InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshomarus Revenge ❯ The Return of Sesshomaru ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Here it is, whether you like it or not, I tried. My muse works in mysterious ways, I don't know where this story is going until I write it. I hope people aren't disappointed, I think it will get better.
Chapter 4
The Return of Sesshomaru
It had been a week of peace in Kaede's village for Kagome and Sango. Every morning they woke up and did chores, and after they finished they had time to meditate at the shrine and talk with Kaede. Even Shippou had found something to do, bouncing around the village with the other children. Every day they got a little stronger, but they still had their moments of pain. With the kindness and caring of Kaede and their mutual support of each other Kagome hoped they would overcome the worst of it in time.
Recently Kagome had found herself at Inu-Yasha's tree, the last place she and her lover had been together. It filled her with nostalgia, a sweet sadness, and longing. Being there also made her feel closer to Inu-Yasha, whom she missed a lot more than she had expected she would. She had been trying not to worry about him. But she definitely could not stop thinking about him. This time apart softened all the times they had quarreled in her mind, leaving the good memories of the love they shared foremost.
One morning Kagome woke with the dawn. On one side of her slept Shippou, the other Sango, Kirara curled up on her pillow. It was too early to start the day's chores, but she was wide-awake. Quietly she dressed in a simple kimono and decided to take a walk. She found herself, as usual, by Inu-Yasha's tree. Going up to a crevasse in the old tree, she leaned against it, running her hand down a long seam in the bark.
Lost in her thoughts, Kagome looked up at a sudden sound that was not a normal forest noise. It sounded like the soft swish of fabric. Cautiously, she peeked around the side of the tree, and nearly fell over backwards with fright. An elegant hand reached out and grabbed her by her wrist, preventing her fall. The person who the hand belonged to came into full view. She was looking into the face of the one who had haunted her nightmares so often recently. Her immediate reaction was panic, and she tried frantically to free herself from his grip.
“I am not here to hurt you,” said Sesshomaru, and to show her he meant it, he let her go.
“Is it you?” He asked.
Rubbing her wrist, Kagome frowned at him a moment in confusion. Then it came to her.
“No, Sango is the one who is pregnant.” She said.
“And you're sure about this, you're sure it's mine?” he said, narrowing his eyes.
“Yes, we're sure!” Kagome said furiously. “So what are you going to do about it?”
He glanced away from her a moment, an unfathomable look in his eyes.
“Tell her that if it survives childbirth, she is to bring it to me at my palace. Only then will we decide its fate.”
“It's fate!” said Kagome in exasperation. “How can you be so cold? This is your child, are you going to let it grow up full of anger and pain like Inu-Yasha?”
“I did not say that,” he said coolly, “I will not consider it until it is born.”
“Oh, so it doesn't exist yet in your mind.” She said derisively.
“I am letting it have a chance to live.” He said, a steel edge to his voice, and Kagome swallowed nervously as a dangerous glint appeared in his eyes.
“Be content with that at this time.”
In a swirl of silk, fur and flowing silver hair, he was gone, and Kagome shuddered. It wasn't until now that she realized she had been holding her breath during his last remarks, and she expelled it explosively. Her heart was still beating wildly, and the bravado she had shown a moment before was draining from her. I will not cry, I will not cry, she kept saying to herself, but the tears would not be held back. Her vision blurred, and she flung herself against the tree. The pain she had been trying so hard to overcome now overwhelmed her, and she hugged the bole of the tree and slunk down to the ground, sobbing Inu-Yasha's name at the top of her lungs. Oh, I'm so alone, she thought, I need him, I need him so bad.
Miles away Inu-Yasha felt a pulling on his heart, a feeling had not felt since…when? Yes, a feeling like the last time he had made love to Kagome and she had broken down in tears afterward.
“Monk, you better put on some speed.” He growled, “you' re slowing me down.”
Miroku looked back at him in surprise.
“You never said anything before.” He said with reproach.
“Well I'm telling you now!”
“You could always carry me on your back like you do Kagome.” Miroku said smiling.
“Feh! I'd sooner sling you under my arm like baggage.”
