InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshoumaru, sit! ❯ Savior ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey everyone! Did I keep you waiting too long? -Snicker- Thanx to Kyonarai and Delu. I didn't expect any reviews, so YAY! Thanx guys!
Enjoy everyone!
Review replies:
Delu: Hey Delu! Just saw your review! Ahahaha, thanx for telling me about that mistake. I'm just so glad you like it so far. So your relatives thought you were nuts, eh? Bwahahaha! Oh, I hope to see the drawings you were talking about soon! (You know the worst possible critic of a person IS the person, so I won't take your word about your drawings until I see them myself!!! Kihi! Put them on soon!) Thanx for the fantastic review, and I hope you're having a great holiday. Yes, mine is pretty good! ;)
Kyonarai: Thanx! :) I want to do that to him. I do, I do!!! `Cuz I'm so evil to Sessy -evil snicker- So happy you like, and hope you like this one, too. Thanx again! You're so nice -sniffles-
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Ningen: Human.
Taiyoukai: Demon lord.
Onna: Woman.
Baka: Idiot.
Hanyou: Half demon.
Youkai: demon.
Miko: Priestess.
-San: Mr., Mrs., and Miss, Sir or madam.
-Sama: used for those better in status. (Like a lord)
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Recap from last chapter:
Another chance to get out of here…and I don't want to go. The thought went through her so strongly she gasped.
"I'm fine, I'm fine!" she rubbed her chest lightly, willing her erratic heartbeats to calm. I must really like it here. "Kagome, I don't feel ready to go just yet."
"What! Why?"
"Uh, don't ask me that, Kagome. Just trust me, ok?" I don't know why.
Her brown-eyed friend stared at her for a moment then nodded. "Of course I will. But be careful, okay? It's dangerous in the feudal era." She placed a hand on Amaya's shoulder.
The latter smiled and nodded.
They left at sunset, Kagome holding a comforting letter Amaya wrote to her parents. She mentioned that `the place' wasn't so bad, and that she was being treated well. She even told them the kidnapper was a woman so they wouldn't worry about her in that way. She tried writing as much stuff that would make them feel better as possible. There wasn't much she could do, though. Her parents were the biggest worry-warts on the planet.
Couldn't he have though of a less alarming story? She was going to give him a piece of her mind!
She kissed Kagome goodbye, and would have kissed the adorable hanyou, too, if he hadn't jumped up a tree, looking freaked. Both girls laughed at him. He wouldn't come down until Amaya promised not to do anything…this time.
She waved goodbye at the rapidly disappearing figures, suddenly feeling like a child her mother left behind on her first day of school. Well, staying was my choice. She sighed, feeling a little depressed. Ah, nothing shouting at Sesshoumaru wouldn't cure.
She met Rin at the entrance. The little girl was pouting.
"What's the matter, Rin?" she asked in concern.
"Rin wanted to meet Amaya-sama's friends," the little girl said in disappointment.
"Oh!" She leaned down and gave her a small hug, kissing her forehead. "I'm sure you'll meet them again sometime. Then I'll introduce you, okay?"
Rin smiled and nodded.
"What are you doing now?"
"Rin is going to gather flowers for Sesshoumaru-sama," she spoke enthusiastically.
"That's nice." I should gather flowers for him, too…but what if he's not allergic? She thought darkly. She was still smiling sweetly. "Well, I'll be in the library. If I'm not there you can look for me in my room."
Rin nodded and skipped over to the nearest rose bush. Amaya started off on her own quest. He was probably looking at those scroll things again.
She chuckled suddenly, remembering what Kagome had told her about her two newest palls. She was shocked when she learned Tenshi and Ran had found themselves mates. They fought so much, it was a wonder they had time to look around. Kagome told her they were perfect for each other. The guys were sweet and loyal, she said. Amaya sighed longingly. I wish I could find that special someone, too. Ahhh
Sesshoumaru watched her walk in with a dumb smile on her face. He raised a brow when she crashed into the opposite bookcase.
She grunted and stumbled back, barely keeping herself from plopping on her behind. She smoothed her hair down in embarrassment and looked around, spotting the lord looking down at another of those scrolls, his eyes hidden. She caught the left side of his lip curl up the slightest bit.
He's laughing at me!
She was starting to get angry when she realized what she'd seen. That would definitely be the first time he'd smiled, as opposed to smirking mockingly. My, oh my, but even with that shadow of a smile, he looks…breathtaking.
She was gaping at his downturned head, until she remembered what she'd come for.
She cleared her throat to get his attention.
He didn't even twitch.
"Ah-hem!" she coughed more loudly.
He gave her a brief, irritated glance before turning back to his papers. "What do you want, woman?"
