InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshoumaru, sit! ❯ The Best Worst Time ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On The Way
Hello all! I hope I didn't take too long ;) Hope you liked the last chapter…and would rather I finish the story than kill me. Eheh. I've had a few reviews asking me to finish the story already. Well, it shouldn't be too long, but I can't finish it if I didn't feel it was the right time. I hope you'll be patient, I'll try my best.
I thank all whom reviewed. You're so great! -sniffle-
Review replies:
Kyonarai: Hello! Amaya…we'll see what goes on with her…or about her, later. Heheheh. Fluffy IS sexy. Who'd dare say otherwise! Oh, I love his fluffy pants, too. I like his clothes in general. He's so perfect -swoons- Anyway -clears throat- his turning human might be temporary…and it might not. Let's see what my evil mind decides in the end -evil snicker- Oh, but he'll be ok.
Chrissy14: Hey! Nice to see you again! What happened to Amaya…can't say. You want to know if she'll be ok? Can't tell you that either -snicker- anyway, you'll find out soon enough. If not this chapter then the one after. Hahahaha! I just hope when the OMG moment arrives, I do it right -wink-
Dash V.: Hahahaha! Of COURSE he'll be sexy if he turns human. This is Sessy we're talking about. (although there's nothing like those markings of his.) Thank you for liking my story. And Amaya. Yahoo! I loved your review -bows-
Inulvr13: Hello, Sesshybaby! Did you update your story yet? How's it going by the way? Oh, and thank you. I'm more than honored you like my story and style -sniffle- that makes me so happy!
babykitty101101: Hahaha! Thak you so much. I must say I loved the rating. Thanx for the support. I hope you always like the story, kitty. -bows-
Delu: Hello Delu! You know, I corrected that little `surprise' thing when I posted this chappy. THANX -salutes Delu- Hahahaha! Jaken being gay is scary…but not entirely unexpected. Oh, wow. Thanx for not growling at me. Sessy and Inuyasha give me enough of that (If I didn't know any better I'd say they didn't like what I was doing to them. Bwahahaha!) And yes, two reviews on one chap IS a record -grin- thank youuuuu. Ummm…Sessy turning human will be revealed VERY soon. Read on me' friend.
Washu the grate: Are you that anxious for it to end? But I can't end it until I feel it is the right time. Scary! Please, no killing me yet! I want a chance to finish it! Anyway, most of it is done. And Sessy…just so you don't hurt me, I'll assure you he'll be fine (I would NEVER kill Sessy!) and his human state…let's just say I love his stripes to death. This chap is a cliffie, be prepared! (next one coming soon, though! -ducks under table anyway- )
Darkflameangel: Ah, thank you. One of the few who didn't want to kill me for even insinuating that Sessy's turning human. Phew! Heheheh. I love how the fairy does that to him, too. And…sorry about the cliffie. I was consumed by its evil -_-; (There's another one down below. I'm sorry I was still under its effect!!!!!!)
Kirie: Ah, I knew you'd want to kill me for this (Ending with a cliffie AND not ending the story yet.) But I didn't expect you'd like Sessy turning human, even if a little bit. Heheheheh! I'm so glad. Oh! O.O You don't like Inuyasha? Hmmm… if it makes you feel any better I wouldn't depend on how Inuyasha acts as a human (If indeed Sessy turns into one.) So glad you like the story! I was beginning to think you were starting not to…what with the lack of ending n_n (ummm…this ends with a cliffie too. I just thought I was less likely to be murdered if I told you beforehand. Let's hope I'm right O_o I'm sorryyy!)
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.
Ningen: Human.
Taiyoukai: Demon lord.
Taijiya: Demon exterminator.
Houshi: Monk.
Hanyou: Half demon.
Youkai: demon.
Miko: Priestess.
-Sama: used for those better in status. (Like a lord)
--------------------------------------------------------Â&nb sp;
Recap from last chapter:
“I think I should tell you what you have to do.” She looked away from Kagome and to the others.
Kagome turned to them as well, and seeing their cynical looks she sighed. She looked at Inuyasha for a moment, then back at her friends and smiled reassuringly. “It's all right, guys.” Sango and Miroku looked at each other, then at the schoolgirl and nodded.
If their friend was willing to trust the miko, so were they.
