InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshomaru Gone Gangster! Inuyasha A God Loving Racist! ❯ Changes ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"Yo Sesshomaru you gotta check this out!" Miroku ran through the halls crashing into people just so he could get to his buddy Sess who was still organizing his locker out.

"Sess will you stop that for one minute I need to talk to you dude." He took one of Sess's books from his hand and threw it to the ground.

"Please don't do that I need to get my locker straightened out. After what my brother did to it, it will take me a while." He pleaded for him to stop as he bent down to retrieve the thrown down book.

"Sess listen after I get down with you, you won't care what your locker looks like. Any way can I tell you now."

"You obviously won't leave me alone until I say yes so tell. Oh and by the way what's up with the new get up?" He questioned looking his pal over.

"Oh you like it. I thought the khaki pants and flannel shirts were just not working for me anymore, so I went to the mall yesterday and picked out a whole new wardrobe. And if you ask me baggy pants and over fitting shirts have a way with the lady's ya feel me?" He nudge an elbow into Sess's side while winking to a couple of freshman girls that had walked by.

"Miroku you know very well that isn't me. I like the way I am." Moving Miroku aside he straightened out his t-shirt that he wrinkled.

"Face it dude your boring, ya I admit I was boring to but you gotta watch this video." He handed a tape to Sess.

"What is this?" He looked at the tape that had a title that read, "The Truth Behind the Hood"

"And you expect me to watch this this I don't know what it is yet. That's absurd." He pushed the tape back into Miroku's hands before turning back to his locker.

"Come on. Please I don't ask much of you just watch it once and if you don't like I'll go back to my old ways." The last few words he speed up he hated that he had to do something drastic just for his friend after he had already started to enjoy it.

"Really? Well I guess it won't hurt. But I still won't forgive for missing are game of pool yesterday. I waited until 6:00 pm just for you and what do you do ditch me." He grabbed the tape away and stuck it in his backpack.

"That's the spirit, and besides I told you what I did yesterday. I didn't want to tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise. And it seems to me like it was a real good one. Man you should have seen the look on your face dude that was hilarious." He propped his arm on Sesshomaru's shoulder as he laughed at him.

"I don't need your little jokes right now, I'm going to class see you later." Pushing his arm away he walked down the hall to door number 208 which was his history class.

"So you will watch it and tell me how you like it right?" Miroku yelled to him.

"Ya whatever." He waved a hand in the air then entered the room.

"Yes, I knew it!" Slamming his hand against a lock he skipped away to his first class, math.


Getting off the bus Sesshomaru didn't want to tell Miroku that he really did like his new clothes and was eager to watch the tape just as soon as school ended.

"Bro what's up!" Inuyasha called from his new motorcycle that his parents got him a couple years back. It was new to him because he never really drove it until now.

"What's with the bike?" Sesshomaru knew Inuyasha never really liked motorcycles so this was going to be interesting to hear.

"Well I just decided it was time for a change. I know I really don't like these kind of bikes, but that was getting old." He answered walking over to his brother.

"Oh really? Well ok, but I have to go do something now before I forget." Trying to hurry into the house he was stopped by a hand pushing into his stomach.

"What are you hiding Sess?" Why did he have to call him Sess everyone called him that and that was the one thing Sesshomaru really hated.

"Nothing Inuyasha I just want to get in the house so if you would excuse me I'm going." He tried to remove his hand but he just wouldn't budge.

"I know your hiding something and I'll find out." He grinned.

"Inuyasha move!" He demanded as he pushed his younger brother aside. As he ran to the house he could still Inuyasha's annoying laughter.

Back inside the house Sesshomaru threw his backpack to the floor and walked over to the wide screen t.v. that sat across from a small red loveseat.

"Now that my brother is out of my hair I think I'll…." Interrupted by his brother once more he hid the tape in his jean jacket.

"Sess your getting awful noticeable these days." Inuyasha glared down at him before slinging his backpack away as well.

"Oh it that so? Any way what do you care. You've never been this anxious as to what I was doing." His hand was still stuck in his jacket holding the tape so it wouldn't fall out.

"Why don't you join me and the others I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun as to what we do." He just grinned at him once more.

"What the KKK. I don't even know what the hell that is so just leave me out of whatever sick jokes you have in mind with your physco friends."

"Hey no need to be hostile. I made you an offer and you obviously refused I can live with that. Well I'll be in my room if you happen to change your mind." Walking away he stopped when he heard his brother.

"Now what?" He didn't feel like talking but If he didn't than Sesshomaru would follow him to his room until he answered. He was like that.