Miroku laughed at the look of disgust on Inu-Yasha's face. Inu-Yasha growled and Miroku through up his hands in surrender.
“Okay, okay, I get the message.”
When Kagome got back to the village after her encounter with Sesshomaru, she waited for Shippou to go out and play before telling Kaede and Sango what had happened. She decided to leave out the part about Sesshomaru saying he was letting the baby have a chance to live. It brought up horrific connotations. But Sango seemed satisfied with the rest of what Sesshomaru said.
“Are you sure Sango?” Said Kagome, “I didn't feel he was committed to doing the right thing for your baby.”
“He says I should bring the child to him,” said Sango, “he will not shirk his responsibility.”
“He must also consider what this child will become if it grows up.” Said Kaede, “It is not good to make an enemy of one's own flesh and blood.”
Well, thought Kagome, it was too late for Sesshomaru and Inu-Yasha. If they weren't exactly enemies before she had been raped, they were now.
It was now three days since Sesshomaru had shown up at Inu-Yasha's tree. Things were beginning to get back to normal for Kagome and Sango in Kaede's village. Kagome was in back of Kaede's house hanging laundry to dry. As she draped a piece of clothing on the line, she got the odd feeling of being watched. Slowly she turned around, and saw Inu-Yasha standing at the corner of the house, watching her. His expression was solemn, his eyes clouded with concern.
“How are you?” he said softly.
Without hesitation she ran to him and through her arms around him. He held her carefully, as if she might break.
“I felt…something, “ he said slowly, “when we were on our way back.”
He detached her from the embrace to look seriously into her face. She was smiling from ear to ear, and tears of joy and relief fell from her eyes.
“You're crying,” he said, reaching out to brush a tear from her cheek.
“Oh, In-Yasha, I'm fine now that you're back.” She said, caressing his face.
“Really!” she said and locked her arms around his neck so she could bring his face down to hers.
Surprised, he could not get another word out because she had brought their mouths together in a kiss filled with hunger. She pulled her body up to his and pressed it firmly to him, needing to drown in the warm solidity of him. Her hands traveled down his back to his ass, then around his hips to his crotch. Inu-Yasha gasped, and pulled away from her to look at her, his eyes narrow and mischievous.
“Kagome! What's gotten into you?” he said.
“Nothing yet,” she said with a chuckle, “but I'm hoping you are!”
“Not here!” He said looking around them with trepidation.
“Let's go to the tree!”
“If that's what you want.”
He lifted her onto his back and bounded out of the village and into the forest. In a matter of moments they were at the tree. He carefully put her down, and she immediately reached over to take off his clothes. Taking her hands off him gently, he admonished her to wait while he made a comfortable place for them to be together. Impatiently she waited while he cleared a large nook between two big tree roots, and laid some soft grass and leaves in it.
“Are you ready now?” she said.
“Yes.” He said, and before he could make another move she had jumped on him and sent him flat on his ass with her on top in the makeshift bower.
Kagome wanted to fill the aching hole inside her with him, to drink him up until she overflowed. Her hands explored his naked body as they undressed, reveling in the feel of him. She began at his jaw line and ran down his slim neck to his chiseled chest, then back out to his broad shoulders and lean corded, arms. She licked straight up his sternum to the underside of his chin, the nipples of her naked breasts brushing him lightly and sending shivers of arousal through him.
“What are you doing?” he groaned.
“Just be quiet Inu-Yasha and let me play,” she said.
She slid her hands below the waistband to slide the bottom half of his fire rat hoari off him. Her hands caressed his hard abs and the wonderful line of his hips, sliding around back to the small, round, and firm cheeks of his ass. As she got his clothes to his knees his large erection popped out and nearly gave her a black eye. Instead she caught it as it bounced off his stomach and licked its length greedily.
“Ahhh!” he gasped, bucking up slightly off the ground.
“The tables are turned this time, my love.” She said with an evil laugh, “How do you like it?”
“Kagome,” was all he was able to moan coherently, because she had cupped his balls with one hand while guiding his cock into her mouth with the other.
She put it in as deep as it would go and sucked hard, loving the taste of his heated member, the feel of it straining for release against her tongue. Just when Inu-Yasha thought he was going to explode in her mouth, she stopped.