Inuyasha was staring at Kagome stiffly. The look she gave him just then…it worried him greatly. So much pain…he seriously considered grabbing her and flinging her small body into the enchanted well, where she was safe back in her time.
But he knew better…They had to do this.
Sesshoumaru walked into the human village with such dangerous intent no one dared approach him. And he was a sight, his aristocratic clothing alone drawing plenty of attention. His silky black hair, its length past his knees, flew behind him in his furious pace…At least it was fast for a human.
His honey-colored eyes flashed here and there, and he almost willed his weak nose to capture the crow demon's scent. Of course, it was impossible. The only thing about his former demon self that seemed to function was his ability to snarl and growl.
He could barely smell anything, the same going for his eyesight. It was nearly evening and his capacity to see was alarmingly weak. Finally having had enough of aimlessly wandering he grabbed the nearest person by the scruff of his neck. “Where is your guardian?” he hissed.
The poor terrified man pointed mutely and Sesshoumaru dropped him, striding in the direction.
`Finally! I thought you'd never give your silly pride up and ask, already,' muttered the fairy in exasperation. `Men.'
Sesshoumaru ignored her.
`You know, you'd have found the place ages ago if you had.'
Silence! He thought angrily, giving her a brief glare.
Aneko chuckled. `Amazing how you figured out you could talk to me without shouting out loud and Amaya didn't!' She flopped on her back on his pelt, stifling her laughter with her hands. She stopped suddenly and smiled at him. `I'm sure you'll get to her in time.'
He gave her an incredulous look.
`Hey, you can't hide from me,' she reminded the enraged lord. `I just wish I could see more of you.' She pouted. `Damned fluffy pants.'
She heard him snarl and just kept from giggling. `Fluffy,' she said humorously. `…hey…Fluffy!' she snapped her fingers as if she'd just noticed something. `Why didn't I think of that? Everything on you is fluffy.'
The lord could feel a growing sense of dread.
`Lord Fluffy,' she stood and bowed to him.
He skid to a halt and she dived face-first into the pelt.
“Damned woman!” he snarled, temporarily losing his cool.
`Blah!' She rose and wiped her mouth of the fur. `I see Rin calls you that sometimes, too.'
He forced himself to calm and dismissed her existence once more, concentrating instead on finding the shrine.
`Ah…you're ignoring me again…Oh, there it is!'
He would not have seen it if she hadn't pointed to it, but he had no intention of letting it show.
`Too la-ate,' he heard her mutter, and ground his teeth.
Not seconds later he was inside the place. He looked around, finding it harder and harder not to go into a rage. As he almost did when he became human.
It was dark, even the fairy's light glow not helping much.
He called evenly, “Crow-demon!” his voice as clear and commanding as it ever was; he had always been a master at cloaking his emotions… and never had he needed a thicker cloak. Turning into his most hated object wrecked havoc on his psyche.
“Lord Sesshoumaru?” a deep voice queried. “It is an honor!” the voice said from the pitch dark interior. “I apologize, I had no idea it was you. Your scent is-” she snapped her fingers and the large room was flooded in candle light, “-different!” she gasped, eyes rounding, hand poised in the air.
She looked him up and down slowly, disbelievingly. “You're…”
“I wish to enlist your aid, crow-demon,” he declared evenly.
Yashi snapped her shocked gaze to his hard one. “Of course, Lord Sesshoumaru. I would love to help.”
“I need to reach the southern lands. It is quite a distance from here.” His tone was calm, his stance regal.
She nodded in understanding. “I'll fly you there. It's a quiet season now, so I won't have to worry about any demons attacking. When-?”
“Now,” he answered instantly. “And as swiftly as possible.”
Yashi blinked, tugging at a lock of raven hair at her shoulder. “But…you're human. Don't you want to go in the morning? I-”
“I have no intention of staying human that long,” he snapped. Instantly calming he added, “Do not concern yourself.”
Yashi nodded slowly again, not daring to ask how in the hell he became what he had in the first place.
`Heh. I like her.'
“Quiet,” Sesshoumaru hissed before he could stop himself.
The crow demon startled and looked around. “Um…alright…Should we go now, then?” He might be human, but nothing said he couldn't turn back to a powerful demon in the morning, like all hanyous…even if he wasn't a hanyou. I'm so confused…“How is Amaya?”