"I can't believe you! Kidnapped. You nearly killed my parents!" She feh'd and froze. She must have caught some kind of Inuyasha disease. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I appreciate that you tried to do something about my parents, but kidnapping?! And why can't you call me by my name. It's Amaya, in case you'd forgotten!"
She ignored his I-do-not-wish-to-speak-with-you look. "Did you even give it much thought when you went and-" She stopped when he shot out of his chair and grabbed her arm. "Hey!"
"I am occupied now, woman. Force yourself upon me later."
"What…? I want to talk about it now!" He dragged her to the door. "Wait a minute! I'm not done-" Slam!
She fumed at the closed doors for a second. "Why you…you…Grrr!"
Jaken was approaching angrily. She glowered at him.
"Humph! Filthy ningen! Leave the master alone. You ruined Ah-Un! They purr now. You want to ruin the lord as well? He never had to force anyone physically before you came along with your disrespectful ways, and that power!"
She barely heard anything past `ruin the lord'…like Ah-Un? She conjured a picture of the all-mighty master purring and snuggling up to her for more ear-scratching.
She burst out laughing, blushing at the same time. Jaken was offended, once more giving her the `filthy ningen', `peasant', `lowlife', and `useless woman' speech. She was still smiling when she walked away, the frog bouncing around behind her in his outrage.
Now what? She didn't want to pick flowers with Rin, she was banned from the library for the time being, and she didn't want to sit alone in her room. It was too bad Yashi had gone back to her village. She hated the teasing, but right now, it would be a reprieve from the loneliness.
She could think of nothing better than getting a nice, cold bath. She went to pick up one of the kimonos from the wooden chest in her room. She only wore them until her own clothes dried; she always washed her uniform after bathing.
She waved at Rin when she passed her in the garden. "Don't follow me, Rin. I'll be back in a little while."
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"Kagome, we could have made her come. Why did you let her stay?!" the hanyou whined, jumping from one tree to the next. "You're as crazy as she is."
"I can't make her do anything. I know her. She doesn't do stuff on a whim. At least not usually." She sighed. "It's like you with Kikyou."
Inuyahsa's head whipped back to her.
"You go to her when she calls you, no matter what I tell you, knowing she's up to no good." Her hands were clutching his shoulders tightly before she forced herself to relax. "Do you do that on a whim, Inuyasha?" she asked seriously.
He stopped on a branch, looking pensive. "Kagome…" He looked back at her sadly. "I owe her. She died and I'm still alive…"
"But you didn't kill her! Naraku-"
"It was also my fault. I fell for Naraku's trick and took the jewel…"
"You couldn't help wanting to be a full youkai, and she wanted you to become human. She should never have tried to change you. And you…" she paused.
"And I should never have tried changing myself. Is that what you were going to say?" He looked at her grimly.
"Inuyasha…I l-" love, "-like you as a hanyou."
He smiled sadly. "Thank you, Kagome."
"So, you don't owe her anything. You both made a mistake. You were just lucky-"
"Kagome, you can't change my mind. Lucky or not, I know what I have to do."
The girl on his back was too upset to even open her mouth. She was so angry she wanted to sit him to right there, and so miserable she felt if she let herself start crying she would never stop. Inuyasha, you idiot! I love you. Doesn't that mean anything?! But she didn't say it. She knew he would reject her.
He had already chosen.
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He followed the delicious scent. It was clean, human and completely female.
Stepping through some fallen branches, he saw her. She was as pretty as she was fragrant. He came closer, watching her dip her dark head into the water. She came out with a gasp and shivered, nearly causing him to do the same. I'll warm you up in no time.
His yellow eyes sparkled with intent as he approached silently. He saw her stiffen, head turning slowly. He could almost taste the flash of terror that went through her body, a body he knew would be beautiful. He snickered, baring long, sharp fangs.
He took another step, and she screamed, scrambling to the farthest side of the small spring. She tried to drag herself out, but the rocks were slick with water and she ended up slipping under. She flailed furiously, seeing a clear splash ahead. Her head exploded out of the water and she gasped. Oh, no!
The monster was in the spring, and already halfway to her. She turned and grasped the stony edge. She screamed when she was yanked down by her ankle. She submerged, her cry cut off by the water entering her mouth.
She flipped herself around and kicked out at her attacker furiously. Oh, God, please, please, please, she thought hysterically. One of her blows must have struck because he let go suddenly. She didn't lose any time, swimming over to the edge. Panting, she grabbed the rocks with both hands and rolled out quickly, snatching the small towel she was to use to dry herself, and springing up. "Sesshoumaru!" she surprised herself by crying.
She didn't look back, wrapping the material around her waist and running for all she was worth, ignoring the cuts and bruises from the pebbly, grassy ground. She heard another splash and in less than a second, the monster was in front of her.
