InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshoumaru, sit! ❯ Demon of Contrast ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This chapter is a re-write, because I hated it SO MUCH! It's better now, thank God. I couldn't keep writing ch 26 without fixing this disaster of a chapter. Sorry if I disappointed you =_=;
This is dedicated to Kirie. Hiiii, Kirieeee! I hope you're well, wherever you are!
Thank you guys so much for all the reviews and support you gave me! It made e so…happy! T-T a special thanks to the reviewers on, who I cannot reply to, since my story was removed from there `cuz of the lousy beginning (lost the reviews, don't remember enough people. So sorry!) But I hope everyone likes this chapter.
Oh! And I've submitted my new story, too. It's called Lady's Man of the West. It's a result of a challenge I got from my friend Shrew-hanyou.
Please enjoy the chapter! Toodle-oo!
Review replies:
Hello Lover: Thanks for the review! You're the first in…forever! I hope you like this chapter. Eheh…
Kuramas gurl: XD Good god! The EVIL shoes of doom! Please have mercy on me! I do try! I promise not to horrify you with another cliffie…this chapter. Eheh.
Darkflameangel: Oh man…I knew I needed a bigger closet. With many more facilities. My stay in the current one the last few weeks was very uncomfortable. Ah, yes, Fugue. (-remembers mental images of naked Sessy thanx to Darkflameangel referring to it- Oh, man… -drools over computer- You did that on purpose!) XD I hope your plot bunnies start…reproducing. Gack! And before you make use of your weapons I'll assure that there is no serious cliffie this chapter (considering that there is always something people will be waiting to learn about, therefore a perpetual cliffie. Nasty…)
crazy blonde woman: Hello! XD I got your email, and you cleared that are-you-sure-it's-me-you're-complimenting issue. Thanks for the review ^.^ I'll see what I can do about Sesshoumaru not dieing. Muahaha!
Keisha : Sure hope I didn't leave you waiting for too long. I wrote this as quickly as I could, and hope you like it ^.^ thank you for the support! You are…-sniffle- so nice to me! T-T
Dash. V.: Hellooo, oh wonderful artist! Glad to hear from you ^_^ such great comments too! Yeah, I thought he deserved a little beating for trying to take her back AGAIN!
HeartStar: XI Yeah…I deserved that. I'll agree that this is indeed a very evil thing to do -sigh- I, personally, hate clifies, but sometimes I can't help it! T-T well, I tried to avoid a cliffie here, so please enjoy!
ioialoha: Ah! That is one GRAND review! My head is now three times as big as it used to be! Ouch. But I don't care! Hearing all those beautiful compliments is all that matters -sigh- THANK YOU! I agree about this inu-guys trait. Jerks! Something must be done, don't you agree? XD The way those two are makes a person a little dirty mouthed, so really, who can help it -_-; Hope you like this chapter ^.^
Yushi_Yami: Noooo! -runs for her life- Help me Yushi! I'd rather you reviewed…Yashi_Yami is kinda scary… -Yami overhears and baf starts running again-
No, wait! I AM honored, Yami-san, I swear! No pitchforks!!! Yushi, heeeelp! I promice this chapter doesn't have such a nasty cliffie! For dear, patient, Yushi's sake…eheh. I got the second review too. I must say, I was made to hurry up by it. And I had a nasty cold at the time. I hope you like it, oh, sweet one! -gets down on one knew and presents story to Yushi- Ah! I didn't forget you, Yami! -Presents another copy of story to Yami- there…can you pull back those pitchforks and knives now? -squeaky voice-
Black Moon Goddess : You know, you're not the only one who thought that this was a Kag/Sessy fic. Maybe I should be clearer? Haha! I love Kag/Sessy fics, too! I'm open to absolutely any kind of pairing, except with Inuyasha and Kagome for some reason, but the aforementioned pairing is one of my favorites. I'm honored you like my story! (I would NEVR get tired of reading such wonderful and supporting words! And I thank you for them from the bottom of my hear!) And I hope I didn't keep you waiting. Hopefully this chap won't disappoint you ^.^
InnocentInu118: Oh dear…calm down! I swear I would never kill…your Sessy? I object! He's totally mine!...Oh, ok, I'll lend him to you for a while ^.^ Um…now…being the ruler of evil cliffhangers…is that bad? (eheh. I hope you like…)
Kirie: Hahahaha! I swear, the way you switch between `that's a great chapter' then immediately go to `update or die' is hilarious!...and somewhat frightening…BUT I think you will approve of this chapter as `Miru's' state of health will be made clear in a second…Please don't kill me for whatever something you see down there that you won't like…I CAN say that there is no real cliffie though ^.^ Aren't you happy with me?! You too, Puddin head! Eh…Sorry I managed to exhaust our patience and sweetness with the cliffie and the lateness! Sorry to you two, sweet, even-if-slightly-crazy person. ( -giggle- I like you crazy, even when you scare me to death…) You know…I never thought to read my spam filter thing before…
Chrissy14: Uh…puppies? Oh, yeah!...I…forgot about that T-T but I couldn't avoid it, I swear!!! Noooo! I'm no puppy slayeerrrr! -hides in closet and cries- no cliffie this chapter! So…no dead puppies! T-T Yay! I won't go to hell!