She startled again when he gave her a deadly look. She felt like scratching her head. What's going on here? She frowned mentally. Something must be up with that silly girl.
`Not bad for a pretty chic,' Aneko declared with a nod, complimenting the dark woman's reasoning.
Yashi shrugged, unaware of the scrutiny directed at her.
`She makes for a great mate, ne?'
Sesshoumaru stiffened and growled. “Keep your opinions to yourself, woman.”
Aneko sighed with a smile. Yashi stared, refraining from looking around again.
The Lord has snapped.
“How long will it take?” he asked in forced calmn, feeling angry that the idiot woman had caused him to lose his temper. She was almost worse than the hellcat.
Yashi cleared her throat once before answering. “Well, I'm pretty quick, so for me…a few hours.”
The lord nodded, pausing in thought. “Your assistance is appreciated,” he told her. “Your village will be considered an ally of the western lands.”
Yashi flushed in delight, nodding her acceptance.
Sesshoumaru couldn't wait to get his hands on that bastard Naraku! He would pay for his deception, leading him to believe the spell was broken…But what he refused to think about was what this change meant…If that Halfling harmed the woman in any way…
He grit his teeth, his fists clenching.
`Interesting…ve-ery interesting,' Aneko whispered, her chin propped between thumb and forefinger.
Of course, she was ignored.
“You have to slow down!”
“I'm in a hurry, you blonde twit!” snarled Kouga. “Get off! Both of you!”
“You keep exhausting our mates. It's about time you started to appreciate their loyalty,” Ran drawled.
The two she-wolves were sitting comfortably over his stomach, pinning him to the ground. Kouga growled and struggled to get away from underneath their firm grips. He could barely breathe!
“Please, sweetheart, he's the prince! You can't do that!” cried Hakaku, his hands in his hair, finally giving up his attempts to dislodge them. They seemed intent on defending them, whether the two men liked it or not.
“Get off me, dammit! I have to get to the south!”
“But he's always abusing you,” Ran told Hakaku irritably, ignoring the prince.
“We'll let him go if he agrees to be more considerate. This is not up for negotiation.” Tenshi swung her finger in his royal face, smiling back at Ginta. They weren't about to back down. Not after all the effort and planning it took to finally catch him!
“I'm the prince, dammit! I don't have to listen to yo- Ogh! Ungh! Ergh! Ugh!”
They bounced over his abdomen simultaneously with looks that told him they could do it all day long.
“Alright- Ugh! Dammit- Argh!”
It took them less than a second to jump off him and over to their mates. “Thank you! We knew you were a fair prince,” Tenshi declared approvingly.
Ran nodded her agreement, grinning widely. “The absolute best!” she said, holding on to Hakaku's elbow.
The two males looked at their prince apologetically.
Kouga sat up slowly, groaning, glaring, and rubbing his bruised stomach. “I'm never getting a mate.”
Inuyasha sat up in a tree cozily, hands behind his head. Everything seemed to be going well. Now all they had to do was wait for Kikyou's cue. He wondered about Amaya, however, with a growing concern. What Naraku planned to do with her was a big mystery to them. He just hoped it was something he could solve without getting anyone in danger.
His ears twitched and he looked down. Kagome stood right under him, fidgeting nervously, her stance hesitant.
“What is it, wench?” he growled with a frown.
She jumped, staring up at him in surprise. “Oh, I…” She smiled nervously. “I just wanted to…talk.”
He scratched his ear and relaxed his posture, leaning back again. “Who's stoppin' ya'?”
She rolled her eyes. “I mean,” she glared, “I want us to talk.”
He sat up and frowned down at her. “Why?”
She sighed impatiently. “Because.”
He glared. “Kagome!”
“I wanted to ask you a few things…before we go…to Naraku.” She sighed. The guy was so thick sometimes!
He jumped down next to her, still frowning. “What's wrong?”
She twiddled her thumbs. “Nothing…exactly. I just have a few things I keep wondering about, and I can't seem to get them out of my head.”
“Then spit it out,” he drawled, arms folded.
She might as well. “Ah…I was thinking…when it's all over, when we defeat Naraku and all…” She hesitated, not really wanting to bring it up again.
“Yes?” the hanyou pressed.