“Uh-Uh,” she said, “That's not where your supposed to come.”
He lay panting in frustration while she got up to straddle him, guiding him inside her where the heat, moisture and the snug fit threatened to set him over the edge in his highly charged state.
“All right girl, that's enough,” he growled, and sitting up he grabbed her and flipped her underneath him, still buried deep inside her.
Slowly he began to pump into her, long, deep, slow strokes that he knew made her crazy.
“So, now who is in control of the game?” he said as she writhed beneath him.
“You are, you are,” she gasped, “just do it harder, faster, please let me climax!”
He complied, but he drew it out as long as he could, pacing himself, each thrust getting incrementally harder and faster. When she finally came, the orgasms hit her grouped together, one after the other, until her legs shook uncontrollably. It was only at this point that he let himself finish his own climax, which he had held in check so long.
Afterward they lay curled up and panting, their sweat making their bodies slide against each other. Kagome felt a languorous satiation, it was enough to deaden the pain for a while, although not as much as she had hoped. Her love for Inu-Yasha seemed to be the missing part that would ease the pain, while he was gone, but she knew now that the deeper healing would have to come from herself.
“Kagome, while I was gone I had this strange feeling,” said Inu-Yasha, “it was three days ago. I felt a pain in my heart like I had only felt one time before.”
“What time?” She asked, feeling that she knew the answer already.
“It was the last time we made love, under this tree. When you started sobbing after we were done, it pained me to the core. I felt it again three days ago.”
Inu-Yasha watched her face for her reaction to his words. Kagome looked pensive. She bit the inside of her cheek absently.
“Inu-Yasha,” she began slowly, “three days ago I was at this very tree. Sesshomaru showed up. We talked, he told me to tell Sango to bring him the baby if it survived childbirth. He said he was giving it a chance to live, but would make no decision about what to do with it until then.”
“You know Kagome, I think he might take responsibility for the child, regardless that it's a hanyou.”
Surprised at these words, Kagome turned to look Inu-Yasha in the face to see if he really meant it. He looked serious.
“Why do you think that?” she asked.
“When Miroku and I went to give him the message, I was attacked by a young girl child. She was human.”
“Yes, Sesshomaru's ward. Jakken told me she had saved his life when I nearly killed him, the day we saved you and Sango.”
“You didn't hurt her, did you?” she said, only half serious.
“Of course not! I didn't hurt her that day, and I would never try to hurt her. Miroku said she was trying to beat me off because she was defending Sesshomaru.”
“Miroku made the point that obviously this little girl must love my brother. I believe him. If she can love him, and live with him, why can't a hanyou that's his blood?”
Kagome put her arms around his chest and rested her head in the crook of his shoulder.
“Good point, Inu-Yasha.” She said.
He reached over and gently brushed some strands of her long ebony hair from where they stuck to her face, and she smiled at him.
“But why did I feel such pain that day?” he asked.
Kagome's face clouded with the memory.
“He had startled me. When I nearly fell, he grabbed my wrist to keep me from falling. He let me go, but the whole experience, seeing him again, felt like a knife in my heart.”
She looked up at him to see if he understood what she was saying. His eyes glittered with concern, his mouth drawn tight.
“When he left, I broke down. I-I called your name…I was in such pain. I'm trying to heal Inu-Yasha, but it's a slow process. If I ever heal at all.”
“Don't say that,” he said, taking her in his arms, “you're strong and brave, I believe you'll heal. And I'm here for you, always.”
“You must have felt my pain, even miles away.” She said her voice muffled against his chest, “I don't know why, but it's too coincidental. Maybe it's the tree. Maybe it has something to do with my miko powers, I don't know.”
“Well, just know now that I feel when you're in pain. And I'll never leave you alone with it, not if I can be there for you.”
How sweet, thought Sesshomaru sarcastically, as he listened and watched Inu-Yasha and Kagome talking. He had never left the forest.
A/N: Well, there it is. Whew! Blame my muse if it's not what you hoped for. She's been rather cranky recently. Chapter 5 will be coming, if my muse co-operates.