You noticed a very important detail…the inu-only curse. Don't worry, I didn't miss that. I'd be pretty stupid to ^.^ Oh…yes, the reuniting. I guess it wasn't as mushie as expected, right? (Believe it or not, I expected a little more happy tears myself…)
Mal: Hey, Mallory! I'm so touched that you'd review here! O.O thanx!!! Hope I didn't keep you waiting. I DID get your review before they deleted it, and I loved it T-T thank you again! (Sessy must liiiive!)
ookami san the animeloverWow! O.O I'm sorry! I swear, that cliffie came out of nowhere as I was writing, and it wouldn't go away! I made sure there was no cliffie this time, though. Um…hope you like! (What a terrible place to stop, ne?) Heheh! I'm not sure why, but your review was very…nice. I mean I felt guilty, but…I liked it ^.^ Thanx for your support, and thanx for taking the time to review! T-T
Also a special thanks to Laa-girl, who helped me finish this up, also great thanx to all the reviewers EVER. You guys are too great!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.
Taiyoukai: Demon lord.
Taijiya: Demon exterminator.
Onna: Woman.
Hiraikotsu: Sango's giant boomerang.
Baka: Idiot.
Houshi: Monk.
Hanyou: Half demon.
Youkai: demon.
Miko: Priestess.
Neko: Cat.
Recap from last chapter:
The current of air could safely be considered huge.
It was so big it ripped several trees halfway out of the ground, but the two males weren't so lucky. Kouga was propelled clear out of sight, right through a bunch of trees. Sesshoumaru however…
He was closest to the accident, and rather than be pushed up as the wind blew skywards, he crashed into the tree behind and closest to him, hitting it so hard Amaya heard a clear, painful crack. She looked on with horror. He slammed into the huge plant with a stifled cry, and she thought that it could not be his spine…it could not be what she just heard.
He stayed glued to the trunk for several seconds as the gust passed, his dark hair blowing every which way -and to her it felt like an eternity- before he slid down to the ground slowly, soundlessly. His eyes were scrunched shut, his fangless teeth bared in a grimace.
He landed with a soft thud, and didn't get up.
Amaya felt her heart squeeze painfully. She was still standing in the same spot, her mouth hanging open, her eyes wide and filled with a kaleidoscope of emotions, all unpleasant.
Amaya ran to his side, ankle injury completely healed. “Oh, no!”
She skidded a little on the dirt as she went down on her knees beside him, panting with fear. “Don't die, Sesshoumaru!” she called him again.
She pressed her middle and forefinger to his neck, feeling for a pulse. She whimpered in relief when she felt his heartbeat, clear and strong.
“Thank God! I didn't kill him!” She sat back to take several calming breaths. Suddenly she was upright, her pale hands clutching the skirt of her kimono, her pink eyes wide with fright. What if his neck's broken? That cracking sound couldn't have come from nothing!
But if that were the case, then moving him would be dangerous! He had to be able to move on his own. And she had no idea how to support his neck.
I'm useless!
She convinced herself to wait before giving into self-pity and panic. She had to wake him up first; making sure he survived was her first priority at the moment. She might decide to bludgeon him later, but having him die this way seemed totally wrong.
