." Kagome mumbled under her breath. She knew Sesshomaru could hear her. But she figured he didn't know what a landlord was, or rent for that matter. "Seriously.. Have you ever heard of the expression 'Curiousity killed the cat'? Well it's dog if you think about it hard enough..." She trailed off into thought.

Sesshomaru watched Kagome as she went off into her own little world. He shook his head slightly wondering why he even puts up with this litle slip of a girl.

'Because she doesn't take your shit.'

'I have no idea what you are talking about?'
Sesshomaru argued with the voice that lived inside his head.

'You have got a thing for defiance woman.. Must be some rich guy thing.. or a powerful one.'

'What in the hell are you talk- Wait I am not going to talk to myself.
' Sesshomaru shook his head and looked at Kagome. Who was now looking at him with a grin on her face.

"Did you win the arguement Sess? You shouldn't talk to yourself out loud... people might start to think you're not all there." Kagome said with a hint of laughter in her voice. Sesshomaru let a out a growl. He hadn't known he was speaking out loud. He watched as Kagome stood up and walked over to collect her black bag.

"What ever happened to that indecent..'uniform' thing you wear all the time?" Sesshomaru asked as she walked over next to him.

"I don't know... Maybe it just disappeared." Kagome said with strong scarasm in her voice. Sesshomaru had always made fun of her uniform. She set her shoulders straight and took his hand and started to drag him back into the direction he came from.

"What do you think you're doing Kagome?" Sesshomaru asked as he let the girl pull him into the forest where he just came from.

"You are going to teach me how to use my powers. Plus I need a sword.. and I know you have an extra one laying around at your one room shack of a home." Kagome joked. She knew that pissed him off when she claimed that he was poor or the other. She sense something familar on Sesshomaru. Her brows drew together in confusion. Then realization hit her hard.

"Give up the shards Sesshomaru. I know you have them." She said holding out her hand so he could cough them up. Sesshomaru reached into his pocket and gave her the three shards he had collected with little effort. He started walking again leaving Kagome behind. Hearing her gasp he turned around just in time to see the jewel shard absorb into her body.

"Wow that never happened before." She said with her eyes blinking blankly. Sesshomaru looked at her closely. He tilted his head to the side to give her a hint to come on. Kagome ran up to him and let out a gasp when he put his arm around her. She watched as the cloud thing formed under his feet. In seconds they were in the night sky flying back to his camp.


Inu Yasha barged into Kaede's hut in fury. He looked around. He spotted Shippou eating some candy that he knew came from Kagome's era.

"Wheres the wench? She didn't go through the well. Its closed up. I already tried it!" Inu Yasha yelled at the occupants of the hut. They just looked at him coldly.

"Lady Kagome left us. She decided to travel on her own. To collect the rest of the shards." Miroku said leaving out the part of Kagome being an youkai. Inu Yasha sat down and punched his hand through the floor in anger.

"That bitch took the shards. We have to go find her and get them back." He said looking at the rest of the little broken shard hunting group. Seeing their surprised faces Inu Yasha sttod up and head towards the door. He turned around. "You have 20 minutes to get ready. I suggest you hurry your asses up." with that said he left.

They waited till Shippou told them that he was out of hearing range. Sango and Miroku started to talk at the same time. Kaede raised her hand to silence them.

"Go young ones. Protect Kagome from Inu Yasha. Tell him she is heading east. Because for some strange reason I think she headed west." She said to them. They nodded thier heads and left the hut.


Sesshomaru landed just in time to see Jaken going to hit Rin with his staff. He was over there with the blink of an eye. He kicked Jaken ans sent him flying. Rin hugged his legs.

"Thank you Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin squealed as she clutched his legs tighter. She peeked through the gap of his legs and looked a Kagome. Her smile getting larger.

"KAGOME! You come to play with me?" Rin asked as she ran over to the already stooped over Kagome giving her a bone crushing hug. Kagome let a giggle excape from her lips.

"Rin.. its time to go to sleep. We start early tomorrow morning." Sesshomaru said to his young ward. Who let go of Kagome dejectingly and walking over by the two- headed dragon and curled up next to it and falling asleep instantly.

"Kagome.. you should get some rest to." Sesshomaru said looking around at her. Kagome nodded and started digging in her bag for a blanket of some kind. She sighed in content when she found one and laid down on the grass covering herself up. She heard something grumpling and looked up to see Jaken returning with a slight limp. She held back a giggle. She sat up and got a quick look around at the camp. She sighed and laid back down closing her eyes.

"I guess this is my new posse.."


(a/n) thats it! lol for now anyways.. i just want to thank you guys for reviewing once more. Look out for the next chappy soon. till then REVIEW!
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