"What is the KKK any way?" Sesshomaru knew that Inuyasha had joined some sort of club but he never actually took the time to know what kind it was.

"Never mind, if you really don't know what it is than you might as well forget joining us. I'll see you at dinner I'm gonna turn in my room for now." Turning away he went up the spiral stairs to his room.

"An ass like usual. Now for that tape and since Inuyasha is in his room he won't be out for at least two hours or more so that gives me plenty of time." Sneaking to the t.v. he popped the tape in the vcr and sat down in front of the t.v. waiting for the screen to show up.

Just then a title showed up and a black man stepped out it front.

"I know your watching this because you can hear everything I'm saying and you will listen good, any way I'm here to tell you about my people. For many generations we have been disturbed by this so called KKK (Kutes Kluck Klan.) (I'm not sure if that's the way you spell it so I'll just try my best.) which is a group of white people that run around in funny robes and hats killing my people. But on to that later I'm here to tell you how to live the fabulous hood life. Now pay attention."

Sesshomaru watched the whole two hours and by the time it was done Sesshomaru didn't know who badly it had affected his life.

"Well that's it for me. Pretty interesting." He yawned while stretching then stood up. "But it does surprise me that Inuyasha would ever consider something like that. He's more evil than I thought. Well time for me to turn in it seems that moms not home yet so I'll just fix me something later."

He climbed the stairs to his room that was across from his brothers. Inuyasha's door had a big sign on it that had a swastika sign in the middle.

"Cruel." Sesshomaru hissed than entered his own room.

Laying on his bed he wondered about the tape and if it was really necessary to follow the man's orders. "I don't see why not I'm mean if Inuyasha can be in such a cruel one than why can't I be against it. That's what I'll do beat him at his own game." Leaning up he grabbed his car keys and headed out for the mall where he would change his whole life over.


~Next Morning~

Inuyasha got up early to eat some breakfast since his mom didn't get home until late and forgot to fix dinner.

Pulling out a box of Cheerios and some milk he poured some and began to eat.

Sesshomaru who too woke early to get everything he had got late that night sorted out and put it all where it should go.

Finished dressing he modeled in the mirror. "Looken good brotha." Laughing at himself for talking such he grabbed his cd player and went downstairs to meet up with Inuyasha for some breakfast.

Downstairs Inuyasha heard some foot steps coming down and assumed it was Sesshomaru. Looking up he expected to see his brother dressed in his usual Abercrombie or Polo outfits but instead he was a whole different person.

Dropping his spoon into the bowl he tried to speak but only cereal spit out.

Sesshomaru not paying any attention walked over to a cabinet above the sink and pulled out a box of Weedys that he picked up at the store along with his clothes.

Pouring him some he sat down music blaring through the earphones as he sang, "What the fuck you bitches want from a nigger." Eating all Inuyasha could do was stare.

Uh Sess?" He tried to talk but the music was to loud. So he pulled one of the earphones away and repeated himself.

This time Sesshomaru responded. 'What do you want nigga?" He pulled the headphones down around his neck his head still moving with the music.

"Uh…So when did you decide to change?"

"Man this cereal is awesome. Can you believe I only spent 2 dollas on it, damn. Oh what was that. I guess it was time to change as some people say. And where are you supposed to be going?" Sesshomaru looked Inuyasha over. He was wearing a white robe with a cross in the middle and a white pointy hat beside his bowl.

"Uhh…well that's none of your business. And what about you?" Inuyasha looked over Sesshomaru as he did to him.

He wore a pair of Fubu baggy jeans a Phat Farm button shirt and a matching Fubu jean jacket. His hair was up but a side ways cap covered it with the words Gangsta across it. A black bandana kept bangs out of his face and three earrings stuck in his left ear. On his fingers were many riings and around his neck hung several silver necklaces all with something different hanging from the chain. But what really stood out were the words that were painted across his shirt, "Kill Whitey".

Inuyasha was beginning to get a little freaked out now.

"Oh yeah, do you like them. See I got a new pair of kicks as well." He pointed to his boots which were the brand Lugz and they were a shiny black.

"Cool. Any way what made you change your mind?"

"Uhh…I can't say. Like you can't."

"I guess I can deal with that. So whatcha listening to?"

"Oh a cd Miroku had given me for my birfday I really never listened to it until now. And let me tell you it's off the hizzy. It's called…DMX I think."

"Ok? Well I think I should be getting to my cul…I mean school. See ya." He picked up his bag and left on his motorcycle.

"Well well little brother I see where this is going but your little klan wont last long." He said to himself stuffing another bite of cereal into his mouth before heading out as well.