She shrieked, covering her exposed bosom. She turned and bolted, knowing she didn't stand a chance. The youkai appeared in front of her again, laughing in a hiccupping manner.
"Where are ye going, me' sweet? Don't ye want te' have a lil' fun?" he snickered.
"G-g-get away from me!" she shouted unevenly when she could find her voice, backing away. She could see his intentions through his lusty eyes, and they scared her more than anything ever had.
His hand reached out to her and she lunged, an enraged cry coming from her lips. I'm not letting you! She lashed out at him, clawing at his eyes and biting his arm with all her might. The last thing the massive, furry demon expected was retaliation; he cried out in pain and shoved her away roughly.
She yelped and flew back, crashing several feet away. She sat up, groaning, feeling as if her bones had been jarred from place. She gasped, shakily covering herself. The makeshift towel had disappeared completely, and the demon was advancing toward her angrily. She curled into herself and looked up at his vengeful, hungry features.
"SESSHOUMARU!!!" She screamed one last time, her head bent, eyes scrunched up. It's no use…No one can hear me.
The brown furred youkai sneered and charged, hands outstretched, impatient for soft, female flesh. Amaya hugged herself more tightly and whimpered miserably.
Nothing came…
She looked up warily, eyes widening. The said youkai was standing only a couple of feet away, his whole body vibrating, eyes glazed over. He looked terrifying!
Oh, god! Is he transforming?!
With one arm covering her chest, she inched back, looking around for anything she could use for protection. She spotted long white strands floating behind the demon and froze. "Oh!" Sesshoumaru! She nearly fainted with relief, her eyes blurring with tears.
At that moment the monster let out a long, anguished scream. Sesshoumaru, his hand already imbedded deep into the youkai's spine, shoved it in more deeply. A second later he flung the intruder back over his shoulder, using the impaled hand, and pulling it free as he did so. The beast -who he recognized as a hyena demon- flew through a tree, shattering it to pieces.
Again, the taiyoukai charged at the enraged intruder, grabbing his thick neck and slamming him against another innocent tree. The latter gurgled and choked, trying to punch at him. Sesshoumaru blocked his feeble attacks with one blood-drenched arm and flexed the hand against his neck, digging poison infested claws into his flesh. He punctured his wind pipe, the toxin burning its way into his body, melting his insides and causing him to shriek sickeningly.
He was dead in seconds.
But the lord knew the pain had made the experience seem like it had lasted an eternity. And that was what he had intended.
Amaya stared on in awe and horror. My God! Kouga would never have stood a chance! She snapped out of her thoughts and started looking around for the blasted towel but it was nowhere to be seen. The trauma of it all was beginning to catch up with her and she was trying hard not to start bawling.
Sesshoumaru moved his head toward her, his eyes widening marginally. His teeth grit, he walked to her slowly, looking over her head. He began to slide the pelt off his shoulders, stopping in front of her.
She realized what he was trying to do, and the dam broke. She leapt up, forgetting about her nudity, and threw herself into his arms. She buried her face in his chest and burst into tears, anguished sobs racking her frame.
The great lord was frozen in shock. His arm was paused at his pelt as he stared down at her trembling form.
She is a fool to seek comfort from me. I am not one to give it…
In contradiction, he pulled his pelt off completely and covered her bare back, his other arm reaching around her to keep the fur in place. Unconsciously, he stroked a thumb along her spine softly, staring ahead at the trees and waiting for her tears to subside.
She burrowed deeper into him, rubbing her head softly on his shoulder, and he couldn't help but notice the curves pressed against him. He stepped away just enough to relieve the little pressure, keeping his arms around her waist and back. He was appalled at how readily his body reacted to the human woman.
It took a while, but she finally calmed, sniffling and hiccupping convulsively. At that Sesshoumaru stepped away, looping the rest of the fur around to her front. She clutched the material with both arms, like she would a giant towel, staring at the ground in embarrassment.
She squeaked when he picked her up. She gawked at him, but he didn't even spare her a glance. He's full of surprises today, she thought with a sniffle.
He turned and began walking to the castle when she stopped him.
"Wait, please, my unif-" hiccup, "-form! It's still by the-" hiccup, "-water."
He seemed to contemplate that before going to the edge of the spring. He kneeled down with her. "Get them."
She reached out and snatched them quickly, hugging them to her and blinking at him in bewilderment. He stood.
"Thank you," she whispered.
He knew she wasn't just talking about her clothing. He looked at her flushed face briefly and nodded, turning back to the castle.
To Be Continued…
Hmmm. I don't know about you guys but I sure did like this chapter, generally speaking.
R&R! (Never give up, never surrender, I always say…or was it someone else who said that…?)