InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshoumaru, sit! ❯ Swept Away ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello, all. I'm sorry! I know it's been MONTHS. But we were a little busy with this war over here, and although it didn't last as long as most wars do, it was as devastating as any. My prayers go to the eternal souls of the deceased over here, and the innocent victims' on the other side. I'm only sorry it had to happen at all. I only hope the 'peace' holds.
Switching from the gloomy topic, I'm finally able and willing to continue with my fics, and am feeling awful for my long absence (good excuse or no) especially with all those amazing reviews and the tons of support I will never be able to convey my joy over properly.
Thanks to the people who reviewed. You rock! You are the only reason I updated so early after. Love you SO much right now!
Review replies:
Twilight Myst:Thank you, I'm so glad you still like it. Hihihi! Well, you'll see exactly what'll happen when Inuyasha finds out. I know I'll love writing THAT! Thanx for reviewing again!!! (Ok, I'm going to threaten readers for reviews. But I'm not stopping, of course. Telling you so you'll know: Your reviews were enough to get me to update, even if no one else did. Let's see if threatening works -evil laughter- )
Delu: Thank youuuuu! So cool that you liked it. -giggles happily- Ok, then, read my reply to Twilight Myst. The sentence in the braket applies to you, too. It's a little warning. (not to you!!!) and thanx again for taking the time to review!!!
Oh, and the heroine is NOT ME! (I don't particularly like her, either.)
Osuwari: sit.
-sama: used for those better in station.
-san: Miss, Mrs., Madame, Mr., Sir.
-chan: for kids, or younger people in general.
Youkai: Demon.
Hanyou: Half demon.
Baka: Idiot.
Sankutestu: Inuyasha's claw attack. (did I spell it right?)
Miko: Priestess.
Taiyoukai: Demon lord.
Ningen: human.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the below characters, except Amaya.
Recap from last chapter:
Miroku didn't like seeing her so down. She was one of the strongest women he had ever, she wasthe strongest.Body and soul.
He stood up. "Let's go wait for them by the forest." She blinked up at him and nodded.
She made to stand up...grope... eyes saucer wide, pupils as small as a speck of dust- "Hentai!"
She raised her large boomerang. "Sango-sama, wait! I was just-!"
She marched outside huffily, leaving an unconscious monk- with a comically large lump on his head- on the floor.
“Ahahaha! Take that, demon bastard!” Amaya swung her oversized mallet over her shoulder, and brought it down dramatically over the demon lord's head.
The lord Sesshoumaru was buried into the earth another several inches, his expression stubbornly blank. Amaya was short and chibby-ish. But no one looked funnier than the plushy-style Lord of the West, currently looking calmly pissed. “Bwahaha!” she laughed triumphantly.
Jaken passed -a grimace of disgust on his face- beside the prostrate, giggling bundle of human teenager sleeping on the ground.
Amaya woke up grudgingly, loath to leave her dream behind. She wiped the drool off her face with a frown and stretched before getting up. She remembered it all the second she opened her eyes.
"Good morning, Rin, Jaken," she said cheerfully, looking suspiciously at the latter; Jaken sat cross-legged at the edge of the clearing, watching her every move like his life depended on it.
She looked around for Sesshoumaru, but he wasn't around. Rin ran up to her and gave the teen a brief, enthusiastic hug.
“Amaya-sama! Good morning!” She stuck a half-crumpled bunch of flowers in the older girl's face, smiling brightly. “This is for you,” the kid said.
Amaya laughed in appreciation, taking the yellow blossoms. “Thank you! I love them.” She stroked Rin's head affectionately. “I'll take them home with me and show everyone,” she said sincerely, tucking one flower behind her ear.
Rin's smile faltered. “You're going already?” she asked, tugging at the hem of Amaya's skirt.
Jaken leapt into Amaya's field of vision. "Lord Sesshoumaru had some business to attend to," he barked, "and he ordered that you stay here...For my own good," he added, mostly to himself.
Amaya bristled inwardly. "Well, that's just too bad," she answered mock-politely. She'd have said more, but Rin was still standing there, and Amaya didn't want to badmouth her caretaker in front of her. "I must be going."
Rin turned to her, pouting. "Can't you stay a little while longer?"
"No, I'm sorry." She crouched down and put her arm around the little girl's shoulders. “But I will definitely visit!”
Jaken stepped up to her, banging his large staff against the hard ground. "You'll not gainsay the master. His orders were clear." The frog was worried. He could face her, but he couldn't use the flame power of his staff because that could kill her. What a fix!
Amaya turned to the frog with a glare. “Now listen here you-!”
"She will stay," proclaimed a familiar, even voice. Rin brightened when she heard it, crying in delight.
