InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sediment ❯ Sediment ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

She walks-
head down, eyes dead to the world, raven locks veiling her face-
along the busy crosswalk.
He walks-
head held high, eyes dreaming of another time, dark hair dancing in the wind-
caught in the current of the pedestrians.
Their shoulders bump.
She mumbles an apology-
He doesn't give her a second glance-
But for a brief second-
their auras react,
like the opposite ends of a magnet.
A longing from a time long forgotten
is ignited and quenched
within two steps.
Both walk,
their destination clear-
their route forgotten.
They move through life
like two grains of sand lost on the ocean floor,
waiting for the pressure to bind and harden them.
The grains, now one strong rock, withstand erosion.
She walks another day-
heart searching, soul pleading, arms open-
along the crosswalk.
He walks-
heart aching, soul yearning, arms needing-
into her - just like the currents planned.
Two grains of sand meet along the crossroads of the ocean floor.
The pressure is demanding.
They bind together.
The rock won't be moved.
A/N: This was inspired by the thought what will happen when everyone needs to return to their time. If you haven't guessed, it's Kagome and Inu Yasha's reincarnation. I know you guys want an update, it's in the works. I've been working on a short story to help me through my block. My wrist is much better. You'll see an update from me as soon as my life slows down a bit (Give me a couple of weeks). Thank you for your patience.
Also a few of you have asked for a mailing list or some way to find out when I'm updating. I hate doing the email thing because my mailbox gets overcrowded with failed deliveries. I'm willing to open a yahoo! Group or Live Journal if people would be interested in it. I'm not sure which you would prefer, or what would work best. Send me your ideas to