His pained grimace was the same, but now she could feel his harsh breath as it hissed through his clenched teeth. She almost kissed him right there, tears of joy trickling down her cheeks; he was alive!
“Sesshoumaru?” She cradled one of his cheeks in her palm and moved her face closer to his. She held one of his hands with her own. “Can you hear me? Can you feel me?” She saw his brow furrow a little and felt his hand twitch in her grasp. She took a deep, calming breath to keep her voice neutral. “Sesshoumaru, if you're awake, please nod your head. I need to know if your neck is broken.”
She saw his eyes flicker, and jumped a little when his hand suddenly clutched hers. “Try to nod your head,” she told him again.
Her eyes widened when he began to lean forward slowly and she realized that he was trying to sit up.
“D-don't strain yourself!” She tried to organize her thoughts, letting both her arms rest on his shoulders loosely in case he pitched forward.
Was that good, what he was doing? Did it mean his spine was fine? Was he then not as badly hurt as she thought he was?
Yes. And yes, and yes. He couldn't have moved otherwise.
He opened his eyes. The action was slow and dizzy, but when he finally managed it, Amaya wished she was somewhere else. She was looking at the angriest creature on the planet, this century or the next. Angry with barely a facial expression.
“Hey, it was an accident! And it was a lot gentler than what I had planned to do to you anyway.” She glared at him, the effect utterly ruined by the guilty blush staining her cheeks.
“Move away,” he ordered hoarsely, trying to brush her aside.
“You're hurt!”
He pushed her away stubbornly, and succeeded in sliding up the tree trunk a few inches. His jaw was clenching visibly, alerting her to his pain.
“You're so stubborn. At least let me help you stand. Your back must be completely black-and-blue right now! And you might have broken something.”
He gave her a cold glare when she looped her arm around his shoulders. She refrained from making any frustrated noises at his attitude, but it was harder to keep from calling him names, which she couldn't usually pull off.
Grudgingly he let her help him upright, staring at her suspiciously from the corner of his eye.
She sighed when he walked a few steps without event. “Good. Nothing seems to be broken or sprained.” She frowned. “How could your body take that blow without any real damage?” she asked in awe, looking him up and down.
He snorted but said nothing.
“Jeez. You haven't changed a bit, have you?” Stupidly, she waited for him to remark on that, and when he predictably didn't, she shook her head hopelessly. “Well, we can't just walk aimlessly. Where is it you were going…? Oh, yeah.” She glared ahead.
He looked at her, his eyes narrowed. “I work for no one.”
She arched her brows, partly because he'd easily followed her accusatory train of thought, and partly because she didn't really believe him. “I know that. You work for yourself, even if it means being Naraku's slave for a while. Am I right?” She turned to him, eyes flashing. He was looking just as mad as she, and staring directly at her.
“I work for no one,” he growled and shrugged her arm off his back. She watched him stumble a little, but he managed to go on well enough without her help.
“Then you're a liar.”
He turned to her so fast she feared he was going to fall on his face. “I do not lie.”
His hair, so smooth and straight, was looking a little spiky at the edges. Like hackles, she thought irately. He might look human, but his body didn't have the usual human qualities. It was a lot stronger, for one. “You told me I had `nothing to fear' when we got to that crystal castle. With the mirrors? Next thing I know I'm in a black space surrounded by nothing. What was that?”
He stood up straight and tucked his hands into his sleeves. “I did not give you to him, woman,” he said sternly. “He took you.”
She straightened. So he hadn't wanted her to go? “You didn't want him to take me?” she asked slowly.
He narrowed his eyes, but again, said nothing.
“You obviously weren't planning on getting me out of there, so why are you here now?” Her eyes widened in understanding. “He tricked you, didn't he? You're human. You came to make him turn you back. You were planning on using me then?”
His teeth were clenched and his eyes cold as ice. “Fool. You accuse me of needing to use you? A human.” How he had mistaken her for Kagura, he was not sure. Her speech, posture, and the confusing load of emotions that always filled her eyes were nothing like the wind-user's.
