InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Past ❯ Pieces To Play ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 8: Pieces To Play

"Is this where you live?"
"Yes, the bisan tree protects us. Sesshomaru look at me."
He turned and looked into her eyes.
She raised her right hand up and said "Sleep."
Sesshomaru's eyes grew heavy. He stumbled to the side of the path, trying to steady himself. Everything was spinning until he finally fell into darkness.
"Sesshomaru sama! Murasaki sama! What have you done to him?" Jaken shouted as he walked out of the shrine.
"He is fine. I only put him to sleep. He is stubborn and exhausted. He needed to sleep, and will not in present company. He will wake when I let him."
"How could you do such a thing?"
"Easy Jaken. I am a healer. He needs to sleep for me to give him his gift. Is Inuyasha still in the shrine?"
"Yes, the unmannered prince is in there."
"Who do you think you are talking about?" Inuyasha said, stepping outside after hearing his name.
"Inuyasha, where is your brother's arm?"
"Feh, How the hell should I know?"
"You were the one who cut it off, using your father's sword, Tetsusaiga. Where did his arm land? It is important."
"Why should I tell you?"
"Because, your brother is dying . The only thing keeping him alive is Tensaiga. When he lost his arm, he was too stubborn to seek proper aid for the wound . He believed his youkai blood alone would allow the wound to heal. He was wrong. An infection spread slowly through his body. Naraku made it worse by placing a curse on him. He made it worse by borrowing arms from his prey. Do you hear me, Inuyasha? You do not need to try to kill him, in essence, you already have . He knows his mistake, now. It is why he seeks the shikon no tama. He thinks it is the only way he will be able to survive. He is no longer seeking blindly for power. He is searching for himself. He is searching for the person he used to be, before all the horrors hardened his heart."
"Don't be stupid because of your feelings. Power is the only thing he cares about. Mating you was just a way to increase his own status and power."
"That is not true. He planned to kill me once he got me alone. I will not go into matters of protocol, it will take all day. We do not have time. Where is Sesshomaru's arm?"
"At father's grave." Inuyasha said with a sigh. He looked as his brother. Murasaki must be much more powerful than she was letting on. She put Sesshomaru asleep. He was completely helpless.
"Where is your father buried?"
"I can't tell you. Let him pay for his mistakes."
"Then, Sesshomaru isn't the only one who has grown heartless. Nintashiro, help me get your father into the shrine. At least I can help him rest a while."

Sango and Miroku atop Kirara followed Tomoaki closely to where he heard the strange noise. Within sight of the area, they heard buzzing and crying.
"There, There it is," Tomoaki said as he landed on a nearby branch.
There were several bamboo cages with young girls trapped inside. Kagura was using her fan to slowly dismantle a dead tree. From within the tree, a group of green wasps quickly escaped. Kagura used her fan to catch the wasps and force them to the ground. The green wasps transformed into young girls. Kagura herded them towards the cages. One by one the girls tried to hide from the wind in the small cages. Kagura shut the cages, and went back to the dead tree to repeat the process again.
"She's collecting bisan." Tomoaki said.
"So that is how Naraku creates his spy wasps. He captures young bisan from their nest, corrupts them, and absorbs the ones who fight him." Miroku said.
"Disgusting. Lets go." Sang said urging Kirara forward.
"Ah, coming to rescue the little wasps. Well I will not let you have them." Kagura said, waving her wind attack towards Kirara.
With Kagura distracted, Tomoaki jumped and glided down to the cages. He quickly smashed them open. The freed girls quickly ran into the forest.
"Tomoaki! What are you doing here? You are supposed to kill the one-armed youkai for Naraku."
"There is no one-armed youkai in this forest. You and Naraku are betrayers! I work for you no more!"
Sango's hiratsu flew towards Kagura's head. Kagura deftly dodged it, but it allowed Tomoaki time to help more bisan escape. Sango and Miroku dismounted and headed right toward Kagura.
"Traitor, Tomoaki. You will pay for this."
"Harming bisan chicks is no way for a leader to lead. I will follow only the queen of the forest from now on!"
"What queen of the forest? There is no such thing."
"Kagura, you are outnumbered. " Sango yelled as she launched her hiratsu once again.
Tomoaki released the last of the bisan girls and headed towards the nest to protect any more that were inside. Miroku distracted Kagura long enough to let Tomoaki check the nest.
"It's empty. Kagura, get out of here. " He said as he pulled a shimmering katana." Or I promise I will slice you in two"
Kagura tossed down a feather and flew off. "I got most of the nest, I don't need to bother with you anymore."
"Will those girls be alright?" Miroku asked with a sly smile.
"Oh, yes. The bisan tree does not die until the young inside are ready to find trees of their own."
"Wipe that look off your face, you pervert. We need to get back to the shrine."
"As soon as I make sure those girls are alright."

