InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seeing Through New Eyes ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter: 10
`Kami this sword is annoying! Why does he put up with it?'
Kagome thought to herself as she carried the unconscious Sesshoumaru bridal style to his camp. The sword Tokijin kept swinging against her leg, whispering suggestions to destroy the nearest human village. It was surprising at first to hear a voice from the demonic sword, but now it is just aggravating. Sending another blast of miko ki at it, it wisely decided to shut up. The miko youkai readjusted her cargo.
`Huh, if I were still human, there would be no way I'd be able to move Sesshoumaru to his camp. This guy is heavier than he looks, and he looks pretty damn heavy!'
After their short battle, Kagome decided to get the taiyoukai to return to his more rational side as quickly and easily as possible. Fortunately, Kagome knew exactly how to do that. When she whispered into Sesshoumaru's ear, she was actually using her secret technique. She has to be in close range of her `victims'' nose in order for them to breathe in a mixture of miko ki and youki in her breath. Even the strongest of youkai are instantly rendered unconscious.
Kagome entered the taiyoukai's campsite. When Jaken saw his lord's sleeping form, he screeched annoyingly.
“Wench! What did you do to Sesshoumaru-sama! And put him down this instant! How dare you even touch h-!” Kagome kicked the little toad into a tree to shut him up. She huffed.
Turning, Kagome placed the youkai under a tree, leaning him into the rough bark. Sesshoumaru's head rolled to the side and leaned on his shoulder. He actually looked cute, Kagome thought. Too bad Kagome was still mad at him for what his beast said.
“Yes, Rin-chan?”
“Why is Sesshoumaru-sama sleeping? And why were you carrying him?”
“Sesshoumaru-sama said something very mean to me. So I made him fall asleep. I carried him here because I didn't want to leave him unprotected.” She explained as best she could to the 11 year old.
“Oh. When will he wake up?”
After mentally doing the math, Kagome answered, “He will be awake by the time you get up tomorrow. But make sure you keep your voice down for the whole day tomorrow, okay? His senses will be very strong when he first wakes up and so if you are loud he will get very angry. You might want to tell Jaken that. Can you do that?”
Rin's eyes brightened at her new responsibility, “Hai, Kagome-sama! I will speak quietly so I won't make Sesshoumaru-sama angry. I'll tell Jaken-sama too, but I don't think he'll listen.”
Kagome giggled, “I have to go now, Rin-chan. I have a feeling I'll be seeing you soon.”
Kagome left the camp and quickly made her way to hers. As she jumped from tree to tree she purified the scent of the taiyoukai and his companions. As she came close to her friends she turned to the direction of the hot springs and retrieved her backpack that was forgotten about.
When Kagome entered the clearing of her campsite she noticed most of her companions sleeping. The hanyou was the only one still up.
“What took you so long? I was about to go get you.”
Kagome noticed Shippou sleeping next to Kirara so she decided to leave him there for the night. She moved over to the tree Inuyasha was in and jumped into a different branch.
“Sorry I took so long; I sensed a few hebi (snake) youkai nearby and went to investigate. They were hurting a human girl so I had to kill them. I was able to get the girl to her village after getting her to trust me, which took a while.” Changing the subject, she said, “How was the night going so far?” Kagome was quite proud of how well she was able to lie. Human Kagome wouldn't have been able to lie without having her eyebrow twitch, she remembered.
Inuyasha shrugged, “Boring. A little after you left Shippou fell asleep with Kirara. The rest followed a little after.”
Kagome nodded, “Hm. You can go to sleep. I'll watch over us tonight.” The hanyou nodded and shifted on the branch. After a while, his even heartbeat told the miko that he was asleep. Spreading out her aura, Kagome relaxed against her tree.
Morning with Sesshoumaru…
Glazed golden eyes slowly opened as the first rays of light were pulled across the morning sky. Sesshoumaru's mind was foggy and felt disconnected to his body. His head was pounding and all he wanted to do was go back to sleep. (AN: It's a hangover for demons!)
It seems you're finally awake.
Suddenly the events of the night before came back to him. Jumping to his feet, the taiyoukai spread his aura to search out the manipulative little kijo (demoness). Finding her once again with his baka half brother he growled low.
`How dare that woman! What did she do to us?'
It appears that she rejected us. This will be interesting.
`I know she rejected us! I'm talking about how she managed to make us unconscious. And what do you mean by `interesting'?'
She is playing hard to get. We will get her to want us.
`No. This Sesshoumaru will not allow such a revolting display.'
Well THIS Sesshoumaru made you follow the little kijo around all day. I can make you do a whole lot more. Either you do this willingly or I will force you. I have a lot more power over you than you realize.
Sesshoumaru was silent. It seems that either way, they will be attempting to court the miko, or now, kijo. `Well', he thought, `she is powerful. And an inu too. Any pups we would have would be stronger than any other. And I do need a mate, and no female is good enough. She is.'
There, decision made. We will court her. She won't refuse us for long.
Just then, Jaken awoke from his kick induced coma. When he saw that his lord was conscious he screeched and ran over to the taiyoukai, tripping over his own feet in the process. The ruckus he made woke Rin and Ah-Un.
“Sesshoumaru-sama! You have awoken! I was so worried Milord! When that horrible onna (woman) carried you here I thought-!” A rock slammed into the head of the little kappa, followed by a low growl, which effectively started his groveling.
“Oh please forgive this lowly servant, Sesshoumaru-sama! I am not worthy of being in the presence of one such as you! Please give me mercy-!”
“Silence!” Sesshoumaru barked. Jaken quivered and immediately became quieted. Rin walked next to the kappa.
She whispered, “Kagome-sama said that Sesshoumaru-sama's senses are going to be very high today. She told me to tell you to speak quietly so that Sesshoumaru-sama doesn't get mad at you like he normally does.”
Jaken gaped, “Why didn't you tell me that before you baka onnanoka (girl)!?” He whispered back harshly. Rin wasn't fazed.
“You were too busy yelling, Jaken-sama.”
As Sesshoumaru listened in on the short conversation, he noticed something. `The kijo knew that this Sesshoumaru would be affected this way. She cared enough to warn this Sesshoumaru's pack of his heightened senses even after what his beast said to her. She is very forgiving.'
He turned to his pack, “We are leaving.”
Wow! Another chapter done! Yay! Did you see how I flipped the love part? I made Sesshy-chan want Kagome before she wants him! That's cool! Ooh, I wonder how things will go from here! Keep reading, and remember: Review review review!
PS: Try reading my other story Finally Strong. It's relatively a new story, so there is not that many chapters yet. But it's really good, though! The next chapter of it will be here within the next month. (Sorry, I'm a slow updater!)