“You were planning to give me over, remember?” she asked slowly. “You kept saying you wanted to get rid of me. And kill me, let's not forget that one.” Amaya was flushed with anger at herself, and embarrassment; how quickly she forgot those things when he was hurt or in the few moments he was nice to her -sort of. His words did tick her off but mostly at the beginning. After she spent time with him and took care of him, she felt that she understood him a little -enough to know he didn't really mean it. She was so naïve.
She startled at his snort. “You assume much.”
“So you're saying it's not true?” She scowled, her hands on her hips. “You were in fact going to get me out of there?” She looked suspicious.
He snorted. “Among other things.” Amaya was shocked.
He was going to…? So he's not a complete ass after all?
He paused. “You are a helpless human, and you were under my care.”
She blinked once, slowly. “Ha,” she acknowledged. “And you were going to rescue poor ol' me looking like that?” Her anger was replaced by amusement. “Who was going to rescue you?” But that was an `ok' answer he just gave. Why she thought it was disappointing -and ironically funny- she didn't know.
Disbelief at her impudence was followed by fury, both emotions flitting across his face in less than a second. Amaya noticed them and cheered mentally. She'd been mad at him for hours now. It was about time to return the favor.
Ah! Revenge is sweet! “Aw, now, don't be mad,” she said sarcastically. “I appreciate your chivalry. Really. So…as I'm of superior strength, you want me to carry you off to a safe place?”
She squeaked when he covered her mouth.
“Enough,” he ordered sharply but calmly. “I think it would be best if you returned to your friends.” He removed his hand and turned away. “And to your home.”
She blinked at his back. How…rude. Amaya was surprised at how detached she felt. “I don't think so.”
In a flash of pink and white she was in front of him. He had no time to pause in his steps before she pushed him onto his back. Sesshoumaru hissed through his teeth at the pain that shot up his back. He scowled in rage up at her.
“I'm not going anywhere yet.” she glowered down at him.
After allowing his vulnerable pose to sink in, she imprisoned his hands in both hers over his head.
She tooka deep calming breath while he snarled and tensed up under her. “You know, you should never use your power against those weaker than you, because there will always be someone even stronger who can kick your ass. Right now, that's me.” How…strange… I feel like I'm watching myself do all this from the outside…Like it's not really me at all…What am I doing!?
He flexed his hands. “Onna…” he warned. “Get up.” It took him a lot of effort to keep from threatening her life. He had indeed gone soft if he thought to be more patient with her merely because he had left her with Naraku. It did seem that she had a right to be angry and rude to him, but he would only allow it somewhat as long as it was between the two of them.
Amaya, oblivious to his train of thought, was unfazed by his tone.
“You know, you look sort of good in this position. I wish I could take a picture.”
She didn't know why she'd say so, but she didn't really care. He looked good to her this way because he did. His black hair was spread out around him, and his eyes glinted angrily in the light of the full moon. How could he not look good?
At the sudden memory of his injured back, she propped herself up on her knees to ease any pressure she might be putting on it, but her legs still straddled his hips tightly. She took several breaths, trying to calm her weird, unreasonable temper.
That was a big mistake, because the air entering her wind tunnel evoked a completely different kind of unreasonable.
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes further. “Get up, woman.” He could sense the change in the female on top of him, and felt dread creep into him for the first time in decades. The only reason he didn't try to pull his hands out from under hers was because he suspected he could not; she was indeed of superior strength at the moment.
He was going to kill Naraku -very slowly- when he returned to his more powerful form.
Amaya scowled at his unappreciative retort. He was lucky she even remembered he might be hurt. “Humph! On account of your back, I guess I could,” she said, sounding a little drunk. It was her fault, after all, she thought. She wouldn't want to bruise him even more than she had. He was way too pretty. She would feel terrible about it.
She leaned over and gave him a peck on the lips, feeling him stiffen. Jerking her head back, she stared down at him, shocked at her own boldness. He stared right back at her, his expression unreadable.
His lips moved. “Get up.” His voice was barely a whisper, but she heard it clearly, his tone sparking her curiosity. And his scent became stronger somehow, even more so than when she'd trapped him.
She frowned in confusion at her own unfamiliar train of thought. His scent? What about it? It had shifted, but was that supposed to mean anything?
Now,” he stressed.
He began to struggle under her -however subtly- for the first time. She wouldn't budge, her thighs clenching even more powerfully at his waist.