“If Kikyou asked you to…to go to hell with her…” She looked up to see his shuttered look.
He sighed. “Kagome-”
“Would you go?” She stared at him, expression guarded. “Would you let her take you away?”
“Yes.” His answer was instant and heartbreakingly sure. He looked at her then, his eyes apologetic.
Kagome felt very proud of herself at that moment. She gave him a sweet smile and he blinked. “Because you owe her.”
Inuyasha's mouth hung open at her odd reaction. He expected a sit at the least, maybe a punch. “Er…” He nodded. “I told you that already, Kagome.”
“Yeah…” Her smile faltered and she looked at her feet. “Yeah,” she whispered.
Inuyasha leaned down to peek at her bent head. “Kagome?”
“Inuyasha. Remember what I told you before?” she said suddenly, her dark bangs hiding her face.
The hanyou straightened in surprise.
“When you…when you chose Kikyou,” she said in a rush, clutching her hands in front of her. “I told you I only wanted to be with you, by your side…your friend…”
She raised her gaze to his and he gasped inwardly.
She was smiling.
A beautiful, sad, loving smile that made his heart stop for one, painful instant, her tears making her eyes bright.
“I still do. Nothing will ever change that. Just…” Her smile turned upside down. “Just promise me, Inuyasha…promise you'll tell me…that you'll say goodbye before you let her have you.”
He stared at her dumbly, not quite comprehending her actions. “K-kagome…”
“Give me your word, Inuyasha!” she snapped, her first sign of anger. “…please?”
He looked at her intently before reaching out to capture an escaped tear. “I promise,” he breathed. What else could he say? What else could he do?
She scrunched her eyes shut and held his hand in place against her cheek. “Silly animal,” she whispered, turning her face into his palm and snuggling into it.
He drew in a shaky breath, his emotions in complete chaos. If only…if only he could let himself…
Closing his eyes momentarily he savored the feel of her smooth skin against his hand…after this…he might never be able to feel her again…
“Inuyasha! Kagome!”
The hanyou nearly jumped back a mile. And Kagome, at first blinking in surprise, worked furiously on rubbing her face, then fanning herself, in the hopes that her watery eyes returned to normal.
This was not a state she wanted to be seen in…especially not with Inuyasha. Those two friends of hers would think he'd upset her…The fact that he had was irrelevant. The point was that they'd never leave her alone until she told them everything, and she'd rather keep this little occurrence to herself.
Miroku, who had been checking out their surroundings with Sango, burst into the clearing. “You will never believe this. Lord Sesshoumaru's here!” he announced, a hint of amazement tinting his voice.
“He's not here to fight. And he has a crow demon with him,” the monk informed them hastily.
“W-where are they?!” Kagome asked in disbelief.
“They're coming here with Sango. I just thought I should prepare you in case Inuyasha did something rash.” Miroku gave the subject of discussion a knowing look.
“Feh!” The hanyou stuck his nose in the air in offense.
Sango and a large Kirara walked in then, followed by a very…human looking…Sesshoumaru.
Kagome stared.
Inuyasha dropped his sword. And the ever popular, “What the fuck!”
To Be Continued…
But admittedly, it's not that big, right?
Um, and I think this chap was an OK size. I thought it was only fair, considering I just stopped at another cliffie -hides in closet- darn it! Maybe I should build a little apartment in here and get it over with. I'm sorry. Yes I know I'm evil. EVIL, EVIL! But…I had to stop somewhere, and if I'd gone on it would have taken a LONG time before I could have stopped at a good place. It's not as bad a cliffie as the last one was, I think. Sorry. Please, no death threats. I'm fragile O.O I promise the next one contains no cliffies! God, my back is killing me from sitting on the computer for so long!
I want to point something out: although I don't like how Inuyasha insists on Kikyou, it at least shows that's he's not fickle when it comes to whom he gives his love to…or to whom he cares about. That's great, in my mind. So when he does go for Kagome (and he'd better!) it'll be forever. He'll always care for Kikyou, though, but just not in that way. (I'm talking about the anime here.)
Heh…did you notice? I almost never use Shippo…though I love him. Now, that's not right. Must fix…
Next chap won't take too long.
R&R! I just had to say it. I haven't been able to for some time. R&R! R&R! R&R! Ok, that's enough…