Amaya turned to the newcomer in surprise. Where's a mallet when you need one? "You can't do that,” she said calmly, “I have a family I must return to. I have no time for you." She glared defiantly. She would have fought him on this even if he could kill her- She was sick of thinking that word! Kill, kill, kill! Bah!
His hand snaked out and grabbed her wrist. She gasped and tried pulling back, but to no avail. He stared down at her calmly, showing her his indifference.
"You selfish jerk!" she spat, trying to pull her hand free. His eyes hardened in fury and she flinched at their intensity. She looked back. Rin had conveniently run off to pick flowers somewhere -to give to him, no doubt- and was out of sight.
His eyes widened in disbelief. He grunted and let go of her hand, the power of the necklace pulled him down brutally and his lovely face crashed into the dirt once more!
She took off, right past him, shouting goodbyes to no one in particular. Jaken, who was standing off to the side during the exchange, was so shocked that someone would dare subdue his master againthatthe idea of going after her didn't even cross his mind.
She ran and ran, but felt that it wasn't enough. No matter how fast she went, the crazy demon would doubtless catch her. But that didn't mean she wouldn't try.
Something whizzed past her from the opposite direction, and before she could look back to see what it was, it grabbed her around the waist and she heard a furious, almost inhuman roar, at first not realizing it was coming from a distance.
She screamed. It was over!
"Agh! My ears!" a familiar voice whined loudly, although its pained owner didn't let her go.
Inuyasha?! She looked up at her savior in near-reverence and her eyes flooded with tears of joy.
The hanyou stared at her. "What's with-?"
She twisted oddly in his arms and hugged his neck, managing to kiss him smack in the eye. "Aaagh!" he cried in surprise, the one eye now closed. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Get off me!"
"Kagome!" she exclaimed happily at the sight of her friend mounting the hanyou's back. "I'm so glad you're here! You'll never believe what happ-" another roar irrupted behind them, closer than before.
Amaya pressed her lips and tried not to give any sign of fear. She remembered her power soon enough, and calmed a bit, although her instincts were strongly advising her not to use it as lightly as Kagome did.
The sudden appearance of the yaoukai lord -not so sudden considering his renowned speed- startled only the girl being carried in front of Inuyasha (she was soon after shoved behind him, as was Kagome). Kagome angled her ready arrow in the newcomer's direction.
"I know most of it, Amaya-chan. Did he do anything to you?" she asked giving her older friend a concerned glance.
"Only if keeping me with him by force is 'something'. I thought you'd have found me long before now," she added with a hint of accusation.
"Sorry…" Kagome flushed.
Sesshoumaru was standing several feet away from them, and his rage was palpable. "I gave you no choice about staying or leaving, woman. This has nothing to do with your wish or mine." Sesshoumaru's eyes were an angry red, but his tone was peculiarly calm. "Or the half breed's."
Amaya tensed as he addressed her, foreseeing eminent crap at the words.
He looked at his half demon brother coldly. "Hand her over Inuyasha."
"You think we'll give her back to you? Something wrong with your head, bastard?" Inuyasha laughed bitterly.
The hanyou was completely ignored, but seconds later violently attacked.
Inuyasha was shoved aside along with Kagome, so fast neither of them had the time to twitch in response. Amaya wasn't much different, but she did manage a screech that was cut short as her abductor whisked her away at a similar momentum.
"No!" Kagome cried from the ground, horrified at how quickly Amaya was taken away.
"Shit!" Inuyasha pulled out his sword, angry at his slow reflexes, and took it out on the nearest tree with a resounding, rage filled Sankutetsu.
Miles away, in an empty spot almost directly outside an abandoned-looking castle, two figures materialized, surprising the insects and small youkai formerly inhabiting that space. Amaya was unceremoniously dumped on the mossy earth and she lay panting there, grateful for the solidness of the ground after the near-traumatic flight to wherever she was now.
Still plenty dizzy, she almost didn't spot the Western Lord making his way through the rusty front gates. "H-hey! Where do you think you're going!" She stood up too quickly and her head spun, causing her to slump back on the ground. "Agh!"
The Lord took no notice of her and was soon out of sight, having entered the massive -surprisingly spotless for an abandoned castle- front doors. It occurred to her to turn tails and run then, but she was too aware of the fact that her location was far too far from where she wanted to be. And having an idea of the dangers of the forests in the feudal era now, she was more than a little hesitant to test her luck with survival.
The one time she did it had lead her to where she was now. She learned her lesson the first time around. At least not when it might lead to a deadly situation. And this running away (without knowing the way) was a sure killer.
Boiling inside with repressed rage at her own helplessness, she followed in the Lord's wake shakily, before she changed her mind about entering.
