InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshoumaru answer a question ❯ sesshoumaru answer a question ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey this is Lilly again. I had reports that my fanfics character is ooc. well i m going to try to make it a bit more serious ok? I can't promise it will. This is a short fanfic. Pairing sesshoumaru/Kagome rated PG because of the swearing i think. well anyway. hope u enjoy it.^_^ by Lilly Pateal

Who says that you can be good at everything. I find that to be very humerous. But I Sesshoumaru do everything very slowly and carefully. This is one of those time where i find myself in one of this kind of jamb. It has been quite sometimes since i battled with my stupid half-breed brother, and i slowly must find out why my dad gave the sword Tetsaiga to my worthless half-brother. But that is one of my problem. The other is that I can't figure out how, but I am starting to get soft towards humans, well not all of them but two. It was a 1 year ago since I ressurect Rin with my Tensaiga (the sword that heals 100 living things with one strike). The first time when Rin tried to care for me I knew she was different from other human, strangely when i first met her she had cuts and bruises covering her pale small body. I guess she had been abused. Well anyway she was definitly different. When I was healed not by Rin but my demons strenght I was ready to leave.but before I could leave, I smelled the stench of blood mixed with wolves. I went to investigate what the source was, what i found was Rin, She was killed by pack of wolves. Jaken my servant had said "whoo she is dead m'lord, she is gone" I had looked at him then at my tensaiga. I then took out the sword. I swung my sword on the dead girl. It took a few seconds before she started to breath again. Why did I bother to revive her I had asked my self mentally, why didn't I just left her there to rot. I didn't know why I did it, But then I was just testing my sword out again Yea thats the reason, but I didn't believe it was. From then on, Rin has been part of our little group.That was that i remember of. Very strange.
As I sat here in my study room I tried to remember what had happen with Inuyasha and his group. Yes his group was strong but i didn't say anything, I never agree to stuff.But one of his group member had caught my interest. It was the miko, Inuyashas' wench. Naraku had lend me an arm with a shikon jewel embeded so i could weild the tetsaiga, I had stormed into Inuyasha little group while they were resting I had asked my brother to give me the sword. But as arrogant as he was. He tried to attack me. Well I managed to dislodge the tetsaiga with my whip. I grabbed hold of the tetsaiga and swung sending a blast of energy towards my brother. But he dodged it and hid behind the dead creature that i brought but was no use. I tried to swing it again but then an arrow hit the sword transforming the tetsaiga back to its rusty self. I was strangly amazed at that. I looked up to where the source of the arrow was from and saw the miko with her bow and arrow out pointed at me. The first time I saw her I knew that she was different to. No women has ever dared face me, But here she was, poised like a Amazon.(sorry i know there was no such thing back then, but go with the flow ok?)I felt like killing her. my mistake of attaking her. My stupid brother blocked me and punched me. well after that I had to leave never in my life had I seen strengh like that. The miko was still on my mind. As for the arm it was swallowing me up slowly, so I had to rip the hand off. After the brief conversation with Naraku, I left for home.
Here I am trying to remember stuff when i could be out patrolling my borders. I couldn't help but think about the miko. The way she looked at me, with those Blue eyes and those Black hair swaying in the breeze. I was getting frustrated. I snarled at the image of her. I wanted to kill her but I couldn't, "What is this feeling I have towards her?" I asked. But no one could answer that since I was alone here in my room. I mentally sighed at my frustrating. what am i going to do? That is when Rin ran into my room with a grumpy jaken behind her.
"Sesshoumaru-sama!!!! may I go out and play today?" she begged. I nodded my agreement, and patted her head. She gave a yell of joy and ran out my door followed by a distress jaken. I chuckled at that. Never in my life had i seen a little girl with so much energy. Since I was bored I decided to go patroll my borders. It was a lovely sunny day with lots of breeze and lots of smell. I found it very soothing for my head. I started to walk here and there where my borders went, I finally decided that it was time for me to go back when i heard something. it was faint but i definitly heard it. A small sob i heard. For a human ear you can't even hear it, but for my excellent youkai sence of hearing I could definitly tell that there was a sob. So i ran to the source of it.
It took me out of my borders and it brought me upon a well with a figure sitting on the rimm of it. I turned sterned. It was my brothers wench, what was her name again? I think I heard her friends call her Kagome. well anyway Kagome was there sitting and crying. Seeing her like this made me angry. How dare she cry, she dosen't know how it is felt to be sad. I started to walk to her. I decided to end her life right here right now. But i couldn't do it. So I asked. "Why are you crying?" she looked up at me and looked away."Answer me wench" i yelled very harshly. Still she didn't reply. I wrapped one of my hands around her throat. She gasped making me smirk. "well?" I asked again. She looked at me and her eyes turned angry."WHY DO YOU CARE? YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT HUMANS WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME? IF YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHY I AM CRYING IT IS BECAUSE YOUR STUPID BROTHER IS SEEING THAT WALKING CORSP AGAIN!!!!!! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW YOU PONPOUSE ASS-HOLE?!!!! AREN'T YOU HAPPY TO SEE MY WEAKEN STATE?!!!" she yelled which hurt my hears since it was sensitive.
When she regain control of her emotion she looked at me. I was shocked at what she said next. "I am sorry sesshoumaru, I shouldn't have yelled at you. but it hurts when I see them together" she said through choke sobs. I found it no longer amusing watching her like this, so I let her go.
I then said rather shocked with myself to her. " shh, don't cry, you deserve much better. Don't cry for my fool of a brother." she looked at me shocked. "Arigatou sesshoumaru" she said "for comforting me" with that she hugged me. I took it even more as I kissed her. she gasped. but didn't pull back. The kiss deepened until I finally pulled back. "wow" she said. Then she remembered something. " I got to go, must get back to my friends before they get worried." she turn to leave but stop. she did something that shocked me, she ran to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, then she ran off.
I felt my lips where it still tingle where her lips were met. i don't know what made me do it. But it felt right. I smiled at that. "I have finally got an answer Kagome, I can finally believe that I am in love with you. That is my emotion of you. LOVE" He grinned and flew back to his castle. "yes indeed" with that said, i fell into a dreamless dream.
YAYY!!! I finally finished my third fanfic. Sorry if the characters is still ooc but i can't do anything. oh well. hope u enjoyed it.