InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ sesshoumaru's fluffy ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey I'm back with more on sesshoumaru's fluffy and remember I just got these randomly form people and places

Here are some new possibilities

1. it's a security blanket!

Now I KNOW most people haven't seen this one because this is my theory. Remember, the kid that was always dragging his blanket around in Charlie Brown? Well, the fuzzy thing is Sesshoumaru's security blanket. He's had it ever since he was a tiny pup; it makes him feel powerful and fierce. Also keeps away the boogiemen and Jaken....err not Jaken. But it does keep those boogiemen at bay.

**my POV** ok on this one I don't think so but wouldn't a little Sesshoumaru be so cute

2. it's an all-in-one furniture set that he carries around so he never has to sit or sleep on a hard surface

**my POV** ok now this one is kind of true for when he meets RIN! She is so precious

3"Alright here's ma theory: I think maybe it's his pet ferret, he loves it lots so he drags it around all the time. It's just sleepy, and it fluffy so you can't see its head and it doesn't have a tail. It has magical powers and can be used as a weapon. Or..... Maybe it was a giant ferret that he killed, but it was his first kill so he keeps it for good luck like a rabbits foot ya know? Or maybe it is somebody else's tail that he chopped of."

POV** now this one is funny a ferret did people even know about them but then… ok never mind now that I think about it the monk fought a big fret demon thing

4"I think it is a scarf that he uses for fashion. He wears a lot of things, you know! Maybe he is conceited and self centered

**POV** Sesshoumaru conceited no watch your mouth about what you say about the great Sesshoumaru -sama

5 it's a pelt of fur to make him look not like a pitiful human I mean which human would wear that?

POV** ok this one I made just randomly

Well that is all I have for now but no matter what is we all know Sesshoumaru-sama can were it and look good JA NE!