"I do not understand you , uncle. I know you said that you did not play Shio-ghi, but how do you know Naraku is not? Look at what has happened so far. The dokufu drew out the board, when they allied with grandfather's enemies. Naraku set up the board, when he was Onigumo, when he was working for the dokufu. First, Naraku tried to take the Kin, mother, when he supposedly was asking for help. He failed and mother marked him. Second he tried to take the Nari-Kaku, Miroku or rather his grandfather, by creating the void in his hand. He failed because the trait is passed down generations. Next he tried to take the Ka-Ma and the Kaku, you and Kikiyo. He succeeded and failed. Kikiyo was resurrected, but he did not count that a Yari would reincarnate and become the new Kaku, Kagome. You were sealed but, Kagome freed you. Fourth move, he tried to capture the Sho, when the Sho was weakened by the loss of his arm. He failed because of the Nari-Hisha, Jaken, being there, protecting the Sho. fifth move, " Nintashiro continued. As he did, everyone within the shrine gathered to hear his synopsis.
"He tried to take the Ghin, Sango, by killing her family. He failed because the Ka-Ma, the Kaku, and the Nari-Kaku were there to prevent her being taken. Next consist of several moves involving various Fu and Hio, taking them out of play. Finally, he tried to take The Sho again by trying to take the Hisha first, me. He failed because the Sho outwitted him. Can't you see it , uncle. Even if you have not played Shio-ghi in a long time, you should at least remember the standard cheat moves to win quickly. Naraku has followed those moves almost to the letter. "
"I can not disagree with my son . He has been listening to all of us and has thought it carefully through."
"My grandfather likes to play Shio-ghi, but I prefer Go. Still, I remember some of those cheat moves. It was the only way to quicken the pace of the game. " Kagome added.
"Nintashiro sama, what do you think will be his next move?" Jaken shakily said.
"If he follows the pattern, he will pull captured Fu and Hio into play. Once secured, he will attack the Ka-Ma or the Ghin again, most likely the Ghin."
"That would mean Sango is the next target." Kagome said.
"The next target for what?" Sango said as she walked in the shrine.
"We were discussing Naraku's moves and how they are very similar to Shio-ghi cheat moves. Either you or Inuyasha or both are next on his target list."
"We are all on his target list, Kagome, including him." She said pointing to Sesshomaru.
"Yes, Sango," Murasaki added, "His plans and treachery go very far back. He wants to dominate the world. He will destroy all demons and humans who stand in his way."
"Now that we know what kind of game he is playing, it may be easier to anticipate his movements." Kagome said happily, "We have a better chance of beating him. By the way, were are Miroku and Tomoaki?"
"Outside. We rescued some virgin bisan that Kagura was trying to enslave. She escaped again, but we did manage to save some of the girls. Miroku got it into his head to chase and flirt with one of them. Tomoaki is treating his wounds."
"Typical Miroku. Perhaps I should go help."
"No, it was just bruise. He will be fine."
"Inuyasha, look around you. With all that has been said, can you really deny your brother his arm? If Nintashiro is right, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, has been the real target all along. Naraku knew Sesshomaru was too powerful, so he fueled the fire that already existed between you two." Murasaki said, "Where is your father's grave?"
"In the pearl behind his left eye."
"Inuyasha, this time I can't argue. We have been attacked by Naraku's demons. We have been attacked by resurrected evil men, which by the way, we are still trying to chase down. Naraku is creating pawns left and right. Even if he refuses to help us, directly, he wants Naraku as bad as you do. "
"But, Kagome!"
"So, do I have to make you do this one consideration for your brother? It will help you save face. It will show me that you are not as heartless as he is."
"But Kagome!"
Both Murasaki and Nintashiro laughed when Inuyasha fell face first into the floor.
"What do we need to do?" Sango asked.
"First, Nintashiro, you need to remove the temporary arm and work your healing to curb the newest infection caused by the arm."
"Yes mother."
"Sango, I am going to put Inuyasha asleep after I remove the pearl, so he will not feel as much pain. I need you to stay and watch him. Make sure his breathing stays regular. If it slows, pat him on the back."
"I can do that."
"Kagome, do you know where Sesshomaru's arm fell?"
"Yes, I was there."
"Good, you will come with me so I can locate it faster. The faster we do this, the less pain Inuyasha will endure."
"What about the children?" Kagome said pointing to Rin, Shippo, and the girl from the village. "It looks like they are waking up."
"Jaken, you take them outside. I am sure between you, Miroku and Tomoaki, they will be fine."
"I will do so, Murasaki sama."
Jaken rushed the children out of the shrine while the ladies and Nintashiro prepared.
"I am ready, Mother"
"So am I," Sango said.
"Inuyasha, Kagome?"
"Don't be such a baby, Inuyasha. I will make this as quick as possible."
"I'm ready," Kagome said.
Soft, white light came from Murasaki's fingers as she carefully removed the pearl with her right hand. With her left hand she weaved a spell, putting Inuyasha into a deep sleep.
Murasaki placed the pearl on the floor lightly tapped it with Saiminjutsu. The portal to the grave opened. Once the two landed on the enormous body of Inutaitio, Murasaki looked at the skull and began to cry.
"I miss you, great uncle." She said as she dried her tears, "Which way?"
"Over there, past his right shoulder bones, near his lower ribs."
They slowly made their way to the spot indicated by Kagome. The arm was there, still in full youkai form. Murasaki weaved a spell to change the form of the arm. She picked it up and placed it into a silk sack she had with her.
"Lets get out of here. Before I fall apart again."
"Alright, Murasaki."
They emerged from the portal to find both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru still peacefully sleeping.
"Any problems while we were gone?"
"None from Inuyasha," Sango said, "But Sesshomaru was screaming in his sleep. Something about dokufu. That is strange. My father nearly wiped out the spider demons years ago. Why should he still fear them?"
"I will explain later," Murasaki said as she lightly tapped the portal, casing it to turn back into a pearl. The pearl drifted back to Inuyasha. His eyelid opened and the pearl took it's proper place.
Murasaki waved a hand to awaken Inuyasha.
"Grr, I changed my mind."
"Too late, it is already done." Murasaki said.
"That was fast."
"You had a nice nap for a half an hour, Inuyasha. " Kagome added.
"Kagome, I will need you. Sango, Inuyasha, you might not be up to seeing this."
"We will go. C'mon Inuyasha."
Inuyasha shook his head and sighed as he left. He knew that his cousin was as stubborn as he was.

a lesser form of Japanese Chess using two colors of stones, one for each player. Usually the colors are black and white.