Sesshoumaru knew perfectly what her unconscious actions meant. She was in a demon's body, one she was not accustomed to, and therefore could not control. She was more vulnerable to her own emotions and urges, and at the moment, she was reacting to him. He was well aware of the change in his scent, thanks to her brainless move earlier, the change aggravated even more by her kiss. And he was even more aware of what this could cause.
<><><><><><><><>& lt;><><><><><>
The gang, or what was left of it, was walking into the forest at a slow pace. Inuyasha and Kikyou lead the way, the former observing his surroundings in a mixture of alertness and suspicion. Every now and again he sniffed the air, grumbling under his breath when he didn't find what he was looking for.
The undead priestess watched him irately, knowing full well the cause of his actions. “Inuyasha,” she started softly, “there is no need for you to be so stressed. You will need all your strength so that we may defeat Naraku. Don't waist it on trying to find her. I told you I will make sure that she is safe.”
“Anything could happen, Kikyou. I'm not going to be stupid enough to assume everything will go according to plan. I'm getting Kagome back myself,” he declared patiently, staring at a point past the priestess's shoulder.
Kikyou stopped, and everyone paused behind them. When the hanyou stopped a little ahead to look at her questioningly, she asked, “don't you trust me, Inuyasha?” her tone neutral. “I gave you my word.”
The hanyou hesitated, his eyes sliding away from Kikyou's gaze. “I…I trust you, but…” He looked forward. “I'm not going to trust anyone with Kagome's life…except me. Please understand.”
Kikyou looked startled, but only for a second. “I think I do…You love her. More than me?” The inquiry was calm, almost understanding after the bombshell she'd dropped on him.
The hanyou froze so completely he would have been mistaken for a statue, and the small entourage a little behind -now consisting of Miroku, Sango and Yashi- gasped in expectation. The crow demon, however, only looked bored with the whole thing.
“Inuyasha? Do you love her more than you do me?” she asked again, just as calmly.
Everyone was quiet, and nothing could be heard but the rustling of dead leaves, and Inuyasha's heavy breathing.
“Why the hell would you say that?! That's a stupid thing to ask!” he snapped finally, never once facing his addressor, his shoulders tensing.
There was a long pause. “Yes…It is.” She began walking again, going past the hanyou smoothly…
It was almost a minute before Inuyasha followed. None of the others tried to go past him while he stood there, nor hurried him along. Even the crow lady refrained from making any derogatory remarks about what had transpired, catching the importance of the moment.
Everyone tagged along wearily, expecting the half demon to be in a foul mood, as he always was when faced with something he would rather was left alone. As if the way the trees looked barer, deader than they did a little way back was not enough to worry about. Even the birds and small youkai seemed to disappear the deeper they went into Naraku's territory.
The barrier was now opened, and it was preferable this way, considering Kagome and Amaya were supposed to be inside. But the real problem, as everyone mentally agreed, was yet to be breached.
<><><><><><><><>& lt;><><><><><>
After nearly an hour of silence, Sango glanced behind her, trying to see if Kouga's gang was nearby. The prince had ordered the group of four to stay a little behind, only coming over if something went wrong. Backup, he called them. She couldn't see any of them, but then, wolves were pretty good at hiding. And stalking.
“Ugh! Can't someone go ahead and check things out? This is so slow,” Yashi whined into Sango's ear. “We've been like this for hours!”
“We have to stay together. If someone went on ahead, one of Naraku's minions might attack them. Besides, Kikyou's plan needs time,” Miroku explained.
“But she's right here. And all she's doing is walking. All we're doing is walking.” Yashi crossed her arms and scowled at the two leading the way ahead. “This is boring. I want to go find Lord Sesshoumaru. The stupid wolf isn't that much faster than I am!”
“Please, Yashi-chan. We need your skills,” Sango said seriously. “Your ability to fly will be crucial for the success of our plan. You and I will be working together on this.”
The demon rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fine, fine. I just don't appreciate mutt-boy sending off that wolf to find Sesshoumaru-sama instead of sending me.”
“I'm surprised Inuyasha asked him at all. I'm also surprised he cared enough to send anyone after his brother.”