"Gyaah!" she screamed shrilly and tried to jump back where she came from, but the double doors had closed. So she stood their whimpering pathetically and trying hard to block the image of the two guards blocking her path.
The 'men' stared at her mutely with huge, liquid eyes, not unlike those of a fly. Their two pairs of spider-leg hands were holding a pointy sword each, and all eight swords were pointing directly at her.
But she wasn't even slightly scared of the swords. The spider youkai were what terrified her! "I-I-I come in peace!" her declaration ended in a squeak. "Give me some space!" she said more confidently, eyes clenched shut.
"Out of the way!" someone said, to her fear-numbed brain sounding terribly far away. "Orders of the Lord of the West."
"She's an honored-like guest! Let her pass!" a softer voice joined in cheerfully.
She heard the youkai move off but didn't dare open her eyes.
"They're gone. Relax," the first one told her reassuringly.
She had eyes the color of molten gold, Amaya thought when she finally opened hers. Chocolate brown hair tied back in a bun, minus two stray locks dangling behind her pointy ears.
"Amaya-sama, I'm Tenshi, your personal maid." She bowed.
"Uh…personal…?" Amaya jumped when the other girl she had yet to set eyes on cried indignantly.
"Sesshoumaru-sama said I was to be her personal maidservant!" She was a petite little thing with hair a rare shade of dark blonde. Amaya couldn't see her eyes clearly but she could almost swear they were blue.
The blonde had short hair framing her fair face, even covering her ears. The brunette was wearing a pretty lavender kimono, while the blonde had on a navy-blue one. The schoolgirl noticed distantly that their clothes had the same red design Sesshoumaru's haori did (sakura blossoms?).
"Impossible. I am automatically assigned for the almost-honored guests. You are too lame-brained for the job." Tenchi told the other with a straight face.
"Please, Amaya-sama, let me take you to your room. My name is Ran, and I will be happy to serve you," Ran said cheerfully, forcing herself between Tenchi and Amaya.
"What do you think you're doing? Your behavior is disgraceful. What will she think of our Lord when you, his servant, are acting so stupidly?" Tenshi snapped, yanking the other away.
Amaya would have assured them that no matter how they behaved, it wouldn't change her opinion of the-great-dog-washer. Alas, they were too busy brawling to notice her. Actually brawling!
She watched them push and shove one another before the hair-pulling started and it turned into a very unpleasant cat-fight.
"Ugh!" Amaya cried in exasperation when a shoe hit her in the head a little too hard. She then wisely decided to leave the two to fight it out (in the middle of the hallway) and made to explore the larger-than-life castle.
Remarkably, the outside was no indication of the inside, because while the castle looked worn down and abandoned out there, it was spotless and breathtaking within. The endless stream of hand embroidered tapestries littering the floors and covering the walls -not to mention the hand made vases in all shapes and sizes decorating every corner- were a sight. Plus the place had a cozy feel to it, despite its owner's cool personality.
Did interior designers exist this far back, she mused, feeling herself relax. But then she started thinking about being an almost-guest, and how things might turn out. She took a deep breath and wiped the cold sweat from her brow.
Ignoring the angry rumbling coming from her food-deprived stomach, she proceeded to look into every room she passed -if it happened to be open already. They were all richly furnished. So far she'd passed two dining rooms, three drawing rooms, a bedroom (which she expected and hoped was her own) and a huge kitchen she would have explored more if not for the dozen or so youkai inside making lunch.
"Aah!" she cried when she bumped into something hard in her absent minded musing of today's lunch menu.
The Great Lord of the West was staring down at her with distaste. "You are not allowed to wander my halls without an escort."
He looked the same as before, only armor-less. "I…fine with me. But the maids you sicced on me are arguing over who gets to serve me. What is an almost-honored guest?" she asked suddenly, making her suspicion clear.
He grunted, giving her a humorless smirk. "You will see for yourself. Your room is two rooms down from here," he told her and walked -or rather glided- away.
She stared back at his retreating back, fuming silently. "I will get out of here, you know. Whether you like it or not." She was panting a little when he turned to her ever so slightly without stopping.
"My spider youkai will spin you into a cocoon and drag you back if you try, ningen," he said a little harshly and turned away, rounding the corner.
Amaya paled and squeaked mutely at the memory of the big ugly things. I'll get you for this! She thought furiously, not appreciating the effective threat. I'LL GET YOU!
To Be Continued…
Next chapter coming in a while. I have to finish chapter four of Lady's Man of the West, too. I miss doing that one so much. It shouldn't be too long before I do. Again I apologize for the long wait (for those who were waiting). Thank you, reviewers-san! You are the best! X)
And of course, no fic of mine ends without a…R&R! Please! Heehee!