“He must have a reason. A very big one,” Sango added, looking just as confused about it as the monk.
Yashi looked from one companion to the other, until her gaze rested finally on the neko-demon curled around the taijiya's neck. “Hm. I wonder…Would you consider riding on my back?”
Sango turned to her in surprise. “What?”
<><><><><><><><>& lt;><><><><><><><>
Amaya knew she should get up. His back…But other emotions were fighting off all logical thought and making it almost impossible to act upon them.
She leaned in on him, noting in fascination how her breath ruffled his bangs. She breathed him in. That smell…It was pretty strong now. She liked it. She leaned further, burying her nose into his neck. Her eyes drifted shut and she rubbed her face against him. He smelled a little like an open meadow…and something else she could not recognize.
A meadowHow unusual! And attractive.
“Amaya…get up,” he repeated thickly, purposefully using her name to get her attention. He jerked when she grazed the side of his neck with her fangs, and bit back a groan. As a last resort, he forced his muscles to unwind and relaxed completely, the act almost impossible with her touching and pressing many different parts of his body.
Remarkably quickly, she let go of his limp hands, preferring to place hers at his jaw as she raised her head once more. “You're beautiful.”
He almost opened his eyes then, the intensity in her words temporarily jarring him, leaving him unsure whether to feel insulted or offended…The possibility of being flattered with such a womanly praise was too offensive in itself to be considered.
Her weight disappeared from his abdomen, rendering his plan to take her by surprise unnecessary. Quickly, so she was not able to straddle him again, he sat up, teeth clenching as sore spots and bruises made themselves felt.
Standing up slowly, he noted her position against the tree to his side. His human sight was too lacking for him to be able to see her expression, but he noticed that she was slumped forward, her forehead pressed against the side of the trunk.
“Ugh. I want my old body back. This one is too…” she panted a little, “spontaneous…” The smile was clear in her voice, but so was her distress.
Amaya expected an angry, cold remark concerning her behavior, and braced herself for his calm temper. She felt him walk to her side. Looking up, she startled at how clearly she saw him in the dark, his golden eyes shining with an almost ethereal light. He looked…gentle. In a hard way.
She straightened, eyes wide. “We even, then?” she whispered. She was scared of herself at the moment. When the new thought, `I want to make babies!' entered her mind, she was shocked into thinking straight long enough to put a little distance between herself and the object of her…affection? Whatever it was, it was strong enough to turn her brain to mush.
“We are even,” he declared in his deep voice.
“Almost,” she corrected after a short pause. Things were clearing up nicely. Oh, you still deserve a good butt kicking, but…this is a great start, she thought, smiling at him fondly -knowing that there was no way he would see it. At least when she went home she wouldn't have a reason to hold a grudge against him. Her eyes watered at the thought of leaving, and she was thankful he couldn't see.
She saw him give one of his maddening smirks and tilt his head slightly in her direction. She laughed, feeling better than she had in a while.
“If I didn't know you better I'd say that was an agreement.”
“Hn. I doubt you know me at all,” he said, almost irately.
“I guess so. And you don't know me either.” Hn, she mocked in her head.
He tilted his head further, his expression unreadable. “No.”
Amaya frowned, uncrossing her arms. “No?” No as in no, I don't? Or no as in no, I do?
He stepped closer and grasped her chin, staring intently into her eyes. They were filled with Amaya, with no trace of Kagura to be found. “No,” he repeated.
Speechless, she stared right back at him, thinking that he had the prettiest darn eyes she'd ever seen; even if the color was different…Hers wandered downwards.
“I want a kiss.” The words were clearly the result of that spontaneous streak she had acquired and she almost jumped away in embarrassment. She felt him draw back a little in surprise. He chuckled, rich and deep, the sound doing weird things to Amaya's insides, and making her frown in offense at the same time.
Leaning forward, he brushed his lips over hers once. Twice. And pulled back, smirking subtly, his eyes hooded. Amaya blinked a few times to clear her fuzzy brain, then her frown deepened. “Oh.” That was different from the first time he'd kissed her. It was more tender, true, but it had more feeling in it as well. She leaned up hesitantly to give him one of her own.
She heard him draw in a breath, but otherwise, he didn't move. She did it again, tentatively, except this time she drew her tongue along his closed lips. They twitched, and in answer, she sank her fangs into his lower lip gently. He made a sound deep in his throat and stiffened, but still, refused to move. It occurred to her that she was being ridiculously brazen in comparison to her usual self, but the logical-slash-modest part of her brain had shut off.
She sighed against him, still experimenting, licking and biting. His scent had shifted like before, except now the change was more prominent. Amaya dug her hands into his scalp, threading her fingers through his hair, feeling the texture of it and messaging his head at the same time. He opened his mouth, pressing her into the tree. She yelped and held onto his neck, wiggling around until his two swords weren't pressing into her side. This situation was very familiar, she thought. The difference was that now, it was welcome. When she felt his arms circling her back protectively, she relaxed and opened up to the embrace.
`My Goodness. You guys pick the weirdest times to slobber over each other!' Aneko made to shield her `innocent' eyes from the too-adult sight. `That's gross! Have some decency, will you?! I'm right here!'
Pink eyes fluttered open in confusion. Hm…?The fairy! Amaya squeaked and pushed at Sesshoumaru's chest frantically. He let out a growl and clutched her waist, pulling back enough to frown at her. “No,” he drawled huskily, his eyes half lidded.
Aneko sighed dramatically. `Yes! I have no time for your hot moments. You have no time for your hot moments!'
Amaya tried hard not to blush, attempting to get away from Sesshoumaru without accidentally throwing him across the forest. “A-Aneko. Um…” She made sure to breathe through her mouth to block out his scent and keep her brain active. When she pushed him again, he let go, coldly watching the fairy flutter at their side.
`Hm. About time you got your head out of the gutters, cutesy-poo.'
Sesshoumaru attempted a growl, but nothing came out. “Ha-ha! You're still under that special effect, I see.' She laughed at him, unabashed.
Amaya was too busy stuffing a flower up her nose to hear them, having snuck away to find something to block Sesshoumaru's maddening scent. Hell! This isn't enough! She sneezed. Ugh!
Aneko cleared her throat past the angry thoughts being hurtled at her by a certain Lord. `Amaya. I have a little job for you, now that you're actually good for something.' The addressed scowled at the fairy, with a blossom halfway up each nostril. `Well, you would have been good at something if you could teleport. But alas…We'll have to settle for your current talents. Though you will be using them unconventionally.'
“No way! I could kill someone! I nearly did.” She snuck a guilty glance at Sesshoumaru.
`Look, Kagome is with Naraku. You want to help out?'
Amaya froze, jaw hanging open.
`I'll take that as a yes.' Aneko gave a curt nod. `And Lord Sesshoumaru, since all you're suffering from are bruises, you're still going you-know-where to do you-know-what.'
Amaya stared at him, her expression enlightened.
`Get ready now. You'll be back to normal soon. Don't you dare change your mind afterwards, ok, darling?'
“Wait! What's Kagome doing with Naraku!”
The fairy rolled her eyes at the obvious question. `He invited her over for a cup of tea. Are you coming or what?'
Amaya expelled a frustrated breath. “Are we getting Kagome out?”
`What do you think, my clever friend? Ah…where's the wolf? We need him too.'
Amaya froze again, remembering the poor prince she had blown away. “Um…Er…”
Aneko laughed.
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To Be Continued…
Hm…quite a chapter, eh? (My perverted side was all over the place. Oh, dear…) It was difficult to write. Thus the lateness. Sorry. Eheh! But it was long, wasn't it? And…no cliffie. I was very careful with that. Still, I'm afraid something in there will be considered cliffie-ish. God have mercy on my soul if that happens. Still…if it did happen, the cliff hanger would be tiny, and not too important. (At least that's what I'm hoping.) Yes, I know. No Kagome this chapter.
I'm sorry I'm going to have to take some time to rewrite a few chapters now. I have to do this. (But you must know by now that I'm not stopping. This is way too much fun. And the support is too great for me to feel even a little bit inclined toward leaving it.) Thank you guys for you support. I appreciate it! (You know who you are, and I know who you are. Many glompies to you!)
And, oh, yeah! R&R! Love you all! -smooch- (Hey! Don't run away! I'm trying to show you some love here! -Races after fleeing reader-)